local errors = require("conform.errors") local fs = require("conform.fs") local log = require("conform.log") local util = require("conform.util") local uv = vim.uv or vim.loop local M = {} ---@class (exact) conform.RunOpts ---@field exclusive boolean If true, ensure only a single formatter is running per buffer ---@field dry_run boolean If true, do not apply changes and stop after the first formatter attempts to do so ---@param formatter_name string ---@param ctx conform.Context ---@param config conform.JobFormatterConfig ---@return string|string[] M.build_cmd = function(formatter_name, ctx, config) local command = config.command if type(command) == "function" then command = command(config, ctx) end ---@type string|string[] local args = {} if ctx.range and config.range_args then ---@cast ctx conform.RangeContext args = config.range_args(config, ctx) elseif config.args then local computed_args = config.args if type(computed_args) == "function" then args = computed_args(config, ctx) else ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type args = computed_args end end local function compute_relative_filepath() local cwd if config.cwd then cwd = config.cwd(config, ctx) end return fs.relative_path(cwd or vim.fn.getcwd(), ctx.filename) end if type(args) == "string" then local interpolated = args :gsub("$FILENAME", ctx.filename) :gsub("$DIRNAME", ctx.dirname) :gsub("$RELATIVE_FILEPATH", compute_relative_filepath) return command .. " " .. interpolated else local cmd = { command } ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch for _, v in ipairs(args) do if v == "$FILENAME" then v = ctx.filename elseif v == "$DIRNAME" then v = ctx.dirname elseif v == "$RELATIVE_FILEPATH" then v = compute_relative_filepath() end table.insert(cmd, v) end return cmd end end ---@param value any ---@return boolean local function truthy(value) return value ~= nil and value ~= false end ---@param range conform.Range ---@param start_a integer ---@param end_a integer ---@return boolean local function indices_in_range(range, start_a, end_a) return start_a <= range["end"][1] and range["start"][1] <= end_a end ---@param a? string ---@param b? string ---@return integer local function common_prefix_len(a, b) if not a or not b then return 0 end local min_len = math.min(#a, #b) for i = 1, min_len do if string.byte(a, i) ~= string.byte(b, i) then return i - 1 end end return min_len end ---@param a string ---@param b string ---@return integer local function common_suffix_len(a, b) local a_len = #a local b_len = #b local min_len = math.min(a_len, b_len) for i = 0, min_len - 1 do if string.byte(a, a_len - i) ~= string.byte(b, b_len - i) then return i end end return min_len end local function create_text_edit( original_lines, replacement, is_insert, is_replace, orig_line_start, orig_line_end ) local start_line, end_line = orig_line_start - 1, orig_line_end - 1 local start_char, end_char = 0, 0 if is_replace then -- If we're replacing text, see if we can avoid replacing the entire line start_char = common_prefix_len(original_lines[orig_line_start], replacement[1]) if start_char > 0 then replacement[1] = replacement[1]:sub(start_char + 1) end if original_lines[orig_line_end] then local last_line = replacement[#replacement] local suffix = common_suffix_len(original_lines[orig_line_end], last_line) -- If we're only replacing one line, make sure the prefix/suffix calculations don't overlap if orig_line_end == orig_line_start then suffix = math.min(suffix, original_lines[orig_line_end]:len() - start_char) end end_char = original_lines[orig_line_end]:len() - suffix if suffix > 0 then replacement[#replacement] = last_line:sub(1, last_line:len() - suffix) end end end -- If we're inserting text, make sure the text includes a newline at the end. -- The one exception is if we're inserting at the end of the file, in which case the newline is -- implicit if is_insert and start_line < #original_lines then table.insert(replacement, "") end local new_text = table.concat(replacement, "\n") return { newText = new_text, range = { start = { line = start_line, character = start_char, }, ["end"] = { line = end_line, character = end_char, }, }, } end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param original_lines string[] ---@param new_lines string[] ---@param range? conform.Range ---@param only_apply_range boolean ---@return boolean any_changes M.apply_format = function(bufnr, original_lines, new_lines, range, only_apply_range, dry_run) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return false end local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) log.trace("Applying formatting to %s", bufname) -- The vim.diff algorithm doesn't handle changes in newline-at-end-of-file well. The unified -- result_type has some text to indicate that the eol changed, but the indices result_type has no -- such indication. To work around this, we just add a trailing newline to the end of both the old -- and the new text. table.insert(original_lines, "") table.insert(new_lines, "") local original_text = table.concat(original_lines, "\n") local new_text = table.concat(new_lines, "\n") table.remove(original_lines) table.remove(new_lines) -- Abort if output is empty but input is not (i.e. has some non-whitespace characters). -- This is to hack around oddly behaving formatters (e.g black outputs nothing for excluded files). if new_text:match("^%s*$") and not original_text:match("^%s*$") then log.warn("Aborting because a formatter returned empty output for buffer %s", bufname) return false end log.trace("Comparing lines %s and %s", original_lines, new_lines) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields local indices = vim.diff(original_text, new_text, { result_type = "indices", algorithm = "histogram", }) assert(type(indices) == "table") log.trace("Diff indices %s", indices) local text_edits = {} for _, idx in ipairs(indices) do local orig_line_start, orig_line_count, new_line_start, new_line_count = unpack(idx) local is_insert = orig_line_count == 0 local is_delete = new_line_count == 0 local is_replace = not is_insert and not is_delete local orig_line_end = orig_line_start + orig_line_count local new_line_end = new_line_start + new_line_count if is_insert then -- When the diff is an insert, it actually means to insert after the mentioned line orig_line_start = orig_line_start + 1 orig_line_end = orig_line_end + 1 end local replacement = util.tbl_slice(new_lines, new_line_start, new_line_end - 1) -- For replacement edits, convert the end line to be inclusive if is_replace then orig_line_end = orig_line_end - 1 end local should_apply_diff = not only_apply_range or not range or indices_in_range(range, orig_line_start, orig_line_end) if should_apply_diff then local text_edit = create_text_edit( original_lines, replacement, is_insert, is_replace, orig_line_start, orig_line_end ) table.insert(text_edits, text_edit) -- If we're using the aftermarket range formatting, diffs often have paired delete/insert -- diffs. We should make sure that if one of them overlaps our selected range, extend the -- range so that we pick up the other diff as well. if range and only_apply_range then range = vim.deepcopy(range) range["end"][1] = math.max(range["end"][1], orig_line_end + 1) end end end if not dry_run then log.trace("Applying text edits: %s", text_edits) vim.lsp.util.apply_text_edits(text_edits, bufnr, "utf-8") log.trace("Done formatting %s", bufname) end return not vim.tbl_isempty(text_edits) end ---Map of formatter name to if the last run of that formatter produced an error ---@type table local last_run_errored = {} ---@param bufnr integer ---@param formatter conform.FormatterInfo ---@param config conform.FormatterConfig ---@param ctx conform.Context ---@param input_lines string[] ---@param opts conform.RunOpts ---@param callback fun(err?: conform.Error, output?: string[]) ---@return integer? job_id local function run_formatter(bufnr, formatter, config, ctx, input_lines, opts, callback) log.info("Run %s on %s", formatter.name, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)) log.trace("Input lines: %s", input_lines) callback = util.wrap_callback(callback, function(err) if err then if last_run_errored[formatter.name] then err.debounce_message = true end last_run_errored[formatter.name] = true else last_run_errored[formatter.name] = false end end) if config.format then ---@cast config conform.LuaFormatterConfig local ok, err = pcall(config.format, config, ctx, input_lines, callback) if not ok then callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.RUNTIME, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' error: %s", formatter.name, err), }) end return end ---@cast config conform.JobFormatterConfig local cmd = M.build_cmd(formatter.name, ctx, config) local cwd = nil if config.cwd then cwd = config.cwd(config, ctx) end local env = config.env if type(env) == "function" then env = env(config, ctx) end local buffer_text -- If the buffer has a newline at the end, make sure we include that in the input to the formatter local add_extra_newline = vim.bo[bufnr].eol if add_extra_newline then table.insert(input_lines, "") end buffer_text = table.concat(input_lines, "\n") if add_extra_newline then table.remove(input_lines) end if not config.stdin then log.debug("Creating temp file %s", ctx.filename) local fd = assert(uv.fs_open(ctx.filename, "w", 448)) -- 0700 uv.fs_write(fd, buffer_text) uv.fs_close(fd) callback = util.wrap_callback(callback, function() log.debug("Cleaning up temp file %s", ctx.filename) uv.fs_unlink(ctx.filename) end) end log.debug("Run command: %s", cmd) if cwd then log.debug("Run CWD: %s", cwd) end if env then log.debug("Run ENV: %s", env) end local stdout local stderr local exit_codes = config.exit_codes or { 0 } local jid local ok, jid_or_err = pcall(vim.fn.jobstart, cmd, { cwd = cwd, env = env, stdout_buffered = true, stderr_buffered = true, stdin = config.stdin and "pipe" or "null", on_stdout = function(_, data) if config.stdin then stdout = data end end, on_stderr = function(_, data) stderr = data end, on_exit = function(_, code) if vim.tbl_contains(exit_codes, code) then local output if not config.stdin then local fd = assert(uv.fs_open(ctx.filename, "r", 448)) -- 0700 local stat = assert(uv.fs_fstat(fd)) local content = assert(uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size)) uv.fs_close(fd) output = vim.split(content, "\r?\n", {}) else output = stdout -- trim trailing \r in every line -- so that both branches of this if block behaves the same for i, line in ipairs(output) do output[i] = string.gsub(line, "\r$", "") end end -- Remove the trailing newline from the output to convert back to vim lines representation if add_extra_newline and output[#output] == "" then table.remove(output) end -- Vim will never let the lines array be empty. An empty file will still look like { "" } if #output == 0 then table.insert(output, "") end log.debug("%s exited with code %d", formatter.name, code) log.trace("Output lines: %s", output) log.trace("%s stderr: %s", formatter.name, stderr) callback(nil, output) else log.info("%s exited with code %d", formatter.name, code) log.debug("%s stdout: %s", formatter.name, stdout) log.debug("%s stderr: %s", formatter.name, stderr) local err_str if stderr and not vim.tbl_isempty(stderr) then err_str = table.concat(stderr, "\n") elseif stdout and not vim.tbl_isempty(stdout) then err_str = table.concat(stdout, "\n") end if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and jid ~= vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid and opts.exclusive then callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.INTERRUPTED, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' was interrupted", formatter.name), }) else callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.RUNTIME, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' error: %s", formatter.name, err_str), }) end end end, }) if not ok then callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.JOBSTART, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' error in jobstart: %s", formatter.name, jid_or_err), }) return end jid = jid_or_err if jid == 0 then callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.INVALID_ARGS, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' invalid arguments", formatter.name), }) elseif jid == -1 then callback({ code = errors.ERROR_CODE.NOT_EXECUTABLE, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' command is not executable", formatter.name), }) elseif config.stdin then vim.api.nvim_chan_send(jid, buffer_text) vim.fn.chanclose(jid, "stdin") end if opts.exclusive then vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid = jid end return jid end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param config conform.FormatterConfig ---@param range? conform.Range ---@return conform.Context M.build_context = function(bufnr, config, range) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) -- Hack around checkhealth. For buffers that are not files, we need to fabricate a filename if vim.bo[bufnr].buftype ~= "" then filename = "" end local dirname if filename == "" then dirname = vim.fn.getcwd() filename = fs.join(dirname, "unnamed_temp") local ft = vim.bo[bufnr].filetype if ft and ft ~= "" then filename = filename .. "." .. ft end else dirname = vim.fs.dirname(filename) end if not config.stdin then local template = config.tmpfile_format if not template then template = ".conform.$RANDOM.$FILENAME" end local basename = vim.fs.basename(filename) local tmpname = template:gsub("$FILENAME", basename):gsub("$RANDOM", tostring(math.random(1000000, 9999999))) local parent = vim.fs.dirname(filename) filename = fs.join(parent, tmpname) end return { buf = bufnr, filename = filename, dirname = dirname, range = range, } end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[] ---@param range? conform.Range ---@param opts conform.RunOpts ---@param callback fun(err?: conform.Error, did_edit?: boolean) M.format_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, opts, callback) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end -- kill previous jobs for buffer local prev_jid = vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid if prev_jid and opts.exclusive then if vim.fn.jobstop(prev_jid) == 1 then log.info("Canceled previous format job for %s", vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)) end end local original_lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) local changedtick = vim.b[bufnr].changedtick M.format_lines_async( bufnr, formatters, range, original_lines, opts, function(err, output_lines, all_support_range_formatting) local did_edit = nil -- discard formatting if buffer has changed if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) or changedtick ~= util.buf_get_changedtick(bufnr) then err = { code = errors.ERROR_CODE.CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION, message = string.format( "Async formatter discarding changes for %d: concurrent modification", bufnr ), } else did_edit = M.apply_format( bufnr, original_lines, output_lines, range, not all_support_range_formatting, opts.dry_run ) end callback(err, did_edit) end ) end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[] ---@param range? conform.Range ---@param input_lines string[] ---@param opts conform.RunOpts ---@param callback fun(err?: conform.Error, output_lines: string[], all_support_range_formatting: boolean) M.format_lines_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, input_lines, opts, callback) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local idx = 1 local all_support_range_formatting = true local final_err = nil local function run_next_formatter() local formatter = formatters[idx] if not formatter then callback(final_err, input_lines, all_support_range_formatting) return end idx = idx + 1 local config = assert(require("conform").get_formatter_config(formatter.name, bufnr)) local ctx = M.build_context(bufnr, config, range) run_formatter(bufnr, formatter, config, ctx, input_lines, opts, function(err, output) if err then final_err = errors.coalesce(final_err, err) end input_lines = output or input_lines all_support_range_formatting = all_support_range_formatting and truthy(config.range_args) run_next_formatter() end) end run_next_formatter() end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[] ---@param timeout_ms integer ---@param range? conform.Range ---@param opts conform.RunOpts ---@return conform.Error? error ---@return boolean did_edit M.format_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range, opts) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local original_lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) -- kill previous jobs for buffer local prev_jid = vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid if prev_jid and opts.exclusive then if vim.fn.jobstop(prev_jid) == 1 then log.info("Canceled previous format job for %s", vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)) end end local err, final_result, all_support_range_formatting = M.format_lines_sync(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range, original_lines, opts) local did_edit = M.apply_format( bufnr, original_lines, final_result, range, not all_support_range_formatting, opts.dry_run ) return err, did_edit end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[] ---@param timeout_ms integer ---@param range? conform.Range ---@param opts conform.RunOpts ---@return conform.Error? error ---@return string[] output_lines ---@return boolean all_support_range_formatting M.format_lines_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range, input_lines, opts) if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local start = uv.hrtime() / 1e6 local all_support_range_formatting = true local final_err = nil for _, formatter in ipairs(formatters) do local remaining = timeout_ms - (uv.hrtime() / 1e6 - start) if remaining <= 0 then return errors.coalesce(final_err, { code = errors.ERROR_CODE.TIMEOUT, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' timeout", formatter.name), }), input_lines, all_support_range_formatting end local done = false local result = nil ---@type conform.FormatterConfig local config = assert(require("conform").get_formatter_config(formatter.name, bufnr)) local ctx = M.build_context(bufnr, config, range) local jid = run_formatter( bufnr, formatter, config, ctx, input_lines, opts, function(err, output) final_err = errors.coalesce(final_err, err) done = true result = output end ) all_support_range_formatting = all_support_range_formatting and truthy(config.range_args) local wait_result, wait_reason = vim.wait(remaining, function() return done end, 5) if not wait_result then if jid then vim.fn.jobstop(jid) end if wait_reason == -1 then return errors.coalesce(final_err, { code = errors.ERROR_CODE.TIMEOUT, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' timeout", formatter.name), }), input_lines, all_support_range_formatting else return errors.coalesce(final_err, { code = errors.ERROR_CODE.INTERRUPTED, message = string.format("Formatter '%s' was interrupted", formatter.name), }), input_lines, all_support_range_formatting end end input_lines = result or input_lines end return final_err, input_lines, all_support_range_formatting end return M