diff options
7 files changed, 57 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/patches/patches/006_strings.patch b/patches/patches/006_strings.patch
index 040a73c..7e7465c 100644
--- a/patches/patches/006_strings.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/006_strings.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
< const d: u8 = ziggy[???];
> const d: u8 = ziggy[4];
< const laugh = "ha " ???;
> const laugh = "ha " ** 3;
< const major_tom = major ??? tom;
> const major_tom = major ++ " " ++ tom;
diff --git a/patches/patches/036_enums2.patch b/patches/patches/036_enums2.patch
index 54a7094..c20905a 100644
--- a/patches/patches/036_enums2.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/036_enums2.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
< blue = ???,
> blue = 0x0000ff,
< \\ <span style="color: #{}">Blue</span>
> \\ <span style="color: #{x:0>6}">Blue</span>
< @enumToInt(???), // Oops! We're missing something!
> @enumToInt(Color.blue), // Oops! We're missing something!
diff --git a/patches/patches/051_values.patch b/patches/patches/051_values.patch
index 43d1f65..6d3c53b 100644
--- a/patches/patches/051_values.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/051_values.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
< const print = ???;
> const print = std.debug.print;
< levelUp(glorp, reward_xp);
> levelUp(&glorp, reward_xp);
< fn levelUp(character_access: Character, xp: u32) void {
> fn levelUp(character_access: *Character, xp: u32) void {
diff --git a/patches/patches/052_slices.patch b/patches/patches/052_slices.patch
index 80f8d72..24803d7 100644
--- a/patches/patches/052_slices.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/052_slices.patch
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
< const hand1: []u8 = cards[???];
< const hand2: []u8 = cards[???];
> const hand1: []u8 = cards[0..4];
> const hand2: []u8 = cards[4..];
< fn printHand(hand: ???) void {
> fn printHand(hand: []u8) void {
diff --git a/patches/patches/054_manypointers.patch b/patches/patches/054_manypointers.patch
index 82824e8..d8d2e6c 100644
--- a/patches/patches/054_manypointers.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/054_manypointers.patch
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
< const zen12_string: []const u8 = zen_manyptr;
> const zen12_string: []const u8 = zen_manyptr[0..21];
diff --git a/patches/patches/063_labels.patch b/patches/patches/063_labels.patch
index 2f54a43..aba02a4 100644
--- a/patches/patches/063_labels.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/063_labels.patch
@@ -1,4 +1,46 @@
+< // statement. Does that mean you can return a value from any
+> // statement. Does that mean you can return a value from any
+< // Labels can also be used with loops. Being able to break out of
+< // nested loops at a specific level is one of those things that
+< // you won't use every day, but when the time comes, it's
+> // And all of that also applies to loops. Being able to break out
+> // of nested loops at a specific level is one of those things
+> // that you won't use every day, but when the time comes, it's
+< // inner loop is sometimes so handy, it almost feels like cheating
+< // (and can help you avoid creating a lot of temporary variables).
+> // inner loop is is almost too beautiful to look at directly:
+< // In the above example, the break exits from the outer loop
+< // labeled "two_loop" and returns the value 2. The else clause is
+< // attached to the outer two_loop and would be evaluated if the
+< // loop somehow ended without the break having been called.
+> // The break exits from the outer loop labeled "two_loop" and
+> // returns the value 2. The else clause is attached to the outer
+> // two_loop and would be evaluated if the loop somehow ended
+> // without the break having been called. (Impossible in this
+> // case.)
+< // As mentioned before, we'll soon understand why these two
+< // numbers don't need explicit types. Hang in there!
+> // As mentioned before, we'll soon understand why these numbers
+> // don't need explicit types. Hang in there!
+< // numbers (based on array position) will be fine for our
+> // numbers (based on array position!) will be fine for our
+< // Now look at each required ingredient for the Food...
+> // Now look at each required ingredient for the food...
< break;
< };
diff --git a/patches/patches/076_sentinels.patch b/patches/patches/076_sentinels.patch
index 33e4483..5c757aa 100644
--- a/patches/patches/076_sentinels.patch
+++ b/patches/patches/076_sentinels.patch
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
< for (???) |s| {
> for (my_seq) |s| {
< while (??? != my_sentinel) {
> while (my_seq[i] != my_sentinel) {