/** * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { CharData, IBufferLine, ICellData, IAttributeData, IExtendedAttrs } from 'common/Types'; import { stringFromCodePoint } from 'common/input/TextDecoder'; import { CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX, CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX, CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX, NULL_CELL_CHAR, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE, WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR, Content, BgFlags } from 'common/buffer/Constants'; import { CellData } from 'common/buffer/CellData'; import { AttributeData, ExtendedAttrs } from 'common/buffer/AttributeData'; /** * buffer memory layout: * * | uint32_t | uint32_t | uint32_t | * | `content` | `FG` | `BG` | * | wcwidth(2) comb(1) codepoint(21) | flags(8) R(8) G(8) B(8) | flags(8) R(8) G(8) B(8) | */ /** typed array slots taken by one cell */ const CELL_SIZE = 3; /** * Cell member indices. * * Direct access: * `content = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];` * `fg = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG];` * `bg = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG];` */ const enum Cell { CONTENT = 0, FG = 1, // currently simply holds all known attrs BG = 2 // currently unused } export const DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA = Object.freeze(new AttributeData()); /** * Typed array based bufferline implementation. * * There are 2 ways to insert data into the cell buffer: * - `setCellFromCodepoint` + `addCodepointToCell` * Use these for data that is already UTF32. * Used during normal input in `InputHandler` for faster buffer access. * - `setCell` * This method takes a CellData object and stores the data in the buffer. * Use `CellData.fromCharData` to create the CellData object (e.g. from JS string). * * To retrieve data from the buffer use either one of the primitive methods * (if only one particular value is needed) or `loadCell`. For `loadCell` in a loop * memory allocs / GC pressure can be greatly reduced by reusing the CellData object. */ export class BufferLine implements IBufferLine { protected _data: Uint32Array; protected _combined: {[index: number]: string} = {}; protected _extendedAttrs: {[index: number]: ExtendedAttrs} = {}; public length: number; constructor(cols: number, fillCellData?: ICellData, public isWrapped: boolean = false) { this._data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE); const cell = fillCellData || CellData.fromCharData([0, NULL_CELL_CHAR, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE]); for (let i = 0; i < cols; ++i) { this.setCell(i, cell); } this.length = cols; } /** * Get cell data CharData. * @deprecated */ public get(index: number): CharData { const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT]; const cp = content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK; return [ this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG], (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) ? this._combined[index] : (cp) ? stringFromCodePoint(cp) : '', content >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT, (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) ? this._combined[index].charCodeAt(this._combined[index].length - 1) : cp ]; } /** * Set cell data from CharData. * @deprecated */ public set(index: number, value: CharData): void { this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = value[CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX]; if (value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length > 1) { this._combined[index] = value[1]; this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = index | Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT); } else { this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].charCodeAt(0) | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT); } } /** * primitive getters * use these when only one value is needed, otherwise use `loadCell` */ public getWidth(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT; } /** Test whether content has width. */ public hasWidth(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.WIDTH_MASK; } /** Get FG cell component. */ public getFg(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG]; } /** Get BG cell component. */ public getBg(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG]; } /** * Test whether contains any chars. * Basically an empty has no content, but other cells might differ in FG/BG * from real empty cells. * */ public hasContent(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.HAS_CONTENT_MASK; } /** * Get codepoint of the cell. * To be in line with `code` in CharData this either returns * a single UTF32 codepoint or the last codepoint of a combined string. */ public getCodePoint(index: number): number { const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT]; if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) { return this._combined[index].charCodeAt(this._combined[index].length - 1); } return content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK; } /** Test whether the cell contains a combined string. */ public isCombined(index: number): number { return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK; } /** Returns the string content of the cell. */ public getString(index: number): string { const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT]; if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) { return this._combined[index]; } if (content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) { return stringFromCodePoint(content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK); } // return empty string for empty cells return ''; } /** * Load data at `index` into `cell`. This is used to access cells in a way that's more friendly * to GC as it significantly reduced the amount of new objects/references needed. */ public loadCell(index: number, cell: ICellData): ICellData { const startIndex = index * CELL_SIZE; cell.content = this._data[startIndex + Cell.CONTENT]; cell.fg = this._data[startIndex + Cell.FG]; cell.bg = this._data[startIndex + Cell.BG]; if (cell.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) { cell.combinedData = this._combined[index]; } if (cell.bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED) { cell.extended = this._extendedAttrs[index]; } return cell; } /** * Set data at `index` to `cell`. */ public setCell(index: number, cell: ICellData): void { if (cell.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) { this._combined[index] = cell.combinedData; } if (cell.bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED) { this._extendedAttrs[index] = cell.extended; } this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = cell.content; this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = cell.fg; this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG] = cell.bg; } /** * Set cell data from input handler. * Since the input handler see the incoming chars as UTF32 codepoints, * it gets an optimized access method. */ public setCellFromCodePoint(index: number, codePoint: number, width: number, fg: number, bg: number, eAttrs: IExtendedAttrs): void { if (bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED) { this._extendedAttrs[index] = eAttrs; } this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = codePoint | (width << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT); this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = fg; this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG] = bg; } /** * Add a codepoint to a cell from input handler. * During input stage combining chars with a width of 0 follow and stack * onto a leading char. Since we already set the attrs * by the previous `setDataFromCodePoint` call, we can omit it here. */ public addCodepointToCell(index: number, codePoint: number): void { let content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT]; if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) { // we already have a combined string, simply add this._combined[index] += stringFromCodePoint(codePoint); } else { if (content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) { // normal case for combining chars: // - move current leading char + new one into combined string // - set combined flag this._combined[index] = stringFromCodePoint(content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) + stringFromCodePoint(codePoint); content &= ~Content.CODEPOINT_MASK; // set codepoint in buffer to 0 content |= Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK; } else { // should not happen - we actually have no data in the cell yet // simply set the data in the cell buffer with a width of 1 content = codePoint | (1 << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT); } this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = content; } } public insertCells(pos: number, n: number, fillCellData: ICellData, eraseAttr?: IAttributeData): void { pos %= this.length; // handle fullwidth at pos: reset cell one to the left if pos is second cell of a wide char if (pos && this.getWidth(pos - 1) === 2) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(pos - 1, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } if (n < this.length - pos) { const cell = new CellData(); for (let i = this.length - pos - n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { this.setCell(pos + n + i, this.loadCell(pos + i, cell)); } for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { this.setCell(pos + i, fillCellData); } } else { for (let i = pos; i < this.length; ++i) { this.setCell(i, fillCellData); } } // handle fullwidth at line end: reset last cell if it is first cell of a wide char if (this.getWidth(this.length - 1) === 2) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(this.length - 1, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } } public deleteCells(pos: number, n: number, fillCellData: ICellData, eraseAttr?: IAttributeData): void { pos %= this.length; if (n < this.length - pos) { const cell = new CellData(); for (let i = 0; i < this.length - pos - n; ++i) { this.setCell(pos + i, this.loadCell(pos + n + i, cell)); } for (let i = this.length - n; i < this.length; ++i) { this.setCell(i, fillCellData); } } else { for (let i = pos; i < this.length; ++i) { this.setCell(i, fillCellData); } } // handle fullwidth at pos: // - reset pos-1 if wide char // - reset pos if width==0 (previous second cell of a wide char) if (pos && this.getWidth(pos - 1) === 2) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(pos - 1, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } if (this.getWidth(pos) === 0 && !this.hasContent(pos)) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(pos, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } } public replaceCells(start: number, end: number, fillCellData: ICellData, eraseAttr?: IAttributeData): void { // handle fullwidth at start: reset cell one to the left if start is second cell of a wide char if (start && this.getWidth(start - 1) === 2) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(start - 1, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } // handle fullwidth at last cell + 1: reset to empty cell if it is second part of a wide char if (end < this.length && this.getWidth(end - 1) === 2) { this.setCellFromCodePoint(end, 0, 1, eraseAttr?.fg || 0, eraseAttr?.bg || 0, eraseAttr?.extended || new ExtendedAttrs()); } while (start < end && start < this.length) { this.setCell(start++, fillCellData); } } public resize(cols: number, fillCellData: ICellData): void { if (cols === this.length) { return; } if (cols > this.length) { const data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE); if (this.length) { if (cols * CELL_SIZE < this._data.length) { data.set(this._data.subarray(0, cols * CELL_SIZE)); } else { data.set(this._data); } } this._data = data; for (let i = this.length; i < cols; ++i) { this.setCell(i, fillCellData); } } else { if (cols) { const data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE); data.set(this._data.subarray(0, cols * CELL_SIZE)); this._data = data; // Remove any cut off combined data, FIXME: repeat this for extended attrs const keys = Object.keys(this._combined); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = parseInt(keys[i], 10); if (key >= cols) { delete this._combined[key]; } } } else { this._data = new Uint32Array(0); this._combined = {}; } } this.length = cols; } /** fill a line with fillCharData */ public fill(fillCellData: ICellData): void { this._combined = {}; this._extendedAttrs = {}; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { this.setCell(i, fillCellData); } } /** alter to a full copy of line */ public copyFrom(line: BufferLine): void { if (this.length !== line.length) { this._data = new Uint32Array(line._data); } else { // use high speed copy if lengths are equal this._data.set(line._data); } this.length = line.length; this._combined = {}; for (const el in line._combined) { this._combined[el] = line._combined[el]; } this._extendedAttrs = {}; for (const el in line._extendedAttrs) { this._extendedAttrs[el] = line._extendedAttrs[el]; } this.isWrapped = line.isWrapped; } /** create a new clone */ public clone(): IBufferLine { const newLine = new BufferLine(0); newLine._data = new Uint32Array(this._data); newLine.length = this.length; for (const el in this._combined) { newLine._combined[el] = this._combined[el]; } for (const el in this._extendedAttrs) { newLine._extendedAttrs[el] = this._extendedAttrs[el]; } newLine.isWrapped = this.isWrapped; return newLine; } public getTrimmedLength(): number { for (let i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if ((this._data[i * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.HAS_CONTENT_MASK)) { return i + (this._data[i * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT); } } return 0; } public copyCellsFrom(src: BufferLine, srcCol: number, destCol: number, length: number, applyInReverse: boolean): void { const srcData = src._data; if (applyInReverse) { for (let cell = length - 1; cell >= 0; cell--) { for (let i = 0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++) { this._data[(destCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i] = srcData[(srcCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i]; } } } else { for (let cell = 0; cell < length; cell++) { for (let i = 0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++) { this._data[(destCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i] = srcData[(srcCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i]; } } } // Move any combined data over as needed, FIXME: repeat for extended attrs const srcCombinedKeys = Object.keys(src._combined); for (let i = 0; i < srcCombinedKeys.length; i++) { const key = parseInt(srcCombinedKeys[i], 10); if (key >= srcCol) { this._combined[key - srcCol + destCol] = src._combined[key]; } } } public translateToString(trimRight: boolean = false, startCol: number = 0, endCol: number = this.length): string { if (trimRight) { endCol = Math.min(endCol, this.getTrimmedLength()); } let result = ''; while (startCol < endCol) { const content = this._data[startCol * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT]; const cp = content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK; result += (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) ? this._combined[startCol] : (cp) ? stringFromCodePoint(cp) : WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR; startCol += (content >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT) || 1; // always advance by 1 } return result; } }