diff options
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/config b/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/config
index b960c6d..494fe1b 100644
--- a/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/config
+++ b/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/config
@@ -34,42 +34,32 @@ command=$SCRIPT_DIR/i3blocks-gpu
+command=i3blocks-mpris icon
+command=i3blocks-mpris title
+command=i3blocks-mpris prev
+command=i3blocks-mpris play
+command=i3blocks-mpris next
+command=i3blocks-mpris volume
diff --git a/i3blocks/.local/lib/i3blocks/i3blocks-mpris b/i3blocks/.local/lib/i3blocks/i3blocks-mpris
deleted file mode 100755
index 18fafc1..0000000
--- a/i3blocks/.local/lib/i3blocks/i3blocks-mpris
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import asyncio
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-from asyncio import CancelledError, TaskGroup, run
-from enum import Enum, auto
-from dbus_next import Variant
-from dbus_next.aio import MessageBus
-from dbus_next.errors import DBusError
-BUS_NAME_PREFIX = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2."
-BUS_NAME_IGNORE = ["playerctld", "kdeconnect"]
-OBJECT_PATH = "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"
-MPRIS_INTERFACE = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"
-PLAYER_INTERFACE = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
-PROPERTIES_INTERFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
-PLAYERCTL_INTERFACE = "com.github.altdesktop.playerctld"
-PLAYERCTL_BUS_NAME = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.playerctld"
-def parse_dbus_values(item: Variant | dict | list) -> dict:
- match item:
- case Variant():
- return parse_dbus_values(item.value)
- case dict(item):
- return {k: parse_dbus_values(v) for k, v in item.items()}
- case list(item):
- return [parse_dbus_values(v) for v in item]
- case v:
- return v
-class Section(Enum):
- BLOCK = auto()
- ICON = auto()
- TITLE = auto()
- PREV = auto()
- PLAY = auto()
- PAUSE = auto()
- NEXT = auto()
- VOLUME = auto()
-class Printer:
- BLACK = f"#{os.environ.get("BASE16_COLOR_00_HEX")}"
- GREEN = f"#{os.environ.get("BASE16_COLOR_0C_HEX")}"
- YELLOW = f"#{os.environ.get("BASE16_COLOR_0A_HEX")}"
- ICONS = {
- "icon": "\U000f075a", # 󰝚
- "prev": "\U000f04ae", # 󰒮
- "play": "\U000f040a", # 󰐊
- "pause": "\U000f03e4", # 󰏤
- "next": "\U000f04ad", # 󰒭
- "high": "\U000f057e", # 󰕾
- "med": "\U000f0580", # 󰖀
- "low": "\U000f057f", # 󰕿
- }
- def __init__(self, bus, bus_name):
- self.bus = bus
- self.bus_name = bus_name
- self.updated = asyncio.Event()
- self.title = None
- self.title_iter = ""
- self.mpris = None
- self.player = None
- self.playerctl = None
- self.mpris_props = {}
- self.properties = {}
- @classmethod
- async def create(cls, bus, bus_name):
- self = cls(bus, bus_name)
- player_obj = self.bus.get_proxy_object(
- bus_name,
- await self.bus.introspect(self.bus_name, OBJECT_PATH),
- )
- prop_iface = player_obj.get_interface(PROPERTIES_INTERFACE)
- self.mpris = player_obj.get_interface(MPRIS_INTERFACE)
- self.player = player_obj.get_interface(PLAYER_INTERFACE)
- self.playerctl = self.bus.get_proxy_object(
- await self.bus.introspect(PLAYERCTL_BUS_NAME, OBJECT_PATH),
- ).get_interface(PLAYERCTL_INTERFACE)
- self.mpris_props = await prop_iface.call_get_all(MPRIS_INTERFACE)
- self.build(None, await prop_iface.call_get_all(PLAYER_INTERFACE), None)
- prop_iface.on_properties_changed(self.build)
- return self
- def build(self, _bus_name, property, _invalidated):
- self.properties |= parse_dbus_values(property)
- self.sections = dict()
- self.width = 0
- match self.properties.get("PlaybackStatus"):
- case "Playing":
- self.color = Printer.BLACK
- self.background = Printer.GREEN
- case "Paused":
- self.color = Printer.BLACK
- self.background = Printer.YELLOW
- case _:
- self.color = None
- self.background = None
- self.text = f" {Printer.ICONS["icon"]} "
- self.width += len(f" {Printer.ICONS["icon"]} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.ICON
- title = self.properties.get("Metadata", {}).get("xesam:title", "")
- if title != self.title:
- self.title = title
- self.title_iter = self.title + " "
- self.text += "{title} "
- self.width += min(len(self.title), 10) + 1
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.TITLE
- if self.properties.get("CanGoPrevious"):
- self.text += f"{Printer.ICONS["prev"]} "
- self.width += len(f"{Printer.ICONS["prev"]} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.PREV
- match self.properties.get("PlaybackStatus"):
- case "Playing" if self.properties.get("CanPause"):
- self.text += f"{Printer.ICONS["pause"]} "
- self.width += len(f"{Printer.ICONS["pause"]} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.PAUSE
- case _ if self.properties.get("CanPlay"):
- self.text += f"{Printer.ICONS["play"]} "
- self.width += len(f"{Printer.ICONS["play"]} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.PLAY
- if self.properties.get("CanGoNext"):
- self.text += f"{Printer.ICONS["next"]} "
- self.width += len(f"{Printer.ICONS["next"]} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.NEXT
- if vol := self.properties.get("Volume"):
- match vol:
- case float(vol) if vol > 0.66:
- icon = Printer.ICONS["high"]
- case float(vol) if vol > 0.33:
- icon = Printer.ICONS["med"]
- case _:
- icon = Printer.ICONS["low"]
- self.text += f"{icon} {vol:.0%} "
- self.width += len(f"{icon} {vol:.0%} ")
- self.sections[self.width] = Section.VOLUME
- self.updated.set()
- self.print()
- async def handle_button(self, data) -> bool:
- match data:
- case {"button": b, "relative_x": x, "width": w}:
- button = b
- pos = x / w
- case _:
- return False
- section = Section.BLOCK
- for n, section in self.sections.items():
- if (n / self.width) > pos:
- break
- try:
- match (section, button):
- case (Section.ICON, 1) if self.mpris_props.get("CanRaise"):
- await self.mpris.call_raise()
- case (Section.TITLE, 1):
- pass
- case (Section.PREV, 1):
- await self.player.call_previous()
- case (Section.PLAY, 1) | (Section.PAUSE, 1):
- await self.player.call_play_pause()
- case (Section.NEXT, 1):
- await self.player.call_next()
- case (Section.VOLUME, 4):
- volume = await self.player.get_volume()
- await self.player.set_volume(volume + 0.05)
- case (Section.VOLUME, 5):
- volume = await self.player.get_volume()
- await self.player.set_volume(volume - 0.05)
- case (_, 3):
- await self.playerctl.call_shift()
- case (_, _):
- return
- except DBusError:
- pass
- def print(self):
- status = {
- "full_text": self.text.format(title=self.title_iter[:10]),
- "short_text": self.text.format(title=""),
- "color": self.color,
- "background": self.background,
- }
- print(json.dumps(status, ensure_ascii=False), flush=True)
- async def print_task(self):
- while True:
- self.updated.clear()
- self.print()
- if len(self.title) > 10:
- self.title_iter = self.title_iter[1:] + self.title_iter[:1]
- await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
- else:
- await self.updated.wait()
-class MPRIS:
- def __init__(self, task_group: TaskGroup):
- self.task_group = task_group
- self.printer_task = None
- self.active = None
- self.bus = None
- self.playerctl = None
- self.players = {}
- @classmethod
- async def connect(cls, task_group: TaskGroup):
- self = cls(task_group)
- self.bus = await MessageBus().connect()
- return self
- async def activate(self, bus_name):
- if self.printer_task is not None:
- self.printer_task.cancel()
- if bus_name == "":
- bus_name = None
- if bus_name and bus_name not in self.players:
- self.players[bus_name] = await Printer.create(self.bus, bus_name)
- if player := self.players.get(bus_name):
- self.active = bus_name
- self.printer_task = self.task_group.create_task(player.print_task())
- else:
- print(flush=True)
- return
- async def main(self):
- playerctl = self.bus.get_proxy_object(
- await self.bus.introspect(PLAYERCTL_BUS_NAME, OBJECT_PATH),
- ).get_interface(PLAYERCTL_INTERFACE)
- bus_name = next(iter(await playerctl.get_player_names()), None)
- await self.activate(bus_name)
- playerctl.on_active_player_change_end(self.activate)
- await self.bus.wait_for_disconnect()
- async def button_handler(self):
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- reader = asyncio.StreamReader()
- protocol = asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(reader)
- await loop.connect_read_pipe(lambda: protocol, sys.stdin)
- while True:
- if line := await reader.readline():
- if player := self.players.get(self.active):
- await player.handle_button(json.loads(line))
- else:
- await asyncio.sleep(1)
-async def main():
- try:
- async with TaskGroup() as task_group:
- mpris = await MPRIS.connect(task_group)
- task_group.create_task(mpris.main())
- task_group.create_task(mpris.button_handler())
- except CancelledError:
- return
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- run(main())