path: root/public/img/brands/habitat-for-hummanity.svg
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Diffstat (limited to 'public/img/brands/habitat-for-hummanity.svg')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/public/img/brands/habitat-for-hummanity.svg b/public/img/brands/habitat-for-hummanity.svg
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- style="fill:#314d89;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
- id="path79"
- class="ps01"
- d="M 202.46,16.468 C 202.62,16.112 202.74,15.71 202.81,15.403 C 203.69,16.255 204.59,16.755 205.82,16.755 C 207.84,16.755 209.17,15.284 209.17,13.005 L 209.17,9.3496 C 209.17,7.6416 209.17,6.0283 209.38,4.5097 L 205.11,4.5097 C 205.33,6.0283 205.33,7.6416 205.33,9.3496 L 205.33,12.625 C 205.33,13.36 205.02,13.953 204.3,13.953 C 203.71,13.953 203.05,13.526 203.05,12.814 L 203.05,9.3496 C 203.05,7.6416 203.05,6.0283 203.26,4.5097 L 198.99,4.5097 C 199.2,6.0283 199.2,7.6416 199.2,9.3496 L 199.2,11.628 C 199.2,13.337 199.2,14.95 198.99,16.468 L 202.46,16.468"
- style="fill:#314d89;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
- id="path81"
- class="ps01"
- d="M 214.89,16.468 C 214.84,15.235 214.84,13.431 214.84,10.869 C 214.84,7.6416 214.84,6.0283 215.06,4.5097 L 210.79,4.5097 C 211,6.0283 211,7.6416 211,9.3496 L 211,11.628 C 211,13.337 211,14.95 210.79,16.468 L 214.89,16.468 z M 212.92,21.62 C 214.11,21.62 215.06,20.67 215.06,19.483 C 215.06,18.296 214.11,17.348 212.92,17.348 C 211.74,17.348 210.79,18.296 210.79,19.483 C 210.79,20.67 211.74,21.62 212.92,21.62"
- style="fill:#314d89;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
- id="path83"
- class="ps01"
- d="M 221.65,20.101 C 221.6,19.364 221.58,17.964 221.58,16.468 L 223.36,16.468 L 223.36,14.191 L 221.58,14.191 L 221.58,8.2119 C 221.58,7.2392 221.94,6.6924 222.88,6.6924 C 223.03,6.6924 223.17,6.6924 223.38,6.7158 L 223.38,4.5801 C 222.6,4.3193 221.79,4.2246 220.99,4.2246 C 219.92,4.2246 219.07,4.6035 218.43,5.3623 C 217.93,5.958 217.74,6.9521 217.74,8.1631 L 217.74,14.191 L 216.36,14.191 L 216.36,16.468 L 217.74,16.468 C 217.74,17.964 217.71,19.364 217.67,20.101 L 221.65,20.101"
- style="fill:#314d89;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
- id="path85"
- class="ps01"
- d="M 228.61,16.468 C 228.91,14.618 229.82,11.249 230.29,9.706 L 230.34,9.706 C 231,12.128 231.5,14.854 231.72,16.468 L 235.11,16.468 C 234.32,13.218 232.54,6.6201 231.03,3.5127 C 230.24,1.9228 229.06,0 225.8,0 C 225.47,0 224.98,0.02441 224.67,0.11911 L 224.67,3.1562 C 224.88,3.0371 225.4,2.8008 226,2.8008 C 227.23,2.8008 228.06,3.8213 228.06,4.6992 C 228.06,5.1494 227.97,5.4346 227.02,7.9492 C 225.73,11.319 224.76,14.88 224.5,16.468 L 228.61,16.468"
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- </g>