- defaults: link: create: true relink: true force: true shell: quiet: true stdin: true - clean: ["~"] - shell: - command: git submodule update --init --recursive description: Installing submodules - command: curl -sfL git.io/antibody | sh -s - -b "${HOME}/.local/bin" description: Installing antibody - command: (cd ${HOME}/dotfiles/zsh; antibody bundle < plugins.txt > plugins.zsh) description: Installing zsh plugins - command: if [ ! -f "${HOME}/.fzf/install" ]; then git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf; fi && yes | ~/.fzf/install --bin description: installing fzf - command: ./bat/install bat description: Installing bat - command: ./cheat.sh/install description: Installing cheat.sh - command: curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulirish/git-open/master/git-open" > "${HOME}/.local/bin/git-open" && chmod +x "${HOME}/.local/bin/git-open" description: Installing git-open - link: ~/.bashrc: ~/.zshrc: ~/.config/starship.toml: starship.toml ~/.gitconfig: ~/.ssh/config: ssh/config ~/.gnupg/: glob: true path: gnupg/*.conf - shell: # ISSUE #1 Fails to import key inside of WSL2 - command: gpg --recv-key 0xC8F6E06F5C8E2634 description: Getting GPG public key - command: gpg --import-ownertrust gnupg/trustfile.txt description: Importing GPG trustfile - command: if [ -n "${WSL_DISTRO_NAME+1}" ]; then ./wsl.install; fi description: Checking for WSL stdout: true stderr: true