import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import { AuthContext } from '../providers/AuthContext'; import GridLayout from '../layouts/GridLayout'; import { CalendarIcon, MapPinIcon, } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; const FindOpportunities = () => { const { user } = useContext(AuthContext); const fakePosting = { id: '69420', name: 'Team Rocket', location: 'Annapolis, MD', title: 'Need Help Battling Mega Bidoof!', description: "Mega Bidoof is crazy hard to battle. He's so big and strong and mega, and named Bidoof.", date_posted: '04/23/2024', date_scheduled: '05/01/2024', time_scheduled: 'Flexible' } return ( <> {!user ? (

tuna tees here

) : ( <>
Search for Opportunities
)} ); }; export default FindOpportunities;