use std::{ cmp::Reverse, collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap}, }; use anyhow::Context; use crate::{Problem, Solution}; pub struct Day17; impl Problem for Day17 { const DAY: u8 = 17; const INPUT: &'static str = include_str!("../input/day_17.txt"); } impl Solution for Day17 { type Answer1 = usize; type Answer2 = usize; fn part_1(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let grid = parse_grid(input).context("Failed to parse grid")?; astar(&grid, (0, 0), (grid.len() - 1, grid[0].len() - 1), 1, 3) .context("Failed to find path") // 755 == } fn part_2(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let grid = parse_grid(input).context("Failed to parse grid")?; astar(&grid, (0, 0), (grid.len() - 1, grid[0].len() - 1), 4, 10) .context("Failed to find path") // 879 < // 881 == } } fn parse_grid(input: &str) -> Option { input .lines() .map(|v| { v.chars() .map(|c| c.to_digit(10).map(|n| n as usize)) .try_collect::>() }) .try_collect::() } fn astar( grid: &Grid, start: Position, goal: Position, min_step: usize, max_step: usize, ) -> Option { let start_node = Node { pos: start, edge: None, len: 0, path: vec![], }; let mut queue = BinaryHeap::from([(Reverse(0), start_node)]); let mut cache = HashMap::from([]); while let Some((Reverse(node_cost), node)) = queue.pop() { if node.pos == goal { // #[cfg(test)] // crate::Printer::from(std::io::stdout().lock()) // .with_grid(grid, &rebuild_path(node, &cache, start)) // .write() // .unwrap(); return Some(node_cost); } 'edge_loop: for edge in Edge::ALL { let mut next = node.clone(); next.edge = Some(edge); next.len = 0; let Some((next, mut next_cost)) = extend_node(next, edge, min_step, max_step, grid) else { continue 'edge_loop; }; next_cost += node_cost; if !cache.get(&next).is_some_and(|c| next_cost >= *c) { cache.insert(next.clone(), next_cost); queue.push((Reverse(next_cost), next)); } } } None } fn extend_node( mut node: Node, edge: Edge, min: usize, max: usize, grid: &Grid, ) -> Option<(Node, usize)> { let mut cost = 0; let len = match node.path.last() { Some((e, l)) if *e == edge => { node.len = *l; node.len + 1 } _ => min, }; while node.len < len { node.len += 1; if node.len > max { // println!("Breaking due to len: {}", node.len); return None; } node.pos = node.edge?.traverse(node.pos)?; cost += grid.get(node.pos.0)?.get(node.pos.1)?; } Some((node, cost)) } // #[cfg(test)] // fn rebuild_path(node: Node, cache: &HashMap, start: Position) -> Vec { // let mut path = vec![node.pos]; // let mut opt = Some((0, node)); // while let Some((_, next)) = opt { // let mut pos = next.pos; // for _ in { // path.push(pos); // pos = next.edge.unwrap().inverse().traverse(pos).unwrap(); // } // opt = cache.get(&next).cloned(); // } // path.push(start); // // path // } type Grid = Vec>; type Position = (usize, usize); #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct Node { pos: (usize, usize), edge: Option, len: usize, path: Vec<(Edge, usize)>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] enum Edge { North, East, South, West, } impl Edge { const ALL: [Edge; 4] = [Edge::North, Edge::East, Edge::South, Edge::West]; fn edges(&self) -> &[Edge] { match self { Edge::North => &[Edge::North, Edge::East, Edge::West], Edge::East => &[Edge::North, Edge::East, Edge::South], Edge::South => &[Edge::East, Self::South, Edge::West], Edge::West => &[Edge::North, Edge::South, Edge::West], } } fn traverse(&self, (row, col): Position) -> Option { Some(match self { Edge::North => (row.checked_sub(1)?, col), Edge::East => (row, col.checked_add(1)?), Edge::South => (row.checked_add(1)?, col), Edge::West => (row, col.checked_sub(1)?), }) } fn inverse(&self) -> Self { match self { Edge::North => Edge::South, Edge::East => Edge::West, Edge::South => Edge::North, Edge::West => Edge::East, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; const INPUT: &str = indoc::indoc! {r#" 2413432311323 3215453535623 3255245654254 3446585845452 4546657867536 1438598798454 4457876987766 3637877979653 4654967986887 4564679986453 1224686865563 2546548887735 4322674655533 "#}; const INPUT2: &str = indoc::indoc! {r#" 111111111111 999999999991 999999999991 999999999991 999999999991 "#}; #[test] fn test_part_1() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Ok(assert_eq!(102, Day17::part_1(INPUT)?)) } #[test] fn test_part_2_1() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Ok(assert_eq!(94, Day17::part_2(INPUT)?)) } #[test] fn test_part_2_2() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Ok(assert_eq!(71, Day17::part_2(INPUT2)?)) } }