AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-07-15feat(sway): add gruvbox themed arch and sway backgroundsToby Vincent
2022-07-15feat(sway): adjust swaylock idle time and cleanup configToby Vincent
2022-07-15feat(wezterm): add wezterm configToby Vincent
2022-07-15fix(alacritty): remove incorrect font definitionsToby Vincent
2022-07-15feat(nvim): add context based colored block guidesToby Vincent
2022-07-15feat(tmux): attempt to get undercurls working in alacritty/tmuxToby Vincent
2022-07-15refactor(nvim): use actions.which-key for telescope keymapToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): add <C-Space> keymap for triggering code-actionsToby Vincent
2022-07-14revert(nvim): remove unused null-ls module, gitlintToby Vincent
2022-07-14revert(nvim): remove used plugin, tpope/vim-eunuchToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): improve text object movementsToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): set signcolumn to always show to prevent shift on updatesToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): set vim.ui.select to use normal mode to enable j/k movementToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): improve gitsigns' keymapsToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(git): only allow fast-forward when mergingToby Vincent
2022-07-14fix(nvim): fix issue with ui.select async in utils.bdeleteToby Vincent
2022-07-14fix(nvim): fix bug in utils.bdelete cmd concatToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): improve utils.reload with proper notificationsToby Vincent
2022-07-14feat(nvim): implement minimal bdelete wrapper and pre/post autocmdsToby Vincent
2022-07-13feat(nvim): impl improved bdelete and bwipeout commandsToby Vincent
2022-07-13feat(nvim): add keymaps for file, selection, and workspace git historyToby Vincent
2022-07-13fix(nvim): improve telescope keymapsToby Vincent
2022-07-13refactor(nvim): move group name param into group_opts in create_map_groupToby Vincent
2022-07-13feat(git): improve git diff and merge with proper nvim supportToby Vincent
2022-07-12revert(ssh): remove port setting for odinToby Vincent
2022-07-12feat(sway): add base-16 gruvbox theme to sway and swaybarToby Vincent
2022-07-12feat(nvim): add toml language serverToby Vincent
2022-07-12refactor(nvim): change packer config keys from strings to functionsToby Vincent
2022-07-12feat(nvim): only reload plugins on write if editing the in-use configsToby Vincent
2022-07-10feat(nvim): add plugin for improved quickfix and markdown previewToby Vincent
2022-07-10feat(nvim): improve spell check and ltex lang serverToby Vincent
2022-07-07feat(nvim): improve completion and snippet engineToby Vincent
2022-07-06feat(nvim): improve statusline with location and lsp progressToby Vincent
2022-07-05revert(nvim): undo changes to tmux terminal overridesToby Vincent
2022-07-05feat(nvim): add setup for discord presenceToby Vincent
2022-07-05fix(nvim): only run codelldb check on rust lsp attachToby Vincent
2022-07-05feat(nvim): improve buffers handling, bufferline, and diagnosticsToby Vincent
2022-07-05feat(nvim): use module syntax for mappings and autocommandsToby Vincent
2022-07-05fix(nvim): remove duplicate `<leader>l` from lhs of lspconfig keymapsToby Vincent
2022-07-02fix: fix bug with makefile conditionalToby Vincent
2022-07-02feat(git): add smtp for send-email and source optional local configToby Vincent
2022-07-01feat(tmux): add sorting and better filter for sessionizerToby Vincent
2022-07-01feat(alacritty): source optional local configToby Vincent
2022-07-01perf: use fd to clean symlinks if it existsToby Vincent
2022-07-01feat(nvim): refactor bufferline and remove unused configsToby Vincent
2022-06-28chore: update README.mdToby Vincent
2022-06-28fix(nvim): start alpha when bufdelete closes the last bufferToby Vincent
2022-06-28feat(nvim): complete rewrite of neovim configsToby Vincent
2022-06-01build: blacklist ~/.config from `make clean`Toby Vincent
2022-06-01feat(sway): improve swaylock styles and move to rofi menuToby Vincent