/** * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { ILinkifierEvent, ILinkMatcher, LinkMatcherHandler, ILinkMatcherOptions, ILinkifier, IMouseZoneManager, IMouseZone, IRegisteredLinkMatcher } from 'browser/Types'; import { IBufferStringIteratorResult } from 'common/buffer/Types'; import { EventEmitter, IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter'; import { ILogService, IBufferService, IOptionsService, IUnicodeService } from 'common/services/Services'; /** * Limit of the unwrapping line expansion (overscan) at the top and bottom * of the actual viewport in ASCII characters. * A limit of 2000 should match most sane urls. */ const OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT = 2000; /** * The Linkifier applies links to rows shortly after they have been refreshed. */ export class Linkifier implements ILinkifier { /** * The time to wait after a row is changed before it is linkified. This prevents * the costly operation of searching every row multiple times, potentially a * huge amount of times. */ protected static _timeBeforeLatency = 200; protected _linkMatchers: IRegisteredLinkMatcher[] = []; private _mouseZoneManager: IMouseZoneManager | undefined; private _element: HTMLElement | undefined; private _rowsTimeoutId: number | undefined; private _nextLinkMatcherId = 0; private _rowsToLinkify: { start: number | undefined, end: number | undefined }; private _onShowLinkUnderline = new EventEmitter(); public get onShowLinkUnderline(): IEvent { return this._onShowLinkUnderline.event; } private _onHideLinkUnderline = new EventEmitter(); public get onHideLinkUnderline(): IEvent { return this._onHideLinkUnderline.event; } private _onLinkTooltip = new EventEmitter(); public get onLinkTooltip(): IEvent { return this._onLinkTooltip.event; } constructor( @IBufferService protected readonly _bufferService: IBufferService, @ILogService private readonly _logService: ILogService, @IUnicodeService private readonly _unicodeService: IUnicodeService ) { this._rowsToLinkify = { start: undefined, end: undefined }; } /** * Attaches the linkifier to the DOM, enabling linkification. * @param mouseZoneManager The mouse zone manager to register link zones with. */ public attachToDom(element: HTMLElement, mouseZoneManager: IMouseZoneManager): void { this._element = element; this._mouseZoneManager = mouseZoneManager; } /** * Queue linkification on a set of rows. * @param start The row to linkify from (inclusive). * @param end The row to linkify to (inclusive). */ public linkifyRows(start: number, end: number): void { // Don't attempt linkify if not yet attached to DOM if (!this._mouseZoneManager) { return; } // Increase range to linkify if (this._rowsToLinkify.start === undefined || this._rowsToLinkify.end === undefined) { this._rowsToLinkify.start = start; this._rowsToLinkify.end = end; } else { this._rowsToLinkify.start = Math.min(this._rowsToLinkify.start, start); this._rowsToLinkify.end = Math.max(this._rowsToLinkify.end, end); } // Clear out any existing links on this row range this._mouseZoneManager.clearAll(start, end); // Restart timer if (this._rowsTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(this._rowsTimeoutId); } // Cannot use window.setTimeout since tests need to run in node this._rowsTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => this._linkifyRows(), Linkifier._timeBeforeLatency) as any as number; } /** * Linkifies the rows requested. */ private _linkifyRows(): void { this._rowsTimeoutId = undefined; const buffer = this._bufferService.buffer; if (this._rowsToLinkify.start === undefined || this._rowsToLinkify.end === undefined) { this._logService.debug('_rowToLinkify was unset before _linkifyRows was called'); return; } // Ensure the start row exists const absoluteRowIndexStart = buffer.ydisp + this._rowsToLinkify.start; if (absoluteRowIndexStart >= buffer.lines.length) { return; } // Invalidate bad end row values (if a resize happened) const absoluteRowIndexEnd = buffer.ydisp + Math.min(this._rowsToLinkify.end, this._bufferService.rows) + 1; // Iterate over the range of unwrapped content strings within start..end // (excluding). // _doLinkifyRow gets full unwrapped lines with the start row as buffer offset // for every matcher. // The unwrapping is needed to also match content that got wrapped across // several buffer lines. To avoid a worst case scenario where the whole buffer // contains just a single unwrapped string we limit this line expansion beyond // the viewport to +OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT chars (overscan) at top and bottom. // This comes with the tradeoff that matches longer than OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT // chars will not match anymore at the viewport borders. const overscanLineLimit = Math.ceil(OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT / this._bufferService.cols); const iterator = this._bufferService.buffer.iterator( false, absoluteRowIndexStart, absoluteRowIndexEnd, overscanLineLimit, overscanLineLimit); while (iterator.hasNext()) { const lineData: IBufferStringIteratorResult = iterator.next(); for (let i = 0; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) { this._doLinkifyRow(lineData.range.first, lineData.content, this._linkMatchers[i]); } } this._rowsToLinkify.start = undefined; this._rowsToLinkify.end = undefined; } /** * Registers a link matcher, allowing custom link patterns to be matched and * handled. * @param regex The regular expression to search for. Specifically, this * searches the textContent of the rows. You will want to use \s to match a * space ' ' character for example. * @param handler The callback when the link is called. * @param options Options for the link matcher. * @return The ID of the new matcher, this can be used to deregister. */ public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: LinkMatcherHandler, options: ILinkMatcherOptions = {}): number { if (!handler) { throw new Error('handler must be defined'); } const matcher: IRegisteredLinkMatcher = { id: this._nextLinkMatcherId++, regex, handler, matchIndex: options.matchIndex, validationCallback: options.validationCallback, hoverTooltipCallback: options.tooltipCallback, hoverLeaveCallback: options.leaveCallback, willLinkActivate: options.willLinkActivate, priority: options.priority || 0 }; this._addLinkMatcherToList(matcher); return matcher.id; } /** * Inserts a link matcher to the list in the correct position based on the * priority of each link matcher. New link matchers of equal priority are * considered after older link matchers. * @param matcher The link matcher to be added. */ private _addLinkMatcherToList(matcher: IRegisteredLinkMatcher): void { if (this._linkMatchers.length === 0) { this._linkMatchers.push(matcher); return; } for (let i = this._linkMatchers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (matcher.priority <= this._linkMatchers[i].priority) { this._linkMatchers.splice(i + 1, 0, matcher); return; } } this._linkMatchers.splice(0, 0, matcher); } /** * Deregisters a link matcher if it has been registered. * @param matcherId The link matcher's ID (returned after register) * @return Whether a link matcher was found and deregistered. */ public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) { if (this._linkMatchers[i].id === matcherId) { this._linkMatchers.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } /** * Linkifies a row given a specific handler. * @param rowIndex The row index to linkify (absolute index). * @param text string content of the unwrapped row. * @param matcher The link matcher for this line. */ private _doLinkifyRow(rowIndex: number, text: string, matcher: ILinkMatcher): void { // clone regex to do a global search on text const rex = new RegExp(matcher.regex.source, (matcher.regex.flags || '') + 'g'); let match; let stringIndex = -1; while ((match = rex.exec(text)) !== null) { const uri = match[typeof matcher.matchIndex !== 'number' ? 0 : matcher.matchIndex]; if (!uri) { // something matched but does not comply with the given matchIndex // since this is most likely a bug the regex itself we simply do nothing here this._logService.debug('match found without corresponding matchIndex', match, matcher); break; } // Get index, match.index is for the outer match which includes negated chars // therefore we cannot use match.index directly, instead we search the position // of the match group in text again // also correct regex and string search offsets for the next loop run stringIndex = text.indexOf(uri, stringIndex + 1); rex.lastIndex = stringIndex + uri.length; if (stringIndex < 0) { // invalid stringIndex (should not have happened) break; } // get the buffer index as [absolute row, col] for the match const bufferIndex = this._bufferService.buffer.stringIndexToBufferIndex(rowIndex, stringIndex); if (bufferIndex[0] < 0) { // invalid bufferIndex (should not have happened) break; } const line = this._bufferService.buffer.lines.get(bufferIndex[0]); if (!line) { break; } const attr = line.getFg(bufferIndex[1]); const fg = attr ? (attr >> 9) & 0x1ff : undefined; if (matcher.validationCallback) { matcher.validationCallback(uri, isValid => { // Discard link if the line has already changed if (this._rowsTimeoutId) { return; } if (isValid) { this._addLink(bufferIndex[1], bufferIndex[0] - this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp, uri, matcher, fg); } }); } else { this._addLink(bufferIndex[1], bufferIndex[0] - this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp, uri, matcher, fg); } } } /** * Registers a link to the mouse zone manager. * @param x The column the link starts. * @param y The row the link is on. * @param uri The URI of the link. * @param matcher The link matcher for the link. * @param fg The link color for hover event. */ private _addLink(x: number, y: number, uri: string, matcher: ILinkMatcher, fg: number | undefined): void { if (!this._mouseZoneManager || !this._element) { return; } // FIXME: get cell length from buffer to avoid mismatch after Unicode version change const width = this._unicodeService.getStringCellWidth(uri); const x1 = x % this._bufferService.cols; const y1 = y + Math.floor(x / this._bufferService.cols); let x2 = (x1 + width) % this._bufferService.cols; let y2 = y1 + Math.floor((x1 + width) / this._bufferService.cols); if (x2 === 0) { x2 = this._bufferService.cols; y2--; } this._mouseZoneManager.add(new MouseZone( x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, e => { if (matcher.handler) { return matcher.handler(e, uri); } const newWindow = window.open(); if (newWindow) { newWindow.opener = null; newWindow.location.href = uri; } else { console.warn('Opening link blocked as opener could not be cleared'); } }, () => { this._onShowLinkUnderline.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg)); this._element!.classList.add('xterm-cursor-pointer'); }, e => { this._onLinkTooltip.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg)); if (matcher.hoverTooltipCallback) { // Note that IViewportRange use 1-based coordinates to align with escape sequences such // as CUP which use 1,1 as the default for row/col matcher.hoverTooltipCallback(e, uri, { start: { x: x1, y: y1 }, end: { x: x2, y: y2 } }); } }, () => { this._onHideLinkUnderline.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg)); this._element!.classList.remove('xterm-cursor-pointer'); if (matcher.hoverLeaveCallback) { matcher.hoverLeaveCallback(); } }, e => { if (matcher.willLinkActivate) { return matcher.willLinkActivate(e, uri); } return true; } )); } private _createLinkHoverEvent(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, fg: number | undefined): ILinkifierEvent { return { x1, y1, x2, y2, cols: this._bufferService.cols, fg }; } } export class MouseZone implements IMouseZone { constructor( public x1: number, public y1: number, public x2: number, public y2: number, public clickCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any, public hoverCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any, public tooltipCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any, public leaveCallback: () => void, public willLinkActivate: (e: MouseEvent) => boolean ) { } }