# Projectr A contextual, MRU sorted, project finder. `projectr` is project discovery tool that produces a MRU sorted list of project directories using provided contexts and filters. ## Installation ### Using Cargo ```sh cargo install --git=https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr ``` ### Building from source Provided you have [Rust installed](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install), projectr can be built using Cargo. ```sh $ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr $ cd projectr $ cargo build --release $ ./target/release/projectr --version projectr 0.3.1 ``` ## Usage To list all available options run `projectr -h`. For a working example, see [tmux-projectr]. ## Releases A list of changes in each release can be found in [CHANGELOG.md]. Subscribe to release announcements on [~tobyvin/projectr-announce@lists.sr.ht]. ## Troubleshooting Ask for support or follow general discussions in [~tobyvin/projectr-discuss@lists.sr.ht]. For bug reports and feature requests see [Submitting bug reports and feature requests] section in [CONTRIBUTING.md]. ## Maintainer [tobyvin](tobyvin.dev) ## Contribution Anyone is welcome to contribute to projectr. Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md]. ## License projectr is licensed under the [MIT]. [~tobyvin/projectr-announce@lists.sr.ht]: https://lists.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr-announce [~tobyvin/projectr-discuss@lists.sr.ht]: https://lists.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr-discuss [tmux-projectr]: https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr/tree/v0.3.1/item/bin/tmux-projectr [MIT]: https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr/tree/v0.3.1/item/LICENSE [CHANGELOG.md]: https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr/tree/v0.3.1/item/CHANGELOG.md [CONTRIBUTING.md]: https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr/tree/v0.3.1/item/CONTRIBUTING.md [Submitting bug reports and feature requests]: https://git.sr.ht/~tobyvin/projectr/tree/v0.3.1/item/CONTRIBUTING.md#submitting-bug-reports-and-feature-requests