-- https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/main/src/vs/base/common/codicons.ts -- go to the above and then enter u and the symbold should appear -- or go here and upload the font file: https://mathew-kurian.github.io/CharacterMap/ -- find more here: https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet --   פּ ﯟ   蘒練 some other good icons return { kind = { Text = "", -- Method = "m", -- Function = "", -- Constructor = "", Method = "", Function = "", Constructor = "", Field = "", -- Variable = "", Variable = "", Class = "", Interface = "", -- Module = "", Module = "", Property = "", Unit = "", Value = "", Enum = "", -- Keyword = "", Keyword = "", -- Snippet = "", Snippet = "", Color = "", File = "", Reference = "", Folder = "", EnumMember = "", Constant = "", Struct = "", Event = "", Operator = "", TypeParameter = "", }, type = { Array = "", Number = "", String = "", Boolean = "蘒", Object = "", }, documents = { File = "", Files = "", Folder = "", OpenFolder = "", }, git = { Add = "", Mod = "", Remove = "", Ignore = "", Rename = "", Diff = "", Repo = "", }, ui = { Lock = "", Circle = "", BigCircle = "", BigUnfilledCircle = "", Close = "", NewFile = "", Search = "", Lightbulb = "", Project = "", Dashboard = "", History = "", Comment = "", Bug = "", Code = "", Telescope = "", Gear = "", Package = "", List = "", SignIn = "", Check = "", Fire = "", Note = "", BookMark = "", Pencil = "", -- ChevronRight = "", ChevronRight = ">", Table = "", Calendar = "", }, diagnostics = { Error = "", Warning = "", Information = "", Question = "", Hint = "", }, misc = { Robot = "ﮧ", Squirrel = "", Tag = "", Watch = "", }, }