using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using System.IO; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace EM.AutoSave.Editor { class Root { internal static string WIKI_2 = ""; static internal bool USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD { get { return GET("USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD", true); } set { var r = USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD; SET("USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD", value); AutoSaveHelper.Subscribe(); } } static internal int AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN { get { return Mathf.Clamp(GET("AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN", 5), 1, 60); } set { var r = AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN; SET("AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN", value); } } static internal bool AS_LOG { get { return GET("AS_LOG", false); } set { var r = AS_LOG; SET("AS_LOG", value); } } static internal int AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_SEC { get { return (int)AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN * 60; } set { AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN = (value / 60); ; } } static internal int AS_FILES_COUNT { get { return GET("AS_FILES_COUNT", 10); } set { var r = AS_FILES_COUNT; SET("AS_FILES_COUNT", value); } } static internal string AS_LOCATION { get { var res = GET("AS_LOCATION", "AutoSave"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) return "AutoSave"; return res; } set { var r = AS_LOCATION; SET("AS_LOCATION", value); } } static internal int AS_FILES_STYLE { get { return GET("AS_FILES_STYLE", 1); } set { var r = AS_FILES_STYLE; SET("AS_FILES_STYLE", value); } } internal const string PREFS_KEY = "EM.AutoSave."; internal static void SET(string m_registryKey, int value) { EditorPrefs.SetInt(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, value); } internal static void SET(string m_registryKey, bool value) { EditorPrefs.SetBool(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, value); } internal static int GET(string m_registryKey, int m_boolDefaultValue) { return EditorPrefs.GetInt(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, m_boolDefaultValue); } internal static bool GET(string m_registryKey, bool m_boolDefaultValue) { return EditorPrefs.GetBool(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, m_boolDefaultValue); } internal static void SET(string m_registryKey, string m_str) { EditorPrefs.SetString(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, m_str); } internal static string GET(string m_registryKey, string m_str) { return EditorPrefs.GetString(PREFS_KEY + m_registryKey, m_str); } const string MENU_PATH = "Tools/AutoSave Free/"; [MenuItem(MENU_PATH + "Enable", true)] public static bool EnableV() { return !USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD; } [MenuItem(MENU_PATH + "Enable", false)] public static void Enable() { USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD = (!USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD); } [MenuItem(MENU_PATH + "Disable", true)] public static bool DisableV() { return USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD; } [MenuItem(MENU_PATH + "Disable", false)] public static void Disable() { USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD = (!USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD); } [MenuItem(MENU_PATH + "Settings", priority = 50)] public static void Settings() { AutoSaveMod.SELECT(); } } internal class AutoSaveHelper { static float AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC { get { return SessionState.GetFloat("EMX_AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC", -1); } set { SessionState.SetFloat("EMX_AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC", value); } } static float AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME { get { return SessionState.GetFloat("EMX_AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME", -1); } set { SessionState.SetFloat("EMX_AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME", value); } } static float lastSave { get { return AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC; } set { if (AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC != (value)) AS_LAST_SAVE_TIME_IN_SEC = (value); } } static float EDITOR_TIMER { get { return (float)(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup % 1000000); } } [InitializeOnLoadMethod] internal static void Subscribe() { if (!Root.USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD) { EditorApplication.update -= UpdateCS; return; } EditorApplication.update += UpdateCS; } const string FE = ".unity"; static string ghtrhr() { return DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2"); } static string _dataPath = null; internal static string dataPath { get { return _dataPath ?? (_dataPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Replace('\\', '/').TrimEnd('/') + "/Assets"); } } static string autoSaveFileName(string source) { // get { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataPath + "/" + Root.AS_LOCATION)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath + "/" + Root.AS_LOCATION); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } //if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder("Assets/" + AutoSaveFolder)) AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", AutoSaveFolder); var files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dataPath + "/" + Root.AS_LOCATION).Select(f => f.Replace('\\', '/')).Where(f => f.EndsWith(".unity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && f.Substring(f.LastIndexOf('/') + 1).StartsWith("AutoSave", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray(); var as_loc = dataPath + "/" + Root.AS_LOCATION + "/"; var out_loc = "Assets/" + Root.AS_LOCATION + "/"; if (Root.AS_FILES_STYLE == 0) { //var D = Mathf.Max( 2, Root.AS_FILES_COUNT.ToString().Length); var D = Root.AS_FILES_COUNT.ToString().Length; var D_string = Enumerable.Repeat(0, D).Select(s => s.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + b); if (files.Length == 0) return out_loc + "AutoSave_" + D_string + ".unity"; DateTime? ta_max = null; string f_max = null; var _times = files.Select(f => { var fa = f.Remove(f.LastIndexOf('.')); DateTime ta = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(f); if (!ta_max.HasValue || ta_max < ta) { ta_max = ta; f_max = f; } return new { f = fa, t = ta }; } ).ToArray(); Func tryGet = (file) => { var _ = file.LastIndexOf('_'); if (_ == -1 || _ == file.Length - 1) return null; int count; if (int.TryParse(file.Substring(_ + 1), out count)) //.TrimStart( '0' ) { count = (count + 1) % Root.AS_FILES_COUNT; return out_loc + "AutoSave_" + count.ToString("D" + D.ToString()) + ".unity"; } return null; }; // attempt 1 if (f_max != null) { f_max = f_max.Remove(f_max.LastIndexOf('.')); var res1 = tryGet(f_max); if (res1 != null) return res1; } // attempt 2 var times = files.Select(f => new { f = f.Remove(f.LastIndexOf('.')), t = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(f) }).OrderBy(w => w.t).ToList(); for (int ind = times.Count - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { var res = tryGet(times[ind].f); if (res != null) return res; } // files = files.Select( n => n.Remove( n.LastIndexOf( '.' ) ) ).ToArray(); return out_loc + "AutoSave_" + D_string + ".unity"; } else { var shs = ""; var hihi = 0; while (File.Exists(as_loc + gggER(source) + sdfgs().Replace("RTTR", ghtrhr()) + shs + FE)) { hihi++; shs = " (" + hihi.ToString() + ")"; } var outNewFileName = out_loc + gggER(source) + sdfgs().Replace("RTTR", ghtrhr()) + shs + FE; var asNewFileName = as_loc + gggER(source) + sdfgs().Replace("RTTR", ghtrhr()) + shs + FE; if (files.Length >= Root.AS_FILES_COUNT) { //var times = files.Select(f=>new {f = f.Remove( f.LastIndexOf( '.' ) ),t = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(f) } ).ToArray(); //.OrderBy(w=>w.t).ToList(); DateTime? ta_max = null; string f_max = null; var _times = files.Select(f => { // var fa = f.Remove( f.LastIndexOf( '.' ) ); var fa = f; DateTime ta = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(f); if (!ta_max.HasValue || ta_max > ta) { ta_max = ta; f_max = f; } return new { f = fa, t = ta }; }).ToArray(); if (f_max == null) throw new Exception("f_max == null"); var f_max_local = f_max.Replace('\\', '/').TrimEnd('/'); if (!f_max_local.StartsWith(dataPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) throw new Exception("f_max_local | " + dataPath + " | " + f_max_local); f_max_local = "Assets" + f_max_local.Substring(dataPath.Length); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(f_max_local, outNewFileName))) { if (!AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(f_max_local)) { File.Delete(f_max); if (File.Exists(f_max + ".meta")) File.Delete(f_max + ".meta"); } } else { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(outNewFileName, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate | ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); } } return outNewFileName; } } static string gggER(string source) { return "AutoSave [" + source + "] "; } static string sdfgs() { var dt = DateTime.Now; var tyre = dt.Hour; return tyre.ToString("D2") + "hRTTRm"; } static float speeder = 0; public static void UpdateCS() { if (!Root.USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD) return; if (Application.isPlaying) { if (AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME == -1) AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME = EDITOR_TIMER; return; } if (AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME != -1) { lastSave += (float)(EDITOR_TIMER - AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME); AS_PLAY_LAUNCH_TIME = -1; } if (Mathf.Abs(speeder - EDITOR_TIMER) < 4) return; speeder = EDITOR_TIMER; if (Mathf.Abs(lastSave - (float)EDITOR_TIMER) >= Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_SEC * 2) { lastSave = (float)EDITOR_TIMER; // resetSet(); } //Debug.Log(lastSave + " : " + (float)EDITOR_TIMER + " : " + Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_SEC); if (Mathf.Abs(lastSave - (float)EDITOR_TIMER) >= Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_SEC) { SaveScene(); } //debug(); } public static string GET_SCENE_NAME() { var s = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (!s.IsValid()) return ""; var scenename =; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenename)) scenename = "untitled"; return scenename + ".unity"; } public static void SaveScene() { var s = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene(); if (!s.IsValid()) return; var scenename = GET_SCENE_NAME(); var fn = autoSaveFileName(scenename); //var relativeSavePath = "Assets/" + Root.AS_LOCATION + "/"; var interval = Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_SEC; if (EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(s, fn, true)) { //AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( fn, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate | ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport ); } else { interval = 10; } var dif = (float)EDITOR_TIMER - lastSave - interval; if (dif > 0) { int interator = 0; while (dif > 0) { lastSave = (float)EDITOR_TIMER - dif; dif = (float)EDITOR_TIMER - lastSave - interval; interator++; if (interator > 15) { lastSave = (float)EDITOR_TIMER; break; } } } else lastSave = (float)EDITOR_TIMER; if (Root.AS_LOG) { Debug.Log("Auto-Save Current Scene: " + fn + '\n' + lastSave + " : " + dif + " : " + interval + " : " + EDITOR_TIMER); if (interval == 10) Debug.LogWarning("Error save, second attempt"); } } } class AutoSaveMod : ScriptableObject { static string __FOLDER; static internal string FOLDER { get { if (__FOLDER != null) return __FOLDER; var o = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(AutoSaveMod)); if (!o) return null; var s = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(o); if (!s) return null; var candidate = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(s); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(candidate)) return null; try { candidate = candidate.Replace('\\', '/'); candidate = candidate.Remove(candidate.LastIndexOf('/')); candidate = candidate.Trim(new[] { '/' }) + '/'; } catch { return null; } //PluginInternalFolder = candidate; //_PluginExternalFolder = UNITY_SYSTEM_PATH + _PluginInternalFolder; return __FOLDER = candidate; } } static AutoSaveMod __GetInstance = null; internal static AutoSaveMod GetInstance() { if (__GetInstance) return __GetInstance; var oldId = SessionState.GetInt(Root.PREFS_KEY + "setid", -1); var load = InternalEditorUtility.GetObjectFromInstanceID(oldId) as AutoSaveMod; if (!load) { if (!Directory.Exists(FOLDER)) Directory.CreateDirectory(FOLDER); var path = FOLDER + "AutoSaveSettings.asset"; load = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); if (!load) { load = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(AutoSaveMod)) as AutoSaveMod; SessionState.SetInt(Root.PREFS_KEY + "setid", load.GetInstanceID()); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(load, path); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport | ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); } } __GetInstance = load; return load; } internal static void SELECT() { Selection.objects = new[] { GetInstance() }; } } [CustomEditor(typeof(AutoSaveMod))] class SETGUI_Autosave : UnityEditor.Editor { internal static string set_text = "AutoSave (Background)";// internal static string set_key = "USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD"; public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() { return base.CreateInspectorGUI(); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { _GUI(); } public static void _GUI() { Draw.RESET(); var qweqwe = Draw.R2; Draw.simple_wiki(ref qweqwe, Root.WIKI_2); var nv = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(qweqwe, set_text, Root.USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD); if (nv != Root.USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD) { Root.USE_AUTOSAVE_MOD = nv; } Draw.Sp(10); Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN = Draw.FIELD(Draw.R, "Save Every (Minutes)", Root.AS_SAVE_INTERVAL_IN_MIN, 1, 60); Root.AS_FILES_COUNT = Draw.FIELD(Draw.R, "Maximum Files Version", Root.AS_FILES_COUNT, 1, 999); //Draw.HELP( w, "You already have files that exceed the maximum number of files, you must manually delete the files, otherwise the asset will continue to use them." ); //if (D) //var r = Draw.R; //r.width /= 3; //var r2 = r; //r2.width *= 2; EditorGUI.TextField(Draw.R, "Assets/" + Root.AS_LOCATION); if (GUI.Button(Draw.R2, "Change Folder")) { var res = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Change Folder", AutoSaveHelper.dataPath + "/" + Root.AS_LOCATION, ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { res = res.Replace('\\', '/').Trim('/'); if (ValidateFolder(res)) { if (!res.StartsWith(AutoSaveHelper.dataPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || res.Length <= AutoSaveHelper.dataPath.Length) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Failed", "Path should be in the project asset folder", "Ok"); } else { Root.AS_LOCATION = res.Substring(AutoSaveHelper.dataPath.Length).Replace('\\', '/').Trim('/'); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } } } GUI.Label(Draw.R, "File names style:"); Root.AS_FILES_STYLE = GUI.Toolbar(Draw.R2, Root.AS_FILES_STYLE, new[] { "Simple counter", "Special names" }); if (Root.AS_FILES_STYLE == 0) { GUI.Label(Draw.R, "Example: 'AutoSave_" + Enumerable.Repeat(0, Root.AS_FILES_COUNT.ToString().Length).Select(a => a.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + b) + ".unity'"); } else { GUI.Label(Draw.R, "Example: 'AutoSave [" + AutoSaveHelper.GET_SCENE_NAME() + "] 14h56m.unity'"); } Draw.Sp(10); Draw.HRx1(); //Draw.TOG( "Log", "AS_LOG" ); Root.AS_LOG = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(Draw.R, "Log", Root.AS_LOG); if (Root.AS_LOG) { if (GUI.Button(Draw.R, "Debug Save Scene Now")) { AutoSaveHelper.SaveScene(); } } Draw.HELP("Autosave timer stops during the PlayMode, for example, you set saving in every 5 minutes, and when there will 2 minutes left before saving, and you click PlayMode, and you will play 15 minutes, it will be also remained 2 minutes"); Draw.Sp(10); } static bool ValidateFolder(string p) { if (Directory.GetFiles(p).Length != 0) { return EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Warning!", "Folder:\n...-" + p + "\nContains files, so if you will continue, some files started with 'AutoSave*' and ended with '*.unity' may be overwritten.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "Yes", "Cancel"); } return true; } } class Draw { [NonSerialized] internal static int groupIndex = 0; [NonSerialized] internal static float padding = 20; //static EventType? _lastResetEvent = null; internal static int CurrentId; internal static void RESET() { currentViewWidth = (EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 16); CurrentId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); padding = 20; //Debug.Log( ); // if ( _lastResetEvent == Event.current.type ) return; //_lastResetEvent = Event.current.type; groupIndex = 0; } static float currentViewWidth; static Rect _getRerct(GUILayoutOption gUILayoutOption = null) { var res = gUILayoutOption != null ? EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(gUILayoutOption) : EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); res.x = 0; res.width = currentViewWidth; res.x += padding; res.width -= Math.Min(20, padding) + padding; return last = res; } static Rect PEEK_NEW_WIDHT() { Rect res =; res.x = 0; res.width = currentViewWidth; res.x += padding; res.width -= Math.Min(20, padding) + padding; return res; } static float CALC_PADDING { get { return padding + Math.Min(20, padding); } } static GUIContent ec = new GUIContent(); internal static Rect R05 { get { return _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(Mathf.RoundToInt(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 0.2f))); } } internal static Rect R15 { get { return _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(Mathf.RoundToInt(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f))); } } internal static Rect R { get { return _getRerct(); } } internal static Rect R2 { get { return _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2)); } } internal static Rect RH(float h) { return _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(h)); } internal static Rect RH(float h, int shrink, int shrink2) { var r = _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(h)); r.x += shrink; r.width -= shrink2; return r; } internal static Rect last; internal static Rect lastPlus { get { var r = last; r.x += 16; return r; } } static bool hover { get { return last.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); } } static bool press { get { return Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.isMouse; } } internal static Rect Sp(float sp) { // GUILayout.Space( sp ); return _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(sp)); //GUILayout.Space( sp ); } internal static void HRx4RED() { Sp(4); Draw.HRx2(); //EditorGUI.DrawRect(Draw.R2,; var c = GUI.color; GUI.color =; Draw.HRx2(); GUI.color = c; /* var r = R05; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) s("dragHandle").Draw(r, ec, false, false, false, false);*/ //Sp(12); Draw.HRx2(); /* r = R05; if ( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) s( "dragHandle" ).Draw( r, ec, false, false, false, false );*/ Sp(4); } internal static void HRx1(float resize = 0) { Sp(4); var r = R05; r.width -= resize; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) s("dragHandle").Draw(r, ec, false, false, false, false); /* r = R05; if ( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) s( "dragHandle" ).Draw( r, ec, false, false, false, false );*/ Sp(4); } internal static void HRx1(Rect r) { // r.y += r.height / 4; r.height /= 2; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) s("dragHandle").Draw(r, ec, false, false, false, false); } internal static void HRx05(Rect r) { r.y += (r.height - 3) / 2; r.height = 2f; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) s("preToolbar").Draw(r, ec, false, false, false, false); } internal static void HRx2() { Sp(4); var r = R05; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) s("dragHandle").Draw(r, ec, false, false, false, false); Sp(12); /* r = R05; if ( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) s( "dragHandle" ).Draw( r, ec, false, false, false, false );*/ Sp(4); } internal static void EXPAND(string text) { GUI.Button(R, text, s("preDropDown")); } internal static Rect Grow(Rect p, int v) { v = -v; p.x += v; p.y += v; p.width -= v * 2; p.height -= v * 2; return p; } static Dictionary _styles = new Dictionary(); static Type t; internal static GUIStyle s(string style) { if (_styles.ContainsKey(style)) return _styles[style]; if (t == null) { t = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.InspectorWindow+Styles"); if (t == null) { t = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.PropertyEditor+Styles"); //if (t == null) throw new Exception("ASD"); } } if (t == null) _styles.Add(style, EditorStyles.toggle); else { var l = new GUIStyle(t.GetField(style, ~BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(null) as GUIStyle); if (style == "addComponentArea") { l.fixedHeight = 0; l.stretchHeight = true; l.padding.left = 16 + 32; } else if (style == "addComponentButtonStyle") { l = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton); l.fixedWidth = 0; l.stretchWidth = true; l.fixedHeight = 0; l.stretchHeight = true; } else if (style == "preToolbar") { l.fixedWidth = 0; l.stretchWidth = true; l.fixedHeight = 0; l.stretchHeight = true; } else { l.padding.left = 16; } l.fixedWidth = 0; l.stretchWidth = true; l.fixedHeight = 0; l.stretchHeight = true; l.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; _styles.Add(style, l); } return _styles[style]; } static Color oldc; internal static void HELP(string text, Color? c = null, bool drawTog = false) { // EditorGUI.LabelField( R, text, s( "previewMiniLabel" ) ); var _s = s("previewMiniLabel"); _s.wordWrap = true; if (c.HasValue) { oldc = GUI.color; GUI.color *= c.Value; } if (drawTog) text = "· " + text; var ca = _s.normal.textColor; if (!EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) _s.normal.textColor = new Color32(20, 20, 20, 255); EditorGUI.TextArea(CALC_R(_s, text), text, _s); _s.normal.textColor = ca; if (c.HasValue) GUI.color = oldc; // GUI.Label( CALC_R( _s, text ), text, _s ); } static GUIContent _calcContent = new GUIContent(); static Rect CALC_R(GUIStyle s, string t) { _calcContent.text = t; var h = s.CalcHeight(_calcContent, (EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 16) - CALC_PADDING); var r = _getRerct(GUILayout.Height(h)); return r; } static GUIContent __simple_wiki = new GUIContent(); const string WIKI_LINK = "\n - Open online documentation page in browser\nLink also will be copied to text os buffer"; internal static void simple_wiki(ref Rect r, string WIKI) { var wiki_rect = r; if (WIKI != null) { var S = r.height * 4; if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) r.width -= S; wiki_rect.x = wiki_rect.x + wiki_rect.width; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) wiki_rect.x -= S; wiki_rect.width = S; //Root.SetMouseTooltip( "[ " + text + " ]" + WIKI, wiki_rect ); } if (WIKI != null) { __simple_wiki.text = "-->wiki?"; __simple_wiki.tooltip = "[ " + WIKI + " ]" + WIKI_LINK; //var cont = CONT( , ); //Root.SetMouseTooltip( cont.tooltip, wiki_rect ); if (GUI.Button((Rect)wiki_rect, __simple_wiki, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { Application.OpenURL(WIKI); EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = WIKI; } } } internal static int FIELD(Rect rect, string postFix, int value, int min, int max, float labelOffset = 0) { var _R = rect; var _r = _R; _R.width /= 1.5f; GUI.Label(_R, postFix + ":"); _R.x += _R.width; _R.width = _r.width - _R.width; rect = _R; var crop = rect; if (labelOffset == 0) { if (crop.width < 160 * 1.5f) { crop.width /= 1.5f; } else { crop.width -= 80; } } else crop.width = labelOffset; crop.x += crop.width; crop.width = rect.width - crop.width; value = EditorGUI.IntField(crop, value); var ac = GUI.color; GUI.color *= Color.clear; GUI.BeginClip(rect); rect.y = rect.x = 0; rect.x += rect.width; float viewRect; viewRect = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; rect.x -= viewRect; value = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, "ASDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", value); rect.x -= viewRect; value = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, "ASDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", value); rect.x -= viewRect; value = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, "ASDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", value); GUI.EndClip(); GUI.color = ac; value = Mathf.Clamp(value, min, max); return value; } } }