import Hero from "../components/Hero"; import SectionTitle from "../components/SectionTitle"; import { benefitOne, benefitTwo } from "./Data"; import Benefits from "../components/Benefits"; import Cta from "../components/Cta"; import Faq from "../components/Faq"; import {AuthContext} from "../providers/AuthContext"; import React, {useContext} from "react"; import GridLayout from "../layouts/GridLayout"; const Home = () => { const {user} = useContext(AuthContext); return ( <> {!user ? ( <> Helping Hands simplifies the process of finding or offering volunteer opportunities. Here's a step-by-step guide: Welcome to our FAQ section! Browse through common questions for quick answers. Your clarity and support matter to us. For any unanswered queries, reach out to our support team. ) : ( <> )} ); } export default Home;