require("plenary.async").tests.add_to_env() local conform = require("conform") local log = require("conform.log") local runner = require("conform.runner") local test_util = require("tests.test_util") describe("fuzzer", function() before_each(function() conform.formatters.test = { meta = { url = "", description = "" }, command = "tests/", } end) after_each(function() test_util.reset_editor() end) ---@param buf_content string[] ---@param expected string[] ---@param opts? table local function run_formatter(buf_content, expected, opts) local bufnr = vim.fn.bufadd("testfile") vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(bufnr) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, true, buf_content)[bufnr].modified = false runner.apply_format(0, buf_content, expected, nil, false, false, false) assert.are.same(expected, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false)) end local function make_word() local chars = {} for _ = 1, math.random(1, 10) do table.insert(chars, string.char(math.random(97, 122))) end return table.concat(chars, "") end local function make_line() local words = {} for _ = 1, math.random(0, 6) do table.insert(words, make_word()) end return table.concat(words, " ") end local function make_file(num_lines) local lines = {} for _ = 1, math.random(1, num_lines) do table.insert(lines, make_line()) end return lines end local function do_insert(lines) local idx = math.random(1, #lines + 1) for _ = 1, math.random(1, 3) do table.insert(lines, idx, make_line()) end end local function do_replace(lines) local num_lines = math.random(1, math.min(3, #lines)) local idx = math.random(1, #lines - num_lines + 1) local replacement = {} local num_replace = math.random(1, 5) for _ = 1, num_replace do table.insert(replacement, make_line()) end local col = math.random(1, lines[idx]:len()) replacement[1] = lines[idx]:sub(1, col) .. replacement[1] col = math.random(1, lines[idx + num_lines - 1]:len()) replacement[#replacement] = replacement[#replacement] .. lines[idx + num_lines - 1]:sub(col) for _ = 1, num_lines - num_replace do table.remove(lines, idx) end for _ = 1, num_replace - num_lines do table.insert(lines, idx, "") end for i = 1, num_replace do lines[idx + i - 1] = replacement[i] end end local function do_delete(lines) local num_lines = math.random(1, 3) local idx = math.random(1, #lines - num_lines) for _ = 1, num_lines do table.remove(lines, idx) end -- vim will never let the lines be empty. An empty file has a single blank line. if #lines == 0 then table.insert(lines, "") end end local function make_edits(lines) local was_empty = table.concat(lines):match("^%s*$") lines = vim.deepcopy(lines) for _ = 1, math.random(0, 3) do do_insert(lines) end for _ = 1, math.random(0, 3) do do_replace(lines) end for _ = 1, math.random(0, 3) do do_delete(lines) end -- avoid blank output (whitepsace only) which is ignored when applying formatting if not was_empty then while table.concat(lines):match("^%s*$") do do_replace(lines) end end return lines end it("formats correctly", function() -- log.level = vim.log.levels.TRACE for i = 1, 50000 do math.randomseed(i)"Fuzz testing with seed %d", i) local content = make_file(20) local formatted = make_edits(content) run_formatter(content, formatted) end end) end)