My personal cheatsheet of commands for various tools and workflows - [Git](#git) ## Git ### Split out subfolder into new repository
Steps - *Be sure you are inside the original repo* ```sh cd ``` - Set local variables for use ```sh username=tobyvin-cs340 subdir=src/Plotter newrepo="$(basename $subdir)" oldrepo="$(pwd)" ``` - Create a new branch containing only the subdir using `git subtree` ```sh git subtree split -P $subdir -b $newrepo ``` - Create a temp git repo and pull in the newly created branch ```sh cd $(mktemp -d) git init && git pull $oldrepo $newrepo ``` - Copy over the git artifacts from original repo's root directory ```sh cp $oldrepo/.gitignore ./ cp $oldrepo/.gitattributes ./ ``` - Commit changes ```sh git add -A && git commit -m "split out $newrepo into submodule" ``` - Create the repository on a remote (github) and push ```sh gh repo create $username/$newrepo git push -u origin master ``` - Switch back into the original repository ```sh cd $oldrepo ``` - Remove the subdir from git and the filesystem ```sh git rm -rf $subdir rm -rf $subdir ``` - Add the newly created remote repository as a submodule at the subdir's path ```sh git submodule add$username/$newrepo $subdir git submodule update --init --recursive ``` - Commit the changes to the original repository and push to remote ```sh git commit -m "split out $newrepo into submodule" git push -u origin master ```