/** * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ export function getCoordsRelativeToElement(event: {clientX: number, clientY: number}, element: HTMLElement): [number, number] { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return [event.clientX - rect.left, event.clientY - rect.top]; } /** * Gets coordinates within the terminal for a particular mouse event. The result * is returned as an array in the form [x, y] instead of an object as it's a * little faster and this function is used in some low level code. * @param event The mouse event. * @param element The terminal's container element. * @param colCount The number of columns in the terminal. * @param rowCount The number of rows n the terminal. * @param isSelection Whether the request is for the selection or not. This will * apply an offset to the x value such that the left half of the cell will * select that cell and the right half will select the next cell. */ export function getCoords(event: {clientX: number, clientY: number}, element: HTMLElement, colCount: number, rowCount: number, hasValidCharSize: boolean, actualCellWidth: number, actualCellHeight: number, isSelection?: boolean): [number, number] | undefined { // Coordinates cannot be measured if there are no valid if (!hasValidCharSize) { return undefined; } const coords = getCoordsRelativeToElement(event, element); if (!coords) { return undefined; } coords[0] = Math.ceil((coords[0] + (isSelection ? actualCellWidth / 2 : 0)) / actualCellWidth); coords[1] = Math.ceil(coords[1] / actualCellHeight); // Ensure coordinates are within the terminal viewport. Note that selections // need an addition point of precision to cover the end point (as characters // cover half of one char and half of the next). coords[0] = Math.min(Math.max(coords[0], 1), colCount + (isSelection ? 1 : 0)); coords[1] = Math.min(Math.max(coords[1], 1), rowCount); return coords; } /** * Gets coordinates within the terminal for a particular mouse event, wrapping * them to the bounds of the terminal and adding 32 to both the x and y values * as expected by xterm. */ export function getRawByteCoords(coords: [number, number] | undefined): { x: number, y: number } | undefined { if (!coords) { return undefined; } // xterm sends raw bytes and starts at 32 (SP) for each. return { x: coords[0] + 32, y: coords[1] + 32 }; }