/** * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { ISelectionRedrawRequestEvent, ISelectionRequestScrollLinesEvent } from 'browser/selection/Types'; import { IBuffer } from 'common/buffer/Types'; import { IBufferLine, IDisposable } from 'common/Types'; import * as Browser from 'common/Platform'; import { SelectionModel } from 'browser/selection/SelectionModel'; import { CellData } from 'common/buffer/CellData'; import { EventEmitter, IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter'; import { IMouseService, ISelectionService, IRenderService } from 'browser/services/Services'; import { ILinkifier2 } from 'browser/Types'; import { IBufferService, IOptionsService, ICoreService } from 'common/services/Services'; import { getCoordsRelativeToElement } from 'browser/input/Mouse'; import { moveToCellSequence } from 'browser/input/MoveToCell'; import { Disposable } from 'common/Lifecycle'; import { getRangeLength } from 'common/buffer/BufferRange'; /** * The number of pixels the mouse needs to be above or below the viewport in * order to scroll at the maximum speed. */ const DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD = 50; /** * The maximum scrolling speed */ const DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED = 15; /** * The number of milliseconds between drag scroll updates. */ const DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL = 50; /** * The maximum amount of time that can have elapsed for an alt click to move the * cursor. */ const ALT_CLICK_MOVE_CURSOR_TIME = 500; const NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(160); const ALL_NON_BREAKING_SPACE_REGEX = new RegExp(NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR, 'g'); /** * Represents a position of a word on a line. */ interface IWordPosition { start: number; length: number; } /** * A selection mode, this drives how the selection behaves on mouse move. */ export const enum SelectionMode { NORMAL, WORD, LINE, COLUMN } /** * A class that manages the selection of the terminal. With help from * SelectionModel, SelectionService handles with all logic associated with * dealing with the selection, including handling mouse interaction, wide * characters and fetching the actual text within the selection. Rendering is * not handled by the SelectionService but the onRedrawRequest event is fired * when the selection is ready to be redrawn (on an animation frame). */ export class SelectionService extends Disposable implements ISelectionService { public serviceBrand: undefined; protected _model: SelectionModel; /** * The amount to scroll every drag scroll update (depends on how far the mouse * drag is above or below the terminal). */ private _dragScrollAmount: number = 0; /** * The current selection mode. */ protected _activeSelectionMode: SelectionMode; /** * A setInterval timer that is active while the mouse is down whose callback * scrolls the viewport when necessary. */ private _dragScrollIntervalTimer: number | undefined; /** * The animation frame ID used for refreshing the selection. */ private _refreshAnimationFrame: number | undefined; /** * Whether selection is enabled. */ private _enabled = true; private _mouseMoveListener: EventListener; private _mouseUpListener: EventListener; private _trimListener: IDisposable; private _workCell: CellData = new CellData(); private _mouseDownTimeStamp: number = 0; private _oldHasSelection: boolean = false; private _oldSelectionStart: [number, number] | undefined = undefined; private _oldSelectionEnd: [number, number] | undefined = undefined; private _onLinuxMouseSelection = this.register(new EventEmitter()); public get onLinuxMouseSelection(): IEvent { return this._onLinuxMouseSelection.event; } private _onRedrawRequest = this.register(new EventEmitter()); public get onRequestRedraw(): IEvent { return this._onRedrawRequest.event; } private _onSelectionChange = this.register(new EventEmitter()); public get onSelectionChange(): IEvent { return this._onSelectionChange.event; } private _onRequestScrollLines = this.register(new EventEmitter()); public get onRequestScrollLines(): IEvent { return this._onRequestScrollLines.event; } constructor( private readonly _element: HTMLElement, private readonly _screenElement: HTMLElement, private readonly _linkifier: ILinkifier2, @IBufferService private readonly _bufferService: IBufferService, @ICoreService private readonly _coreService: ICoreService, @IMouseService private readonly _mouseService: IMouseService, @IOptionsService private readonly _optionsService: IOptionsService, @IRenderService private readonly _renderService: IRenderService ) { super(); // Init listeners this._mouseMoveListener = event => this._onMouseMove(event as MouseEvent); this._mouseUpListener = event => this._onMouseUp(event as MouseEvent); this._coreService.onUserInput(() => { if (this.hasSelection) { this.clearSelection(); } }); this._trimListener = this._bufferService.buffer.lines.onTrim(amount => this._onTrim(amount)); this.register(this._bufferService.buffers.onBufferActivate(e => this._onBufferActivate(e))); this.enable(); this._model = new SelectionModel(this._bufferService); this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.NORMAL; } public dispose(): void { this._removeMouseDownListeners(); } public reset(): void { this.clearSelection(); } /** * Disables the selection manager. This is useful for when terminal mouse * are enabled. */ public disable(): void { this.clearSelection(); this._enabled = false; } /** * Enable the selection manager. */ public enable(): void { this._enabled = true; } public get selectionStart(): [number, number] | undefined { return this._model.finalSelectionStart; } public get selectionEnd(): [number, number] | undefined { return this._model.finalSelectionEnd; } /** * Gets whether there is an active text selection. */ public get hasSelection(): boolean { const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart; const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd; if (!start || !end) { return false; } return start[0] !== end[0] || start[1] !== end[1]; } /** * Gets the text currently selected. */ public get selectionText(): string { const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart; const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd; if (!start || !end) { return ''; } const buffer = this._bufferService.buffer; const result: string[] = []; if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.COLUMN) { // Ignore zero width selections if (start[0] === end[0]) { return ''; } for (let i = start[1]; i <= end[1]; i++) { const lineText = buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, true, start[0], end[0]); result.push(lineText); } } else { // Get first row const startRowEndCol = start[1] === end[1] ? end[0] : undefined; result.push(buffer.translateBufferLineToString(start[1], true, start[0], startRowEndCol)); // Get middle rows for (let i = start[1] + 1; i <= end[1] - 1; i++) { const bufferLine = buffer.lines.get(i); const lineText = buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, true); if (bufferLine?.isWrapped) { result[result.length - 1] += lineText; } else { result.push(lineText); } } // Get final row if (start[1] !== end[1]) { const bufferLine = buffer.lines.get(end[1]); const lineText = buffer.translateBufferLineToString(end[1], true, 0, end[0]); if (bufferLine && bufferLine!.isWrapped) { result[result.length - 1] += lineText; } else { result.push(lineText); } } } // Format string by replacing non-breaking space chars with regular spaces // and joining the array into a multi-line string. const formattedResult = result.map(line => { return line.replace(ALL_NON_BREAKING_SPACE_REGEX, ' '); }).join(Browser.isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n'); return formattedResult; } /** * Clears the current terminal selection. */ public clearSelection(): void { this._model.clearSelection(); this._removeMouseDownListeners(); this.refresh(); this._onSelectionChange.fire(); } /** * Queues a refresh, redrawing the selection on the next opportunity. * @param isLinuxMouseSelection Whether the selection should be registered as a new * selection on Linux. */ public refresh(isLinuxMouseSelection?: boolean): void { // Queue the refresh for the renderer if (!this._refreshAnimationFrame) { this._refreshAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._refresh()); } // If the platform is Linux and the refresh call comes from a mouse event, // we need to update the selection for middle click to paste selection. if (Browser.isLinux && isLinuxMouseSelection) { const selectionText = this.selectionText; if (selectionText.length) { this._onLinuxMouseSelection.fire(this.selectionText); } } } /** * Fires the refresh event, causing consumers to pick it up and redraw the * selection state. */ private _refresh(): void { this._refreshAnimationFrame = undefined; this._onRedrawRequest.fire({ start: this._model.finalSelectionStart, end: this._model.finalSelectionEnd, columnSelectMode: this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.COLUMN }); } /** * Checks if the current click was inside the current selection * @param event The mouse event */ private _isClickInSelection(event: MouseEvent): boolean { const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart; const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd; if (!start || !end || !coords) { return false; } return this._areCoordsInSelection(coords, start, end); } protected _areCoordsInSelection(coords: [number, number], start: [number, number], end: [number, number]): boolean { return (coords[1] > start[1] && coords[1] < end[1]) || (start[1] === end[1] && coords[1] === start[1] && coords[0] >= start[0] && coords[0] < end[0]) || (start[1] < end[1] && coords[1] === end[1] && coords[0] < end[0]) || (start[1] < end[1] && coords[1] === start[1] && coords[0] >= start[0]); } /** * Selects word at the current mouse event coordinates. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _selectWordAtCursor(event: MouseEvent, allowWhitespaceOnlySelection: boolean): boolean { // Check if there is a link under the cursor first and select that if so const range = this._linkifier.currentLink?.link?.range; if (range) { this._model.selectionStart = [range.start.x - 1, range.start.y - 1]; this._model.selectionStartLength = getRangeLength(range, this._bufferService.cols); this._model.selectionEnd = undefined; return true; } const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); if (coords) { this._selectWordAt(coords, allowWhitespaceOnlySelection); this._model.selectionEnd = undefined; return true; } return false; } /** * Selects all text within the terminal. */ public selectAll(): void { this._model.isSelectAllActive = true; this.refresh(); this._onSelectionChange.fire(); } public selectLines(start: number, end: number): void { this._model.clearSelection(); start = Math.max(start, 0); end = Math.min(end, this._bufferService.buffer.lines.length - 1); this._model.selectionStart = [0, start]; this._model.selectionEnd = [this._bufferService.cols, end]; this.refresh(); this._onSelectionChange.fire(); } /** * Handle the buffer being trimmed, adjust the selection position. * @param amount The amount the buffer is being trimmed. */ private _onTrim(amount: number): void { const needsRefresh = this._model.onTrim(amount); if (needsRefresh) { this.refresh(); } } /** * Gets the 0-based [x, y] buffer coordinates of the current mouse event. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _getMouseBufferCoords(event: MouseEvent): [number, number] | undefined { const coords = this._mouseService.getCoords(event, this._screenElement, this._bufferService.cols, this._bufferService.rows, true); if (!coords) { return undefined; } // Convert to 0-based coords[0]--; coords[1]--; // Convert viewport coords to buffer coords coords[1] += this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp; return coords; } /** * Gets the amount the viewport should be scrolled based on how far out of the * terminal the mouse is. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _getMouseEventScrollAmount(event: MouseEvent): number { let offset = getCoordsRelativeToElement(event, this._screenElement)[1]; const terminalHeight = this._renderService.dimensions.canvasHeight; if (offset >= 0 && offset <= terminalHeight) { return 0; } if (offset > terminalHeight) { offset -= terminalHeight; } offset = Math.min(Math.max(offset, -DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD), DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD); offset /= DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD; return (offset / Math.abs(offset)) + Math.round(offset * (DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED - 1)); } /** * Returns whether the selection manager should force selection, regardless of * whether the terminal is in mouse events mode. * @param event The mouse event. */ public shouldForceSelection(event: MouseEvent): boolean { if (Browser.isMac) { return event.altKey && this._optionsService.rawOptions.macOptionClickForcesSelection; } return event.shiftKey; } /** * Handles te mousedown event, setting up for a new selection. * @param event The mousedown event. */ public onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void { this._mouseDownTimeStamp = event.timeStamp; // If we have selection, we want the context menu on right click even if the // terminal is in mouse mode. if (event.button === 2 && this.hasSelection) { return; } // Only action the primary button if (event.button !== 0) { return; } // Allow selection when using a specific modifier key, even when disabled if (!this._enabled) { if (!this.shouldForceSelection(event)) { return; } // Don't send the mouse down event to the current process, we want to select event.stopPropagation(); } // Tell the browser not to start a regular selection event.preventDefault(); // Reset drag scroll state this._dragScrollAmount = 0; if (this._enabled && event.shiftKey) { this._onIncrementalClick(event); } else { if (event.detail === 1) { this._onSingleClick(event); } else if (event.detail === 2) { this._onDoubleClick(event); } else if (event.detail === 3) { this._onTripleClick(event); } } this._addMouseDownListeners(); this.refresh(true); } /** * Adds listeners when mousedown is triggered. */ private _addMouseDownListeners(): void { // Listen on the document so that dragging outside of viewport works if (this._screenElement.ownerDocument) { this._screenElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener); this._screenElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUpListener); } this._dragScrollIntervalTimer = window.setInterval(() => this._dragScroll(), DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL); } /** * Removes the listeners that are registered when mousedown is triggered. */ private _removeMouseDownListeners(): void { if (this._screenElement.ownerDocument) { this._screenElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener); this._screenElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUpListener); } clearInterval(this._dragScrollIntervalTimer); this._dragScrollIntervalTimer = undefined; } /** * Performs an incremental click, setting the selection end position to the mouse * position. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _onIncrementalClick(event: MouseEvent): void { if (this._model.selectionStart) { this._model.selectionEnd = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); } } /** * Performs a single click, resetting relevant state and setting the selection * start position. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _onSingleClick(event: MouseEvent): void { this._model.selectionStartLength = 0; this._model.isSelectAllActive = false; this._activeSelectionMode = this.shouldColumnSelect(event) ? SelectionMode.COLUMN : SelectionMode.NORMAL; // Initialize the new selection this._model.selectionStart = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); if (!this._model.selectionStart) { return; } this._model.selectionEnd = undefined; // Ensure the line exists const line = this._bufferService.buffer.lines.get(this._model.selectionStart[1]); if (!line) { return; } // Return early if the click event is not in the buffer (eg. in scroll bar) if (line.length === this._model.selectionStart[0]) { return; } // If the mouse is over the second half of a wide character, adjust the // selection to cover the whole character if (line.hasWidth(this._model.selectionStart[0]) === 0) { this._model.selectionStart[0]++; } } /** * Performs a double click, selecting the current word. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _onDoubleClick(event: MouseEvent): void { if (this._selectWordAtCursor(event, true)) { this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.WORD; } } /** * Performs a triple click, selecting the current line and activating line * select mode. * @param event The mouse event. */ private _onTripleClick(event: MouseEvent): void { const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); if (coords) { this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.LINE; this._selectLineAt(coords[1]); } } /** * Returns whether the selection manager should operate in column select mode * @param event the mouse or keyboard event */ public shouldColumnSelect(event: KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent): boolean { return event.altKey && !(Browser.isMac && this._optionsService.rawOptions.macOptionClickForcesSelection); } /** * Handles the mousemove event when the mouse button is down, recording the * end of the selection and refreshing the selection. * @param event The mousemove event. */ private _onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent): void { // If the mousemove listener is active it means that a selection is // currently being made, we should stop propagation to prevent mouse events // to be sent to the pty. event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Do nothing if there is no selection start, this can happen if the first // click in the terminal is an incremental click if (!this._model.selectionStart) { return; } // Record the previous position so we know whether to redraw the selection // at the end. const previousSelectionEnd = this._model.selectionEnd ? [this._model.selectionEnd[0], this._model.selectionEnd[1]] : null; // Set the initial selection end based on the mouse coordinates this._model.selectionEnd = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event); if (!this._model.selectionEnd) { this.refresh(true); return; } // Select the entire line if line select mode is active. if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.LINE) { if (this._model.selectionEnd[1] < this._model.selectionStart[1]) { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0; } else { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._bufferService.cols; } } else if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.WORD) { this._selectToWordAt(this._model.selectionEnd); } // Determine the amount of scrolling that will happen. this._dragScrollAmount = this._getMouseEventScrollAmount(event); // If the cursor was above or below the viewport, make sure it's at the // start or end of the viewport respectively. This should only happen when // NOT in column select mode. if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) { if (this._dragScrollAmount > 0) { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._bufferService.cols; } else if (this._dragScrollAmount < 0) { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0; } } // If the character is a wide character include the cell to the right in the // selection. Note that selections at the very end of the line will never // have a character. const buffer = this._bufferService.buffer; if (this._model.selectionEnd[1] < buffer.lines.length) { const line = buffer.lines.get(this._model.selectionEnd[1]); if (line && line.hasWidth(this._model.selectionEnd[0]) === 0) { this._model.selectionEnd[0]++; } } // Only draw here if the selection changes. if (!previousSelectionEnd || previousSelectionEnd[0] !== this._model.selectionEnd[0] || previousSelectionEnd[1] !== this._model.selectionEnd[1]) { this.refresh(true); } } /** * The callback that occurs every DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL ms that does the * scrolling of the viewport. */ private _dragScroll(): void { if (!this._model.selectionEnd || !this._model.selectionStart) { return; } if (this._dragScrollAmount) { this._onRequestScrollLines.fire({ amount: this._dragScrollAmount, suppressScrollEvent: false }); // Re-evaluate selection // If the cursor was above or below the viewport, make sure it's at the // start or end of the viewport respectively. This should only happen when // NOT in column select mode. const buffer = this._bufferService.buffer; if (this._dragScrollAmount > 0) { if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._bufferService.cols; } this._model.selectionEnd[1] = Math.min(buffer.ydisp + this._bufferService.rows, buffer.lines.length - 1); } else { if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) { this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0; } this._model.selectionEnd[1] = buffer.ydisp; } this.refresh(); } } /** * Handles the mouseup event, removing the mousedown listeners. * @param event The mouseup event. */ private _onMouseUp(event: MouseEvent): void { const timeElapsed = event.timeStamp - this._mouseDownTimeStamp; this._removeMouseDownListeners(); if (this.selectionText.length <= 1 && timeElapsed < ALT_CLICK_MOVE_CURSOR_TIME && event.altKey && this._optionsService.getOption('altClickMovesCursor')) { if (this._bufferService.buffer.ybase === this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp) { const coordinates = this._mouseService.getCoords( event, this._element, this._bufferService.cols, this._bufferService.rows, false ); if (coordinates && coordinates[0] !== undefined && coordinates[1] !== undefined) { const sequence = moveToCellSequence(coordinates[0] - 1, coordinates[1] - 1, this._bufferService, this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationCursorKeys); this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(sequence, true); } } } else { this._fireEventIfSelectionChanged(); } } private _fireEventIfSelectionChanged(): void { const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart; const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd; const hasSelection = !!start && !!end && (start[0] !== end[0] || start[1] !== end[1]); if (!hasSelection) { if (this._oldHasSelection) { this._fireOnSelectionChange(start, end, hasSelection); } return; } // Sanity check, these should not be undefined as there is a selection if (!start || !end) { return; } if (!this._oldSelectionStart || !this._oldSelectionEnd || ( start[0] !== this._oldSelectionStart[0] || start[1] !== this._oldSelectionStart[1] || end[0] !== this._oldSelectionEnd[0] || end[1] !== this._oldSelectionEnd[1])) { this._fireOnSelectionChange(start, end, hasSelection); } } private _fireOnSelectionChange(start: [number, number] | undefined, end: [number, number] | undefined, hasSelection: boolean): void { this._oldSelectionStart = start; this._oldSelectionEnd = end; this._oldHasSelection = hasSelection; this._onSelectionChange.fire(); } private _onBufferActivate(e: {activeBuffer: IBuffer, inactiveBuffer: IBuffer}): void { this.clearSelection(); // Only adjust the selection on trim, shiftElements is rarely used (only in // reverseIndex) and delete in a splice is only ever used when the same // number of elements was just added. Given this is could actually be // beneficial to leave the selection as is for these cases. this._trimListener.dispose(); this._trimListener = e.activeBuffer.lines.onTrim(amount => this._onTrim(amount)); } /** * Converts a viewport column to the character index on the buffer line, the * latter takes into account wide characters. * @param coords The coordinates to find the 2 index for. */ private _convertViewportColToCharacterIndex(bufferLine: IBufferLine, coords: [number, number]): number { let charIndex = coords[0]; for (let i = 0; coords[0] >= i; i++) { const length = bufferLine.loadCell(i, this._workCell).getChars().length; if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 0) { // Wide characters aren't included in the line string so decrement the // index so the index is back on the wide character. charIndex--; } else if (length > 1 && coords[0] !== i) { // Emojis take up multiple characters, so adjust accordingly. For these // we don't want ot include the character at the column as we're // returning the start index in the string, not the end index. charIndex += length - 1; } } return charIndex; } public setSelection(col: number, row: number, length: number): void { this._model.clearSelection(); this._removeMouseDownListeners(); this._model.selectionStart = [col, row]; this._model.selectionStartLength = length; this.refresh(); } public rightClickSelect(ev: MouseEvent): void { if (!this._isClickInSelection(ev)) { if (this._selectWordAtCursor(ev, false)) { this.refresh(true); } this._fireEventIfSelectionChanged(); } } /** * Gets positional information for the word at the coordinated specified. * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at. */ private _getWordAt(coords: [number, number], allowWhitespaceOnlySelection: boolean, followWrappedLinesAbove: boolean = true, followWrappedLinesBelow: boolean = true): IWordPosition | undefined { // Ensure coords are within viewport (eg. not within scroll bar) if (coords[0] >= this._bufferService.cols) { return undefined; } const buffer = this._bufferService.buffer; const bufferLine = buffer.lines.get(coords[1]); if (!bufferLine) { return undefined; } const line = buffer.translateBufferLineToString(coords[1], false); // Get actual index, taking into consideration wide characters let startIndex = this._convertViewportColToCharacterIndex(bufferLine, coords); let endIndex = startIndex; // Record offset to be used later const charOffset = coords[0] - startIndex; let leftWideCharCount = 0; let rightWideCharCount = 0; let leftLongCharOffset = 0; let rightLongCharOffset = 0; if (line.charAt(startIndex) === ' ') { // Expand until non-whitespace is hit while (startIndex > 0 && line.charAt(startIndex - 1) === ' ') { startIndex--; } while (endIndex < line.length && line.charAt(endIndex + 1) === ' ') { endIndex++; } } else { // Expand until whitespace is hit. This algorithm works by scanning left // and right from the starting position, keeping both the index format // (line) and the column format (bufferLine) in sync. When a wide // character is hit, it is recorded and the column index is adjusted. let startCol = coords[0]; let endCol = coords[0]; // Consider the initial position, skip it and increment the wide char // variable if (bufferLine.getWidth(startCol) === 0) { leftWideCharCount++; startCol--; } if (bufferLine.getWidth(endCol) === 2) { rightWideCharCount++; endCol++; } // Adjust the end index for characters whose length are > 1 (emojis) const length = bufferLine.getString(endCol).length; if (length > 1) { rightLongCharOffset += length - 1; endIndex += length - 1; } // Expand the string in both directions until a space is hit while (startCol > 0 && startIndex > 0 && !this._isCharWordSeparator(bufferLine.loadCell(startCol - 1, this._workCell))) { bufferLine.loadCell(startCol - 1, this._workCell); const length = this._workCell.getChars().length; if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 0) { // If the next character is a wide char, record it and skip the column leftWideCharCount++; startCol--; } else if (length > 1) { // If the next character's string is longer than 1 char (eg. emoji), // adjust the index leftLongCharOffset += length - 1; startIndex -= length - 1; } startIndex--; startCol--; } while (endCol < bufferLine.length && endIndex + 1 < line.length && !this._isCharWordSeparator(bufferLine.loadCell(endCol + 1, this._workCell))) { bufferLine.loadCell(endCol + 1, this._workCell); const length = this._workCell.getChars().length; if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 2) { // If the next character is a wide char, record it and skip the column rightWideCharCount++; endCol++; } else if (length > 1) { // If the next character's string is longer than 1 char (eg. emoji), // adjust the index rightLongCharOffset += length - 1; endIndex += length - 1; } endIndex++; endCol++; } } // Incremenet the end index so it is at the start of the next character endIndex++; // Calculate the start _column_, converting the the string indexes back to // column coordinates. let start = startIndex // The index of the selection's start char in the line string + charOffset // The difference between the initial char's column and index - leftWideCharCount // The number of wide chars left of the initial char + leftLongCharOffset; // The number of additional chars left of the initial char added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis) // Calculate the length in _columns_, converting the the string indexes back // to column coordinates. let length = Math.min(this._bufferService.cols, // Disallow lengths larger than the terminal cols endIndex // The index of the selection's end char in the line string - startIndex // The index of the selection's start char in the line string + leftWideCharCount // The number of wide chars left of the initial char + rightWideCharCount // The number of wide chars right of the initial char (inclusive) - leftLongCharOffset // The number of additional chars left of the initial char added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis) - rightLongCharOffset); // The number of additional chars right of the initial char (inclusive) added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis) if (!allowWhitespaceOnlySelection && line.slice(startIndex, endIndex).trim() === '') { return undefined; } // Recurse upwards if the line is wrapped and the word wraps to the above line if (followWrappedLinesAbove) { if (start === 0 && bufferLine.getCodePoint(0) !== 32 /* ' ' */) { const previousBufferLine = buffer.lines.get(coords[1] - 1); if (previousBufferLine && bufferLine.isWrapped && previousBufferLine.getCodePoint(this._bufferService.cols - 1) !== 32 /* ' ' */) { const previousLineWordPosition = this._getWordAt([this._bufferService.cols - 1, coords[1] - 1], false, true, false); if (previousLineWordPosition) { const offset = this._bufferService.cols - previousLineWordPosition.start; start -= offset; length += offset; } } } } // Recurse downwards if the line is wrapped and the word wraps to the next line if (followWrappedLinesBelow) { if (start + length === this._bufferService.cols && bufferLine.getCodePoint(this._bufferService.cols - 1) !== 32 /* ' ' */) { const nextBufferLine = buffer.lines.get(coords[1] + 1); if (nextBufferLine?.isWrapped && nextBufferLine.getCodePoint(0) !== 32 /* ' ' */) { const nextLineWordPosition = this._getWordAt([0, coords[1] + 1], false, false, true); if (nextLineWordPosition) { length += nextLineWordPosition.length; } } } } return { start, length }; } /** * Selects the word at the coordinates specified. * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at. * @param allowWhitespaceOnlySelection If whitespace should be selected */ protected _selectWordAt(coords: [number, number], allowWhitespaceOnlySelection: boolean): void { const wordPosition = this._getWordAt(coords, allowWhitespaceOnlySelection); if (wordPosition) { // Adjust negative start value while (wordPosition.start < 0) { wordPosition.start += this._bufferService.cols; coords[1]--; } this._model.selectionStart = [wordPosition.start, coords[1]]; this._model.selectionStartLength = wordPosition.length; } } /** * Sets the selection end to the word at the coordinated specified. * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at. */ private _selectToWordAt(coords: [number, number]): void { const wordPosition = this._getWordAt(coords, true); if (wordPosition) { let endRow = coords[1]; // Adjust negative start value while (wordPosition.start < 0) { wordPosition.start += this._bufferService.cols; endRow--; } // Adjust wrapped length value, this only needs to happen when values are reversed as in that // case we're interested in the start of the word, not the end if (!this._model.areSelectionValuesReversed()) { while (wordPosition.start + wordPosition.length > this._bufferService.cols) { wordPosition.length -= this._bufferService.cols; endRow++; } } this._model.selectionEnd = [this._model.areSelectionValuesReversed() ? wordPosition.start : wordPosition.start + wordPosition.length, endRow]; } } /** * Gets whether the character is considered a word separator by the select * word logic. * @param char The character to check. */ private _isCharWordSeparator(cell: CellData): boolean { // Zero width characters are never separators as they are always to the // right of wide characters if (cell.getWidth() === 0) { return false; } return this._optionsService.rawOptions.wordSeparator.indexOf(cell.getChars()) >= 0; } /** * Selects the line specified. * @param line The line index. */ protected _selectLineAt(line: number): void { const wrappedRange = this._bufferService.buffer.getWrappedRangeForLine(line); this._model.selectionStart = [0, wrappedRange.first]; this._model.selectionEnd = [this._bufferService.cols, wrappedRange.last]; this._model.selectionStartLength = 0; } }