// // Until now, we've only been printing our output in the console, // which is good enough for fighting alien and hermit bookkeeping. // // However, many other task require some interaction with the file system, // which is the underlying structure for organizing files on your computer. // // The File System provide a hierarchical structure for storing files // by organizing files into directories, which hold files and other directories, // thus creating a tree structure for navigating. // // Fortunately, zig standard library provide a simple api for interacting // with the file system, see the detail documentation here // // https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/std/#std.fs // // In this exercise, we'll try to // - create a new directory // - open a file in the directory // - write to the file. // // import std as always const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { // first we get the current working directory const cwd: std.fs.Dir = std.fs.cwd(); // then we'll try to make a new directory /output/ // to put our output files. cwd.makeDir("output") catch |e| switch (e) { // there are chance you might want to run this // program more than once and the path might already // been created, so we'll have to handle this error // by doing nothing // // we want to catch error.PathAlreadyExists and do nothing error.PathAlreadyExists => { return; }, // if is any other unexpected error we just propagate it through else => return e, }; // then we'll try to open our freshly created directory // wait a minute // opening a directory might fail! // what should we do here? const output_dir: std.fs.Dir = try cwd.openDir("output", .{}); // we try to open the file `zigling.txt`, // and propagate the error up if there are any errors const file: std.fs.File = try output_dir.createFile("zigling.txt", .{}); // it is a good habit to close a file after you are done with // so that other program can read it and prevent data corruption // but here we are not yet done writing to the file // if only there are a keyword in zig that // allow you "defer" code execute to the end of scope... defer file.close(); // !you are not allow to switch this two lines to before file closing line! const byte_written = try file.write("It's zigling time!"); std.debug.print("succefully wrote {} bytes.\n", .{byte_written}); } // to check if you actually write to the file, you can either, // 1. open the file on your text editor, or // 2. print the content of the file in the console with command // >> cat ./output/zigling.txt // // // More on Creating files // // notice in: // ... try output_dir.createFile("zigling.txt", .{}); // ^^^ // we passed this anonymous struct to the function call // // this is the struct `CreateFlag` with default fields // { // read: bool = false, // truncate: bool = true, // exclusive: bool = false, // lock: Lock = .none, // lock_nonblocking: bool = false, // mode: Mode = default_mode // } // // Question: // - what should you do if you want to also read the file after opening it? // - go to documentation of the struct `std.fs.Dir` here // https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/std/#std.fs.Dir // - can you find a function for opening a file? how about deleting a file? // - what kind of option can you uses with those function?