\input{../preamble} \recipient{HR Department}{Mozilla\\Portland, OR } \date{\today} \opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} \closing{Thank you for your consideration,} \enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} \begin{document} \makelettertitle{} I am contacting you in regard to the \emph{Software Engineer (Privacy and Security)} position and would love to discuss the opportunity you have. I have been involved in software for most of my life, both as a hobby, as well as professionally. I have found software engineering to be an excellent conduit for my love of problem solving, engineering, and finding elegant solutions to complex problems. I have high standards for quality solutions that focus on simplicity, efficiency, and correctness. While I have an affinity for the Rust programming language, I have experience many other languages such as C++, Python, and C\#. I really believe in open source software and the work being done at Mozilla as a whole. I think my proficiency for engineering, along with my passion and aptitude for Rust, provide unique qualifications for this opportunity. \makeletterclosing{} \end{document}