[[exercises]] name = "variables1" path = "exercises/variables/variables1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Variables must have names.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables2" path = "exercises/variables/variables2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ It is missing a symbol used to declare and initialize variables.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables3" path = "exercises/variables/variables3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Could it be missing the variable type?.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables4" path = "exercises/variables/variables4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Variables can be redeclared in new blocks, but it is missing something. What is it?.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables5" path = "exercises/variables/variables5/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Constants need initialization.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables6" path = "exercises/variables/variables6/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Constants can't be changed.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions1" path = "exercises/functions/functions1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ The main function is calling another function that it expects to exist. It expects a function named `call_me` to exist and receive no arguments.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions2" path = "exercises/functions/functions2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Function parameters need to have their types explicitly declared.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions3" path = "exercises/functions/functions3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ When a function expect arguments, you must pass values to them.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions4" path = "exercises/functions/functions4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Functions that return values must have return types declared in the function signature.""" [[exercises]] name = "if1" path = "exercises/if/if1/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "if2" path = "exercises/if/if2/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "switch1" path = "exercises/switch/switch1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Switch flow is missing a variable to evaluate the statement.""" [[exercises]] name = "switch2" path = "exercises/switch/switch2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Switch without a condition is possible, but that case statement needs a boolean evaluation.""" [[exercises]] name = "switch3" path = "exercises/switch/switch3/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types1" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types2" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types3" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "fmt.Printf() can take multiples variables as parameters. Try declaring thoses variables." [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types4" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ byte can hold from 0 to 255. Could it store a character?""" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types5" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types5/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ These names seem misleading, no? But they are close to be correct. Check this documentation to understand the variety of numeric data types: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Numeric_types""" [[exercises]] name = "arrays1" path = "exercises/arrays/arrays1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Arrays are zero-based indexing.""" [[exercises]] name = "arrays2" path = "exercises/arrays/arrays2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Unlike languages like Python or Ruby, go does not let you have arrays with mixed data types.""" [[exercises]] name = "slices1" path = "exercises/slices/slices1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Slices can be created with the make function and they must have a type.""" [[exercises]] name = "slices2" path = "exercises/slices/slices2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Slices can be created from arrays and you can slice it with a range, with the [low:high] syntax.""" [[exercises]] name = "slices3" path = "exercises/slices/slices3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Append is used to add elements to an existing slice. Add some elements and read the output. If you are still confuse about the append function, don't worry, check out the spec: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Appending_and_copying_slices""" [[exercises]] name = "slices4" path = "exercises/slices/slices4/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "maps1" path = "exercises/maps/maps1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Maps have types, for the key and the values. To make it compile you need to define types. Indexing is similar to setting values. Check the spec for more info: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Map_types""" [[exercises]] name = "maps2" path = "exercises/maps/maps2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Very similar to maps1, but this time you can initialize a new map in the same line with a different syntax. """ [[exercises]] name = "maps3" path = "exercises/maps/maps3/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "range1" path = "exercises/range/range1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ You can use the range keyword to iterate over collections. Arrays, slices and maps are iterable data types.""" [[exercises]] name = "range2" path = "exercises/range/range2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Just like slices and array, you can use the range keyword to iterate over maps values. One slightly difference between iterating over arrays and slices is that with maps we iterate over keys and their values.""" [[exercises]] name = "range3" path = "exercises/range/range3/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "structs1" path = "exercises/structs/structs1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Structs are created using the 'type structName struct {}' syntax. Fields can be declared inside the brackets. They must have their types declared along their names. """ [[exercises]] name = "structs2" path = "exercises/structs/structs2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Embedding is achieved using just the struct name. After embedding a struct, we are able to access the fields through the base struct, without having to specify the full path to the field. But you can do if you want. """ [[exercises]] name = "structs3" path = "exercises/structs/structs3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ You can add a function to a struct by adding code similar to the one below: func (s *StructHere) doSomething() { } """ [[exercises]] name = "anonymous_functions1" path = "exercises/anonymous_functions/anonymous_functions1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ The function needs a string to print """ [[exercises]] name = "anonymous_functions2" path = "exercises/anonymous_functions/anonymous_functions2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Maybe you should call the function with a param """ [[exercises]] name = "anonymous_functions3" path = "exercises/anonymous_functions/anonymous_functions3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ 1 - updateStatus() function should return an orderStatus index like orderStatus[index] 2 - Maybe you should call anonymous_func once more time """ [[exercises]] name = "generics1" path = "exercises/generics/generics1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Generic functions exist to remove the burden of rewriting the same code multiple times. With generics we don't need to copy and paste the code and change only the type. Types are defined using a syntax like func FuncName[T any](value T) { } """ [[exercises]] name = "generics2" path = "exercises/generics/generics2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ We can't mismatch types in arithmetic operations, but our functions can reused to other types while sharing the same logic. In go, we can declare type constraints. It is the case of our Number interface. Don't forget the type signature. """ [[exercises]] name = "concurrent1" path = "exercises/concurrent/concurrent1/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = """ We have multiple printers (as the others, these ones don't work too). Our goal is to print something. But what is this? """ [[exercises]] name = "concurrent2" path = "exercises/concurrent/concurrent2/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = """ Updating a variable from multiple goroutines can lead to a data race. A data race is when the same variable is concurrently read and written by multiple goroutines without any kind of protection. Imagine if a program is reading a variable while another one is writing. A counter is a good example. Your counter could be updated with a different value than expected. Read a little about mutexes: https://pkg.go.dev/sync#Mutex. """ [[exercises]] name = "concurrent3" path = "exercises/concurrent/concurrent3/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = """ Writing messages to closed channels will panic. To avoid panics, we don't want to send messages to closed channels. Remember: channels can be iterated using for-range loops. """