path: root/src/CS340.TSP
diff options
authorToby Vincent <>2021-04-20 02:28:41 +0000
committerToby Vincent <>2021-04-20 02:28:41 +0000
commit808d90dba6b9c4a47a8c80acc03e75046960c688 (patch)
tree07f3915d5fe1475a68d46a801dcdc56219b96a7a /src/CS340.TSP
parentcf192cef8e969c00b6d243f76e5a20b326ec59e1 (diff)
more work
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CS340.TSP')
5 files changed, 139 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/CS340.TSP/Program.cs b/src/CS340.TSP/Program.cs
index 3dfe855..ef9e211 100644
--- a/src/CS340.TSP/Program.cs
+++ b/src/CS340.TSP/Program.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using Interfaces;
namespace TSP
using Graph = Graph<double>;
+ using Tour = Tour<double>;
class Program
@@ -18,11 +19,23 @@ namespace TSP
foreach (var item in Directory.GetFiles("graphs/"))
Graph graph = GraphFile.Read(new FileReader(item));
- Graph mst = graph.MST(0);
- GraphFile.Print(mst, new ConsoleWriter());
- Console.WriteLine(
- graph.Vertices.Sum(vertex =>
- vertex.Edges.FirstOrDefault(edge => edge.V == vertex.Parent).Weight));
+ // Graph mst = graph.MST(0);
+ // GraphFile.Print(mst, new ConsoleWriter());
+ // Console.WriteLine(
+ // graph.Vertices.Sum(vertex =>
+ // vertex.Edges.FirstOrDefault(edge => edge.V == vertex.Parent).Weight));
+ Tour bruteForce = TSP.BruteForce(graph, 0);
+ Console.WriteLine(bruteForce);
+ // mst.Vertices.ForEach(vertex =>
+ // {
+ // Console.Write($"{vertex.Id}");
+ // vertex.Edges.ForEach(edge => Console.Write($" {edge.V} {edge.Weight.ToString("F1")}"));
+ // Console.WriteLine();
+ // });
+ // Console.WriteLine(mst.Vertices
+ // .Sum(vertex => vertex.Edges
+ // .FirstOrDefault(edge => edge.V == vertex.Parent).Weight));
diff --git a/src/CS340.TSP/TSP.cs b/src/CS340.TSP/TSP.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37ab3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CS340.TSP/TSP.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using Graph;
+namespace TSP
+ using City = Vertex<double>;
+ using Tour = Tour<double>;
+ public static class TSP
+ {
+ static Tour BestTour = null;
+ static Graph<double> Map;
+ public static Tour BruteForce(Graph<double> map, int init)
+ {
+ Tour intialTour = new Tour(map.Vertices);
+ GenerateTour(intialTour[init], new Tour(map.Vertices), new Tour());
+ return BestTour;
+ }
+ static void GenerateTour(City city, Tour tour, Tour visited)
+ {
+ // create local copy of Tour variables
+ Tour currTour = tour.DeepCopy();
+ Tour currVisited = visited.DeepCopy();
+ // remove current City from tour
+ bool removed = currTour.Cities.Remove(city);
+ //? verify that city was removed
+ Debug.Assert(removed,
+ $"Failed to remove a city from the tour. \nTour: {tour}\nCity: {city.Id}");
+ // add current City to visited
+ if (currVisited.Cities.Count > 0)
+ {
+ city.Parent = currVisited.Cities.Last().Id;
+ city.Key = Map.Vertices[city.Id].Edges
+ .Where(edge => edge.V == city.Parent)
+ .Last().Weight;
+ }
+ currVisited.Cities.Add(city);
+ //? verify that city was added
+ Debug.Assert(currVisited.Cities.Contains(city),
+ $"Failed to add a city to the tour. \nTour: {tour}\nCity: {city.Id}");
+ // loop through each city. Each level of recursion has a one less city in currTour.Cities
+ // leaving the base case
+ foreach (City neighbor in currTour.Cities)
+ GenerateTour(neighbor, currTour, currVisited);
+ if (currTour.Cities.Count == 0)
+ {
+ currVisited.Cities.First().Parent = currVisited.Cities.Last().Id;
+ if (BestTour == null || currVisited.Weight < BestTour.Weight)
+ BestTour = currVisited.DeepCopy();
+ // Debug.Print($"{currTour}");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/CS340.TSP/Tour.cs b/src/CS340.TSP/Tour.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456c944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CS340.TSP/Tour.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using Graph;
+namespace TSP
+ public class Tour<T> where T : IComparable<T>
+ {
+ public List<Vertex<T>> Cities { get; set; } = new List<Vertex<T>>();
+ public T Weight
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ dynamic _weight = default(T);
+ Cities.Where(city => city.Parent != -1).ToList()
+ .ForEach(city =>
+ _weight += city.Edges
+ .Where(edge => edge.V == city.Parent)
+ .First().Weight);
+ return _weight;
+ }
+ }
+ // indexer: get vertex where vertex.Id == index
+ public Vertex<T> this[int index] { get => Cities.Find(vertex => vertex.Id == index); }
+ public Tour(List<Vertex<T>> cities) => Cities = cities;
+ public Tour() => Cities = new List<Vertex<T>>();
+ public Tour<T> DeepCopy()
+ {
+ Tour<T> other = (Tour<T>)this.MemberwiseClone();
+ other.Cities = Cities.ConvertAll(city => city.DeepCopy());
+ return other;
+ }
+ public override string ToString() =>
+ $"tour: {String.Join(" -> ", Cities.Select(city => city.Id))}\n" +
+ $"distance: {Weight}";
+ }
diff --git a/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/graph1.txt b/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/graph1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f31c4fd..0000000
--- a/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/graph1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-0 1 78.85429601486528 2 64.62197768561404 3 59.135437767890075 4 71.84705978674423 5 54.08326913195984 6 8.602325267042627 7 50.695167422546305 8 75.69015788066504 9 46.09772228646444 10 79.37883848986453 11 19.209372712298546 12 83.18653737234169
-1 0 78.85429601486528 2 93.47726996441435 3 21.095023109728988 4 28.635642126552707 5 102.55242561733974 6 72.69112738154499 7 46.861498055439924 8 76.21679604916491 9 50.20956084253277 10 9.219544457292887 11 89.02246907382428 12 55.08175741568164
-2 0 64.62197768561404 1 93.47726996441435 3 85.23496934944014 4 67.89698078707183 5 21.840329667841555 6 69.6419413859206 7 47.01063709417264 8 28.442925306655784 9 44.77722635447622 10 99.98499887483122 11 83.19254774317228 12 54.62600113499065
-3 0 59.135437767890075 1 21.095023109728988 2 85.23496934944014 4 33.54101966249684 5 90.21086409075129 6 52.392747589718944 7 39.05124837953327 8 74.10802925459562 9 40.496913462633174 10 20.248456731316587 11 68.11754546370561 12 59.77457653551382
-4 0 71.84705978674423 1 28.635642126552707 2 67.89698078707183 3 33.54101966249684 5 80.45495634204272 6 68.41052550594829 7 25.298221281347036 8 47.92702786528704 9 30.083217912982647 10 37.21558813185679 11 86.97700845625813 12 27.16615541441225
-5 0 54.08326913195984 1 102.55242561733974 2 21.840329667841555 3 90.21086409075129 4 80.45495634204272 6 61.032778078668514 7 56.22277118748239 8 49.01020301937138 9 52.40229002629561 10 107.62899237658968 11 70.61161377563892 12 72.78049189171504
-6 0 8.602325267042627 1 72.69112738154499 2 69.6419413859206 3 52.392747589718944 4 68.41052550594829 5 61.032778078668514 7 49.39635614091387 8 77.80102827083971 9 45.221676218380054 10 72.53275122315436 11 18.788294228055936 12 82.37718130647589
-7 0 50.695167422546305 1 46.861498055439924 2 47.01063709417264 3 39.05124837953327 4 25.298221281347036 5 56.22277118748239 6 49.39635614091387 8 36.345563690772494 9 5.0 10 53.0 11 68.09552114493287 12 33.015148038438355
-8 0 75.69015788066504 1 76.21679604916491 2 28.442925306655784 3 74.10802925459562 4 47.92702786528704 5 49.01020301937138 6 77.80102827083971 7 36.345563690772494 9 37.36308338453881 10 84.20213774008353 11 94.847245611035 12 27.80287754891569
-9 0 46.09772228646444 1 50.20956084253277 2 44.77722635447622 3 40.496913462633174 4 30.083217912982647 5 52.40229002629561 6 45.221676218380054 7 5.0 8 37.36308338453881 10 55.80322571321482 11 63.812224534175265 12 37.21558813185679
-10 0 79.37883848986453 1 9.219544457292887 2 99.98499887483122 3 20.248456731316587 4 37.21558813185679 5 107.62899237658968 6 72.53275122315436 7 53.0 8 84.20213774008353 9 55.80322571321482 11 87.69264507357501 12 64.00781202322104
-11 0 19.209372712298546 1 89.02246907382428 2 83.19254774317228 3 68.11754546370561 4 86.97700845625813 5 70.61161377563892 6 18.788294228055936 7 68.09552114493287 8 94.847245611035 9 63.812224534175265 10 87.69264507357501 12 101.01980003939822
-12 0 83.18653737234169 1 55.08175741568164 2 54.62600113499065 3 59.77457653551382 4 27.16615541441225 5 72.78049189171504 6 82.37718130647589 7 33.015148038438355 8 27.80287754891569 9 37.21558813185679 10 64.00781202322104 11 101.01980003939822
diff --git a/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/test.txt b/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113fb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CS340.TSP/graphs/test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+0 1 78.85429601486528 2 64.62197768561404 3 59.135437767890075 4 71.84705978674423 5 54.08326913195984
+1 0 78.85429601486528 2 93.47726996441435 3 21.095023109728988 4 28.635642126552707 5 102.55242561733974
+2 0 64.62197768561404 1 93.47726996441435 3 85.23496934944014 4 67.89698078707183 5 21.840329667841555
+3 0 59.135437767890075 1 21.095023109728988 2 85.23496934944014 4 33.54101966249684 5 90.21086409075129
+4 0 71.84705978674423 1 28.635642126552707 2 67.89698078707183 3 33.54101966249684 5 80.45495634204272
+5 0 54.08326913195984 1 102.55242561733974 2 21.840329667841555 3 90.21086409075129 4 80.45495634204272 \ No newline at end of file