require("conform").setup({ -- Map of filetype to formatters formatters_by_ft = { lua = { "stylua" }, -- Conform will run multiple formatters sequentially go = { "goimports", "gofmt" }, -- Use a sub-list to run only the first available formatter javascript = { { "prettierd", "prettier" } }, -- You can use a function here to determine the formatters dynamically python = function(bufnr) if require("conform").get_formatter_info("ruff_format", bufnr).available then return { "ruff_format" } else return { "isort", "black" } end end, -- Use the "*" filetype to run formatters on all filetypes. ["*"] = { "codespell" }, -- Use the "_" filetype to run formatters on filetypes that don't -- have other formatters configured. ["_"] = { "trim_whitespace" }, }, -- If this is set, Conform will run the formatter on save. -- It will pass the table to conform.format(). -- This can also be a function that returns the table. format_on_save = { -- I recommend these options. See :help conform.format for details. lsp_fallback = true, timeout_ms = 500, }, -- If this is set, Conform will run the formatter asynchronously after save. -- It will pass the table to conform.format(). -- This can also be a function that returns the table. format_after_save = { lsp_fallback = true, }, -- Set the log level. Use `:ConformInfo` to see the location of the log file. log_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR, -- Conform will notify you when a formatter errors notify_on_error = true, -- Custom formatters and changes to built-in formatters formatters = { my_formatter = { -- This can be a string or a function that returns a string. -- When defining a new formatter, this is the only field that is *required* command = "my_cmd", -- A list of strings, or a function that returns a list of strings -- Return a single string instead of a list to run the command in a shell args = { "--stdin-from-filename", "$FILENAME" }, -- If the formatter supports range formatting, create the range arguments here range_args = function(ctx) return { "--line-start", ctx.range.start[1], "--line-end", ctx.range["end"][1] } end, -- Send file contents to stdin, read new contents from stdout (default true) -- When false, will create a temp file (will appear in "$FILENAME" args). The temp -- file is assumed to be modified in-place by the format command. stdin = true, -- A function that calculates the directory to run the command in cwd = require("conform.util").root_file({ ".editorconfig", "package.json" }), -- When cwd is not found, don't run the formatter (default false) require_cwd = true, -- When returns false, the formatter will not be used condition = function(ctx) return vim.fs.basename(ctx.filename) ~= "" end, -- Exit codes that indicate success (default { 0 }) exit_codes = { 0, 1 }, -- Environment variables. This can also be a function that returns a table. env = { VAR = "value", }, -- Set to false to disable merging the config with the base definition inherit = true, -- When inherit = true, add these additional arguments to the command. -- This can also be a function, like args prepend_args = { "--use-tabs" }, }, -- These can also be a function that returns the formatter other_formatter = function(bufnr) return { command = "my_cmd", } end, }, }) -- You can set formatters_by_ft and formatters directly require("conform").formatters_by_ft.lua = { "stylua" } require("conform").formatters.my_formatter = { command = "my_cmd", }