[[exercises]] name = "variables1" path = "exercises/variables/variables1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Variables must have names.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables2" path = "exercises/variables/variables2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ It is missing a symbol used to declare and initialize variables.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables3" path = "exercises/variables/variables3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Could it be missing the variable type?.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables4" path = "exercises/variables/variables4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Variables can be redeclared in new blocks, but it is missing something. What is it?.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables5" path = "exercises/variables/variables5/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Constants need initialization.""" [[exercises]] name = "variables6" path = "exercises/variables/variables6/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Constants can't be changed.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions1" path = "exercises/functions/functions1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ The main function is calling another function that it expects to exist. It expects a function named `call_me` to exist and receive no arguments.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions2" path = "exercises/functions/functions2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Function parameters need to have their types explicitly declared.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions3" path = "exercises/functions/functions3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ When a function expect arguments, you must pass values to them.""" [[exercises]] name = "functions4" path = "exercises/functions/functions4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Functions that return values must have return types declared in the function signature.""" [[exercises]] name = "if1" path = "exercises/if/if1/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "if2" path = "exercises/if/if2/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "switch1" path = "exercises/switch/switch1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Switch flow is missing a variable to evaluate the statement.""" [[exercises]] name = "switch2" path = "exercises/switch/switch2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Switch without a condition is possible, but that case statement needs a boolean evaluation.""" [[exercises]] name = "switch3" path = "exercises/switch/switch3/main_test.go" mode = "test" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types1" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types2" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "No hints this time" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types3" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types3/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = "'%s' is used to format strings" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types4" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types4/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ byte can hold from 0 to 255. Could it store a character?""" [[exercises]] name = "primitive_types5" path = "exercises/primitive_types/primitive_types5/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ These names seem misleading, no? But they are close to be correct. Check this documentation to understand the variety of numeric data types: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Numeric_types""" [[exercises]] name = "arrays1" path = "exercises/arrays/arrays1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Arrays are zero-based indexing.""" [[exercises]] name = "arrays2" path = "exercises/arrays/arrays2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Unlike languages like Python or Ruby, go does not let you have arrays with mixed data types.""" [[exercises]] name = "slices1" path = "exercises/slices/slices1/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Slices can be created with the make function and they must have a type.""" [[exercises]] name = "slices2" path = "exercises/slices/slices2/main.go" mode = "compile" hint = """ Slices can be created from arrays and you can slice it with a range, with the [low:high] syntax."""