path: root/tmux
diff options
authorToby Vincent <>2023-08-28 10:52:41 -0500
committerToby Vincent <>2023-08-28 10:52:41 -0500
commitfa739abd3d3344532b1790899d9bdff874d341dc (patch)
tree01a9cce9c6506ff84a2c331ebbf652ca2eba5d18 /tmux
parent3ba6046d8414ee06e74d6e2b4ad4678f50414490 (diff)
fix(tmux): move styles to `-style` options
Diffstat (limited to 'tmux')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/tmux/.config/tmux/tmux.conf b/tmux/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
index f6444b7..8c87c0a 100644
--- a/tmux/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
+++ b/tmux/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
@@ -14,36 +14,36 @@ set -g pane-base-index 1
set -g detach-on-destroy off
set -g status-keys vi
-bind-key -N "Switch last session" A switch-client -l
-bind-key -N "Clock" T clock-mode
-bind-key -N "Host" s run-shell ~/.local/bin/tmux-sshr
-bind-key -N "Session" f run-shell ~/.local/bin/tmux-projectr
-bind-key -N "Window" t new-window
-bind-key -N "Switch" w choose-tree -Zws -F \
+bind -N "Switch last session" A switchc -l
+bind -N "Clock" T clock-mode
+bind -N "Host" s run ~/.local/bin/tmux-sshr
+bind -N "Session" f run ~/.local/bin/tmux-projectr
+bind -N "Window" t neww
+bind -N "Switch" w choose-tree -Zws -F \
"#(echo '#{tree_mode_format}' | sed 's%##{session_windows} windows%##{s|$HOME|~|:session_path}%')"
# i3/sway style window navigation
-bind-key '1' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=1' '' 'neww -t :=1'
-bind-key '2' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=2' '' 'neww -t :=2'
-bind-key '3' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=3' '' 'neww -t :=3'
-bind-key '4' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=4' '' 'neww -t :=4'
-bind-key '5' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=5' '' 'neww -t :=5'
-bind-key '6' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=6' '' 'neww -t :=6'
-bind-key '7' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=7' '' 'neww -t :=7'
-bind-key '8' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=8' '' 'neww -t :=8'
-bind-key '9' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=9' '' 'neww -t :=9'
-bind-key '0' if-shell 'tmux selectw -t :=0' '' 'neww -t :=0'
+bind '1' if 'tmux selectw -t :=1' '' 'neww -t :=1'
+bind '2' if 'tmux selectw -t :=2' '' 'neww -t :=2'
+bind '3' if 'tmux selectw -t :=3' '' 'neww -t :=3'
+bind '4' if 'tmux selectw -t :=4' '' 'neww -t :=4'
+bind '5' if 'tmux selectw -t :=5' '' 'neww -t :=5'
+bind '6' if 'tmux selectw -t :=6' '' 'neww -t :=6'
+bind '7' if 'tmux selectw -t :=7' '' 'neww -t :=7'
+bind '8' if 'tmux selectw -t :=8' '' 'neww -t :=8'
+bind '9' if 'tmux selectw -t :=9' '' 'neww -t :=9'
+bind '0' if 'tmux selectw -t :=0' '' 'neww -t :=0'
-bind-key '!' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=1' '' 'movew -t :=1'
-bind-key '@' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=2' '' 'movew -t :=2'
-bind-key '#' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=3' '' 'movew -t :=3'
-bind-key '$' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=4' '' 'movew -t :=4'
-bind-key '%' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=5' '' 'movew -t :=5'
-bind-key '^' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=6' '' 'movew -t :=6'
-bind-key '&' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=7' '' 'movew -t :=7'
-bind-key '*' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=8' '' 'movew -t :=8'
-bind-key '(' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=9' '' 'movew -t :=9'
-bind-key ')' if-shell 'tmux swapw -d -t :=0' '' 'movew -t :=0'
+bind '!' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=1' '' 'movew -t :=1'
+bind '@' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=2' '' 'movew -t :=2'
+bind '#' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=3' '' 'movew -t :=3'
+bind '$' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=4' '' 'movew -t :=4'
+bind '%' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=5' '' 'movew -t :=5'
+bind '^' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=6' '' 'movew -t :=6'
+bind '&' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=7' '' 'movew -t :=7'
+bind '*' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=8' '' 'movew -t :=8'
+bind '(' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=9' '' 'movew -t :=9'
+bind ')' if 'tmux swapw -d -t :=0' '' 'movew -t :=0'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ if "test ! -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/plugins/tpm" \
run '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
set -g status-left-length 30
-set -g status-left "#[bg=#A89984, fg=#3C3836]#{?client_prefix,#[bg=#fe8019],#[bg=#A89984]} #{s|$HOME|~|:session_path} "
+set -g status-left-style "fg=#3c3836,#{?client_prefix,bg=#fe8019,bg=#a89984}"
+set -g status-left " #{s|$HOME|~|:session_path} "
%if #{m:*ssh,#{socket_path}}
source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/ssh.conf"