/** * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { Terminal as ITerminalApi, IMarker, IDisposable, ILinkMatcherOptions, ITheme, ILocalizableStrings, ITerminalAddon, ISelectionPosition, IBufferNamespace as IBufferNamespaceApi, IParser, ILinkProvider, IUnicodeHandling, FontWeight, IModes } from 'xterm'; import { ITerminal } from 'browser/Types'; import { Terminal as TerminalCore } from 'browser/Terminal'; import * as Strings from 'browser/LocalizableStrings'; import { IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter'; import { ParserApi } from 'common/public/ParserApi'; import { UnicodeApi } from 'common/public/UnicodeApi'; import { AddonManager } from 'common/public/AddonManager'; import { BufferNamespaceApi } from 'common/public/BufferNamespaceApi'; import { ITerminalOptions } from 'common/Types'; /** * The set of options that only have an effect when set in the Terminal constructor. */ const CONSTRUCTOR_ONLY_OPTIONS = ['cols', 'rows']; export class Terminal implements ITerminalApi { private _core: ITerminal; private _addonManager: AddonManager; private _parser: IParser | undefined; private _buffer: BufferNamespaceApi | undefined; private _publicOptions: ITerminalOptions; constructor(options?: ITerminalOptions) { this._core = new TerminalCore(options); this._addonManager = new AddonManager(); this._publicOptions = { ... this._core.options }; const getter = (propName: string): any => { return this._core.options[propName]; }; const setter = (propName: string, value: any): void => { this._checkReadonlyOptions(propName); this._core.options[propName] = value; }; for (const propName in this._core.options) { const desc = { get: getter.bind(this, propName), set: setter.bind(this, propName) }; Object.defineProperty(this._publicOptions, propName, desc); } } private _checkReadonlyOptions(propName: string): void { // Throw an error if any constructor only option is modified // from terminal.options // Modifications from anywhere else are allowed if (CONSTRUCTOR_ONLY_OPTIONS.includes(propName)) { throw new Error(`Option "${propName}" can only be set in the constructor`); } } private _checkProposedApi(): void { if (!this._core.optionsService.rawOptions.allowProposedApi) { throw new Error('You must set the allowProposedApi option to true to use proposed API'); } } public get onBell(): IEvent { return this._core.onBell; } public get onBinary(): IEvent { return this._core.onBinary; } public get onCursorMove(): IEvent { return this._core.onCursorMove; } public get onData(): IEvent { return this._core.onData; } public get onKey(): IEvent<{ key: string, domEvent: KeyboardEvent }> { return this._core.onKey; } public get onLineFeed(): IEvent { return this._core.onLineFeed; } public get onRender(): IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }> { return this._core.onRender; } public get onResize(): IEvent<{ cols: number, rows: number }> { return this._core.onResize; } public get onScroll(): IEvent { return this._core.onScroll; } public get onSelectionChange(): IEvent { return this._core.onSelectionChange; } public get onTitleChange(): IEvent { return this._core.onTitleChange; } public get element(): HTMLElement | undefined { return this._core.element; } public get parser(): IParser { this._checkProposedApi(); if (!this._parser) { this._parser = new ParserApi(this._core); } return this._parser; } public get unicode(): IUnicodeHandling { this._checkProposedApi(); return new UnicodeApi(this._core); } public get textarea(): HTMLTextAreaElement | undefined { return this._core.textarea; } public get rows(): number { return this._core.rows; } public get cols(): number { return this._core.cols; } public get buffer(): IBufferNamespaceApi { this._checkProposedApi(); if (!this._buffer) { this._buffer = new BufferNamespaceApi(this._core); } return this._buffer; } public get markers(): ReadonlyArray { this._checkProposedApi(); return this._core.markers; } public get modes(): IModes { const m = this._core.coreService.decPrivateModes; let mouseTrackingMode: 'none' | 'x10' | 'vt200' | 'drag' | 'any' = 'none'; switch (this._core.coreMouseService.activeProtocol) { case 'X10': mouseTrackingMode = 'x10'; break; case 'VT200': mouseTrackingMode = 'vt200'; break; case 'DRAG': mouseTrackingMode = 'drag'; break; case 'ANY': mouseTrackingMode = 'any'; break; } return { applicationCursorKeysMode: m.applicationCursorKeys, applicationKeypadMode: m.applicationKeypad, bracketedPasteMode: m.bracketedPasteMode, insertMode: this._core.coreService.modes.insertMode, mouseTrackingMode: mouseTrackingMode, originMode: m.origin, reverseWraparoundMode: m.reverseWraparound, sendFocusMode: m.sendFocus, wraparoundMode: m.wraparound }; } public get options(): ITerminalOptions { return this._publicOptions; } public set options(options: ITerminalOptions) { for (const propName in options) { this._publicOptions[propName] = options[propName]; } } public blur(): void { this._core.blur(); } public focus(): void { this._core.focus(); } public resize(columns: number, rows: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(columns, rows); this._core.resize(columns, rows); } public open(parent: HTMLElement): void { this._core.open(parent); } public attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean): void { this._core.attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler); } public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: (event: MouseEvent, uri: string) => void, options?: ILinkMatcherOptions): number { this._checkProposedApi(); return this._core.registerLinkMatcher(regex, handler, options); } public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): void { this._checkProposedApi(); this._core.deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId); } public registerLinkProvider(linkProvider: ILinkProvider): IDisposable { this._checkProposedApi(); return this._core.registerLinkProvider(linkProvider); } public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: (text: string) => [number, number][]): number { this._checkProposedApi(); return this._core.registerCharacterJoiner(handler); } public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): void { this._checkProposedApi(); this._core.deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId); } public registerMarker(cursorYOffset: number): IMarker | undefined { this._checkProposedApi(); this._verifyIntegers(cursorYOffset); return this._core.addMarker(cursorYOffset); } public addMarker(cursorYOffset: number): IMarker | undefined { return this.registerMarker(cursorYOffset); } public hasSelection(): boolean { return this._core.hasSelection(); } public select(column: number, row: number, length: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(column, row, length); this._core.select(column, row, length); } public getSelection(): string { return this._core.getSelection(); } public getSelectionPosition(): ISelectionPosition | undefined { return this._core.getSelectionPosition(); } public clearSelection(): void { this._core.clearSelection(); } public selectAll(): void { this._core.selectAll(); } public selectLines(start: number, end: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(start, end); this._core.selectLines(start, end); } public dispose(): void { this._addonManager.dispose(); this._core.dispose(); } public scrollLines(amount: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(amount); this._core.scrollLines(amount); } public scrollPages(pageCount: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(pageCount); this._core.scrollPages(pageCount); } public scrollToTop(): void { this._core.scrollToTop(); } public scrollToBottom(): void { this._core.scrollToBottom(); } public scrollToLine(line: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(line); this._core.scrollToLine(line); } public clear(): void { this._core.clear(); } public write(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void { this._core.write(data, callback); } public writeUtf8(data: Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void { this._core.write(data, callback); } public writeln(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void { this._core.write(data); this._core.write('\r\n', callback); } public paste(data: string): void { this._core.paste(data); } public getOption(key: 'bellSound' | 'bellStyle' | 'cursorStyle' | 'fontFamily' | 'logLevel' | 'rendererType' | 'termName' | 'wordSeparator'): string; public getOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'altClickMovesCursor' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'disableStdin' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'popOnBell' | 'visualBell'): boolean; public getOption(key: 'cols' | 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'rows' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback'): number; public getOption(key: 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold'): FontWeight; public getOption(key: string): any; public getOption(key: any): any { return this._core.optionsService.getOption(key); } public setOption(key: 'bellSound' | 'fontFamily' | 'termName' | 'wordSeparator', value: string): void; public setOption(key: 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold', value: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900' | number): void; public setOption(key: 'logLevel', value: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off'): void; public setOption(key: 'bellStyle', value: 'none' | 'visual' | 'sound' | 'both'): void; public setOption(key: 'cursorStyle', value: 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar'): void; public setOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'altClickMovesCursor' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'disableStdin' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'popOnBell' | 'visualBell', value: boolean): void; public setOption(key: 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback', value: number): void; public setOption(key: 'theme', value: ITheme): void; public setOption(key: 'cols' | 'rows', value: number): void; public setOption(key: string, value: any): void; public setOption(key: any, value: any): void { this._checkReadonlyOptions(key); this._core.optionsService.setOption(key, value); } public refresh(start: number, end: number): void { this._verifyIntegers(start, end); this._core.refresh(start, end); } public reset(): void { this._core.reset(); } public clearTextureAtlas(): void { this._core.clearTextureAtlas(); } public loadAddon(addon: ITerminalAddon): void { return this._addonManager.loadAddon(this, addon); } public static get strings(): ILocalizableStrings { return Strings; } private _verifyIntegers(...values: number[]): void { for (const value of values) { if (value === Infinity || isNaN(value) || value % 1 !== 0) { throw new Error('This API only accepts integers'); } } } }