+++ title = "Hello, World!" description = "About me" authors = ["Toby Vincent"] +++ My name is Toby Vincent. Some things about me; I have a passion for writing software, solving problems, and learning about new things. I consider myself to be a utilitarian in most regards, and live my life pretty minimally. I always enjoy an intriguing conversion and I try my best to have a positive impact on anyone I can. ## Tools In the past few years, I writing code almost exclusively in Rust, and have grown to really love the language. I find the core design principals of the language to be well thought out, pragmatic, and intentional. That being said, I have enjoyed many other languages such as C, Python, and C#. As for my development environment, in short, I use Neovim on Arch Linux. The slightly longer version can be found in my dotfiles which are available on [Sourcehut] and [GitHub]. In the end, it's the designing of systems, defining of logic, and solving of problems that I love. The tools I use; language, editor, or otherwise; are merely a means to that end. ## My code is your code I, along with many others, feel software should be as accessible as possible, and support the idea of free (as in freedom) software. To the end, the code I write in my free time is released under MIT or Apache-2.0 licenses. ## AMA, really Feel free to contact me through any channel. I'm open to any offers, questions, or just good conversations. :) --- {{ meta() }} [Sourcehut]: https://sr.ht/~tobyvin/.dotfiles [GitHub]: https://github.com/tobyvin/.dotfiles