diff options
6 files changed, 115 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 29b6d68..5b3f2cf 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim
- [Options](#options)
- [Formatter options](#formatter-options)
- [API](#api)
+ - [setup(opts)](#setupopts)
- [format(opts, callback)](#formatopts-callback)
- [list_formatters(bufnr)](#list_formattersbufnr)
- [list_all_formatters()](#list_all_formatters)
@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ require("conform").setup({
log_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR,
-- Conform will notify you when a formatter errors
notify_on_error = true,
- -- Custom formatters and changes to built-in formatters
+ -- Custom formatters and overrides for built-in formatters
formatters = {
my_formatter = {
-- This can be a string or a function that returns a string.
@@ -535,6 +536,20 @@ require("conform").formatters.my_formatter = {
<!-- API -->
+### setup(opts)
+| Param | Type | Desc | |
+| ----- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| opts | `nil\|conform.setupOpts` | | |
+| | formatters_by_ft | `nil\|table<string, conform.FiletypeFormatter>` | Map of filetype to formatters |
+| | format_on_save | `nil\|conform.FormatOpts\|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts` | If this is set, Conform will run the formatter on save. It will pass the table to conform.format(). This can also be a function that returns the table. |
+| | format_after_save | `nil\|conform.FormatOpts\|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts` | If this is set, Conform will run the formatter asynchronously after save. It will pass the table to conform.format(). This can also be a function that returns the table. |
+| | log_level | `nil\|integer` | Set the log level (e.g. `vim.log.levels.DEBUG`). Use `:ConformInfo` to see the location of the log file. |
+| | notify_on_error | `nil\|boolean` | Conform will notify you when a formatter errors (default true). |
+| | formatters | `nil\|table<string, conform.FormatterConfigOverride\|fun(bufnr: integer): nil\|conform.FormatterConfigOverride>` | Custom formatters and overrides for built-in formatters. |
### format(opts, callback)
`format(opts, callback): boolean` \
diff --git a/doc/conform.txt b/doc/conform.txt
index 2048692..4271e95 100644
--- a/doc/conform.txt
+++ b/doc/conform.txt
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ OPTIONS *conform-option
log_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR,
-- Conform will notify you when a formatter errors
notify_on_error = true,
- -- Custom formatters and changes to built-in formatters
+ -- Custom formatters and overrides for built-in formatters
formatters = {
my_formatter = {
-- This can be a string or a function that returns a string.
@@ -109,6 +109,30 @@ OPTIONS *conform-option
API *conform-api*
+setup({opts}) *conform.setup*
+ Parameters:
+ {opts} `nil|conform.setupOpts`
+ {formatters_by_ft} `nil|table<string, conform.FiletypeFormatter>` Map
+ of filetype to formatters
+ {format_on_save} `nil|conform.FormatOpts|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts` I
+ f this is set, Conform will run the formatter on
+ save. It will pass the table to conform.format().
+ This can also be a function that returns the table.
+ {format_after_save} `nil|conform.FormatOpts|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts` I
+ f this is set, Conform will run the formatter
+ asynchronously after save. It will pass the table
+ to conform.format(). This can also be a function
+ that returns the table.
+ {log_level} `nil|integer` Set the log level (e.g.
+ `vim.log.levels.DEBUG`). Use `:ConformInfo` to see
+ the location of the log file.
+ {notify_on_error} `nil|boolean` Conform will notify you when a
+ formatter errors (default true).
+ {formatters} `nil|table<string, conform.FormatterConfigOverride|fun(bufnr: integer): nil|conform.FormatterConfigOverride>` C
+ ustom formatters and overrides for built-in
+ formatters.
format({opts}, {callback}): boolean *conform.format*
Format a buffer
diff --git a/lua/conform/fs.lua b/lua/conform/fs.lua
index 187bd7c..d3b5fed 100644
--- a/lua/conform/fs.lua
+++ b/lua/conform/fs.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ M.abspath = function(path)
return path
---- Returns true if candidate is a subpath of root, or if they are the same path.
+---Returns true if candidate is a subpath of root, or if they are the same path.
---@param root string
---@param candidate string
---@return boolean
diff --git a/lua/conform/init.lua b/lua/conform/init.lua
index 20048a9..705cf6a 100644
--- a/lua/conform/init.lua
+++ b/lua/conform/init.lua
@@ -2,67 +2,6 @@
local islist = vim.islist or vim.tbl_islist
local M = {}
----@class (exact) conform.FormatterInfo
----@field name string
----@field command string
----@field cwd? string
----@field available boolean
----@field available_msg? string
----@class (exact) conform.JobFormatterConfig
----@field command string|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string
----@field args? string|string[]|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string|string[]
----@field range_args? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.RangeContext): string|string[]
----@field cwd? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): nil|string
----@field require_cwd? boolean When cwd is not found, don't run the formatter (default false)
----@field stdin? boolean Send buffer contents to stdin (default true)
----@field tmpfile_format? string When stdin=false, use this format for temporary files (default ".conform.$RANDOM.$FILENAME")
----@field condition? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): boolean
----@field exit_codes? integer[] Exit codes that indicate success (default {0})
----@field env? table<string, any>|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): table<string, any>
----@field options? table
----@class (exact) conform.LuaFormatterConfig
----@field format fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context, lines: string[], callback: fun(err: nil|string, new_lines: nil|string[]))
----@field condition? fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): boolean
----@field options? table
----@class (exact) conform.FileLuaFormatterConfig : conform.LuaFormatterConfig
----@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
----@class (exact) conform.FileFormatterConfig : conform.JobFormatterConfig
----@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
----@alias conform.FormatterConfig conform.JobFormatterConfig|conform.LuaFormatterConfig
----@class (exact) conform.FormatterConfigOverride : conform.JobFormatterConfig
----@field inherit? boolean
----@field command? string|fun(self: conform.FormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string
----@field prepend_args? string|string[]|fun(self: conform.FormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string|string[]
----@field format? fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context, lines: string[], callback: fun(err: nil|string, new_lines: nil|string[])) Mutually exclusive with command
----@field options? table
----@class (exact) conform.FormatterMeta
----@field url string
----@field description string
----@field deprecated? boolean
----@class (exact) conform.Context
----@field buf integer
----@field filename string
----@field dirname string
----@field range? conform.Range
----@class (exact) conform.RangeContext : conform.Context
----@field range conform.Range
----@class (exact) conform.Range
----@field start integer[]
----@field end integer[]
----@alias conform.FormatterUnit string|string[]
----@alias conform.FiletypeFormatter conform.FormatterUnit[]|fun(bufnr: integer): string[]
---@type table<string, conform.FiletypeFormatter>
M.formatters_by_ft = {}
@@ -71,6 +10,7 @@ M.formatters = {}
M.notify_on_error = true
+---@param opts? conform.setupOpts
M.setup = function(opts)
opts = opts or {}
@@ -80,8 +20,9 @@ M.setup = function(opts)
if opts.log_level then
require("conform.log").level = opts.log_level
- if opts.notify_on_error ~= nil then
- M.notify_on_error = opts.notify_on_error
+ local notify_on_error = opts.notify_on_error
+ if notify_on_error ~= nil then
+ M.notify_on_error = notify_on_error
local aug = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Conform", { clear = true })
diff --git a/lua/conform/types.lua b/lua/conform/types.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd98426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/conform/types.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+---@class (exact) conform.FormatterInfo
+---@field name string
+---@field command string
+---@field cwd? string
+---@field available boolean
+---@field available_msg? string
+---@class (exact) conform.JobFormatterConfig
+---@field command string|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string
+---@field args? string|string[]|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string|string[]
+---@field range_args? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.RangeContext): string|string[]
+---@field cwd? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): nil|string
+---@field require_cwd? boolean When cwd is not found, don't run the formatter (default false)
+---@field stdin? boolean Send buffer contents to stdin (default true)
+---@field tmpfile_format? string When stdin=false, use this format for temporary files (default ".conform.$RANDOM.$FILENAME")
+---@field condition? fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): boolean
+---@field exit_codes? integer[] Exit codes that indicate success (default {0})
+---@field env? table<string, any>|fun(self: conform.JobFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): table<string, any>
+---@field options? table
+---@class (exact) conform.LuaFormatterConfig
+---@field format fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context, lines: string[], callback: fun(err: nil|string, new_lines: nil|string[]))
+---@field condition? fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): boolean
+---@field options? table
+---@class (exact) conform.FileLuaFormatterConfig : conform.LuaFormatterConfig
+---@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
+---@class (exact) conform.FileFormatterConfig : conform.JobFormatterConfig
+---@field meta conform.FormatterMeta
+---@alias conform.FormatterConfig conform.JobFormatterConfig|conform.LuaFormatterConfig
+---@class (exact) conform.FormatterConfigOverride : conform.JobFormatterConfig
+---@field inherit? boolean
+---@field command? string|fun(self: conform.FormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string
+---@field prepend_args? string|string[]|fun(self: conform.FormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context): string|string[]
+---@field format? fun(self: conform.LuaFormatterConfig, ctx: conform.Context, lines: string[], callback: fun(err: nil|string, new_lines: nil|string[])) Mutually exclusive with command
+---@field options? table
+---@class (exact) conform.FormatterMeta
+---@field url string
+---@field description string
+---@field deprecated? boolean
+---@class (exact) conform.Context
+---@field buf integer
+---@field filename string
+---@field dirname string
+---@field range? conform.Range
+---@class (exact) conform.RangeContext : conform.Context
+---@field range conform.Range
+---@class (exact) conform.Range
+---@field start integer[]
+---@field end integer[]
+---@alias conform.FormatterUnit string|string[]
+---@alias conform.FiletypeFormatter conform.FormatterUnit[]|fun(bufnr: integer): string[]
+---@class (exact) conform.setupOpts
+---@field formatters_by_ft? table<string, conform.FiletypeFormatter> Map of filetype to formatters
+---@field format_on_save? conform.FormatOpts|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts If this is set, Conform will run the formatter on save. It will pass the table to conform.format(). This can also be a function that returns the table.
+---@field format_after_save? conform.FormatOpts|fun(bufnr: integer): conform.FormatOpts If this is set, Conform will run the formatter asynchronously after save. It will pass the table to conform.format(). This can also be a function that returns the table.
+---@field log_level? integer Set the log level (e.g. `vim.log.levels.DEBUG`). Use `:ConformInfo` to see the location of the log file.
+---@field notify_on_error? boolean Conform will notify you when a formatter errors (default true).
+---@field formatters? table<string, conform.FormatterConfigOverride|fun(bufnr: integer): nil|conform.FormatterConfigOverride> Custom formatters and overrides for built-in formatters.
diff --git a/scripts/options_doc.lua b/scripts/options_doc.lua
index 3e22802..238cd33 100644
--- a/scripts/options_doc.lua
+++ b/scripts/options_doc.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ require("conform").setup({
log_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR,
-- Conform will notify you when a formatter errors
notify_on_error = true,
- -- Custom formatters and changes to built-in formatters
+ -- Custom formatters and overrides for built-in formatters
formatters = {
my_formatter = {
-- This can be a string or a function that returns a string.