class: "GraphSearchTest" algorithm: "aStarSearch" diagram: """ 2 3 2 S --- A --- C ---> G | \ / ^ 3 | \ 5 / 1 / | \ / / B --- D -------/ 4 5 S is the start state, G is the goal. Arrows mark possible state transitions. The number next to the arrow is the cost of that transition. The heuristic value of each state is: S 6.0 A 2.5 B 5.25 C 1.125 D 1.0625 G 0 """ # The following section specifies the search problem and the solution. # The graph is specified by first the set of start states, followed by # the set of goal states, and lastly by the state transitions which are # of the form: # graph: """ start_state: S goal_states: G S 0 A 2.0 S 1 B 3.0 S 2 D 5.0 A 0 C 3.0 A 1 S 2.0 B 0 D 4.0 B 1 S 3.0 C 0 A 3.0 C 1 D 1.0 C 2 G 2.0 D 0 B 4.0 D 1 C 1.0 D 2 G 5.0 D 3 S 5.0 """ heuristic: """ S 6.0 A 2.5 B 5.25 C 1.125 D 1.0625 G 0 """