185,186c185,186 < .place => print("{s}", .{p.name}), < .path => print("--{}->", .{p.dist}), --- > .place => |p| print("{s}", .{p.name}), > .path => |p| print("--{}->", .{p.dist}), 248c248 < if (place == entry.*.?.place) return entry; --- > if (place == entry.*.?.place) return &entry.*.?; 302c302 < fn getTripTo(self: *HermitsNotebook, trip: []?TripItem, dest: *Place) void { --- > fn getTripTo(self: *HermitsNotebook, trip: []?TripItem, dest: *Place) TripError!void { 336d335 < // Note: you do not need to fix anything here. 419,422c418 < // We convert the usize length to a u8 with @intCast(), a < // builtin function just like @import(). We'll learn about < // these properly in a later exercise. < var i: u8 = @intCast(u8, trip.len); --- > var i: u8 = @intCast(u8, trip.len); // convert usize length 449,452c445,446 < // Search" (BFS). < // < // By tracking "lowest cost" paths, we can also say that we're < // performing a "least-cost search". --- > // Search" (BFS). By tracking "lowest cost" paths, we can also say > // that we're performing a "least-cost search".