\input{preamble} \ifx\companyname\undefined{} \recipient{Hiring Manager}{} \date{} \else \recipient{Hiring Manager}{\companyname\\\companyaddress} \fi \opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} \closing{Thank you for your consideration,} \enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} \begin{document} \makelettertitle{} I am contacting you in regard to the Software Engineer position. I am excited by the work you are doing and would love to discuss the opportunity of being a part of it. I have been engaged in engineering the majority of my life, both as a hobby, as well as professionally. While I have tangible experience in both mechanical and electrical engineering, I have found software engineering to be an excellent conduit for my love of building systems. I have a passion and affinity for writing code and have high standards for quality and correctness, which often led to taking on a `lead-by-example' role in the teams I have worked in. My experience has been primarily in Rust, C\#, Python, and Lua. That being said, I love to explore and learn about new things and spend a majority of my free time doing so. Through my hobbies and career, I have developed a diverse skill set including knowledge of many languages as well as a strong understanding of subdomains such as networking, containerization, and DevOps. I hope this, along with my passion and proficiency for engineering and writing efficient and correct code, could provide unique qualifications for this opportunity and look forward to discussing it further. \makeletterclosing{} \end{document}