import os import os.path import re from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import lru_cache from typing import List from nvim_doc_tools import ( Vimdoc, VimdocSection, generate_md_toc, indent, parse_functions, read_nvim_json, render_md_api, render_vimdoc_api, replace_section, wrap, ) HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HERE, os.path.pardir)) README = os.path.join(ROOT, "") DOC = os.path.join(ROOT, "doc") RECIPES = os.path.join(DOC, "") ADVANCED = os.path.join(DOC, "") VIMDOC = os.path.join(DOC, "conform.txt") OPTIONS = os.path.join(ROOT, "scripts", "options_doc.lua") AUTOFORMAT = os.path.join(ROOT, "scripts", "autoformat_doc.lua") @dataclass class Formatter: name: str description: str url: str deprecated: bool = False @lru_cache def get_all_formatters() -> List[Formatter]: formatters = [] formatter_map = read_nvim_json( 'require("conform.formatters").list_all_formatters()' ) for name, meta in formatter_map.items(): formatter = Formatter(name, **meta) if not formatter.deprecated: formatters.append(formatter) formatters.sort(key=lambda f: return formatters def update_formatter_list(): formatter_lines = ["\n"] for formatter in get_all_formatters(): formatter_lines.append( f"- [{}]({formatter.url}) - {formatter.description}\n" ) replace_section( README, r"^$", r"^$", formatter_lines, ) def update_options(): option_lines = ["\n", "```lua\n"] with open(OPTIONS, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: option_lines.extend(f.readlines()) option_lines.extend(["```\n", "\n"]) replace_section( README, r"^$", r"^$", option_lines, ) def update_autocmd_md(): example_lines = ["\n", "```lua\n"] with open(AUTOFORMAT, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: example_lines.extend(f.readlines()) example_lines.extend(["```\n", "\n"]) replace_section( RECIPES, r"^$", r"^$", example_lines, ) def add_md_link_path(path: str, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: ret = [] for line in lines: ret.append(re.sub(r"(\(#)", "(" + path + "#", line)) return ret def update_md_api(): funcs = parse_functions(os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "conform", "init.lua")) lines = ["\n"] + render_md_api(funcs, 3)[:-1] # trim last newline replace_section( README, r"^$", r"^$", lines, ) def update_readme_toc(): toc = ["\n"] + generate_md_toc(README) + ["\n"] replace_section( README, r"^$", r"^$", toc, ) def update_recipes_toc(): toc = ["\n"] + generate_md_toc(RECIPES) + ["\n"] replace_section(RECIPES, r"^$", r"^$", toc) subtoc = add_md_link_path("doc/", toc) replace_section(README, r"^$", r"^$", subtoc) def update_advanced_toc(): toc = ["\n"] + generate_md_toc(ADVANCED) + ["\n"] replace_section(ADVANCED, r"^$", r"^$", toc) subtoc = add_md_link_path("doc/", toc) replace_section(README, r"^$", r"^$", subtoc) def gen_options_vimdoc() -> VimdocSection: section = VimdocSection("Options", "conform-options", ["\n", ">lua\n"]) with open(OPTIONS, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: section.body.extend(indent(f.readlines(), 4)) section.body.append("<\n") return section def gen_autocmd_vimdoc() -> VimdocSection: section = VimdocSection("Autoformat", "conform-autoformat", ["\n"]) section.body.extend( wrap( "If you want more complex logic than the `format_on_save` option allows, you can write it yourself using your own autocmd. For example:" ) ) section.body.append(">lua\n") with open(AUTOFORMAT, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: section.body.extend(indent(f.readlines(), 4)) section.body.append("<\n") return section def gen_formatter_vimdoc() -> VimdocSection: section = VimdocSection("Formatters", "conform-formatters", ["\n"]) for formatter in get_all_formatters(): line = f"`{}` - {formatter.description}\n" section.body.extend(wrap(line, sub_indent=len( + 3)) return section def generate_vimdoc(): doc = Vimdoc("conform.txt", "conform") funcs = parse_functions(os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "conform", "init.lua")) doc.sections.extend( [ gen_options_vimdoc(), VimdocSection("API", "conform-api", render_vimdoc_api("conform", funcs)), gen_formatter_vimdoc(), gen_autocmd_vimdoc(), ] ) with open(VIMDOC, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ofile: ofile.writelines(doc.render()) def main() -> None: """Update the README""" update_formatter_list() update_options() update_autocmd_md() update_md_api() update_recipes_toc() update_advanced_toc() update_readme_toc() generate_vimdoc()