

Building the project

Provided you have dotnet core installed, the project can be built in any of the following ways:

  • Running the release task in vscode.
  • Running either build.sh or build.ps1 from the appropriate shell.
  • Executing the following command in any shell

sh dotnet publish ./src/HuffmanCodes/HuffmanCodes.csproj -c release -o ./release

Running the program

Project can be be ran from the command line using:

  ./release/<arch>/HuffmanCodes[.exe] ENCODEDFILE [SOURCEFILE]

  ENCODEDFILE   Path to file to be encoded

  SOURCEFILE    Path to file used to generate the huffman 
                codes (Defaults to ENCODEDFILE)


Encode Alice.txt using LittleWomen.txt to generate Huffman codes

Linux ./release/linux-x64/HuffmanCodes ./Alice.txt ./LittleWomen.txt Windows ./release/win-x64/HuffmanCodes.exe ./Alice.txt ./LittleWomen.txt


Outputs will be in the format of ENCODEDFILE_Encoded_by_SOURCEFILE.txt So in the above example, the resulting file would be



Running either test.sh, or test.ps1 will build and run the program with all variations of text files we used. (Note: The scripts are not very robust, and must be ran in the root directory of the project.)