#!/usr/bin/env bash # fzf-tmux: starts fzf in a tmux pane # usage: fzf-tmux [LAYOUT OPTIONS] [--] [FZF OPTIONS] fail() { echo >&2 "$1" exit 2 } fzf="$(command -v fzf 2>/dev/null)" || fzf="$(dirname "$0")/fzf" [[ -x "$fzf" ]] || fail 'fzf executable not found' tmux_args=() args=() opt="" skip="" swap="" close="" term="" [[ -n "$LINES" ]] && lines=$LINES || lines=$(tput lines) || lines=$(tmux display-message -p "#{pane_height}") [[ -n "$COLUMNS" ]] && columns=$COLUMNS || columns=$(tput cols) || columns=$(tmux display-message -p "#{pane_width}") help() { echo >&2 'usage: fzf-tmux [LAYOUT OPTIONS] [--] [FZF OPTIONS] LAYOUT OPTIONS: (default layout: -d 50%) Popup window (requires tmux 3.2 or above): -p [WIDTH[%][,HEIGHT[%]]] (default: 50%) -w WIDTH[%] -h HEIGHT[%] -x COL -y ROW Split pane: -u [HEIGHT[%]] Split above (up) -d [HEIGHT[%]] Split below (down) -l [WIDTH[%]] Split left -r [WIDTH[%]] Split right ' exit } while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do arg="$1" shift [[ -z "$skip" ]] && case "$arg" in -) term=1 ;; --help) help ;; --version) echo "fzf-tmux (with fzf $("$fzf" --version))" exit ;; -p* | -w* | -h* | -x* | -y* | -d* | -u* | -r* | -l*) if [[ "$arg" =~ ^-[pwhxy] ]]; then [[ "$opt" =~ "-K -E" ]] || opt="-K -E" elif [[ "$arg" =~ ^.[lr] ]]; then opt="-h" if [[ "$arg" =~ ^.l ]]; then opt="$opt -d" swap="; swap-pane -D ; select-pane -L" close="; tmux swap-pane -D" fi else opt="" if [[ "$arg" =~ ^.u ]]; then opt="$opt -d" swap="; swap-pane -D ; select-pane -U" close="; tmux swap-pane -D" fi fi if [[ ${#arg} -gt 2 ]]; then size="${arg:2}" else if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9%,]+$ ]] || [[ "$1" =~ ^[A-Z]$ ]]; then size="$1" shift else continue fi fi if [[ "$arg" =~ ^-p ]]; then if [[ -n "$size" ]]; then w=${size%%,*} h=${size##*,} opt="$opt -w$w -h$h" fi elif [[ "$arg" =~ ^-[whxy] ]]; then opt="$opt ${arg:0:2}$size" elif [[ "$size" =~ %$ ]]; then size=${size:0:((${#size} - 1))} if [[ -n "$swap" ]]; then opt="$opt -p $((100 - size))" else opt="$opt -p $size" fi else if [[ -n "$swap" ]]; then if [[ "$arg" =~ ^.l ]]; then max=$columns else max=$lines fi size=$((max - size)) [[ $size -lt 0 ]] && size=0 opt="$opt -l $size" else opt="$opt -l $size" fi fi ;; --) # "--" can be used to separate fzf-tmux options from fzf options to # avoid conflicts skip=1 tmux_args=("${args[@]}") args=() continue ;; *) args+=("$arg") ;; esac [[ -n "$skip" ]] && args+=("$arg") done if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]]; then "$fzf" "${args[@]}" exit $? fi # --height option is not allowed. CTRL-Z is also disabled. args=("${args[@]}" "--no-height" "--bind=ctrl-z:ignore") # Handle zoomed tmux pane without popup options by moving it to a temp window if [[ ! "$opt" =~ "-K -E" ]] && tmux list-panes -F '#F' | grep -q Z; then zoomed_without_popup=1 original_window=$(tmux display-message -p "#{window_id}") tmp_window=$(tmux new-window -d -P -F "#{window_id}" "bash -c 'while :; do for c in \\| / - '\\;' do sleep 0.2; printf \"\\r\$c fzf-tmux is running\\r\"; done; done'") tmux swap-pane -t $tmp_window \; select-window -t $tmp_window fi set -e # Clean up named pipes on exit id=$RANDOM argsf="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fzf-args-$id" fifo1="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fzf-fifo1-$id" fifo2="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fzf-fifo2-$id" fifo3="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/fzf-fifo3-$id" tmux_win_opts=($(tmux show-window-options remain-on-exit \; show-window-options synchronize-panes | sed '/ off/d; s/^/set-window-option /; s/$/ \\;/')) cleanup() { \rm -f $argsf $fifo1 $fifo2 $fifo3 # Restore tmux window options if [[ "${#tmux_win_opts[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then eval "tmux ${tmux_win_opts[*]}" fi # Remove temp window if we were zoomed without popup options if [[ -n "$zoomed_without_popup" ]]; then tmux display-message -p "#{window_id}" >/dev/null tmux swap-pane -t $original_window \; \ select-window -t $original_window \; \ kill-window -t $tmp_window \; \ resize-pane -Z fi if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then trap - EXIT exit 130 fi } trap 'cleanup 1' SIGUSR1 trap 'cleanup' EXIT envs="export TERM=$TERM " [[ "$opt" =~ "-K -E" ]] && FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--margin 0,1 $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS" [[ -n "$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS" ]] && envs="$envs FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=$(printf %q "$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS")" [[ -n "$FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND" ]] && envs="$envs FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND=$(printf %q "$FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND")" echo "$envs;" >"$argsf" # Build arguments to fzf opts=$(printf "%q " "${args[@]}") pppid=$$ echo -n "trap 'kill -SIGUSR1 -$pppid' EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM;" >>$argsf close="; trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM $close" export TMUX=$(cut -d , -f 1,2 <<<"$TMUX") mkfifo -m o+w $fifo2 if [[ "$opt" =~ "-K -E" ]]; then cat $fifo2 & if [[ -n "$term" ]] || [[ -t 0 ]]; then cat <<<"\"$fzf\" $opts > $fifo2; out=\$? $close; exit \$out" >>$argsf else mkfifo $fifo1 cat <<<"\"$fzf\" $opts < $fifo1 > $fifo2; out=\$? $close; exit \$out" >>$argsf cat <&0 >$fifo1 & fi # tmux dropped the support for `-K`, `-R` to popup command # TODO: We can remove this once tmux 3.2 is released if [[ ! "$(tmux popup --help 2>&1)" =~ '-R shell-command' ]]; then opt="${opt/-K/}" else opt="${opt} -R" fi tmux popup -d "$PWD" "${tmux_args[@]}" $opt "bash $argsf" >/dev/null 2>&1 exit $? fi mkfifo -m o+w $fifo3 if [[ -n "$term" ]] || [[ -t 0 ]]; then cat <<<"\"$fzf\" $opts > $fifo2; echo \$? > $fifo3 $close" >>$argsf else mkfifo $fifo1 cat <<<"\"$fzf\" $opts < $fifo1 > $fifo2; echo \$? > $fifo3 $close" >>$argsf cat <&0 >$fifo1 & fi tmux set-window-option synchronize-panes off \; set-window-option remain-on-exit off \; split-window -c "$PWD" $opt "${tmux_args[@]}" "bash -c 'exec -a fzf bash $argsf'" $swap \ >/dev/null 2>&1 || { "$fzf" "${args[@]}" exit $? } cat $fifo2 exit "$(cat $fifo3)"