path: root/build.zig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.zig')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/build.zig b/build.zig
index e3533aa..391c260 100644
--- a/build.zig
+++ b/build.zig
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ const Exercise = struct {
while (self.main_file[start_index] == '0') start_index += 1;
return self.main_file[start_index..end_index.?];
+ /// Returns the exercise key as an integer.
+ pub fn number(self: Exercise) usize {
+ return std.fmt.parseInt(usize, self.key(), 10) catch unreachable;
+ }
const exercises = [_]Exercise{
@@ -534,17 +539,21 @@ pub fn build(b: *Build) !void {
- const header_step = PrintStep.create(b, logo,;
+ const use_healed = b.option(bool, "healed", "Run exercises from patches/healed") orelse false;
+ const exno: ?usize = b.option(usize, "n", "Select exercise");
- const verify_all = b.step("ziglings", "Check all ziglings");
- verify_all.dependOn(&header_step.step);
- b.default_step = verify_all;
+ const header_step = PrintStep.create(b, logo,;
- var prev_chain_verify = verify_all;
+ if (exno) |i| {
+ const ex = blk: {
+ for (exercises) |ex| {
+ if (ex.number() == i) break :blk ex;
+ }
- const use_healed = b.option(bool, "healed", "Run exercises from patches/healed") orelse false;
+ print("unknown exercise number: {}\n", .{i});
+ std.os.exit(1);
+ };
- for (exercises) |ex| {
const base_name = ex.baseName();
const file_path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{
if (use_healed) "patches/healed" else "exercises", ex.main_file,
@@ -553,31 +562,64 @@ pub fn build(b: *Build) !void {
const build_step = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = base_name, .root_source_file = .{ .path = file_path } });
+ const run_step =;
+ const test_step = b.step("test", b.fmt("Run {s} without checking output", .{ex.main_file}));
+ test_step.dependOn(&run_step.step);
+ const install_step = b.step("install", b.fmt("Install {s} to prefix path", .{ex.main_file}));
+ install_step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep());
+ const uninstall_step = b.step("uninstall", b.fmt("Uninstall {s} from prefix path", .{ex.main_file}));
+ uninstall_step.dependOn(b.getUninstallStep());
const verify_step = ZiglingStep.create(b, ex, use_healed);
- const key = ex.key();
+ const zigling_step = b.step("zigling", b.fmt("Check the solution of {s}", .{ex.main_file}));
+ zigling_step.dependOn(&verify_step.step);
+ b.default_step = zigling_step;
- const named_test = b.step(b.fmt("{s}_test", .{key}), b.fmt("Run {s} without checking output", .{ex.main_file}));
- const run_step =;
- named_test.dependOn(&run_step.step);
+ const start_step = b.step("start", b.fmt("Check all solutions starting at {s}", .{ex.main_file}));
- const named_install = b.step(b.fmt("{s}_install", .{key}), b.fmt("Copy {s} to prefix path", .{ex.main_file}));
- named_install.dependOn(&build_step.install_step.?.step);
+ var prev_step = verify_step;
+ for (exercises) |exn| {
+ const n = exn.number();
+ if (n > i) {
+ const verify_stepn = ZiglingStep.create(b, exn, use_healed);
+ verify_stepn.step.dependOn(&prev_step.step);
- const named_verify = b.step(key, b.fmt("Check {s} only", .{ex.main_file}));
- named_verify.dependOn(&verify_step.step);
+ prev_step = verify_stepn;
+ }
+ }
+ start_step.dependOn(&prev_step.step);
+ return;
+ }
+ const ziglings_step = b.step("ziglings", "Check all ziglings");
+ ziglings_step.dependOn(&header_step.step);
+ b.default_step = ziglings_step;
+ var prev_step: *Step = undefined;
+ for (exercises, 0..) |ex, i| {
+ const base_name = ex.baseName();
+ const file_path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{
+ if (use_healed) "patches/healed" else "exercises", ex.main_file,
+ }) catch unreachable;
- const chain_verify = b.allocator.create(Step) catch unreachable;
- chain_verify.* = Step.init(Step.Options{ .id = .custom, .name = b.fmt("chain {s}", .{key}), .owner = b });
- chain_verify.dependOn(&verify_step.step);
+ const build_step = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = base_name, .root_source_file = .{ .path = file_path } });
+ build_step.install();
- const named_chain = b.step(b.fmt("{s}_start", .{key}), b.fmt("Check all solutions starting at {s}", .{ex.main_file}));
- named_chain.dependOn(&header_step.step);
- named_chain.dependOn(chain_verify);
+ const verify_stepn = ZiglingStep.create(b, ex, use_healed);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ prev_step = &verify_stepn.step;
+ } else {
+ verify_stepn.step.dependOn(prev_step);
- prev_chain_verify.dependOn(chain_verify);
- prev_chain_verify = chain_verify;
+ prev_step = &verify_stepn.step;
+ }
+ ziglings_step.dependOn(prev_step);
var use_color_escapes = false;