diff options
authorSteven Arcangeli <506791+stevearc@users.noreply.github.com>2023-09-29 11:56:21 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-09-29 11:56:21 -0700
commita5526fb2ee963cf426ab6d6ba1f3eb82887b1c22 (patch)
parent388d6e2440bccded26d5e67ce6a7039c1953ae70 (diff)
feat: format injected languages (#83)
6 files changed, 253 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 356b587..d2ea56e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim
- **Fixes bad-behaving LSP formatters** - Some LSP servers are lazy and simply replace the entire buffer, leading to the problems mentioned above. Conform hooks into the LSP handler and turns these responses into proper piecewise changes.
- **Enables range formatting for all formatters** - Since conform calculates minimal diffs, it can perform range formatting even if the underlying formatter doesn't support it.
- **Simple API** - Conform exposes a simple, imperative API modeled after `vim.lsp.buf.format()`.
+- **Formats embedded code blocks** - Use the `injected` formatter to format code blocks e.g. in markdown files.
## Installation
@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ To view configured and available formatters, as well as to see the log file, run
- [golines](https://github.com/segmentio/golines) - A golang formatter that fixes long lines
- [htmlbeautifier](https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier) - A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby. Ideal for tidying up Rails templates.
- [indent](https://www.gnu.org/software/indent/) - GNU Indent
+- [injected](lua/conform/formatters/injected.lua) - Format treesitter injected languages.
- [isort](https://github.com/PyCQA/isort) - Python utility / library to sort imports alphabetically and automatically separate them into sections and by type.
- [jq](https://github.com/stedolan/jq) - Command-line JSON processor.
- [latexindent](https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl) - A perl script for formatting LaTeX files that is generally included in major TeX distributions.
diff --git a/doc/conform.txt b/doc/conform.txt
index 4e0910e..c30c28f 100644
--- a/doc/conform.txt
+++ b/doc/conform.txt
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ FORMATTERS *conform-formatter
`htmlbeautifier` - A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands
embedded Ruby. Ideal for tidying up Rails templates.
`indent` - GNU Indent
+`injected` - Format treesitter injected languages.
`isort` - Python utility / library to sort imports alphabetically and
automatically separate them into sections and by type.
`jq` - Command-line JSON processor.
diff --git a/doc/recipes.md b/doc/recipes.md
index 66bc662..40d2c0f 100644
--- a/doc/recipes.md
+++ b/doc/recipes.md
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ require("conform.formatters.yamlfix").env = {
-- Or create your own formatter that overrides certain values
-require("conform").formatters.yamlfix = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", require("conform.formatters.yamlfix"), {
- env = {
- YAMLFIX_SEQUENCE_STYLE = "block_style",
- },
+require("conform").formatters.yamlfix =
+ vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", require("conform.formatters.yamlfix"), {
+ env = {
+ YAMLFIX_SEQUENCE_STYLE = "block_style",
+ },
+ })
-- Here is an example that modifies the command arguments for prettier to add
-- a custom config file, if it is present
@@ -188,8 +189,8 @@ require("conform").formatters.prettier = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", prettier,
-- Pass append=true to append the extra arguments to the end
local deno_fmt = require("conform.formatters.deno_fmt")
-require("conform").formatters.deno_fmt = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', deno_fmt, {
- args = util.extend_args(deno_fmt.args, { "--use-tabs" }, { append = true })
+require("conform").formatters.deno_fmt = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", deno_fmt, {
+ args = util.extend_args(deno_fmt.args, { "--use-tabs" }, { append = true }),
-- There is also a utility to modify a formatter in-place
diff --git a/lua/conform/formatters/injected.lua b/lua/conform/formatters/injected.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c25f2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/conform/formatters/injected.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+---@param range? conform.Range
+---@param start_lnum integer
+---@param end_lnum integer
+---@return boolean
+local function in_range(range, start_lnum, end_lnum)
+ return not range or (start_lnum <= range["end"][1] and range["start"][1] <= end_lnum)
+---@type conform.FileLuaFormatterConfig
+return {
+ meta = {
+ url = "lua/conform/formatters/injected.lua",
+ description = "Format treesitter injected languages.",
+ },
+ condition = function(ctx)
+ local ok = pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, ctx.buf)
+ return ok
+ end,
+ format = function(ctx, lines, callback)
+ local conform = require("conform")
+ local util = require("conform.util")
+ local ok, parser = pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, ctx.buf)
+ if not ok then
+ callback("No treesitter parser for buffer")
+ return
+ end
+ local root_lang = parser:lang()
+ local regions = {}
+ for lang, child_lang in pairs(parser:children()) do
+ local formatter_names = conform.formatters_by_ft[lang]
+ if formatter_names and lang ~= root_lang then
+ for _, tree in ipairs(child_lang:trees()) do
+ local root = tree:root()
+ local start_lnum = root:start() + 1
+ local end_lnum = root:end_()
+ if start_lnum <= end_lnum and in_range(ctx.range, start_lnum, end_lnum) then
+ table.insert(regions, { lang, start_lnum, end_lnum })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Sort from largest start_lnum to smallest
+ table.sort(regions, function(a, b)
+ return a[2] > b[2]
+ end)
+ local replacements = {}
+ local format_error = nil
+ local function apply_format_results()
+ if format_error then
+ callback(format_error)
+ return
+ end
+ local formatted_lines = vim.deepcopy(lines)
+ for _, replacement in ipairs(replacements) do
+ local start_lnum, end_lnum, new_lines = unpack(replacement)
+ for _ = start_lnum, end_lnum do
+ table.remove(formatted_lines, start_lnum)
+ end
+ for i = #new_lines, 1, -1 do
+ table.insert(formatted_lines, start_lnum, new_lines[i])
+ end
+ end
+ callback(nil, formatted_lines)
+ end
+ local num_format = 0
+ local formatter_cb = function(err, idx, start_lnum, end_lnum, new_lines)
+ if err then
+ format_error = err
+ else
+ replacements[idx] = { start_lnum, end_lnum, new_lines }
+ end
+ num_format = num_format - 1
+ if num_format == 0 then
+ apply_format_results()
+ end
+ end
+ local last_start_lnum = #lines + 1
+ for _, region in ipairs(regions) do
+ local lang, start_lnum, end_lnum = unpack(region)
+ -- Ignore regions that overlap (contain) other regions
+ if end_lnum < last_start_lnum then
+ num_format = num_format + 1
+ last_start_lnum = start_lnum
+ local input_lines = util.tbl_slice(lines, start_lnum, end_lnum)
+ local formatter_names = conform.formatters_by_ft[lang]
+ local format_opts = { async = true, bufnr = ctx.buf, quiet = true }
+ local idx = num_format
+ conform.format_lines(formatter_names, input_lines, format_opts, function(err, new_lines)
+ formatter_cb(err, idx, start_lnum, end_lnum, new_lines)
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
diff --git a/lua/conform/init.lua b/lua/conform/init.lua
index 271e33d..a2b5a4c 100644
--- a/lua/conform/init.lua
+++ b/lua/conform/init.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ local M = {}
---@field available boolean
---@field available_msg? string
----@class (exact) conform.FormatterConfig
+---@class (exact) conform.JobFormatterConfig
---@field command string|fun(ctx: conform.Context): string
---@field args? string|string[]|fun(ctx: conform.Context): string|string[]
---@field range_args? fun(ctx: conform.RangeContext): string|string[]
@@ -18,9 +18,18 @@ local M = {}
---@field exit_codes? integer[] Exit codes that indicate success (default {0})
---@field env? table<string, any>|fun(ctx: conform.Context): table<string, any>
----@class (exact) conform.FileFormatterConfig : conform.FormatterConfig
+---@class (exact) conform.LuaFormatterConfig
+---@field format fun(ctx: conform.Context, lines: string[], callback: fun(err: nil|string, new_lines: nil|string[]))
+---@field condition? fun(ctx: conform.Context): boolean
+---@class (exact) conform.FileLuaFormatterConfig : conform.LuaFormatterConfig
---@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
+---@class (exact) conform.FileFormatterConfig : conform.JobFormatterConfig
+---@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
+---@alias conform.FormatterConfig conform.JobFormatterConfig|conform.LuaFormatterConfig
---@class (exact) conform.FormatterMeta
---@field url string
---@field description string
@@ -415,6 +424,56 @@ M.format = function(opts, callback)
+---Process lines with formatters
+---@param formatter_names string[]
+---@param lines string[]
+---@param opts? table
+--- timeout_ms nil|integer Time in milliseconds to block for formatting. Defaults to 1000. No effect if async = true.
+--- bufnr nil|integer use this as the working buffer (default 0)
+--- async nil|boolean If true the method won't block. Defaults to false. If the buffer is modified before the formatter completes, the formatting will be discarded.
+--- quiet nil|boolean Don't show any notifications for warnings or failures. Defaults to false.
+---@param callback? fun(err: nil|string, lines: nil|string[]) Called once formatting has completed
+---@return nil|string error Only present if async = false
+---@return nil|string[] new_lines Only present if async = false
+M.format_lines = function(formatter_names, lines, opts, callback)
+ ---@type {timeout_ms: integer, bufnr: integer, async: boolean, quiet: boolean}
+ opts = vim.tbl_extend("keep", opts or {}, {
+ timeout_ms = 1000,
+ bufnr = 0,
+ async = false,
+ quiet = false,
+ })
+ callback = callback or function(_err, _lines) end
+ local log = require("conform.log")
+ local runner = require("conform.runner")
+ local formatters = resolve_formatters(formatter_names, opts.bufnr, not opts.quiet)
+ if vim.tbl_isempty(formatters) then
+ callback(nil, lines)
+ return
+ end
+ ---@param err? conform.Error
+ ---@param new_lines? string[]
+ local function handle_err(err, new_lines)
+ if err then
+ local level = runner.level_for_code(err.code)
+ log.log(level, err.message)
+ end
+ local err_message = err and err.message
+ callback(err_message, new_lines)
+ end
+ if opts.async then
+ runner.format_lines_async(opts.bufnr, formatters, nil, lines, handle_err)
+ else
+ local err, new_lines =
+ runner.format_lines_sync(opts.bufnr, formatters, opts.timeout_ms, nil, lines)
+ handle_err(err, new_lines)
+ return err and err.message, new_lines
+ end
---Retrieve the available formatters for a buffer
---@param bufnr? integer
---@return conform.FormatterInfo[]
@@ -508,13 +567,26 @@ M.get_formatter_info = function(formatter, bufnr)
local ctx = require("conform.runner").build_context(bufnr, config)
+ local available = true
+ local available_msg = nil
+ if config.format then
+ if config.condition and not config.condition(ctx) then
+ available = false
+ available_msg = "Condition failed"
+ end
+ return {
+ name = formatter,
+ command = formatter,
+ available = available,
+ available_msg = available_msg,
+ }
+ end
local command = config.command
if type(command) == "function" then
command = command(ctx)
- local available = true
- local available_msg = nil
if vim.fn.executable(command) == 0 then
available = false
available_msg = "Command not found"
diff --git a/lua/conform/runner.lua b/lua/conform/runner.lua
index 33429e9..7b3e468 100644
--- a/lua/conform/runner.lua
+++ b/lua/conform/runner.lua
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ M.is_execution_error = function(code)
---@param ctx conform.Context
----@param config conform.FormatterConfig
+---@param config conform.JobFormatterConfig
---@return string|string[]
M.build_cmd = function(ctx, config)
local command = config.command
@@ -255,8 +255,14 @@ local last_run_errored = {}
---@param ctx conform.Context
---@param input_lines string[]
---@param callback fun(err?: conform.Error, output?: string[])
----@return integer job_id
+---@return integer? job_id
local function run_formatter(bufnr, formatter, config, ctx, input_lines, callback)
+ if config.format then
+ ---@cast config conform.LuaFormatterConfig
+ config.format(ctx, input_lines, callback)
+ return
+ end
+ ---@cast config conform.JobFormatterConfig
local cmd = M.build_cmd(ctx, config)
local cwd = nil
if config.cwd then
@@ -440,11 +446,6 @@ M.format_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, callback)
if bufnr == 0 then
bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- local idx = 1
- local changedtick = vim.b[bufnr].changedtick
- local original_lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
- local input_lines = original_lines
- local all_support_range_formatting = true
-- kill previous jobs for buffer
local prev_jid = vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid
@@ -454,9 +455,18 @@ M.format_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, callback)
- local function run_next_formatter()
- local formatter = formatters[idx]
- if not formatter then
+ local original_lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
+ local changedtick = vim.b[bufnr].changedtick
+ M.format_lines_async(
+ bufnr,
+ formatters,
+ range,
+ original_lines,
+ function(err, output_lines, all_support_range_formatting)
+ if err then
+ return callback(err)
+ end
+ assert(output_lines)
local new_changedtick = vim.b[bufnr].changedtick
-- changedtick gets set to -1 when vim is exiting. We have an autocmd that should store it in
-- last_changedtick before it is set to -1.
@@ -473,9 +483,29 @@ M.format_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, callback)
- M.apply_format(bufnr, original_lines, input_lines, range, not all_support_range_formatting)
+ M.apply_format(bufnr, original_lines, output_lines, range, not all_support_range_formatting)
+ end
+ )
+---@param bufnr integer
+---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[]
+---@param range? conform.Range
+---@param input_lines string[]
+---@param callback fun(err?: conform.Error, output_lines?: string[], all_support_range_formatting?: boolean)
+M.format_lines_async = function(bufnr, formatters, range, input_lines, callback)
+ if bufnr == 0 then
+ bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
+ end
+ local idx = 1
+ local all_support_range_formatting = true
+ local function run_next_formatter()
+ local formatter = formatters[idx]
+ if not formatter then
+ callback(nil, input_lines, all_support_range_formatting)
idx = idx + 1
@@ -503,9 +533,7 @@ M.format_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range)
if bufnr == 0 then
bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- local start = uv.hrtime() / 1e6
local original_lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
- local input_lines = original_lines
-- kill previous jobs for buffer
local prev_jid = vim.b[bufnr].conform_jid
@@ -515,6 +543,29 @@ M.format_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range)
+ local err, final_result, all_support_range_formatting =
+ M.format_lines_sync(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range, original_lines)
+ if err then
+ return err
+ end
+ assert(final_result)
+ M.apply_format(bufnr, original_lines, final_result, range, not all_support_range_formatting)
+---@param bufnr integer
+---@param formatters conform.FormatterInfo[]
+---@param timeout_ms integer
+---@param range? conform.Range
+---@return conform.Error? error
+---@return string[]? output_lines
+---@return boolean? all_support_range_formatting
+M.format_lines_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range, input_lines)
+ if bufnr == 0 then
+ bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
+ end
+ local start = uv.hrtime() / 1e6
local all_support_range_formatting = true
for _, formatter in ipairs(formatters) do
local remaining = timeout_ms - (uv.hrtime() / 1e6 - start)
@@ -541,7 +592,9 @@ M.format_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range)
end, 5)
if not wait_result then
- vim.fn.jobstop(jid)
+ if jid then
+ vim.fn.jobstop(jid)
+ end
if wait_reason == -1 then
return {
@@ -562,8 +615,7 @@ M.format_sync = function(bufnr, formatters, timeout_ms, range)
input_lines = result
- local final_result = input_lines
- M.apply_format(bufnr, original_lines, final_result, range, not all_support_range_formatting)
+ return nil, input_lines, all_support_range_formatting
return M