path: root/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts
diff options
authorToby Vincent <tobyv13@gmail.com>2022-03-23 14:04:55 -0500
committerToby Vincent <tobyv13@gmail.com>2022-03-23 14:15:18 -0500
commit8e36499326e969c7c34ecc537e589bd5ef5598a0 (patch)
tree7943cda837324847875d472d2ad68922c5019a50 /node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts
parent337fa04fe3686e0f0d236eef5df89179ee68f673 (diff)
chore: removed node_modules from git
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts b/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8954293..0000000
--- a/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/Linkifier2.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
- * @license MIT
- */
-import { ILinkifier2, ILinkProvider, IBufferCellPosition, ILink, ILinkifierEvent, ILinkDecorations, ILinkWithState } from 'browser/Types';
-import { IDisposable } from 'common/Types';
-import { IMouseService, IRenderService } from './services/Services';
-import { IBufferService } from 'common/services/Services';
-import { EventEmitter, IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter';
-import { Disposable, getDisposeArrayDisposable, disposeArray } from 'common/Lifecycle';
-import { addDisposableDomListener } from 'browser/Lifecycle';
-export class Linkifier2 extends Disposable implements ILinkifier2 {
- private _element: HTMLElement | undefined;
- private _mouseService: IMouseService | undefined;
- private _renderService: IRenderService | undefined;
- private _linkProviders: ILinkProvider[] = [];
- public get currentLink(): ILinkWithState | undefined { return this._currentLink; }
- protected _currentLink: ILinkWithState | undefined;
- private _lastMouseEvent: MouseEvent | undefined;
- private _linkCacheDisposables: IDisposable[] = [];
- private _lastBufferCell: IBufferCellPosition | undefined;
- private _isMouseOut: boolean = true;
- private _activeProviderReplies: Map<Number, ILinkWithState[] | undefined> | undefined;
- private _activeLine: number = -1;
- private _onShowLinkUnderline = this.register(new EventEmitter<ILinkifierEvent>());
- public get onShowLinkUnderline(): IEvent<ILinkifierEvent> { return this._onShowLinkUnderline.event; }
- private _onHideLinkUnderline = this.register(new EventEmitter<ILinkifierEvent>());
- public get onHideLinkUnderline(): IEvent<ILinkifierEvent> { return this._onHideLinkUnderline.event; }
- constructor(
- @IBufferService private readonly _bufferService: IBufferService
- ) {
- super();
- this.register(getDisposeArrayDisposable(this._linkCacheDisposables));
- }
- public registerLinkProvider(linkProvider: ILinkProvider): IDisposable {
- this._linkProviders.push(linkProvider);
- return {
- dispose: () => {
- // Remove the link provider from the list
- const providerIndex = this._linkProviders.indexOf(linkProvider);
- if (providerIndex !== -1) {
- this._linkProviders.splice(providerIndex, 1);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- public attachToDom(element: HTMLElement, mouseService: IMouseService, renderService: IRenderService): void {
- this._element = element;
- this._mouseService = mouseService;
- this._renderService = renderService;
- this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._element, 'mouseleave', () => {
- this._isMouseOut = true;
- this._clearCurrentLink();
- }));
- this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._element, 'mousemove', this._onMouseMove.bind(this)));
- this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._element, 'click', this._onClick.bind(this)));
- }
- private _onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent): void {
- this._lastMouseEvent = event;
- if (!this._element || !this._mouseService) {
- return;
- }
- const position = this._positionFromMouseEvent(event, this._element, this._mouseService);
- if (!position) {
- return;
- }
- this._isMouseOut = false;
- // Ignore the event if it's an embedder created hover widget
- const composedPath = event.composedPath() as HTMLElement[];
- for (let i = 0; i < composedPath.length; i++) {
- const target = composedPath[i];
- // Hit Terminal.element, break and continue
- if (target.classList.contains('xterm')) {
- break;
- }
- // It's a hover, don't respect hover event
- if (target.classList.contains('xterm-hover')) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!this._lastBufferCell || (position.x !== this._lastBufferCell.x || position.y !== this._lastBufferCell.y)) {
- this._onHover(position);
- this._lastBufferCell = position;
- }
- }
- private _onHover(position: IBufferCellPosition): void {
- // TODO: This currently does not cache link provider results across wrapped lines, activeLine should be something like `activeRange: {startY, endY}`
- // Check if we need to clear the link
- if (this._activeLine !== position.y) {
- this._clearCurrentLink();
- this._askForLink(position, false);
- return;
- }
- // Check the if the link is in the mouse position
- const isCurrentLinkInPosition = this._currentLink && this._linkAtPosition(this._currentLink.link, position);
- if (!isCurrentLinkInPosition) {
- this._clearCurrentLink();
- this._askForLink(position, true);
- }
- }
- private _askForLink(position: IBufferCellPosition, useLineCache: boolean): void {
- if (!this._activeProviderReplies || !useLineCache) {
- this._activeProviderReplies?.forEach(reply => {
- reply?.forEach(linkWithState => {
- if (linkWithState.link.dispose) {
- linkWithState.link.dispose();
- }
- });
- });
- this._activeProviderReplies = new Map();
- this._activeLine = position.y;
- }
- let linkProvided = false;
- // There is no link cached, so ask for one
- this._linkProviders.forEach((linkProvider, i) => {
- if (useLineCache) {
- const existingReply = this._activeProviderReplies?.get(i);
- // If there isn't a reply, the provider hasn't responded yet.
- // TODO: If there isn't a reply yet it means that the provider is still resolving. Ensuring
- // provideLinks isn't triggered again saves ILink.hover firing twice though. This probably
- // needs promises to get fixed
- if (existingReply) {
- linkProvided = this._checkLinkProviderResult(i, position, linkProvided);
- }
- } else {
- linkProvider.provideLinks(position.y, (links: ILink[] | undefined) => {
- if (this._isMouseOut) {
- return;
- }
- const linksWithState: ILinkWithState[] | undefined = links?.map(link => ({ link }));
- this._activeProviderReplies?.set(i, linksWithState);
- linkProvided = this._checkLinkProviderResult(i, position, linkProvided);
- // If all providers have responded, remove lower priority links that intersect ranges of
- // higher priority links
- if (this._activeProviderReplies?.size === this._linkProviders.length) {
- this._removeIntersectingLinks(position.y, this._activeProviderReplies);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- private _removeIntersectingLinks(y: number, replies: Map<Number, ILinkWithState[] | undefined>): void {
- const occupiedCells = new Set<number>();
- for (let i = 0; i < replies.size; i++) {
- const providerReply = replies.get(i);
- if (!providerReply) {
- continue;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < providerReply.length; i++) {
- const linkWithState = providerReply[i];
- const startX = linkWithState.link.range.start.y < y ? 0 : linkWithState.link.range.start.x;
- const endX = linkWithState.link.range.end.y > y ? this._bufferService.cols : linkWithState.link.range.end.x;
- for (let x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
- if (occupiedCells.has(x)) {
- providerReply.splice(i--, 1);
- break;
- }
- occupiedCells.add(x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private _checkLinkProviderResult(index: number, position: IBufferCellPosition, linkProvided: boolean): boolean {
- if (!this._activeProviderReplies) {
- return linkProvided;
- }
- const links = this._activeProviderReplies.get(index);
- // Check if every provider before this one has come back undefined
- let hasLinkBefore = false;
- for (let j = 0; j < index; j++) {
- if (!this._activeProviderReplies.has(j) || this._activeProviderReplies.get(j)) {
- hasLinkBefore = true;
- }
- }
- // If all providers with higher priority came back undefined, then this provider's link for
- // the position should be used
- if (!hasLinkBefore && links) {
- const linkAtPosition = links.find(link => this._linkAtPosition(link.link, position));
- if (linkAtPosition) {
- linkProvided = true;
- this._handleNewLink(linkAtPosition);
- }
- }
- // Check if all the providers have responded
- if (this._activeProviderReplies.size === this._linkProviders.length && !linkProvided) {
- // Respect the order of the link providers
- for (let j = 0; j < this._activeProviderReplies.size; j++) {
- const currentLink = this._activeProviderReplies.get(j)?.find(link => this._linkAtPosition(link.link, position));
- if (currentLink) {
- linkProvided = true;
- this._handleNewLink(currentLink);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return linkProvided;
- }
- private _onClick(event: MouseEvent): void {
- if (!this._element || !this._mouseService || !this._currentLink) {
- return;
- }
- const position = this._positionFromMouseEvent(event, this._element, this._mouseService);
- if (!position) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._linkAtPosition(this._currentLink.link, position)) {
- this._currentLink.link.activate(event, this._currentLink.link.text);
- }
- }
- private _clearCurrentLink(startRow?: number, endRow?: number): void {
- if (!this._element || !this._currentLink || !this._lastMouseEvent) {
- return;
- }
- // If we have a start and end row, check that the link is within it
- if (!startRow || !endRow || (this._currentLink.link.range.start.y >= startRow && this._currentLink.link.range.end.y <= endRow)) {
- this._linkLeave(this._element, this._currentLink.link, this._lastMouseEvent);
- this._currentLink = undefined;
- disposeArray(this._linkCacheDisposables);
- }
- }
- private _handleNewLink(linkWithState: ILinkWithState): void {
- if (!this._element || !this._lastMouseEvent || !this._mouseService) {
- return;
- }
- const position = this._positionFromMouseEvent(this._lastMouseEvent, this._element, this._mouseService);
- if (!position) {
- return;
- }
- // Trigger hover if the we have a link at the position
- if (this._linkAtPosition(linkWithState.link, position)) {
- this._currentLink = linkWithState;
- this._currentLink.state = {
- decorations: {
- underline: linkWithState.link.decorations === undefined ? true : linkWithState.link.decorations.underline,
- pointerCursor: linkWithState.link.decorations === undefined ? true : linkWithState.link.decorations.pointerCursor
- },
- isHovered: true
- };
- this._linkHover(this._element, linkWithState.link, this._lastMouseEvent);
- // Add listener for tracking decorations changes
- linkWithState.link.decorations = {} as ILinkDecorations;
- Object.defineProperties(linkWithState.link.decorations, {
- pointerCursor: {
- get: () => this._currentLink?.state?.decorations.pointerCursor,
- set: v => {
- if (this._currentLink?.state && this._currentLink.state.decorations.pointerCursor !== v) {
- this._currentLink.state.decorations.pointerCursor = v;
- if (this._currentLink.state.isHovered) {
- this._element?.classList.toggle('xterm-cursor-pointer', v);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- underline: {
- get: () => this._currentLink?.state?.decorations.underline,
- set: v => {
- if (this._currentLink?.state && this._currentLink?.state?.decorations.underline !== v) {
- this._currentLink.state.decorations.underline = v;
- if (this._currentLink.state.isHovered) {
- this._fireUnderlineEvent(linkWithState.link, v);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Add listener for rerendering
- if (this._renderService) {
- this._linkCacheDisposables.push(this._renderService.onRenderedBufferChange(e => {
- // When start is 0 a scroll most likely occurred, make sure links above the fold also get
- // cleared.
- const start = e.start === 0 ? 0 : e.start + 1 + this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp;
- this._clearCurrentLink(start, e.end + 1 + this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp);
- }));
- }
- }
- }
- protected _linkHover(element: HTMLElement, link: ILink, event: MouseEvent): void {
- if (this._currentLink?.state) {
- this._currentLink.state.isHovered = true;
- if (this._currentLink.state.decorations.underline) {
- this._fireUnderlineEvent(link, true);
- }
- if (this._currentLink.state.decorations.pointerCursor) {
- element.classList.add('xterm-cursor-pointer');
- }
- }
- if (link.hover) {
- link.hover(event, link.text);
- }
- }
- private _fireUnderlineEvent(link: ILink, showEvent: boolean): void {
- const range = link.range;
- const scrollOffset = this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp;
- const event = this._createLinkUnderlineEvent(range.start.x - 1, range.start.y - scrollOffset - 1, range.end.x, range.end.y - scrollOffset - 1, undefined);
- const emitter = showEvent ? this._onShowLinkUnderline : this._onHideLinkUnderline;
- emitter.fire(event);
- }
- protected _linkLeave(element: HTMLElement, link: ILink, event: MouseEvent): void {
- if (this._currentLink?.state) {
- this._currentLink.state.isHovered = false;
- if (this._currentLink.state.decorations.underline) {
- this._fireUnderlineEvent(link, false);
- }
- if (this._currentLink.state.decorations.pointerCursor) {
- element.classList.remove('xterm-cursor-pointer');
- }
- }
- if (link.leave) {
- link.leave(event, link.text);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check if the buffer position is within the link
- * @param link
- * @param position
- */
- private _linkAtPosition(link: ILink, position: IBufferCellPosition): boolean {
- const sameLine = link.range.start.y === link.range.end.y;
- const wrappedFromLeft = link.range.start.y < position.y;
- const wrappedToRight = link.range.end.y > position.y;
- // If the start and end have the same y, then the position must be between start and end x
- // If not, then handle each case seperately, depending on which way it wraps
- return ((sameLine && link.range.start.x <= position.x && link.range.end.x >= position.x) ||
- (wrappedFromLeft && link.range.end.x >= position.x) ||
- (wrappedToRight && link.range.start.x <= position.x) ||
- (wrappedFromLeft && wrappedToRight)) &&
- link.range.start.y <= position.y &&
- link.range.end.y >= position.y;
- }
- /**
- * Get the buffer position from a mouse event
- * @param event
- */
- private _positionFromMouseEvent(event: MouseEvent, element: HTMLElement, mouseService: IMouseService): IBufferCellPosition | undefined {
- const coords = mouseService.getCoords(event, element, this._bufferService.cols, this._bufferService.rows);
- if (!coords) {
- return;
- }
- return { x: coords[0], y: coords[1] + this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp };
- }
- private _createLinkUnderlineEvent(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, fg: number | undefined): ILinkifierEvent {
- return { x1, y1, x2, y2, cols: this._bufferService.cols, fg };
- }