/** * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { IRenderDimensions } from 'browser/renderer/Types'; import { BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer'; import { INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from 'browser/renderer/atlas/Constants'; import { is256Color } from 'browser/renderer/atlas/CharAtlasUtils'; import { IColorSet, ILinkifierEvent, ILinkifier, ILinkifier2 } from 'browser/Types'; import { IBufferService, IOptionsService } from 'common/services/Services'; export class LinkRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer { private _state: ILinkifierEvent | undefined; constructor( container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet, rendererId: number, linkifier: ILinkifier, linkifier2: ILinkifier2, @IBufferService bufferService: IBufferService, @IOptionsService optionsService: IOptionsService ) { super(container, 'link', zIndex, true, colors, rendererId, bufferService, optionsService); linkifier.onShowLinkUnderline(e => this._onShowLinkUnderline(e)); linkifier.onHideLinkUnderline(e => this._onHideLinkUnderline(e)); linkifier2.onShowLinkUnderline(e => this._onShowLinkUnderline(e)); linkifier2.onHideLinkUnderline(e => this._onHideLinkUnderline(e)); } public resize(dim: IRenderDimensions): void { super.resize(dim); // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state this._state = undefined; } public reset(): void { this._clearCurrentLink(); } private _clearCurrentLink(): void { if (this._state) { this._clearCells(this._state.x1, this._state.y1, this._state.cols - this._state.x1, 1); const middleRowCount = this._state.y2 - this._state.y1 - 1; if (middleRowCount > 0) { this._clearCells(0, this._state.y1 + 1, this._state.cols, middleRowCount); } this._clearCells(0, this._state.y2, this._state.x2, 1); this._state = undefined; } } private _onShowLinkUnderline(e: ILinkifierEvent): void { if (e.fg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) { this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css; } else if (e.fg && is256Color(e.fg)) { // 256 color support this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[e.fg].css; } else { this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css; } if (e.y1 === e.y2) { // Single line link this._fillBottomLineAtCells(e.x1, e.y1, e.x2 - e.x1); } else { // Multi-line link this._fillBottomLineAtCells(e.x1, e.y1, e.cols - e.x1); for (let y = e.y1 + 1; y < e.y2; y++) { this._fillBottomLineAtCells(0, y, e.cols); } this._fillBottomLineAtCells(0, e.y2, e.x2); } this._state = e; } private _onHideLinkUnderline(e: ILinkifierEvent): void { this._clearCurrentLink(); } }