use std::{ cmp::Ordering, collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}, }; use anyhow::Context; use crate::{Problem, Solution}; pub struct Day10; impl Problem for Day10 { const DAY: u8 = 10; const INPUT: &'static str = include_str!("../input/day_10.txt"); } impl Solution for Day10 { type Answer1 = usize; type Answer2 = usize; fn part_1(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let mut graph: Graph = input.parse()?; Ok(graph.solve()? / 2) } fn part_2(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let mut graph: Graph = input.parse()?; graph.solve()?; Ok(graph .inner .iter() .filter(|(pos, _)| graph.is_included(pos)) .count()) } } type Position = (usize, usize); #[derive(Default)] struct Graph { inner: HashMap, start: Position, path: BTreeMap>, } impl Graph { fn solve(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result { let mut steps = 0; let mut pos = self.start; let mut next_edge = Edge::ALL.into_iter().find(|e| { e.traverse(pos) .and_then(|p| self.inner.get(&p)) .map(|c| e.valid_edge(c)) .unwrap_or_default() }); let mut c = &'S'; let start_edge = next_edge.to_owned().unwrap(); while let Some(edge) = next_edge { steps += 1; self.path .entry(pos.0) .and_modify(|v| { v.insert(pos.1, *c); }) .or_insert(BTreeMap::from([(pos.1, *c)])); pos = edge.traverse(pos).context("Out-of-bounds move")?; c = self.inner.get(&pos).context("Failed to get postion")?; if c == &'S' { self.path.entry(pos.0).and_modify(|v| { assert_eq!( Some('S'), v.insert(pos.1, edge.as_char(&start_edge).unwrap()) ); }); break; } next_edge =; } Ok(steps) } fn is_included(&self, pos: &Position) -> bool { let mut seg_start = ' '; let mut left = 0; let mut right = 0; let line = match self.path.get(&pos.0) { Some(b) if b.get(&pos.1).is_none() => b, _ => return false, }; for (col, c) in line.iter() { let count = match col.cmp(&pos.1) { Ordering::Less => &mut left, Ordering::Greater => &mut right, Ordering::Equal if left % 2 != 0 => return true, Ordering::Equal => continue, }; match c { '|' => *count += 1, 'F' => seg_start = 'F', 'L' => seg_start = 'L', 'J' if seg_start == 'F' => *count += 1, '7' if seg_start == 'L' => *count += 1, 'J' if seg_start == 'L' => seg_start = ' ', '7' if seg_start == 'F' => seg_start = ' ', _ => {} } } left % 2 != 0 && right % 2 != 0 } } impl std::str::FromStr for Graph { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let inner = s .trim() .lines() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(row, line)| { line.trim() .chars() .enumerate() .map(move |(col, char)| ((row, col), char)) }) .collect::>(); let start = inner .iter() .find_map(|(pos, c)| (c == &'S').then_some(pos)) .context("Failed to find start")?; Ok(Graph { start: *start, inner, ..Default::default() }) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Graph { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let (height, width) = self.inner.keys().max().unwrap(); for row in 0..height + 1 { write!(f, "{row:03}: ")?; let Some(btree) = self.path.get(&row) else { writeln!(f)?; continue; }; let mut output = String::new(); for col in 0..width + 1 { match btree.get(&col) { Some(c) => output.push(*c), None if self.is_included(&(row, col)) => output.push('I'), None => output.push('O'), }; } writeln!(f, "{output}")? } Ok(()) } } impl std::fmt::Display for Graph { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let (height, width) = self.inner.keys().max().unwrap(); for row in 0..height + 1 { write!(f, "{row:03}: ")?; let Some(btree) = self.path.get(&row) else { writeln!(f)?; continue; }; let mut output = String::new(); for col in 0..width + 1 { match btree.get(&col) { Some('|') => output.push('│'), Some('-') => output.push('─'), Some('L') => output.push('└'), Some('J') => output.push('┘'), Some('7') => output.push('┐'), Some('F') => output.push('┌'), Some(c) => output.push(*c), None if self.is_included(&(row, col)) => output.push('I'), None => output.push('O'), }; } writeln!(f, "{output}")? } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Edge { Up, Down, Left, Right, } impl Edge { const ALL: [Edge; 4] = [Self::Up, Self::Down, Self::Left, Self::Right]; fn traverse(&self, (row, col): Position) -> Option { Some(match self { Edge::Up => (row.checked_sub(1)?, col), Edge::Down => (row.checked_add(1)?, col), Edge::Left => (row, col.checked_sub(1)?), Edge::Right => (row, col.checked_add(1)?), }) } fn valid_edge(&self, &c: &char) -> bool { match self { Edge::Up => c == '|' || c == '7' || c == 'F', Edge::Down => c == '|' || c == 'J' || c == 'L', Edge::Left => c == '-' || c == 'F' || c == 'L', Edge::Right => c == '-' || c == 'J' || c == '7', } } fn next(&self, &c: &char) -> Option { Some(match (self, c) { (Edge::Up, '|') => Edge::Up, (Edge::Up, '7') => Edge::Left, (Edge::Up, 'F') => Edge::Right, (Edge::Down, '|') => Edge::Down, (Edge::Down, 'J') => Edge::Left, (Edge::Down, 'L') => Edge::Right, (Edge::Left, '-') => Edge::Left, (Edge::Left, 'F') => Edge::Down, (Edge::Left, 'L') => Edge::Up, (Edge::Right, '-') => Edge::Right, (Edge::Right, 'J') => Edge::Up, (Edge::Right, '7') => Edge::Down, _ => None?, }) } fn as_char(&self, other: &Edge) -> Option { Some(match (self, other) { (Edge::Up, Edge::Down) | (Edge::Down, Edge::Up) => '|', (Edge::Left, Edge::Right) | (Edge::Right, Edge::Left) => '-', (Edge::Up, Edge::Left) => '7', (Edge::Left, Edge::Down) => 'F', (Edge::Left, Edge::Up) => 'L', (Edge::Down, Edge::Left) => 'J', (Edge::Up, Edge::Right) => 'F', (Edge::Right, Edge::Down) => '7', (Edge::Right, Edge::Up) => 'J', (Edge::Down, Edge::Right) => 'L', _ => None?, }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_part_1() -> anyhow::Result<()> { const INPUT: &str = indoc::indoc! {" ..F7. .FJ|. SJ.L7 |F--J LJ... "}; Ok(assert_eq!(8, Day10::part_1(INPUT)?)) } #[test] fn test_part_2_1() -> anyhow::Result<()> { const INPUT: &str = indoc::indoc! {" FF7FSF7F7F7F7F7F---7 L|LJ||||||||||||F--J FL-7LJLJ||||||LJL-77 F--JF--7||LJLJ7F7FJ- L---JF-JLJ.||-FJLJJ7 |F|F-JF---7F7-L7L|7| |FFJF7L7F-JF7|JL---7 7-L-JL7||F7|L7F-7F7| L.L7LFJ|||||FJL7||LJ L7JLJL-JLJLJL--JLJ.L "}; Ok(assert_eq!(10, Day10::part_2(INPUT)?)) } #[test] fn test_part_2_2() -> anyhow::Result<()> { const INPUT: &str = indoc::indoc! {" .F----7F7F7F7F-7.... .|F--7||||||||FJ.... .||.FJ||||||||L7.... FJL7L7LJLJ||LJ.L-7.. L--J.L7...LJS7F-7L7. ....F-J..F7FJ|L7L7L7 ....L7.F7||L7|.L7L7| .....|FJLJ|FJ|F7|.LJ ....FJL-7.||.||||... ....L---J.LJ.LJLJ... "}; Ok(assert_eq!(8, Day10::part_2(INPUT)?)) } #[test] fn test_part_2_3() -> anyhow::Result<()> { const INPUT: &str = indoc::indoc! {" ........... .S-------7. .|F-----7|. .||.....||. .||.....||. .|L-7.F-J|. .|..|.|..|. .L--J.L--J. ........... "}; Ok(assert_eq!(4, Day10::part_2(INPUT)?)) } }