# Formatter Options - [injected](#injected) - [prettier](#prettier) - [rustfmt](#rustfmt) - [yew-fmt](#yew-fmt) All formatters can be customized by directly changing the command, args, or other values (see [customizing formatters](../README.md#customizing-formatters)). Some formatters have a bit more advanced logic built in to those functions and expose additional configuration options. You can pass these values in like so: ```lua -- Customize the "injected" formatter require("conform").formatters.injected = { -- Set the options field options = { -- Set individual option values ignore_errors = true, lang_to_formatters = { json = { "jq" }, }, }, } ``` ## injected ```lua options = { -- Set to true to ignore errors ignore_errors = false, -- Map of treesitter language to file extension -- A temporary file name with this extension will be generated during formatting -- because some formatters care about the filename. lang_to_ext = { bash = "sh", c_sharp = "cs", elixir = "exs", javascript = "js", julia = "jl", latex = "tex", markdown = "md", python = "py", ruby = "rb", rust = "rs", teal = "tl", typescript = "ts", }, -- Map of treesitter language to formatters to use -- (defaults to the value from formatters_by_ft) lang_to_formatters = {}, } ``` ## prettier ```lua options = { -- Use a specific prettier parser for a filetype -- Otherwise, prettier will try to infer the parser from the file name ft_parsers = { -- javascript = "babel", -- javascriptreact = "babel", -- typescript = "typescript", -- typescriptreact = "typescript", -- vue = "vue", -- css = "css", -- scss = "scss", -- less = "less", -- html = "html", -- json = "json", -- jsonc = "json", -- yaml = "yaml", -- markdown = "markdown", -- ["markdown.mdx"] = "mdx", -- graphql = "graphql", -- handlebars = "glimmer", }, -- Use a specific prettier parser for a file extension ext_parsers = { -- qmd = "markdown", }, } ``` ## rustfmt ```lua options = { -- The default edition of Rust to use when no Cargo.toml file is found default_edition = "2021", } ``` ## yew-fmt ```lua options = { -- The default edition of Rust to use when no Cargo.toml file is found default_edition = "2021", } ```