/** * Copyright (c) 2014 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License) * @license MIT */ import { IInputHandler, IAttributeData, IDisposable, IWindowOptions, IColorEvent, IParseStack, ColorIndex, ColorRequestType } from 'common/Types'; import { C0, C1 } from 'common/data/EscapeSequences'; import { CHARSETS, DEFAULT_CHARSET } from 'common/data/Charsets'; import { EscapeSequenceParser } from 'common/parser/EscapeSequenceParser'; import { Disposable } from 'common/Lifecycle'; import { concat } from 'common/TypedArrayUtils'; import { StringToUtf32, stringFromCodePoint, utf32ToString, Utf8ToUtf32 } from 'common/input/TextDecoder'; import { DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA } from 'common/buffer/BufferLine'; import { EventEmitter, IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter'; import { IParsingState, IDcsHandler, IEscapeSequenceParser, IParams, IFunctionIdentifier } from 'common/parser/Types'; import { NULL_CELL_CODE, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, Attributes, FgFlags, BgFlags, Content, UnderlineStyle } from 'common/buffer/Constants'; import { CellData } from 'common/buffer/CellData'; import { AttributeData } from 'common/buffer/AttributeData'; import { ICoreService, IBufferService, IOptionsService, ILogService, IDirtyRowService, ICoreMouseService, ICharsetService, IUnicodeService, LogLevelEnum } from 'common/services/Services'; import { OscHandler } from 'common/parser/OscParser'; import { DcsHandler } from 'common/parser/DcsParser'; import { IBuffer } from 'common/buffer/Types'; import { parseColor } from 'common/input/XParseColor'; /** * Map collect to glevel. Used in `selectCharset`. */ const GLEVEL: { [key: string]: number } = { '(': 0, ')': 1, '*': 2, '+': 3, '-': 1, '.': 2 }; /** * VT commands done by the parser - FIXME: move this to the parser? */ // @vt: #Y ESC CSI "Control Sequence Introducer" "ESC [" "Start of a CSI sequence." // @vt: #Y ESC OSC "Operating System Command" "ESC ]" "Start of an OSC sequence." // @vt: #Y ESC DCS "Device Control String" "ESC P" "Start of a DCS sequence." // @vt: #Y ESC ST "String Terminator" "ESC \" "Terminator used for string type sequences." // @vt: #Y ESC PM "Privacy Message" "ESC ^" "Start of a privacy message." // @vt: #Y ESC APC "Application Program Command" "ESC _" "Start of an APC sequence." // @vt: #Y C1 CSI "Control Sequence Introducer" "\x9B" "Start of a CSI sequence." // @vt: #Y C1 OSC "Operating System Command" "\x9D" "Start of an OSC sequence." // @vt: #Y C1 DCS "Device Control String" "\x90" "Start of a DCS sequence." // @vt: #Y C1 ST "String Terminator" "\x9C" "Terminator used for string type sequences." // @vt: #Y C1 PM "Privacy Message" "\x9E" "Start of a privacy message." // @vt: #Y C1 APC "Application Program Command" "\x9F" "Start of an APC sequence." // @vt: #Y C0 NUL "Null" "\0, \x00" "NUL is ignored." // @vt: #Y C0 ESC "Escape" "\e, \x1B" "Start of a sequence. Cancels any other sequence." /** * Document common VT features here that are currently unsupported */ // @vt: #N DCS SIXEL "SIXEL Graphics" "DCS Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; q Pt ST" "Draw SIXEL image starting at cursor position." // @vt: #N OSC 1 "Set Icon Name" "OSC 1 ; Pt BEL" "Set icon name." /** * Max length of the UTF32 input buffer. Real memory consumption is 4 times higher. */ const MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH = 131072; /** * Limit length of title and icon name stacks. */ const STACK_LIMIT = 10; // map params to window option function paramToWindowOption(n: number, opts: IWindowOptions): boolean { if (n > 24) { return opts.setWinLines || false; } switch (n) { case 1: return !!opts.restoreWin; case 2: return !!opts.minimizeWin; case 3: return !!opts.setWinPosition; case 4: return !!opts.setWinSizePixels; case 5: return !!opts.raiseWin; case 6: return !!opts.lowerWin; case 7: return !!opts.refreshWin; case 8: return !!opts.setWinSizeChars; case 9: return !!opts.maximizeWin; case 10: return !!opts.fullscreenWin; case 11: return !!opts.getWinState; case 13: return !!opts.getWinPosition; case 14: return !!opts.getWinSizePixels; case 15: return !!opts.getScreenSizePixels; case 16: return !!opts.getCellSizePixels; case 18: return !!opts.getWinSizeChars; case 19: return !!opts.getScreenSizeChars; case 20: return !!opts.getIconTitle; case 21: return !!opts.getWinTitle; case 22: return !!opts.pushTitle; case 23: return !!opts.popTitle; case 24: return !!opts.setWinLines; } return false; } export enum WindowsOptionsReportType { GET_WIN_SIZE_PIXELS = 0, GET_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS = 1 } // create a warning log if an async handler takes longer than the limit (in ms) const SLOW_ASYNC_LIMIT = 5000; /** * DCS subparser implementations */ /** * DCS $ q Pt ST * DECRQSS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECRQSS.html) * Request Status String (DECRQSS), VT420 and up. * Response: DECRPSS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECRPSS.html) * * @vt: #P[See limited support below.] DCS DECRQSS "Request Selection or Setting" "DCS $ q Pt ST" "Request several terminal settings." * Response is in the form `ESC P 1 $ r Pt ST` for valid requests, where `Pt` contains the corresponding CSI string, * `ESC P 0 ST` for invalid requests. * * Supported requests and responses: * * | Type | Request | Response (`Pt`) | * | -------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | * | Graphic Rendition (SGR) | `DCS $ q m ST` | always reporting `0m` (currently broken) | * | Top and Bottom Margins (DECSTBM) | `DCS $ q r ST` | `Ps ; Ps r` | * | Cursor Style (DECSCUSR) | `DCS $ q SP q ST` | `Ps SP q` | * | Protection Attribute (DECSCA) | `DCS $ q " q ST` | always reporting `0 " q` (DECSCA is unsupported) | * | Conformance Level (DECSCL) | `DCS $ q " p ST` | always reporting `61 ; 1 " p` (DECSCL is unsupported) | * * * TODO: * - fix SGR report * - either implement DECSCA or remove the report * - either check which conformance is better suited or remove the report completely * --> we are currently a mixture of all up to VT400 but dont follow anyone strictly */ class DECRQSS implements IDcsHandler { private _data: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(0); constructor( private _bufferService: IBufferService, private _coreService: ICoreService, private _logService: ILogService, private _optionsService: IOptionsService ) { } public hook(params: IParams): void { this._data = new Uint32Array(0); } public put(data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number): void { this._data = concat(this._data, data.subarray(start, end)); } public unhook(success: boolean): boolean { if (!success) { this._data = new Uint32Array(0); return true; } const data = utf32ToString(this._data); this._data = new Uint32Array(0); switch (data) { // valid: DCS 1 $ r Pt ST (xterm) case '"q': // DECSCA this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P1$r0"q${C0.ESC}\\`); break; case '"p': // DECSCL this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P1$r61;1"p${C0.ESC}\\`); break; case 'r': // DECSTBM const pt = '' + (this._bufferService.buffer.scrollTop + 1) + ';' + (this._bufferService.buffer.scrollBottom + 1) + 'r'; this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P1$r${pt}${C0.ESC}\\`); break; case 'm': // SGR // TODO: report real settings instead of 0m this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P1$r0m${C0.ESC}\\`); break; case ' q': // DECSCUSR const STYLES: { [key: string]: number } = { 'block': 2, 'underline': 4, 'bar': 6 }; let style = STYLES[this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorStyle]; style -= this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorBlink ? 1 : 0; this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P1$r${style} q${C0.ESC}\\`); break; default: // invalid: DCS 0 $ r Pt ST (xterm) this._logService.debug('Unknown DCS $q %s', data); this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}P0$r${C0.ESC}\\`); } return true; } } /** * DCS Ps; Ps| Pt ST * DECUDK (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECUDK.html) * not supported * * @vt: #N DCS DECUDK "User Defined Keys" "DCS Ps ; Ps | Pt ST" "Definitions for user-defined keys." */ /** * DCS + q Pt ST (xterm) * Request Terminfo String * not implemented * * @vt: #N DCS XTGETTCAP "Request Terminfo String" "DCS + q Pt ST" "Request Terminfo String." */ /** * DCS + p Pt ST (xterm) * Set Terminfo Data * not supported * * @vt: #N DCS XTSETTCAP "Set Terminfo Data" "DCS + p Pt ST" "Set Terminfo Data." */ /** * The terminal's standard implementation of IInputHandler, this handles all * input from the Parser. * * Refer to http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html to understand * each function's header comment. */ export class InputHandler extends Disposable implements IInputHandler { private _parseBuffer: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(4096); private _stringDecoder: StringToUtf32 = new StringToUtf32(); private _utf8Decoder: Utf8ToUtf32 = new Utf8ToUtf32(); private _workCell: CellData = new CellData(); private _windowTitle = ''; private _iconName = ''; protected _windowTitleStack: string[] = []; protected _iconNameStack: string[] = []; private _curAttrData: IAttributeData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone(); private _eraseAttrDataInternal: IAttributeData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone(); private _activeBuffer: IBuffer; private _onRequestBell = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestBell(): IEvent { return this._onRequestBell.event; } private _onRequestRefreshRows = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestRefreshRows(): IEvent { return this._onRequestRefreshRows.event; } private _onRequestReset = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestReset(): IEvent { return this._onRequestReset.event; } private _onRequestSendFocus = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestSendFocus(): IEvent { return this._onRequestSendFocus.event; } private _onRequestSyncScrollBar = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestSyncScrollBar(): IEvent { return this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.event; } private _onRequestWindowsOptionsReport = new EventEmitter(); public get onRequestWindowsOptionsReport(): IEvent { return this._onRequestWindowsOptionsReport.event; } private _onA11yChar = new EventEmitter(); public get onA11yChar(): IEvent { return this._onA11yChar.event; } private _onA11yTab = new EventEmitter(); public get onA11yTab(): IEvent { return this._onA11yTab.event; } private _onCursorMove = new EventEmitter(); public get onCursorMove(): IEvent { return this._onCursorMove.event; } private _onLineFeed = new EventEmitter(); public get onLineFeed(): IEvent { return this._onLineFeed.event; } private _onScroll = new EventEmitter(); public get onScroll(): IEvent { return this._onScroll.event; } private _onTitleChange = new EventEmitter(); public get onTitleChange(): IEvent { return this._onTitleChange.event; } private _onColor = new EventEmitter(); public get onColor(): IEvent { return this._onColor.event; } private _parseStack: IParseStack = { paused: false, cursorStartX: 0, cursorStartY: 0, decodedLength: 0, position: 0 }; constructor( private readonly _bufferService: IBufferService, private readonly _charsetService: ICharsetService, private readonly _coreService: ICoreService, private readonly _dirtyRowService: IDirtyRowService, private readonly _logService: ILogService, private readonly _optionsService: IOptionsService, private readonly _coreMouseService: ICoreMouseService, private readonly _unicodeService: IUnicodeService, private readonly _parser: IEscapeSequenceParser = new EscapeSequenceParser() ) { super(); this.register(this._parser); // Track properties used in performance critical code manually to avoid using slow getters this._activeBuffer = this._bufferService.buffer; this.register(this._bufferService.buffers.onBufferActivate(e => this._activeBuffer = e.activeBuffer)); /** * custom fallback handlers */ this._parser.setCsiHandlerFallback((ident, params) => { this._logService.debug('Unknown CSI code: ', { identifier: this._parser.identToString(ident), params: params.toArray() }); }); this._parser.setEscHandlerFallback(ident => { this._logService.debug('Unknown ESC code: ', { identifier: this._parser.identToString(ident) }); }); this._parser.setExecuteHandlerFallback(code => { this._logService.debug('Unknown EXECUTE code: ', { code }); }); this._parser.setOscHandlerFallback((identifier, action, data) => { this._logService.debug('Unknown OSC code: ', { identifier, action, data }); }); this._parser.setDcsHandlerFallback((ident, action, payload) => { if (action === 'HOOK') { payload = payload.toArray(); } this._logService.debug('Unknown DCS code: ', { identifier: this._parser.identToString(ident), action, payload }); }); /** * print handler */ this._parser.setPrintHandler((data, start, end) => this.print(data, start, end)); /** * CSI handler */ this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: '@' }, params => this.insertChars(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: ' ', final: '@' }, params => this.scrollLeft(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'A' }, params => this.cursorUp(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: ' ', final: 'A' }, params => this.scrollRight(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'B' }, params => this.cursorDown(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'C' }, params => this.cursorForward(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'D' }, params => this.cursorBackward(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'E' }, params => this.cursorNextLine(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'F' }, params => this.cursorPrecedingLine(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'G' }, params => this.cursorCharAbsolute(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'H' }, params => this.cursorPosition(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'I' }, params => this.cursorForwardTab(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'J' }, params => this.eraseInDisplay(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '?', final: 'J' }, params => this.eraseInDisplay(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'K' }, params => this.eraseInLine(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '?', final: 'K' }, params => this.eraseInLine(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'L' }, params => this.insertLines(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'M' }, params => this.deleteLines(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'P' }, params => this.deleteChars(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'S' }, params => this.scrollUp(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'T' }, params => this.scrollDown(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'X' }, params => this.eraseChars(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'Z' }, params => this.cursorBackwardTab(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: '`' }, params => this.charPosAbsolute(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'a' }, params => this.hPositionRelative(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'b' }, params => this.repeatPrecedingCharacter(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'c' }, params => this.sendDeviceAttributesPrimary(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '>', final: 'c' }, params => this.sendDeviceAttributesSecondary(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'd' }, params => this.linePosAbsolute(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'e' }, params => this.vPositionRelative(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'f' }, params => this.hVPosition(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'g' }, params => this.tabClear(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'h' }, params => this.setMode(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '?', final: 'h' }, params => this.setModePrivate(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'l' }, params => this.resetMode(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '?', final: 'l' }, params => this.resetModePrivate(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'm' }, params => this.charAttributes(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'n' }, params => this.deviceStatus(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ prefix: '?', final: 'n' }, params => this.deviceStatusPrivate(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: '!', final: 'p' }, params => this.softReset(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: ' ', final: 'q' }, params => this.setCursorStyle(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'r' }, params => this.setScrollRegion(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 's' }, params => this.saveCursor(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 't' }, params => this.windowOptions(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ final: 'u' }, params => this.restoreCursor(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: '\'', final: '}' }, params => this.insertColumns(params)); this._parser.registerCsiHandler({ intermediates: '\'', final: '~' }, params => this.deleteColumns(params)); /** * execute handler */ this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.BEL, () => this.bell()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.LF, () => this.lineFeed()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.VT, () => this.lineFeed()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.FF, () => this.lineFeed()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.CR, () => this.carriageReturn()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.BS, () => this.backspace()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.HT, () => this.tab()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.SO, () => this.shiftOut()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.SI, () => this.shiftIn()); // FIXME: What do to with missing? Old code just added those to print. this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.IND, () => this.index()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.NEL, () => this.nextLine()); this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.HTS, () => this.tabSet()); /** * OSC handler */ // 0 - icon name + title this._parser.registerOscHandler(0, new OscHandler(data => { this.setTitle(data); this.setIconName(data); return true; })); // 1 - icon name this._parser.registerOscHandler(1, new OscHandler(data => this.setIconName(data))); // 2 - title this._parser.registerOscHandler(2, new OscHandler(data => this.setTitle(data))); // 3 - set property X in the form "prop=value" // 4 - Change Color Number this._parser.registerOscHandler(4, new OscHandler(data => this.setOrReportIndexedColor(data))); // 5 - Change Special Color Number // 6 - Enable/disable Special Color Number c // 7 - current directory? (not in xterm spec, see https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/issues/3939) // 10 - Change VT100 text foreground color to Pt. this._parser.registerOscHandler(10, new OscHandler(data => this.setOrReportFgColor(data))); // 11 - Change VT100 text background color to Pt. this._parser.registerOscHandler(11, new OscHandler(data => this.setOrReportBgColor(data))); // 12 - Change text cursor color to Pt. this._parser.registerOscHandler(12, new OscHandler(data => this.setOrReportCursorColor(data))); // 13 - Change mouse foreground color to Pt. // 14 - Change mouse background color to Pt. // 15 - Change Tektronix foreground color to Pt. // 16 - Change Tektronix background color to Pt. // 17 - Change highlight background color to Pt. // 18 - Change Tektronix cursor color to Pt. // 19 - Change highlight foreground color to Pt. // 46 - Change Log File to Pt. // 50 - Set Font to Pt. // 51 - reserved for Emacs shell. // 52 - Manipulate Selection Data. // 104 ; c - Reset Color Number c. this._parser.registerOscHandler(104, new OscHandler(data => this.restoreIndexedColor(data))); // 105 ; c - Reset Special Color Number c. // 106 ; c; f - Enable/disable Special Color Number c. // 110 - Reset VT100 text foreground color. this._parser.registerOscHandler(110, new OscHandler(data => this.restoreFgColor(data))); // 111 - Reset VT100 text background color. this._parser.registerOscHandler(111, new OscHandler(data => this.restoreBgColor(data))); // 112 - Reset text cursor color. this._parser.registerOscHandler(112, new OscHandler(data => this.restoreCursorColor(data))); // 113 - Reset mouse foreground color. // 114 - Reset mouse background color. // 115 - Reset Tektronix foreground color. // 116 - Reset Tektronix background color. // 117 - Reset highlight color. // 118 - Reset Tektronix cursor color. // 119 - Reset highlight foreground color. /** * ESC handlers */ this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '7' }, () => this.saveCursor()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '8' }, () => this.restoreCursor()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'D' }, () => this.index()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'E' }, () => this.nextLine()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'H' }, () => this.tabSet()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'M' }, () => this.reverseIndex()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '=' }, () => this.keypadApplicationMode()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '>' }, () => this.keypadNumericMode()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'c' }, () => this.fullReset()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'n' }, () => this.setgLevel(2)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: 'o' }, () => this.setgLevel(3)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '|' }, () => this.setgLevel(3)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '}' }, () => this.setgLevel(2)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ final: '~' }, () => this.setgLevel(1)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '%', final: '@' }, () => this.selectDefaultCharset()); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '%', final: 'G' }, () => this.selectDefaultCharset()); for (const flag in CHARSETS) { this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '(', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('(' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: ')', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset(')' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '*', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('*' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '+', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('+' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '-', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('-' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '.', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('.' + flag)); this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '/', final: flag }, () => this.selectCharset('/' + flag)); // TODO: supported? } this._parser.registerEscHandler({ intermediates: '#', final: '8' }, () => this.screenAlignmentPattern()); /** * error handler */ this._parser.setErrorHandler((state: IParsingState) => { this._logService.error('Parsing error: ', state); return state; }); /** * DCS handler */ this._parser.registerDcsHandler({ intermediates: '$', final: 'q' }, new DECRQSS(this._bufferService, this._coreService, this._logService, this._optionsService)); } public dispose(): void { super.dispose(); } /** * Async parse support. */ private _preserveStack(cursorStartX: number, cursorStartY: number, decodedLength: number, position: number): void { this._parseStack.paused = true; this._parseStack.cursorStartX = cursorStartX; this._parseStack.cursorStartY = cursorStartY; this._parseStack.decodedLength = decodedLength; this._parseStack.position = position; } private _logSlowResolvingAsync(p: Promise): void { // log a limited warning about an async handler taking too long if (this._logService.logLevel <= LogLevelEnum.WARN) { Promise.race([p, new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => rej('#SLOW_TIMEOUT'), SLOW_ASYNC_LIMIT))]) .catch(err => { if (err !== '#SLOW_TIMEOUT') { throw err; } console.warn(`async parser handler taking longer than ${SLOW_ASYNC_LIMIT} ms`); }); } } /** * Parse call with async handler support. * * Whether the stack state got preserved for the next call, is indicated by the return value: * - undefined (void): * all handlers were sync, no stack save, continue normally with next chunk * - Promise\: * execution stopped at async handler, stack saved, continue with * same chunk and the promise resolve value as `promiseResult` until the method returns `undefined` * * Note: This method should only be called by `Terminal.write` to ensure correct execution order and * proper continuation of async parser handlers. */ public parse(data: string | Uint8Array, promiseResult?: boolean): void | Promise { let result: void | Promise; let cursorStartX = this._activeBuffer.x; let cursorStartY = this._activeBuffer.y; let start = 0; const wasPaused = this._parseStack.paused; if (wasPaused) { // assumption: _parseBuffer never mutates between async calls if (result = this._parser.parse(this._parseBuffer, this._parseStack.decodedLength, promiseResult)) { this._logSlowResolvingAsync(result); return result; } cursorStartX = this._parseStack.cursorStartX; cursorStartY = this._parseStack.cursorStartY; this._parseStack.paused = false; if (data.length > MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH) { start = this._parseStack.position + MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH; } } // Log debug data, the log level gate is to prevent extra work in this hot path if (this._logService.logLevel <= LogLevelEnum.DEBUG) { this._logService.debug(`parsing data${typeof data === 'string' ? ` "${data}"` : ''}`, typeof data === 'string' ? data.split('').map(e => e.charCodeAt(0)) : data ); } // resize input buffer if needed if (this._parseBuffer.length < data.length) { if (this._parseBuffer.length < MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH) { this._parseBuffer = new Uint32Array(Math.min(data.length, MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH)); } } // Clear the dirty row service so we know which lines changed as a result of parsing // Important: do not clear between async calls, otherwise we lost pending update information. if (!wasPaused) { this._dirtyRowService.clearRange(); } // process big data in smaller chunks if (data.length > MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH) { for (let i = start; i < data.length; i += MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH) { const end = i + MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH < data.length ? i + MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH : data.length; const len = (typeof data === 'string') ? this._stringDecoder.decode(data.substring(i, end), this._parseBuffer) : this._utf8Decoder.decode(data.subarray(i, end), this._parseBuffer); if (result = this._parser.parse(this._parseBuffer, len)) { this._preserveStack(cursorStartX, cursorStartY, len, i); this._logSlowResolvingAsync(result); return result; } } } else { if (!wasPaused) { const len = (typeof data === 'string') ? this._stringDecoder.decode(data, this._parseBuffer) : this._utf8Decoder.decode(data, this._parseBuffer); if (result = this._parser.parse(this._parseBuffer, len)) { this._preserveStack(cursorStartX, cursorStartY, len, 0); this._logSlowResolvingAsync(result); return result; } } } if (this._activeBuffer.x !== cursorStartX || this._activeBuffer.y !== cursorStartY) { this._onCursorMove.fire(); } // Refresh any dirty rows accumulated as part of parsing this._onRequestRefreshRows.fire(this._dirtyRowService.start, this._dirtyRowService.end); } public print(data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number): void { let code: number; let chWidth: number; const charset = this._charsetService.charset; const screenReaderMode = this._optionsService.rawOptions.screenReaderMode; const cols = this._bufferService.cols; const wraparoundMode = this._coreService.decPrivateModes.wraparound; const insertMode = this._coreService.modes.insertMode; const curAttr = this._curAttrData; let bufferRow = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)!; this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); // handle wide chars: reset start_cell-1 if we would overwrite the second cell of a wide char if (this._activeBuffer.x && end - start > 0 && bufferRow.getWidth(this._activeBuffer.x - 1) === 2) { bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(this._activeBuffer.x - 1, 0, 1, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); } for (let pos = start; pos < end; ++pos) { code = data[pos]; // calculate print space // expensive call, therefore we save width in line buffer chWidth = this._unicodeService.wcwidth(code); // get charset replacement character // charset is only defined for ASCII, therefore we only // search for an replacement char if code < 127 if (code < 127 && charset) { const ch = charset[String.fromCharCode(code)]; if (ch) { code = ch.charCodeAt(0); } } if (screenReaderMode) { this._onA11yChar.fire(stringFromCodePoint(code)); } // insert combining char at last cursor position // this._activeBuffer.x should never be 0 for a combining char // since they always follow a cell consuming char // therefore we can test for this._activeBuffer.x to avoid overflow left if (!chWidth && this._activeBuffer.x) { if (!bufferRow.getWidth(this._activeBuffer.x - 1)) { // found empty cell after fullwidth, need to go 2 cells back // it is save to step 2 cells back here // since an empty cell is only set by fullwidth chars bufferRow.addCodepointToCell(this._activeBuffer.x - 2, code); } else { bufferRow.addCodepointToCell(this._activeBuffer.x - 1, code); } continue; } // goto next line if ch would overflow // NOTE: To avoid costly width checks here, // the terminal does not allow a cols < 2. if (this._activeBuffer.x + chWidth - 1 >= cols) { // autowrap - DECAWM // automatically wraps to the beginning of the next line if (wraparoundMode) { // clear left over cells to the right while (this._activeBuffer.x < cols) { bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(this._activeBuffer.x++, 0, 1, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); } this._activeBuffer.x = 0; this._activeBuffer.y++; if (this._activeBuffer.y === this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom + 1) { this._activeBuffer.y--; this._bufferService.scroll(this._eraseAttrData(), true); } else { if (this._activeBuffer.y >= this._bufferService.rows) { this._activeBuffer.y = this._bufferService.rows - 1; } // The line already exists (eg. the initial viewport), mark it as a // wrapped line this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)!.isWrapped = true; } // row changed, get it again bufferRow = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)!; } else { this._activeBuffer.x = cols - 1; if (chWidth === 2) { // FIXME: check for xterm behavior // What to do here? We got a wide char that does not fit into last cell continue; } } } // insert mode: move characters to right if (insertMode) { // right shift cells according to the width bufferRow.insertCells(this._activeBuffer.x, chWidth, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(curAttr), curAttr); // test last cell - since the last cell has only room for // a halfwidth char any fullwidth shifted there is lost // and will be set to empty cell if (bufferRow.getWidth(cols - 1) === 2) { bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(cols - 1, NULL_CELL_CODE, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); } } // write current char to buffer and advance cursor bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(this._activeBuffer.x++, code, chWidth, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); // fullwidth char - also set next cell to placeholder stub and advance cursor // for graphemes bigger than fullwidth we can simply loop to zero // we already made sure above, that this._activeBuffer.x + chWidth will not overflow right if (chWidth > 0) { while (--chWidth) { // other than a regular empty cell a cell following a wide char has no width bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(this._activeBuffer.x++, 0, 0, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); } } } // store last char in Parser.precedingCodepoint for REP to work correctly // This needs to check whether: // - fullwidth + surrogates: reset // - combining: only base char gets carried on (bug in xterm?) if (end - start > 0) { bufferRow.loadCell(this._activeBuffer.x - 1, this._workCell); if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 2 || this._workCell.getCode() > 0xFFFF) { this._parser.precedingCodepoint = 0; } else if (this._workCell.isCombined()) { this._parser.precedingCodepoint = this._workCell.getChars().charCodeAt(0); } else { this._parser.precedingCodepoint = this._workCell.content; } } // handle wide chars: reset cell to the right if it is second cell of a wide char if (this._activeBuffer.x < cols && end - start > 0 && bufferRow.getWidth(this._activeBuffer.x) === 0 && !bufferRow.hasContent(this._activeBuffer.x)) { bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(this._activeBuffer.x, 0, 1, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg, curAttr.extended); } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } /** * Forward registerCsiHandler from parser. */ public registerCsiHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, callback: (params: IParams) => boolean | Promise): IDisposable { if (id.final === 't' && !id.prefix && !id.intermediates) { // security: always check whether window option is allowed return this._parser.registerCsiHandler(id, params => { if (!paramToWindowOption(params.params[0], this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowOptions)) { return true; } return callback(params); }); } return this._parser.registerCsiHandler(id, callback); } /** * Forward registerDcsHandler from parser. */ public registerDcsHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, callback: (data: string, param: IParams) => boolean | Promise): IDisposable { return this._parser.registerDcsHandler(id, new DcsHandler(callback)); } /** * Forward registerEscHandler from parser. */ public registerEscHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, callback: () => boolean | Promise): IDisposable { return this._parser.registerEscHandler(id, callback); } /** * Forward registerOscHandler from parser. */ public registerOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean | Promise): IDisposable { return this._parser.registerOscHandler(ident, new OscHandler(callback)); } /** * BEL * Bell (Ctrl-G). * * @vt: #Y C0 BEL "Bell" "\a, \x07" "Ring the bell." * The behavior of the bell is further customizable with `ITerminalOptions.bellStyle` * and `ITerminalOptions.bellSound`. */ public bell(): boolean { this._onRequestBell.fire(); return true; } /** * LF * Line Feed or New Line (NL). (LF is Ctrl-J). * * @vt: #Y C0 LF "Line Feed" "\n, \x0A" "Move the cursor one row down, scrolling if needed." * Scrolling is restricted to scroll margins and will only happen on the bottom line. * * @vt: #Y C0 VT "Vertical Tabulation" "\v, \x0B" "Treated as LF." * @vt: #Y C0 FF "Form Feed" "\f, \x0C" "Treated as LF." */ public lineFeed(): boolean { this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.convertEol) { this._activeBuffer.x = 0; } this._activeBuffer.y++; if (this._activeBuffer.y === this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom + 1) { this._activeBuffer.y--; this._bufferService.scroll(this._eraseAttrData()); } else if (this._activeBuffer.y >= this._bufferService.rows) { this._activeBuffer.y = this._bufferService.rows - 1; } // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line. if (this._activeBuffer.x >= this._bufferService.cols) { this._activeBuffer.x--; } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); this._onLineFeed.fire(); return true; } /** * CR * Carriage Return (Ctrl-M). * * @vt: #Y C0 CR "Carriage Return" "\r, \x0D" "Move the cursor to the beginning of the row." */ public carriageReturn(): boolean { this._activeBuffer.x = 0; return true; } /** * BS * Backspace (Ctrl-H). * * @vt: #Y C0 BS "Backspace" "\b, \x08" "Move the cursor one position to the left." * By default it is not possible to move the cursor past the leftmost position. * If `reverse wrap-around` (`CSI ? 45 h`) is set, a previous soft line wrap (DECAWM) * can be undone with BS within the scroll margins. In that case the cursor will wrap back * to the end of the previous row. Note that it is not possible to peek back into the scrollbuffer * with the cursor, thus at the home position (top-leftmost cell) this has no effect. */ public backspace(): boolean { // reverse wrap-around is disabled if (!this._coreService.decPrivateModes.reverseWraparound) { this._restrictCursor(); if (this._activeBuffer.x > 0) { this._activeBuffer.x--; } return true; } // reverse wrap-around is enabled // other than for normal operation mode, reverse wrap-around allows the cursor // to be at x=cols to be able to address the last cell of a row by BS this._restrictCursor(this._bufferService.cols); if (this._activeBuffer.x > 0) { this._activeBuffer.x--; } else { /** * reverse wrap-around handling: * Our implementation deviates from xterm on purpose. Details: * - only previous soft NLs can be reversed (isWrapped=true) * - only works within scrollborders (top/bottom, left/right not yet supported) * - cannot peek into scrollbuffer * - any cursor movement sequence keeps working as expected */ if (this._activeBuffer.x === 0 && this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollTop && this._activeBuffer.y <= this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom && this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)?.isWrapped) { this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)!.isWrapped = false; this._activeBuffer.y--; this._activeBuffer.x = this._bufferService.cols - 1; // find last taken cell - last cell can have 3 different states: // - hasContent(true) + hasWidth(1): narrow char - we are done // - hasWidth(0): second part of wide char - we are done // - hasContent(false) + hasWidth(1): empty cell due to early wrapping wide char, go one cell further back const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y)!; if (line.hasWidth(this._activeBuffer.x) && !line.hasContent(this._activeBuffer.x)) { this._activeBuffer.x--; // We do this only once, since width=1 + hasContent=false currently happens only once before // early wrapping of a wide char. // This needs to be fixed once we support graphemes taking more than 2 cells. } } } this._restrictCursor(); return true; } /** * TAB * Horizontal Tab (HT) (Ctrl-I). * * @vt: #Y C0 HT "Horizontal Tabulation" "\t, \x09" "Move the cursor to the next character tab stop." */ public tab(): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.x >= this._bufferService.cols) { return true; } const originalX = this._activeBuffer.x; this._activeBuffer.x = this._activeBuffer.nextStop(); if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.screenReaderMode) { this._onA11yTab.fire(this._activeBuffer.x - originalX); } return true; } /** * SO * Shift Out (Ctrl-N) -> Switch to Alternate Character Set. This invokes the * G1 character set. * * @vt: #P[Only limited ISO-2022 charset support.] C0 SO "Shift Out" "\x0E" "Switch to an alternative character set." */ public shiftOut(): boolean { this._charsetService.setgLevel(1); return true; } /** * SI * Shift In (Ctrl-O) -> Switch to Standard Character Set. This invokes the G0 * character set (the default). * * @vt: #Y C0 SI "Shift In" "\x0F" "Return to regular character set after Shift Out." */ public shiftIn(): boolean { this._charsetService.setgLevel(0); return true; } /** * Restrict cursor to viewport size / scroll margin (origin mode). */ private _restrictCursor(maxCol: number = this._bufferService.cols - 1): void { this._activeBuffer.x = Math.min(maxCol, Math.max(0, this._activeBuffer.x)); this._activeBuffer.y = this._coreService.decPrivateModes.origin ? Math.min(this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom, Math.max(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.y)) : Math.min(this._bufferService.rows - 1, Math.max(0, this._activeBuffer.y)); this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } /** * Set absolute cursor position. */ private _setCursor(x: number, y: number): void { this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); if (this._coreService.decPrivateModes.origin) { this._activeBuffer.x = x; this._activeBuffer.y = this._activeBuffer.scrollTop + y; } else { this._activeBuffer.x = x; this._activeBuffer.y = y; } this._restrictCursor(); this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } /** * Set relative cursor position. */ private _moveCursor(x: number, y: number): void { // for relative changes we have to make sure we are within 0 .. cols/rows - 1 // before calculating the new position this._restrictCursor(); this._setCursor(this._activeBuffer.x + x, this._activeBuffer.y + y); } /** * CSI Ps A * Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU). * * @vt: #Y CSI CUU "Cursor Up" "CSI Ps A" "Move cursor `Ps` times up (default=1)." * If the cursor would pass the top scroll margin, it will stop there. */ public cursorUp(params: IParams): boolean { // stop at scrollTop const diffToTop = this._activeBuffer.y - this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; if (diffToTop >= 0) { this._moveCursor(0, -Math.min(diffToTop, params.params[0] || 1)); } else { this._moveCursor(0, -(params.params[0] || 1)); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps B * Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD). * * @vt: #Y CSI CUD "Cursor Down" "CSI Ps B" "Move cursor `Ps` times down (default=1)." * If the cursor would pass the bottom scroll margin, it will stop there. */ public cursorDown(params: IParams): boolean { // stop at scrollBottom const diffToBottom = this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom - this._activeBuffer.y; if (diffToBottom >= 0) { this._moveCursor(0, Math.min(diffToBottom, params.params[0] || 1)); } else { this._moveCursor(0, params.params[0] || 1); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps C * Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF). * * @vt: #Y CSI CUF "Cursor Forward" "CSI Ps C" "Move cursor `Ps` times forward (default=1)." */ public cursorForward(params: IParams): boolean { this._moveCursor(params.params[0] || 1, 0); return true; } /** * CSI Ps D * Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB). * * @vt: #Y CSI CUB "Cursor Backward" "CSI Ps D" "Move cursor `Ps` times backward (default=1)." */ public cursorBackward(params: IParams): boolean { this._moveCursor(-(params.params[0] || 1), 0); return true; } /** * CSI Ps E * Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). * Other than cursorDown (CUD) also set the cursor to first column. * * @vt: #Y CSI CNL "Cursor Next Line" "CSI Ps E" "Move cursor `Ps` times down (default=1) and to the first column." * Same as CUD, additionally places the cursor at the first column. */ public cursorNextLine(params: IParams): boolean { this.cursorDown(params); this._activeBuffer.x = 0; return true; } /** * CSI Ps F * Cursor Previous Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CPL). * Other than cursorUp (CUU) also set the cursor to first column. * * @vt: #Y CSI CPL "Cursor Backward" "CSI Ps F" "Move cursor `Ps` times up (default=1) and to the first column." * Same as CUU, additionally places the cursor at the first column. */ public cursorPrecedingLine(params: IParams): boolean { this.cursorUp(params); this._activeBuffer.x = 0; return true; } /** * CSI Ps G * Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA). * * @vt: #Y CSI CHA "Cursor Horizontal Absolute" "CSI Ps G" "Move cursor to `Ps`-th column of the active row (default=1)." */ public cursorCharAbsolute(params: IParams): boolean { this._setCursor((params.params[0] || 1) - 1, this._activeBuffer.y); return true; } /** * CSI Ps ; Ps H * Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP). * * @vt: #Y CSI CUP "Cursor Position" "CSI Ps ; Ps H" "Set cursor to position [`Ps`, `Ps`] (default = [1, 1])." * If ORIGIN mode is set, places the cursor to the absolute position within the scroll margins. * If ORIGIN mode is not set, places the cursor to the absolute position within the viewport. * Note that the coordinates are 1-based, thus the top left position starts at `1 ; 1`. */ public cursorPosition(params: IParams): boolean { this._setCursor( // col (params.length >= 2) ? (params.params[1] || 1) - 1 : 0, // row (params.params[0] || 1) - 1 ); return true; } /** * CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute * [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA). * Currently same functionality as CHA. * * @vt: #Y CSI HPA "Horizontal Position Absolute" "CSI Ps ` " "Same as CHA." */ public charPosAbsolute(params: IParams): boolean { this._setCursor((params.params[0] || 1) - 1, this._activeBuffer.y); return true; } /** * CSI Pm a Character Position Relative * [columns] (default = [row,col+1]) (HPR) * * @vt: #Y CSI HPR "Horizontal Position Relative" "CSI Ps a" "Same as CUF." */ public hPositionRelative(params: IParams): boolean { this._moveCursor(params.params[0] || 1, 0); return true; } /** * CSI Pm d Vertical Position Absolute (VPA) * [row] (default = [1,column]) * * @vt: #Y CSI VPA "Vertical Position Absolute" "CSI Ps d" "Move cursor to `Ps`-th row (default=1)." */ public linePosAbsolute(params: IParams): boolean { this._setCursor(this._activeBuffer.x, (params.params[0] || 1) - 1); return true; } /** * CSI Pm e Vertical Position Relative (VPR) * [rows] (default = [row+1,column]) * reuse CSI Ps B ? * * @vt: #Y CSI VPR "Vertical Position Relative" "CSI Ps e" "Move cursor `Ps` times down (default=1)." */ public vPositionRelative(params: IParams): boolean { this._moveCursor(0, params.params[0] || 1); return true; } /** * CSI Ps ; Ps f * Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = * [1,1]) (HVP). * Same as CUP. * * @vt: #Y CSI HVP "Horizontal and Vertical Position" "CSI Ps ; Ps f" "Same as CUP." */ public hVPosition(params: IParams): boolean { this.cursorPosition(params); return true; } /** * CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC). * Ps = 0 -> Clear Current Column (default). * Ps = 3 -> Clear All. * Potentially: * Ps = 2 -> Clear Stops on Line. * http://vt100.net/annarbor/aaa-ug/section6.html * * @vt: #Y CSI TBC "Tab Clear" "CSI Ps g" "Clear tab stops at current position (0) or all (3) (default=0)." * Clearing tabstops off the active row (Ps = 2, VT100) is currently not supported. */ public tabClear(params: IParams): boolean { const param = params.params[0]; if (param === 0) { delete this._activeBuffer.tabs[this._activeBuffer.x]; } else if (param === 3) { this._activeBuffer.tabs = {}; } return true; } /** * CSI Ps I * Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT). * * @vt: #Y CSI CHT "Cursor Horizontal Tabulation" "CSI Ps I" "Move cursor `Ps` times tabs forward (default=1)." */ public cursorForwardTab(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.x >= this._bufferService.cols) { return true; } let param = params.params[0] || 1; while (param--) { this._activeBuffer.x = this._activeBuffer.nextStop(); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT). * * @vt: #Y CSI CBT "Cursor Backward Tabulation" "CSI Ps Z" "Move cursor `Ps` tabs backward (default=1)." */ public cursorBackwardTab(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.x >= this._bufferService.cols) { return true; } let param = params.params[0] || 1; while (param--) { this._activeBuffer.x = this._activeBuffer.prevStop(); } return true; } /** * Helper method to erase cells in a terminal row. * The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal. * @param y row index * @param start first cell index to be erased * @param end end - 1 is last erased cell * @param cleanWrap clear the isWrapped flag */ private _eraseInBufferLine(y: number, start: number, end: number, clearWrap: boolean = false): void { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.replaceCells( start, end, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData() ); if (clearWrap) { line.isWrapped = false; } } /** * Helper method to reset cells in a terminal row. * The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal and the isWrapped property is set to false. * @param y row index */ private _resetBufferLine(y: number): void { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.fill(this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData())); line.isWrapped = false; } /** * CSI Ps J Erase in Display (ED). * Ps = 0 -> Erase Below (default). * Ps = 1 -> Erase Above. * Ps = 2 -> Erase All. * Ps = 3 -> Erase Saved Lines (xterm). * CSI ? Ps J * Erase in Display (DECSED). * Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase Below (default). * Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase Above. * Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. * * @vt: #Y CSI ED "Erase In Display" "CSI Ps J" "Erase various parts of the viewport." * Supported param values: * * | Ps | Effect | * | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | * | 0 | Erase from the cursor through the end of the viewport. | * | 1 | Erase from the beginning of the viewport through the cursor. | * | 2 | Erase complete viewport. | * | 3 | Erase scrollback. | * * @vt: #P[Protection attributes are not supported.] CSI DECSED "Selective Erase In Display" "CSI ? Ps J" "Currently the same as ED." */ public eraseInDisplay(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(this._bufferService.cols); let j; switch (params.params[0]) { case 0: j = this._activeBuffer.y; this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(j); this._eraseInBufferLine(j++, this._activeBuffer.x, this._bufferService.cols, this._activeBuffer.x === 0); for (; j < this._bufferService.rows; j++) { this._resetBufferLine(j); } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(j); break; case 1: j = this._activeBuffer.y; this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(j); // Deleted front part of line and everything before. This line will no longer be wrapped. this._eraseInBufferLine(j, 0, this._activeBuffer.x + 1, true); if (this._activeBuffer.x + 1 >= this._bufferService.cols) { // Deleted entire previous line. This next line can no longer be wrapped. this._activeBuffer.lines.get(j + 1)!.isWrapped = false; } while (j--) { this._resetBufferLine(j); } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(0); break; case 2: j = this._bufferService.rows; this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(j - 1); while (j--) { this._resetBufferLine(j); } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(0); break; case 3: // Clear scrollback (everything not in viewport) const scrollBackSize = this._activeBuffer.lines.length - this._bufferService.rows; if (scrollBackSize > 0) { this._activeBuffer.lines.trimStart(scrollBackSize); this._activeBuffer.ybase = Math.max(this._activeBuffer.ybase - scrollBackSize, 0); this._activeBuffer.ydisp = Math.max(this._activeBuffer.ydisp - scrollBackSize, 0); // Force a scroll event to refresh viewport this._onScroll.fire(0); } break; } return true; } /** * CSI Ps K Erase in Line (EL). * Ps = 0 -> Erase to Right (default). * Ps = 1 -> Erase to Left. * Ps = 2 -> Erase All. * CSI ? Ps K * Erase in Line (DECSEL). * Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase to Right (default). * Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase to Left. * Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. * * @vt: #Y CSI EL "Erase In Line" "CSI Ps K" "Erase various parts of the active row." * Supported param values: * * | Ps | Effect | * | -- | -------------------------------------------------------- | * | 0 | Erase from the cursor through the end of the row. | * | 1 | Erase from the beginning of the line through the cursor. | * | 2 | Erase complete line. | * * @vt: #P[Protection attributes are not supported.] CSI DECSEL "Selective Erase In Line" "CSI ? Ps K" "Currently the same as EL." */ public eraseInLine(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(this._bufferService.cols); switch (params.params[0]) { case 0: this._eraseInBufferLine(this._activeBuffer.y, this._activeBuffer.x, this._bufferService.cols, this._activeBuffer.x === 0); break; case 1: this._eraseInBufferLine(this._activeBuffer.y, 0, this._activeBuffer.x + 1, false); break; case 2: this._eraseInBufferLine(this._activeBuffer.y, 0, this._bufferService.cols, true); break; } this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); return true; } /** * CSI Ps L * Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL). * * @vt: #Y CSI IL "Insert Line" "CSI Ps L" "Insert `Ps` blank lines at active row (default=1)." * For every inserted line at the scroll top one line at the scroll bottom gets removed. * The cursor is set to the first column. * IL has no effect if the cursor is outside the scroll margins. */ public insertLines(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); let param = params.params[0] || 1; if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const row: number = this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y; const scrollBottomRowsOffset = this._bufferService.rows - 1 - this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; const scrollBottomAbsolute = this._bufferService.rows - 1 + this._activeBuffer.ybase - scrollBottomRowsOffset + 1; while (param--) { // test: echo -e '\e[44m\e[1L\e[0m' // blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(scrollBottomAbsolute - 1, 1); this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(row, 0, this._activeBuffer.getBlankLine(this._eraseAttrData())); } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.y, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); this._activeBuffer.x = 0; // see https://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html - vt220 only? return true; } /** * CSI Ps M * Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL). * * @vt: #Y CSI DL "Delete Line" "CSI Ps M" "Delete `Ps` lines at active row (default=1)." * For every deleted line at the scroll top one blank line at the scroll bottom gets appended. * The cursor is set to the first column. * DL has no effect if the cursor is outside the scroll margins. */ public deleteLines(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); let param = params.params[0] || 1; if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const row: number = this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y; let j: number; j = this._bufferService.rows - 1 - this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; j = this._bufferService.rows - 1 + this._activeBuffer.ybase - j; while (param--) { // test: echo -e '\e[44m\e[1M\e[0m' // blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(row, 1); this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(j, 0, this._activeBuffer.getBlankLine(this._eraseAttrData())); } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.y, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); this._activeBuffer.x = 0; // see https://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html - vt220 only? return true; } /** * CSI Ps @ * Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH). * * @vt: #Y CSI ICH "Insert Characters" "CSI Ps @" "Insert `Ps` (blank) characters (default = 1)." * The ICH sequence inserts `Ps` blank characters. The cursor remains at the beginning of the blank characters. * Text between the cursor and right margin moves to the right. Characters moved past the right margin are lost. * * * FIXME: check against xterm - should not work outside of scroll margins (see VT520 manual) */ public insertChars(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y); if (line) { line.insertCells( this._activeBuffer.x, params.params[0] || 1, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData() ); this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps P * Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH). * * @vt: #Y CSI DCH "Delete Character" "CSI Ps P" "Delete `Ps` characters (default=1)." * As characters are deleted, the remaining characters between the cursor and right margin move to the left. * Character attributes move with the characters. The terminal adds blank characters at the right margin. * * * FIXME: check against xterm - should not work outside of scroll margins (see VT520 manual) */ public deleteChars(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y); if (line) { line.deleteCells( this._activeBuffer.x, params.params[0] || 1, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData() ); this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps S Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU). * * @vt: #Y CSI SU "Scroll Up" "CSI Ps S" "Scroll `Ps` lines up (default=1)." * * * FIXME: scrolled out lines at top = 1 should add to scrollback (xterm) */ public scrollUp(params: IParams): boolean { let param = params.params[0] || 1; while (param--) { this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, 1); this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom, 0, this._activeBuffer.getBlankLine(this._eraseAttrData())); } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Ps T Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD). * * @vt: #Y CSI SD "Scroll Down" "CSI Ps T" "Scroll `Ps` lines down (default=1)." */ public scrollDown(params: IParams): boolean { let param = params.params[0] || 1; while (param--) { this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom, 1); this._activeBuffer.lines.splice(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, 0, this._activeBuffer.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA)); } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Ps SP @ Scroll left Ps columns (default = 1) (SL) ECMA-48 * * Notation: (Pn) * Representation: CSI Pn 02/00 04/00 * Parameter default value: Pn = 1 * SL causes the data in the presentation component to be moved by n character positions * if the line orientation is horizontal, or by n line positions if the line orientation * is vertical, such that the data appear to move to the left; where n equals the value of Pn. * The active presentation position is not affected by this control function. * * Supported: * - always left shift (no line orientation setting respected) * * @vt: #Y CSI SL "Scroll Left" "CSI Ps SP @" "Scroll viewport `Ps` times to the left." * SL moves the content of all lines within the scroll margins `Ps` times to the left. * SL has no effect outside of the scroll margins. */ public scrollLeft(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const param = params.params[0] || 1; for (let y = this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; y <= this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; ++y) { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.deleteCells(0, param, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData()); line.isWrapped = false; } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Ps SP A Scroll right Ps columns (default = 1) (SR) ECMA-48 * * Notation: (Pn) * Representation: CSI Pn 02/00 04/01 * Parameter default value: Pn = 1 * SR causes the data in the presentation component to be moved by n character positions * if the line orientation is horizontal, or by n line positions if the line orientation * is vertical, such that the data appear to move to the right; where n equals the value of Pn. * The active presentation position is not affected by this control function. * * Supported: * - always right shift (no line orientation setting respected) * * @vt: #Y CSI SR "Scroll Right" "CSI Ps SP A" "Scroll viewport `Ps` times to the right." * SL moves the content of all lines within the scroll margins `Ps` times to the right. * Content at the right margin is lost. * SL has no effect outside of the scroll margins. */ public scrollRight(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const param = params.params[0] || 1; for (let y = this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; y <= this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; ++y) { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.insertCells(0, param, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData()); line.isWrapped = false; } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Pm ' } * Insert Ps Column(s) (default = 1) (DECIC), VT420 and up. * * @vt: #Y CSI DECIC "Insert Columns" "CSI Ps ' }" "Insert `Ps` columns at cursor position." * DECIC inserts `Ps` times blank columns at the cursor position for all lines with the scroll margins, * moving content to the right. Content at the right margin is lost. * DECIC has no effect outside the scrolling margins. */ public insertColumns(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const param = params.params[0] || 1; for (let y = this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; y <= this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; ++y) { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.insertCells(this._activeBuffer.x, param, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData()); line.isWrapped = false; } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Pm ' ~ * Delete Ps Column(s) (default = 1) (DECDC), VT420 and up. * * @vt: #Y CSI DECDC "Delete Columns" "CSI Ps ' ~" "Delete `Ps` columns at cursor position." * DECDC deletes `Ps` times columns at the cursor position for all lines with the scroll margins, * moving content to the left. Blank columns are added at the right margin. * DECDC has no effect outside the scrolling margins. */ public deleteColumns(params: IParams): boolean { if (this._activeBuffer.y > this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom || this._activeBuffer.y < this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { return true; } const param = params.params[0] || 1; for (let y = this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; y <= this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom; ++y) { const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + y)!; line.deleteCells(this._activeBuffer.x, param, this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData()); line.isWrapped = false; } this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); return true; } /** * CSI Ps X * Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH). * * @vt: #Y CSI ECH "Erase Character" "CSI Ps X" "Erase `Ps` characters from current cursor position to the right (default=1)." * ED erases `Ps` characters from current cursor position to the right. * ED works inside or outside the scrolling margins. */ public eraseChars(params: IParams): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y); if (line) { line.replaceCells( this._activeBuffer.x, this._activeBuffer.x + (params.params[0] || 1), this._activeBuffer.getNullCell(this._eraseAttrData()), this._eraseAttrData() ); this._dirtyRowService.markDirty(this._activeBuffer.y); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps b Repeat the preceding graphic character Ps times (REP). * From ECMA 48 (@see http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-048.pdf) * Notation: (Pn) * Representation: CSI Pn 06/02 * Parameter default value: Pn = 1 * REP is used to indicate that the preceding character in the data stream, * if it is a graphic character (represented by one or more bit combinations) including SPACE, * is to be repeated n times, where n equals the value of Pn. * If the character preceding REP is a control function or part of a control function, * the effect of REP is not defined by this Standard. * * Since we propagate the terminal as xterm-256color we have to follow xterm's behavior: * - fullwidth + surrogate chars are ignored * - for combining chars only the base char gets repeated * - text attrs are applied normally * - wrap around is respected * - any valid sequence resets the carried forward char * * Note: To get reset on a valid sequence working correctly without much runtime penalty, * the preceding codepoint is stored on the parser in `this.print` and reset during `parser.parse`. * * @vt: #Y CSI REP "Repeat Preceding Character" "CSI Ps b" "Repeat preceding character `Ps` times (default=1)." * REP repeats the previous character `Ps` times advancing the cursor, also wrapping if DECAWM is set. * REP has no effect if the sequence does not follow a printable ASCII character * (NOOP for any other sequence in between or NON ASCII characters). */ public repeatPrecedingCharacter(params: IParams): boolean { if (!this._parser.precedingCodepoint) { return true; } // call print to insert the chars and handle correct wrapping const length = params.params[0] || 1; const data = new Uint32Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { data[i] = this._parser.precedingCodepoint; } this.print(data, 0, data.length); return true; } /** * CSI Ps c Send Device Attributes (Primary DA). * Ps = 0 or omitted -> request attributes from terminal. The * response depends on the decTerminalID resource setting. * -> CSI ? 1 ; 2 c (``VT100 with Advanced Video Option'') * -> CSI ? 1 ; 0 c (``VT101 with No Options'') * -> CSI ? 6 c (``VT102'') * -> CSI ? 6 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 6 ; 8 ; 9 ; 1 5 ; c (``VT220'') * The VT100-style response parameters do not mean anything by * themselves. VT220 parameters do, telling the host what fea- * tures the terminal supports: * Ps = 1 -> 132-columns. * Ps = 2 -> Printer. * Ps = 6 -> Selective erase. * Ps = 8 -> User-defined keys. * Ps = 9 -> National replacement character sets. * Ps = 1 5 -> Technical characters. * Ps = 2 2 -> ANSI color, e.g., VT525. * Ps = 2 9 -> ANSI text locator (i.e., DEC Locator mode). * * @vt: #Y CSI DA1 "Primary Device Attributes" "CSI c" "Send primary device attributes." * * * TODO: fix and cleanup response */ public sendDeviceAttributesPrimary(params: IParams): boolean { if (params.params[0] > 0) { return true; } if (this._is('xterm') || this._is('rxvt-unicode') || this._is('screen')) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(C0.ESC + '[?1;2c'); } else if (this._is('linux')) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(C0.ESC + '[?6c'); } return true; } /** * CSI > Ps c * Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA). * Ps = 0 or omitted -> request the terminal's identification * code. The response depends on the decTerminalID resource set- * ting. It should apply only to VT220 and up, but xterm extends * this to VT100. * -> CSI > Pp ; Pv ; Pc c * where Pp denotes the terminal type * Pp = 0 -> ``VT100''. * Pp = 1 -> ``VT220''. * and Pv is the firmware version (for xterm, this was originally * the XFree86 patch number, starting with 95). In a DEC termi- * nal, Pc indicates the ROM cartridge registration number and is * always zero. * More information: * xterm/charproc.c - line 2012, for more information. * vim responds with ^[[?0c or ^[[?1c after the terminal's response (?) * * @vt: #Y CSI DA2 "Secondary Device Attributes" "CSI > c" "Send primary device attributes." * * * TODO: fix and cleanup response */ public sendDeviceAttributesSecondary(params: IParams): boolean { if (params.params[0] > 0) { return true; } // xterm and urxvt // seem to spit this // out around ~370 times (?). if (this._is('xterm')) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(C0.ESC + '[>0;276;0c'); } else if (this._is('rxvt-unicode')) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(C0.ESC + '[>85;95;0c'); } else if (this._is('linux')) { // not supported by linux console. // linux console echoes parameters. this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(params.params[0] + 'c'); } else if (this._is('screen')) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(C0.ESC + '[>83;40003;0c'); } return true; } /** * Evaluate if the current terminal is the given argument. * @param term The terminal name to evaluate */ private _is(term: string): boolean { return (this._optionsService.rawOptions.termName + '').indexOf(term) === 0; } /** * CSI Pm h Set Mode (SM). * Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM). * Ps = 4 -> Insert Mode (IRM). * Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). * Ps = 2 0 -> Automatic Newline (LNM). * * @vt: #P[Only IRM is supported.] CSI SM "Set Mode" "CSI Pm h" "Set various terminal modes." * Supported param values by SM: * * | Param | Action | Support | * | ----- | -------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 2 | Keyboard Action Mode (KAM). Always on. | #N | * | 4 | Insert Mode (IRM). | #Y | * | 12 | Send/receive (SRM). Always off. | #N | * | 20 | Automatic Newline (LNM). Always off. | #N | */ public setMode(params: IParams): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { switch (params.params[i]) { case 4: this._coreService.modes.insertMode = true; break; case 20: // this._t.convertEol = true; break; } } return true; } /** * CSI ? Pm h * DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). * Ps = 1 -> Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM). * Ps = 2 -> Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 * (DECANM), and set VT100 mode. * Ps = 3 -> 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM). * Ps = 4 -> Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM). * Ps = 5 -> Reverse Video (DECSCNM). * Ps = 6 -> Origin Mode (DECOM). * Ps = 7 -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). * Ps = 8 -> Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). * Ps = 9 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the sec- * tion Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 -> Show toolbar (rxvt). * Ps = 1 2 -> Start Blinking Cursor (att610). * Ps = 1 8 -> Print form feed (DECPFF). * Ps = 1 9 -> Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX). * Ps = 2 5 -> Show Cursor (DECTCEM). * Ps = 3 0 -> Show scrollbar (rxvt). * Ps = 3 5 -> Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt). * Ps = 3 8 -> Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK). * Ps = 4 0 -> Allow 80 -> 132 Mode. * Ps = 4 1 -> more(1) fix (see curses resource). * Ps = 4 2 -> Enable Nation Replacement Character sets (DECN- * RCM). * Ps = 4 4 -> Turn On Margin Bell. * Ps = 4 5 -> Reverse-wraparound Mode. * Ps = 4 6 -> Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a * compile-time option. * Ps = 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be dis- * abled by the titeInhibit resource). * Ps = 6 6 -> Application keypad (DECNKM). * Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM). * Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and * release. See the section Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Use All Motion Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Send FocusIn/FocusOut events. * Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Enable Extended Mouse Mode. * Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt). * Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). * Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit. * (enables the eightBitInput resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Enable special modifiers for Alt and Num- * Lock keys. (This enables the numLock resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This * enables the metaSendsEscape resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete * key. * Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This * enables the altSendsEscape resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Keep selection even if not highlighted. * (This enables the keepSelection resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables * the selectToClipboard resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Enable Urgency window manager hint when * Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent * resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Enable raising of the window when Control-G * is received. (enables the popOnBell resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be * disabled by the titeInhibit resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be dis- * abled by the titeInhibit resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate * Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by * the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 * 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based * applications rather than the 4 7 mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Set Sun function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Set HP function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Set SCO function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). * Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Set VT220 keyboard emulation. * Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Set bracketed paste mode. * Modes: * http: *vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html * * @vt: #P[See below for supported modes.] CSI DECSET "DEC Private Set Mode" "CSI ? Pm h" "Set various terminal attributes." * Supported param values by DECSET: * * | param | Action | Support | * | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------- | --------| * | 1 | Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM). | #Y | * | 2 | Designate US-ASCII for character sets G0-G3 (DECANM). | #Y | * | 3 | 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM). | #Y | * | 6 | Origin Mode (DECOM). | #Y | * | 7 | Auto-wrap Mode (DECAWM). | #Y | * | 8 | Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). Always on. | #N | * | 9 | X10 xterm mouse protocol. | #Y | * | 12 | Start Blinking Cursor. | #Y | * | 25 | Show Cursor (DECTCEM). | #Y | * | 45 | Reverse wrap-around. | #Y | * | 47 | Use Alternate Screen Buffer. | #Y | * | 66 | Application keypad (DECNKM). | #Y | * | 1000 | X11 xterm mouse protocol. | #Y | * | 1002 | Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. | #Y | * | 1003 | Use All Motion Mouse Tracking. | #Y | * | 1004 | Send FocusIn/FocusOut events | #Y | * | 1005 | Enable UTF-8 Mouse Mode. | #N | * | 1006 | Enable SGR Mouse Mode. | #Y | * | 1015 | Enable urxvt Mouse Mode. | #N | * | 1047 | Use Alternate Screen Buffer. | #Y | * | 1048 | Save cursor as in DECSC. | #Y | * | 1049 | Save cursor and switch to alternate buffer clearing it. | #P[Does not clear the alternate buffer.] | * | 2004 | Set bracketed paste mode. | #Y | * * * FIXME: implement DECSCNM, 1049 should clear altbuffer */ public setModePrivate(params: IParams): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { switch (params.params[i]) { case 1: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationCursorKeys = true; break; case 2: this._charsetService.setgCharset(0, DEFAULT_CHARSET); this._charsetService.setgCharset(1, DEFAULT_CHARSET); this._charsetService.setgCharset(2, DEFAULT_CHARSET); this._charsetService.setgCharset(3, DEFAULT_CHARSET); // set VT100 mode here break; case 3: /** * DECCOLM - 132 column mode. * This is only active if 'SetWinLines' (24) is enabled * through `options.windowsOptions`. */ if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowOptions.setWinLines) { this._bufferService.resize(132, this._bufferService.rows); this._onRequestReset.fire(); } break; case 6: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.origin = true; this._setCursor(0, 0); break; case 7: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.wraparound = true; break; case 12: // this.cursorBlink = true; break; case 45: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.reverseWraparound = true; break; case 66: this._logService.debug('Serial port requested application keypad.'); this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationKeypad = true; this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); break; case 9: // X10 Mouse // no release, no motion, no wheel, no modifiers. this._coreMouseService.activeProtocol = 'X10'; break; case 1000: // vt200 mouse // no motion. this._coreMouseService.activeProtocol = 'VT200'; break; case 1002: // button event mouse this._coreMouseService.activeProtocol = 'DRAG'; break; case 1003: // any event mouse // any event - sends motion events, // even if there is no button held down. this._coreMouseService.activeProtocol = 'ANY'; break; case 1004: // send focusin/focusout events // focusin: ^[[I // focusout: ^[[O this._coreService.decPrivateModes.sendFocus = true; this._onRequestSendFocus.fire(); break; case 1005: // utf8 ext mode mouse - removed in #2507 this._logService.debug('DECSET 1005 not supported (see #2507)'); break; case 1006: // sgr ext mode mouse this._coreMouseService.activeEncoding = 'SGR'; break; case 1015: // urxvt ext mode mouse - removed in #2507 this._logService.debug('DECSET 1015 not supported (see #2507)'); break; case 25: // show cursor this._coreService.isCursorHidden = false; break; case 1048: // alt screen cursor this.saveCursor(); break; case 1049: // alt screen buffer cursor this.saveCursor(); // FALL-THROUGH case 47: // alt screen buffer case 1047: // alt screen buffer this._bufferService.buffers.activateAltBuffer(this._eraseAttrData()); this._coreService.isCursorInitialized = true; this._onRequestRefreshRows.fire(0, this._bufferService.rows - 1); this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); break; case 2004: // bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste) this._coreService.decPrivateModes.bracketedPasteMode = true; break; } } return true; } /** * CSI Pm l Reset Mode (RM). * Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM). * Ps = 4 -> Replace Mode (IRM). * Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). * Ps = 2 0 -> Normal Linefeed (LNM). * * @vt: #P[Only IRM is supported.] CSI RM "Reset Mode" "CSI Pm l" "Set various terminal attributes." * Supported param values by RM: * * | Param | Action | Support | * | ----- | -------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 2 | Keyboard Action Mode (KAM). Always on. | #N | * | 4 | Replace Mode (IRM). (default) | #Y | * | 12 | Send/receive (SRM). Always off. | #N | * | 20 | Normal Linefeed (LNM). Always off. | #N | * * * FIXME: why is LNM commented out? */ public resetMode(params: IParams): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { switch (params.params[i]) { case 4: this._coreService.modes.insertMode = false; break; case 20: // this._t.convertEol = false; break; } } return true; } /** * CSI ? Pm l * DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST). * Ps = 1 -> Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM). * Ps = 2 -> Designate VT52 mode (DECANM). * Ps = 3 -> 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM). * Ps = 4 -> Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM). * Ps = 5 -> Normal Video (DECSCNM). * Ps = 6 -> Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM). * Ps = 7 -> No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). * Ps = 8 -> No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). * Ps = 9 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press. * Ps = 1 0 -> Hide toolbar (rxvt). * Ps = 1 2 -> Stop Blinking Cursor (att610). * Ps = 1 8 -> Don't print form feed (DECPFF). * Ps = 1 9 -> Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX). * Ps = 2 5 -> Hide Cursor (DECTCEM). * Ps = 3 0 -> Don't show scrollbar (rxvt). * Ps = 3 5 -> Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt). * Ps = 4 0 -> Disallow 80 -> 132 Mode. * Ps = 4 1 -> No more(1) fix (see curses resource). * Ps = 4 2 -> Disable Nation Replacement Character sets (DEC- * NRCM). * Ps = 4 4 -> Turn Off Margin Bell. * Ps = 4 5 -> No Reverse-wraparound Mode. * Ps = 4 6 -> Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a * compile-time option). * Ps = 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer. * Ps = 6 6 -> Numeric keypad (DECNKM). * Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM). * Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press and * release. See the section Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Don't use Hilite Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking. * Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events. * Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Disable Extended Mouse Mode. * Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Don't scroll to bottom on tty output * (rxvt). * Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Don't scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). * Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Don't interpret "meta" key. (This disables * the eightBitInput resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Disable special modifiers for Alt and Num- * Lock keys. (This disables the numLock resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Don't send ESC when Meta modifies a key. * (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource). * Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad * Delete key. * Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Don't send ESC when Alt modifies a key. * (This disables the altSendsEscape resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Do not keep selection when not highlighted. * (This disables the keepSelection resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables * the selectToClipboard resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Disable Urgency window manager hint when * Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent * resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Disable raising of the window when Control- * G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen * first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by * the titeInhibit resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be * disabled by the titeInhibit resource). * Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor * as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit * resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 * 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather * than the 4 7 mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Reset Sun function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Reset HP function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Reset SCO function-key mode. * Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). * Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style. * Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Reset bracketed paste mode. * * @vt: #P[See below for supported modes.] CSI DECRST "DEC Private Reset Mode" "CSI ? Pm l" "Reset various terminal attributes." * Supported param values by DECRST: * * | param | Action | Support | * | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 1 | Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM). | #Y | * | 2 | Designate VT52 mode (DECANM). | #N | * | 3 | 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM). | #B[Switches to old column width instead of 80.] | * | 6 | Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM). | #Y | * | 7 | No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). | #Y | * | 8 | No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). | #N | * | 9 | Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press. | #Y | * | 12 | Stop Blinking Cursor. | #Y | * | 25 | Hide Cursor (DECTCEM). | #Y | * | 45 | No reverse wrap-around. | #Y | * | 47 | Use Normal Screen Buffer. | #Y | * | 66 | Numeric keypad (DECNKM). | #Y | * | 1000 | Don't send Mouse reports. | #Y | * | 1002 | Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. | #Y | * | 1003 | Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking. | #Y | * | 1004 | Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events. | #Y | * | 1005 | Disable UTF-8 Mouse Mode. | #N | * | 1006 | Disable SGR Mouse Mode. | #Y | * | 1015 | Disable urxvt Mouse Mode. | #N | * | 1047 | Use Normal Screen Buffer (clearing screen if in alt). | #Y | * | 1048 | Restore cursor as in DECRC. | #Y | * | 1049 | Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor. | #Y | * | 2004 | Reset bracketed paste mode. | #Y | * * * FIXME: DECCOLM is currently broken (already fixed in window options PR) */ public resetModePrivate(params: IParams): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { switch (params.params[i]) { case 1: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationCursorKeys = false; break; case 3: /** * DECCOLM - 80 column mode. * This is only active if 'SetWinLines' (24) is enabled * through `options.windowsOptions`. */ if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowOptions.setWinLines) { this._bufferService.resize(80, this._bufferService.rows); this._onRequestReset.fire(); } break; case 6: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.origin = false; this._setCursor(0, 0); break; case 7: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.wraparound = false; break; case 12: // this.cursorBlink = false; break; case 45: this._coreService.decPrivateModes.reverseWraparound = false; break; case 66: this._logService.debug('Switching back to normal keypad.'); this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationKeypad = false; this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); break; case 9: // X10 Mouse case 1000: // vt200 mouse case 1002: // button event mouse case 1003: // any event mouse this._coreMouseService.activeProtocol = 'NONE'; break; case 1004: // send focusin/focusout events this._coreService.decPrivateModes.sendFocus = false; break; case 1005: // utf8 ext mode mouse - removed in #2507 this._logService.debug('DECRST 1005 not supported (see #2507)'); break; case 1006: // sgr ext mode mouse this._coreMouseService.activeEncoding = 'DEFAULT'; break; case 1015: // urxvt ext mode mouse - removed in #2507 this._logService.debug('DECRST 1015 not supported (see #2507)'); break; case 25: // hide cursor this._coreService.isCursorHidden = true; break; case 1048: // alt screen cursor this.restoreCursor(); break; case 1049: // alt screen buffer cursor // FALL-THROUGH case 47: // normal screen buffer case 1047: // normal screen buffer - clearing it first // Ensure the selection manager has the correct buffer this._bufferService.buffers.activateNormalBuffer(); if (params.params[i] === 1049) { this.restoreCursor(); } this._coreService.isCursorInitialized = true; this._onRequestRefreshRows.fire(0, this._bufferService.rows - 1); this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); break; case 2004: // bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste) this._coreService.decPrivateModes.bracketedPasteMode = false; break; } } return true; } /** * Helper to write color information packed with color mode. */ private _updateAttrColor(color: number, mode: number, c1: number, c2: number, c3: number): number { if (mode === 2) { color |= Attributes.CM_RGB; color &= ~Attributes.RGB_MASK; color |= AttributeData.fromColorRGB([c1, c2, c3]); } else if (mode === 5) { color &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK); color |= Attributes.CM_P256 | (c1 & 0xff); } return color; } /** * Helper to extract and apply color params/subparams. * Returns advance for params index. */ private _extractColor(params: IParams, pos: number, attr: IAttributeData): number { // normalize params // meaning: [target, CM, ign, val, val, val] // RGB : [ 38/48, 2, ign, r, g, b] // P256 : [ 38/48, 5, ign, v, ign, ign] const accu = [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0]; // alignment placeholder for non color space sequences let cSpace = 0; // return advance we took in params let advance = 0; do { accu[advance + cSpace] = params.params[pos + advance]; if (params.hasSubParams(pos + advance)) { const subparams = params.getSubParams(pos + advance)!; let i = 0; do { if (accu[1] === 5) { cSpace = 1; } accu[advance + i + 1 + cSpace] = subparams[i]; } while (++i < subparams.length && i + advance + 1 + cSpace < accu.length); break; } // exit early if can decide color mode with semicolons if ((accu[1] === 5 && advance + cSpace >= 2) || (accu[1] === 2 && advance + cSpace >= 5)) { break; } // offset colorSpace slot for semicolon mode if (accu[1]) { cSpace = 1; } } while (++advance + pos < params.length && advance + cSpace < accu.length); // set default values to 0 for (let i = 2; i < accu.length; ++i) { if (accu[i] === -1) { accu[i] = 0; } } // apply colors switch (accu[0]) { case 38: attr.fg = this._updateAttrColor(attr.fg, accu[1], accu[3], accu[4], accu[5]); break; case 48: attr.bg = this._updateAttrColor(attr.bg, accu[1], accu[3], accu[4], accu[5]); break; case 58: attr.extended = attr.extended.clone(); attr.extended.underlineColor = this._updateAttrColor(attr.extended.underlineColor, accu[1], accu[3], accu[4], accu[5]); } return advance; } /** * SGR 4 subparams: * 4:0 - equal to SGR 24 (turn off all underline) * 4:1 - equal to SGR 4 (single underline) * 4:2 - equal to SGR 21 (double underline) * 4:3 - curly underline * 4:4 - dotted underline * 4:5 - dashed underline */ private _processUnderline(style: number, attr: IAttributeData): void { // treat extended attrs as immutable, thus always clone from old one // this is needed since the buffer only holds references to it attr.extended = attr.extended.clone(); // default to 1 == single underline if (!~style || style > 5) { style = 1; } attr.extended.underlineStyle = style; attr.fg |= FgFlags.UNDERLINE; // 0 deactivates underline if (style === 0) { attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.UNDERLINE; } // update HAS_EXTENDED in BG attr.updateExtended(); } /** * CSI Pm m Character Attributes (SGR). * * @vt: #P[See below for supported attributes.] CSI SGR "Select Graphic Rendition" "CSI Pm m" "Set/Reset various text attributes." * SGR selects one or more character attributes at the same time. Multiple params (up to 32) * are applied in order from left to right. The changed attributes are applied to all new * characters received. If you move characters in the viewport by scrolling or any other means, * then the attributes move with the characters. * * Supported param values by SGR: * * | Param | Meaning | Support | * | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 0 | Normal (default). Resets any other preceding SGR. | #Y | * | 1 | Bold. (also see `options.drawBoldTextInBrightColors`) | #Y | * | 2 | Faint, decreased intensity. | #Y | * | 3 | Italic. | #Y | * | 4 | Underlined (see below for style support). | #Y | * | 5 | Slowly blinking. | #N | * | 6 | Rapidly blinking. | #N | * | 7 | Inverse. Flips foreground and background color. | #Y | * | 8 | Invisible (hidden). | #Y | * | 9 | Crossed-out characters (strikethrough). | #Y | * | 21 | Doubly underlined. | #P[Currently outputs a single underline.] | * | 22 | Normal (neither bold nor faint). | #Y | * | 23 | No italic. | #Y | * | 24 | Not underlined. | #Y | * | 25 | Steady (not blinking). | #Y | * | 27 | Positive (not inverse). | #Y | * | 28 | Visible (not hidden). | #Y | * | 29 | Not Crossed-out (strikethrough). | #Y | * | 30 | Foreground color: Black. | #Y | * | 31 | Foreground color: Red. | #Y | * | 32 | Foreground color: Green. | #Y | * | 33 | Foreground color: Yellow. | #Y | * | 34 | Foreground color: Blue. | #Y | * | 35 | Foreground color: Magenta. | #Y | * | 36 | Foreground color: Cyan. | #Y | * | 37 | Foreground color: White. | #Y | * | 38 | Foreground color: Extended color. | #P[Support for RGB and indexed colors, see below.] | * | 39 | Foreground color: Default (original). | #Y | * | 40 | Background color: Black. | #Y | * | 41 | Background color: Red. | #Y | * | 42 | Background color: Green. | #Y | * | 43 | Background color: Yellow. | #Y | * | 44 | Background color: Blue. | #Y | * | 45 | Background color: Magenta. | #Y | * | 46 | Background color: Cyan. | #Y | * | 47 | Background color: White. | #Y | * | 48 | Background color: Extended color. | #P[Support for RGB and indexed colors, see below.] | * | 49 | Background color: Default (original). | #Y | * | 90 - 97 | Bright foreground color (analogous to 30 - 37). | #Y | * | 100 - 107 | Bright background color (analogous to 40 - 47). | #Y | * * Underline supports subparams to denote the style in the form `4 : x`: * * | x | Meaning | Support | * | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 0 | No underline. Same as `SGR 24 m`. | #Y | * | 1 | Single underline. Same as `SGR 4 m`. | #Y | * | 2 | Double underline. | #P[Currently outputs a single underline.] | * | 3 | Curly underline. | #P[Currently outputs a single underline.] | * | 4 | Dotted underline. | #P[Currently outputs a single underline.] | * | 5 | Dashed underline. | #P[Currently outputs a single underline.] | * | other | Single underline. Same as `SGR 4 m`. | #Y | * * Extended colors are supported for foreground (Ps=38) and background (Ps=48) as follows: * * | Ps + 1 | Meaning | Support | * | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | * | 0 | Implementation defined. | #N | * | 1 | Transparent. | #N | * | 2 | RGB color as `Ps ; 2 ; R ; G ; B` or `Ps : 2 : : R : G : B`. | #Y | * | 3 | CMY color. | #N | * | 4 | CMYK color. | #N | * | 5 | Indexed (256 colors) as `Ps ; 5 ; INDEX` or `Ps : 5 : INDEX`. | #Y | * * * FIXME: blinking is implemented in attrs, but not working in renderers? * FIXME: remove dead branch for p=100 */ public charAttributes(params: IParams): boolean { // Optimize a single SGR0. if (params.length === 1 && params.params[0] === 0) { this._curAttrData.fg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg; this._curAttrData.bg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg; return true; } const l = params.length; let p; const attr = this._curAttrData; for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { p = params.params[i]; if (p >= 30 && p <= 37) { // fg color 8 attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK); attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 30); } else if (p >= 40 && p <= 47) { // bg color 8 attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK); attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 40); } else if (p >= 90 && p <= 97) { // fg color 16 attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK); attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 90) | 8; } else if (p >= 100 && p <= 107) { // bg color 16 attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK); attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 100) | 8; } else if (p === 0) { // default attr.fg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg; attr.bg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg; } else if (p === 1) { // bold text attr.fg |= FgFlags.BOLD; } else if (p === 3) { // italic text attr.bg |= BgFlags.ITALIC; } else if (p === 4) { // underlined text attr.fg |= FgFlags.UNDERLINE; this._processUnderline(params.hasSubParams(i) ? params.getSubParams(i)![0] : UnderlineStyle.SINGLE, attr); } else if (p === 5) { // blink attr.fg |= FgFlags.BLINK; } else if (p === 7) { // inverse and positive // test with: echo -e '\e[31m\e[42mhello\e[7mworld\e[27mhi\e[m' attr.fg |= FgFlags.INVERSE; } else if (p === 8) { // invisible attr.fg |= FgFlags.INVISIBLE; } else if (p === 9) { // strikethrough attr.fg |= FgFlags.STRIKETHROUGH; } else if (p === 2) { // dimmed text attr.bg |= BgFlags.DIM; } else if (p === 21) { // double underline this._processUnderline(UnderlineStyle.DOUBLE, attr); } else if (p === 22) { // not bold nor faint attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.BOLD; attr.bg &= ~BgFlags.DIM; } else if (p === 23) { // not italic attr.bg &= ~BgFlags.ITALIC; } else if (p === 24) { // not underlined attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.UNDERLINE; } else if (p === 25) { // not blink attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.BLINK; } else if (p === 27) { // not inverse attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.INVERSE; } else if (p === 28) { // not invisible attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.INVISIBLE; } else if (p === 29) { // not strikethrough attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.STRIKETHROUGH; } else if (p === 39) { // reset fg attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); attr.fg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); } else if (p === 49) { // reset bg attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); attr.bg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); } else if (p === 38 || p === 48 || p === 58) { // fg color 256 and RGB i += this._extractColor(params, i, attr); } else if (p === 59) { attr.extended = attr.extended.clone(); attr.extended.underlineColor = -1; attr.updateExtended(); } else if (p === 100) { // FIXME: dead branch, p=100 already handled above! // reset fg/bg attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); attr.fg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); attr.bg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK); } else { this._logService.debug('Unknown SGR attribute: %d.', p); } } return true; } /** * CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). * Ps = 5 -> Status Report. Result (``OK'') is * CSI 0 n * Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. * Result is * CSI r ; c R * CSI ? Ps n * Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific). * Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI * ? r ; c R (assumes page is zero). * Ps = 1 5 -> Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready). * or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready). * Ps = 2 5 -> Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) * or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked). * Ps = 2 6 -> Report Keyboard status as * CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American). * The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote key- * board ready and LK01 respectively. * Ps = 5 3 -> Report Locator status as * CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or * CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not. * * @vt: #Y CSI DSR "Device Status Report" "CSI Ps n" "Request cursor position (CPR) with `Ps` = 6." */ public deviceStatus(params: IParams): boolean { switch (params.params[0]) { case 5: // status report this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}[0n`); break; case 6: // cursor position const y = this._activeBuffer.y + 1; const x = this._activeBuffer.x + 1; this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}[${y};${x}R`); break; } return true; } // @vt: #P[Only CPR is supported.] CSI DECDSR "DEC Device Status Report" "CSI ? Ps n" "Only CPR is supported (same as DSR)." public deviceStatusPrivate(params: IParams): boolean { // modern xterm doesnt seem to // respond to any of these except ?6, 6, and 5 switch (params.params[0]) { case 6: // cursor position const y = this._activeBuffer.y + 1; const x = this._activeBuffer.x + 1; this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}[?${y};${x}R`); break; case 15: // no printer // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?11n'); break; case 25: // dont support user defined keys // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?21n'); break; case 26: // north american keyboard // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?27;1;0;0n'); break; case 53: // no dec locator/mouse // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?50n'); break; } return true; } /** * CSI ! p Soft terminal reset (DECSTR). * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table4-10.html * * @vt: #Y CSI DECSTR "Soft Terminal Reset" "CSI ! p" "Reset several terminal attributes to initial state." * There are two terminal reset sequences - RIS and DECSTR. While RIS performs almost a full terminal bootstrap, * DECSTR only resets certain attributes. For most needs DECSTR should be sufficient. * * The following terminal attributes are reset to default values: * - IRM is reset (dafault = false) * - scroll margins are reset (default = viewport size) * - erase attributes are reset to default * - charsets are reset * - DECSC data is reset to initial values * - DECOM is reset to absolute mode * * * FIXME: there are several more attributes missing (see VT520 manual) */ public softReset(params: IParams): boolean { this._coreService.isCursorHidden = false; this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); this._activeBuffer.scrollTop = 0; this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom = this._bufferService.rows - 1; this._curAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone(); this._coreService.reset(); this._charsetService.reset(); // reset DECSC data this._activeBuffer.savedX = 0; this._activeBuffer.savedY = this._activeBuffer.ybase; this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.fg = this._curAttrData.fg; this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.bg = this._curAttrData.bg; this._activeBuffer.savedCharset = this._charsetService.charset; // reset DECOM this._coreService.decPrivateModes.origin = false; return true; } /** * CSI Ps SP q Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520). * Ps = 0 -> blinking block. * Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default). * Ps = 2 -> steady block. * Ps = 3 -> blinking underline. * Ps = 4 -> steady underline. * Ps = 5 -> blinking bar (xterm). * Ps = 6 -> steady bar (xterm). * * @vt: #Y CSI DECSCUSR "Set Cursor Style" "CSI Ps SP q" "Set cursor style." * Supported cursor styles: * - empty, 0 or 1: steady block * - 2: blink block * - 3: steady underline * - 4: blink underline * - 5: steady bar * - 6: blink bar */ public setCursorStyle(params: IParams): boolean { const param = params.params[0] || 1; switch (param) { case 1: case 2: this._optionsService.options.cursorStyle = 'block'; break; case 3: case 4: this._optionsService.options.cursorStyle = 'underline'; break; case 5: case 6: this._optionsService.options.cursorStyle = 'bar'; break; } const isBlinking = param % 2 === 1; this._optionsService.options.cursorBlink = isBlinking; return true; } /** * CSI Ps ; Ps r * Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of win- * dow) (DECSTBM). * * @vt: #Y CSI DECSTBM "Set Top and Bottom Margin" "CSI Ps ; Ps r" "Set top and bottom margins of the viewport [top;bottom] (default = viewport size)." */ public setScrollRegion(params: IParams): boolean { const top = params.params[0] || 1; let bottom: number; if (params.length < 2 || (bottom = params.params[1]) > this._bufferService.rows || bottom === 0) { bottom = this._bufferService.rows; } if (bottom > top) { this._activeBuffer.scrollTop = top - 1; this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom = bottom - 1; this._setCursor(0, 0); } return true; } /** * CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t - Various window manipulations and reports (xterm) * * Note: Only those listed below are supported. All others are left to integrators and * need special treatment based on the embedding environment. * * Ps = 1 4 supported * Report xterm text area size in pixels. * Result is CSI 4 ; height ; width t * Ps = 14 ; 2 not implemented * Ps = 16 supported * Report xterm character cell size in pixels. * Result is CSI 6 ; height ; width t * Ps = 18 supported * Report the size of the text area in characters. * Result is CSI 8 ; height ; width t * Ps = 20 supported * Report xterm window's icon label. * Result is OSC L label ST * Ps = 21 supported * Report xterm window's title. * Result is OSC l label ST * Ps = 22 ; 0 -> Save xterm icon and window title on stack. supported * Ps = 22 ; 1 -> Save xterm icon title on stack. supported * Ps = 22 ; 2 -> Save xterm window title on stack. supported * Ps = 23 ; 0 -> Restore xterm icon and window title from stack. supported * Ps = 23 ; 1 -> Restore xterm icon title from stack. supported * Ps = 23 ; 2 -> Restore xterm window title from stack. supported * Ps >= 24 not implemented */ public windowOptions(params: IParams): boolean { if (!paramToWindowOption(params.params[0], this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowOptions)) { return true; } const second = (params.length > 1) ? params.params[1] : 0; switch (params.params[0]) { case 14: // GetWinSizePixels, returns CSI 4 ; height ; width t if (second !== 2) { this._onRequestWindowsOptionsReport.fire(WindowsOptionsReportType.GET_WIN_SIZE_PIXELS); } break; case 16: // GetCellSizePixels, returns CSI 6 ; height ; width t this._onRequestWindowsOptionsReport.fire(WindowsOptionsReportType.GET_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS); break; case 18: // GetWinSizeChars, returns CSI 8 ; height ; width t if (this._bufferService) { this._coreService.triggerDataEvent(`${C0.ESC}[8;${this._bufferService.rows};${this._bufferService.cols}t`); } break; case 22: // PushTitle if (second === 0 || second === 2) { this._windowTitleStack.push(this._windowTitle); if (this._windowTitleStack.length > STACK_LIMIT) { this._windowTitleStack.shift(); } } if (second === 0 || second === 1) { this._iconNameStack.push(this._iconName); if (this._iconNameStack.length > STACK_LIMIT) { this._iconNameStack.shift(); } } break; case 23: // PopTitle if (second === 0 || second === 2) { if (this._windowTitleStack.length) { this.setTitle(this._windowTitleStack.pop()!); } } if (second === 0 || second === 1) { if (this._iconNameStack.length) { this.setIconName(this._iconNameStack.pop()!); } } break; } return true; } /** * CSI s * ESC 7 * Save cursor (ANSI.SYS). * * @vt: #P[TODO...] CSI SCOSC "Save Cursor" "CSI s" "Save cursor position, charmap and text attributes." * @vt: #Y ESC SC "Save Cursor" "ESC 7" "Save cursor position, charmap and text attributes." */ public saveCursor(params?: IParams): boolean { this._activeBuffer.savedX = this._activeBuffer.x; this._activeBuffer.savedY = this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y; this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.fg = this._curAttrData.fg; this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.bg = this._curAttrData.bg; this._activeBuffer.savedCharset = this._charsetService.charset; return true; } /** * CSI u * ESC 8 * Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS). * * @vt: #P[TODO...] CSI SCORC "Restore Cursor" "CSI u" "Restore cursor position, charmap and text attributes." * @vt: #Y ESC RC "Restore Cursor" "ESC 8" "Restore cursor position, charmap and text attributes." */ public restoreCursor(params?: IParams): boolean { this._activeBuffer.x = this._activeBuffer.savedX || 0; this._activeBuffer.y = Math.max(this._activeBuffer.savedY - this._activeBuffer.ybase, 0); this._curAttrData.fg = this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.fg; this._curAttrData.bg = this._activeBuffer.savedCurAttrData.bg; this._charsetService.charset = (this as any)._savedCharset; if (this._activeBuffer.savedCharset) { this._charsetService.charset = this._activeBuffer.savedCharset; } this._restrictCursor(); return true; } /** * OSC 2; ST (set window title) * Proxy to set window title. * * @vt: #P[Icon name is not exposed.] OSC 0 "Set Windows Title and Icon Name" "OSC 0 ; Pt BEL" "Set window title and icon name." * Icon name is not supported. For Window Title see below. * * @vt: #Y OSC 2 "Set Windows Title" "OSC 2 ; Pt BEL" "Set window title." * xterm.js does not manipulate the title directly, instead exposes changes via the event `Terminal.onTitleChange`. */ public setTitle(data: string): boolean { this._windowTitle = data; this._onTitleChange.fire(data); return true; } /** * OSC 1; ST * Note: Icon name is not exposed. */ public setIconName(data: string): boolean { this._iconName = data; return true; } /** * OSC 4; ; ST (set ANSI color to ) * * @vt: #Y OSC 4 "Set ANSI color" "OSC 4 ; c ; spec BEL" "Change color number `c` to the color specified by `spec`." * `c` is the color index between 0 and 255. The color format of `spec` is derived from `XParseColor` (see OSC 10 for supported formats). * There may be multipe `c ; spec` pairs present in the same instruction. * If `spec` contains `?` the terminal returns a sequence with the currently set color. */ public setOrReportIndexedColor(data: string): boolean { const event: IColorEvent = []; const slots = data.split(';'); while (slots.length > 1) { const idx = slots.shift() as string; const spec = slots.shift() as string; if (/^\d+$/.exec(idx)) { const index = parseInt(idx); if (0 <= index && index < 256) { if (spec === '?') { event.push({ type: ColorRequestType.REPORT, index }); } else { const color = parseColor(spec); if (color) { event.push({ type: ColorRequestType.SET, index, color }); } } } } } if (event.length) { this._onColor.fire(event); } return true; } // special colors - OSC 10 | 11 | 12 private _specialColors = [ColorIndex.FOREGROUND, ColorIndex.BACKGROUND, ColorIndex.CURSOR]; /** * Apply colors requests for special colors in OSC 10 | 11 | 12. * Since these commands are stacking from multiple parameters, * we handle them in a loop with an entry offset to `_specialColors`. */ private _setOrReportSpecialColor(data: string, offset: number): boolean { const slots = data.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; ++i, ++offset) { if (offset >= this._specialColors.length) break; if (slots[i] === '?') { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.REPORT, index: this._specialColors[offset] }]); } else { const color = parseColor(slots[i]); if (color) { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.SET, index: this._specialColors[offset], color }]); } } } return true; } /** * OSC 10 ; | ST - set or query default foreground color * * @vt: #Y OSC 10 "Set or query default foreground color" "OSC 10 ; Pt BEL" "Set or query default foreground color." * To set the color, the following color specification formats are supported: * - `rgb://` for `, , ` in `h | hh | hhh | hhhh`, where * `h` is a single hexadecimal digit (case insignificant). The different widths scale * from 4 bit (`h`) to 16 bit (`hhhh`) and get converted to 8 bit (`hh`). * - `#RGB` - 4 bits per channel, expanded to `#R0G0B0` * - `#RRGGBB` - 8 bits per channel * - `#RRRGGGBBB` - 12 bits per channel, truncated to `#RRGGBB` * - `#RRRRGGGGBBBB` - 16 bits per channel, truncated to `#RRGGBB` * * **Note:** X11 named colors are currently unsupported. * * If `Pt` contains `?` instead of a color specification, the terminal * returns a sequence with the current default foreground color * (use that sequence to restore the color after changes). * * **Note:** Other than xterm, xterm.js does not support OSC 12 - 19. * Therefore stacking multiple `Pt` separated by `;` only works for the first two entries. */ public setOrReportFgColor(data: string): boolean { return this._setOrReportSpecialColor(data, 0); } /** * OSC 11 ; | ST - set or query default background color * * @vt: #Y OSC 11 "Set or query default background color" "OSC 11 ; Pt BEL" "Same as OSC 10, but for default background." */ public setOrReportBgColor(data: string): boolean { return this._setOrReportSpecialColor(data, 1); } /** * OSC 12 ; | ST - set or query default cursor color * * @vt: #Y OSC 12 "Set or query default cursor color" "OSC 12 ; Pt BEL" "Same as OSC 10, but for default cursor color." */ public setOrReportCursorColor(data: string): boolean { return this._setOrReportSpecialColor(data, 2); } /** * OSC 104 ; ST - restore ANSI color * * @vt: #Y OSC 104 "Reset ANSI color" "OSC 104 ; c BEL" "Reset color number `c` to themed color." * `c` is the color index between 0 and 255. This function restores the default color for `c` as * specified by the loaded theme. Any number of `c` parameters may be given. * If no parameters are given, the entire indexed color table will be reset. */ public restoreIndexedColor(data: string): boolean { if (!data) { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.RESTORE }]); return true; } const event: IColorEvent = []; const slots = data.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; ++i) { if (/^\d+$/.exec(slots[i])) { const index = parseInt(slots[i]); if (0 <= index && index < 256) { event.push({ type: ColorRequestType.RESTORE, index }); } } } if (event.length) { this._onColor.fire(event); } return true; } /** * OSC 110 ST - restore default foreground color * * @vt: #Y OSC 110 "Restore default foreground color" "OSC 110 BEL" "Restore default foreground to themed color." */ public restoreFgColor(data: string): boolean { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.RESTORE, index: ColorIndex.FOREGROUND }]); return true; } /** * OSC 111 ST - restore default background color * * @vt: #Y OSC 111 "Restore default background color" "OSC 111 BEL" "Restore default background to themed color." */ public restoreBgColor(data: string): boolean { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.RESTORE, index: ColorIndex.BACKGROUND }]); return true; } /** * OSC 112 ST - restore default cursor color * * @vt: #Y OSC 112 "Restore default cursor color" "OSC 112 BEL" "Restore default cursor to themed color." */ public restoreCursorColor(data: string): boolean { this._onColor.fire([{ type: ColorRequestType.RESTORE, index: ColorIndex.CURSOR }]); return true; } /** * ESC E * C1.NEL * DEC mnemonic: NEL (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/NEL) * Moves cursor to first position on next line. * * @vt: #Y C1 NEL "Next Line" "\x85" "Move the cursor to the beginning of the next row." * @vt: #Y ESC NEL "Next Line" "ESC E" "Move the cursor to the beginning of the next row." */ public nextLine(): boolean { this._activeBuffer.x = 0; this.index(); return true; } /** * ESC = * DEC mnemonic: DECKPAM (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECKPAM.html) * Enables the numeric keypad to send application sequences to the host. */ public keypadApplicationMode(): boolean { this._logService.debug('Serial port requested application keypad.'); this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationKeypad = true; this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); return true; } /** * ESC > * DEC mnemonic: DECKPNM (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECKPNM.html) * Enables the keypad to send numeric characters to the host. */ public keypadNumericMode(): boolean { this._logService.debug('Switching back to normal keypad.'); this._coreService.decPrivateModes.applicationKeypad = false; this._onRequestSyncScrollBar.fire(); return true; } /** * ESC % @ * ESC % G * Select default character set. UTF-8 is not supported (string are unicode anyways) * therefore ESC % G does the same. */ public selectDefaultCharset(): boolean { this._charsetService.setgLevel(0); this._charsetService.setgCharset(0, DEFAULT_CHARSET); // US (default) return true; } /** * ESC ( C * Designate G0 Character Set, VT100, ISO 2022. * ESC ) C * Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT100). * ESC * C * Designate G2 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220). * ESC + C * Designate G3 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220). * ESC - C * Designate G1 Character Set (VT300). * ESC . C * Designate G2 Character Set (VT300). * ESC / C * Designate G3 Character Set (VT300). C = A -> ISO Latin-1 Supplemental. - Supported? */ public selectCharset(collectAndFlag: string): boolean { if (collectAndFlag.length !== 2) { this.selectDefaultCharset(); return true; } if (collectAndFlag[0] === '/') { return true; // TODO: Is this supported? } this._charsetService.setgCharset(GLEVEL[collectAndFlag[0]], CHARSETS[collectAndFlag[1]] || DEFAULT_CHARSET); return true; } /** * ESC D * C1.IND * DEC mnemonic: IND (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/IND.html) * Moves the cursor down one line in the same column. * * @vt: #Y C1 IND "Index" "\x84" "Move the cursor one line down scrolling if needed." * @vt: #Y ESC IND "Index" "ESC D" "Move the cursor one line down scrolling if needed." */ public index(): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); this._activeBuffer.y++; if (this._activeBuffer.y === this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom + 1) { this._activeBuffer.y--; this._bufferService.scroll(this._eraseAttrData()); } else if (this._activeBuffer.y >= this._bufferService.rows) { this._activeBuffer.y = this._bufferService.rows - 1; } this._restrictCursor(); return true; } /** * ESC H * C1.HTS * DEC mnemonic: HTS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/HTS.html) * Sets a horizontal tab stop at the column position indicated by * the value of the active column when the terminal receives an HTS. * * @vt: #Y C1 HTS "Horizontal Tabulation Set" "\x88" "Places a tab stop at the current cursor position." * @vt: #Y ESC HTS "Horizontal Tabulation Set" "ESC H" "Places a tab stop at the current cursor position." */ public tabSet(): boolean { this._activeBuffer.tabs[this._activeBuffer.x] = true; return true; } /** * ESC M * C1.RI * DEC mnemonic: HTS * Moves the cursor up one line in the same column. If the cursor is at the top margin, * the page scrolls down. * * @vt: #Y ESC IR "Reverse Index" "ESC M" "Move the cursor one line up scrolling if needed." */ public reverseIndex(): boolean { this._restrictCursor(); if (this._activeBuffer.y === this._activeBuffer.scrollTop) { // possibly move the code below to term.reverseScroll(); // test: echo -ne '\e[1;1H\e[44m\eM\e[0m' // blankLine(true) is xterm/linux behavior const scrollRegionHeight = this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom - this._activeBuffer.scrollTop; this._activeBuffer.lines.shiftElements(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y, scrollRegionHeight, 1); this._activeBuffer.lines.set(this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y, this._activeBuffer.getBlankLine(this._eraseAttrData())); this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(this._activeBuffer.scrollTop, this._activeBuffer.scrollBottom); } else { this._activeBuffer.y--; this._restrictCursor(); // quickfix to not run out of bounds } return true; } /** * ESC c * DEC mnemonic: RIS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/RIS.html) * Reset to initial state. */ public fullReset(): boolean { this._parser.reset(); this._onRequestReset.fire(); return true; } public reset(): void { this._curAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone(); this._eraseAttrDataInternal = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone(); } /** * back_color_erase feature for xterm. */ private _eraseAttrData(): IAttributeData { this._eraseAttrDataInternal.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | 0xFFFFFF); this._eraseAttrDataInternal.bg |= this._curAttrData.bg & ~0xFC000000; return this._eraseAttrDataInternal; } /** * ESC n * ESC o * ESC | * ESC } * ESC ~ * DEC mnemonic: LS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/LS.html) * When you use a locking shift, the character set remains in GL or GR until * you use another locking shift. (partly supported) */ public setgLevel(level: number): boolean { this._charsetService.setgLevel(level); return true; } /** * ESC # 8 * DEC mnemonic: DECALN (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECALN.html) * This control function fills the complete screen area with * a test pattern (E) used for adjusting screen alignment. * * @vt: #Y ESC DECALN "Screen Alignment Pattern" "ESC # 8" "Fill viewport with a test pattern (E)." */ public screenAlignmentPattern(): boolean { // prepare cell data const cell = new CellData(); cell.content = 1 << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT | 'E'.charCodeAt(0); cell.fg = this._curAttrData.fg; cell.bg = this._curAttrData.bg; this._setCursor(0, 0); for (let yOffset = 0; yOffset < this._bufferService.rows; ++yOffset) { const row = this._activeBuffer.ybase + this._activeBuffer.y + yOffset; const line = this._activeBuffer.lines.get(row); if (line) { line.fill(cell); line.isWrapped = false; } } this._dirtyRowService.markAllDirty(); this._setCursor(0, 0); return true; } }