path: root/node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts
diff options
authorAnthony Schneider <tonyschneider3@gmail.com>2022-02-11 19:40:35 -0600
committerAnthony Schneider <tonyschneider3@gmail.com>2022-02-11 19:40:35 -0600
commitb52feccdcc58c1f4583c8542632d6c026335dea7 (patch)
tree5e242dd13ed4bbfff85a07109ef826f80874e2a6 /node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts
parent94862321e2e4a58e3209c037e8061f0435b3aa82 (diff)
Changed javascript to be in its own file. Began (messy) setup for terminal.
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts b/node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90dca98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/xterm/src/common/services/Services.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+import { IEvent } from 'common/EventEmitter';
+import { IBuffer, IBufferSet } from 'common/buffer/Types';
+import { IDecPrivateModes, ICoreMouseEvent, CoreMouseEncoding, ICoreMouseProtocol, CoreMouseEventType, ICharset, IWindowOptions, IModes, IAttributeData, ScrollSource } from 'common/Types';
+import { createDecorator } from 'common/services/ServiceRegistry';
+export const IBufferService = createDecorator<IBufferService>('BufferService');
+export interface IBufferService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ readonly cols: number;
+ readonly rows: number;
+ readonly buffer: IBuffer;
+ readonly buffers: IBufferSet;
+ isUserScrolling: boolean;
+ onResize: IEvent<{ cols: number, rows: number }>;
+ onScroll: IEvent<number>;
+ scroll(eraseAttr: IAttributeData, isWrapped?: boolean): void;
+ scrollToBottom(): void;
+ scrollToTop(): void;
+ scrollToLine(line: number): void;
+ scrollLines(disp: number, suppressScrollEvent?: boolean, source?: ScrollSource): void;
+ scrollPages(pageCount: number): void;
+ resize(cols: number, rows: number): void;
+ reset(): void;
+export const ICoreMouseService = createDecorator<ICoreMouseService>('CoreMouseService');
+export interface ICoreMouseService {
+ activeProtocol: string;
+ activeEncoding: string;
+ areMouseEventsActive: boolean;
+ addProtocol(name: string, protocol: ICoreMouseProtocol): void;
+ addEncoding(name: string, encoding: CoreMouseEncoding): void;
+ reset(): void;
+ /**
+ * Triggers a mouse event to be sent.
+ *
+ * Returns true if the event passed all protocol restrictions and a report
+ * was sent, otherwise false. The return value may be used to decide whether
+ * the default event action in the bowser component should be omitted.
+ *
+ * Note: The method will change values of the given event object
+ * to fullfill protocol and encoding restrictions.
+ */
+ triggerMouseEvent(event: ICoreMouseEvent): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Event to announce changes in mouse tracking.
+ */
+ onProtocolChange: IEvent<CoreMouseEventType>;
+ /**
+ * Human readable version of mouse events.
+ */
+ explainEvents(events: CoreMouseEventType): { [event: string]: boolean };
+export const ICoreService = createDecorator<ICoreService>('CoreService');
+export interface ICoreService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ /**
+ * Initially the cursor will not be visible until the first time the terminal
+ * is focused.
+ */
+ isCursorInitialized: boolean;
+ isCursorHidden: boolean;
+ readonly modes: IModes;
+ readonly decPrivateModes: IDecPrivateModes;
+ readonly onData: IEvent<string>;
+ readonly onUserInput: IEvent<void>;
+ readonly onBinary: IEvent<string>;
+ reset(): void;
+ /**
+ * Triggers the onData event in the public API.
+ * @param data The data that is being emitted.
+ * @param wasFromUser Whether the data originated from the user (as opposed to
+ * resulting from parsing incoming data). When true this will also:
+ * - Scroll to the bottom of the buffer.s
+ * - Fire the `onUserInput` event (so selection can be cleared).
+ */
+ triggerDataEvent(data: string, wasUserInput?: boolean): void;
+ /**
+ * Triggers the onBinary event in the public API.
+ * @param data The data that is being emitted.
+ */
+ triggerBinaryEvent(data: string): void;
+export const ICharsetService = createDecorator<ICharsetService>('CharsetService');
+export interface ICharsetService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ charset: ICharset | undefined;
+ readonly glevel: number;
+ reset(): void;
+ /**
+ * Set the G level of the terminal.
+ * @param g
+ */
+ setgLevel(g: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Set the charset for the given G level of the terminal.
+ * @param g
+ * @param charset
+ */
+ setgCharset(g: number, charset: ICharset | undefined): void;
+export const IDirtyRowService = createDecorator<IDirtyRowService>('DirtyRowService');
+export interface IDirtyRowService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ readonly start: number;
+ readonly end: number;
+ clearRange(): void;
+ markDirty(y: number): void;
+ markRangeDirty(y1: number, y2: number): void;
+ markAllDirty(): void;
+export interface IServiceIdentifier<T> {
+ (...args: any[]): void;
+ type: T;
+export interface IBrandedService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+type GetLeadingNonServiceArgs<Args> =
+ Args extends [...IBrandedService[]] ? []
+ : Args extends [infer A1, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, infer A4, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3, A4]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, infer A4, infer A5, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, infer A4, infer A5, infer A6, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, infer A4, infer A5, infer A6, infer A7, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]
+ : Args extends [infer A1, infer A2, infer A3, infer A4, infer A5, infer A6, infer A7, infer A8, ...IBrandedService[]] ? [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]
+ : never;
+export const IInstantiationService = createDecorator<IInstantiationService>('InstantiationService');
+export interface IInstantiationService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ setService<T>(id: IServiceIdentifier<T>, instance: T): void;
+ getService<T>(id: IServiceIdentifier<T>): T | undefined;
+ createInstance<Ctor extends new (...args: any[]) => any, R extends InstanceType<Ctor>>(t: Ctor, ...args: GetLeadingNonServiceArgs<ConstructorParameters<Ctor>>): R;
+export enum LogLevelEnum {
+ DEBUG = 0,
+ INFO = 1,
+ WARN = 2,
+ ERROR = 3,
+ OFF = 4
+export const ILogService = createDecorator<ILogService>('LogService');
+export interface ILogService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ logLevel: LogLevelEnum;
+ debug(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
+ info(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
+ warn(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
+ error(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
+export const IOptionsService = createDecorator<IOptionsService>('OptionsService');
+export interface IOptionsService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ /**
+ * Read only access to the raw options object, this is an internal-only fast path for accessing
+ * single options without any validation as we trust TypeScript to enforce correct usage
+ * internally.
+ */
+ readonly rawOptions: Readonly<ITerminalOptions>;
+ readonly options: ITerminalOptions;
+ readonly onOptionChange: IEvent<string>;
+ setOption<T>(key: string, value: T): void;
+ getOption<T>(key: string): T | undefined;
+export type FontWeight = 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900' | number;
+export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off';
+export type RendererType = 'dom' | 'canvas';
+export interface ITerminalOptions {
+ allowProposedApi: boolean;
+ allowTransparency: boolean;
+ altClickMovesCursor: boolean;
+ bellSound: string;
+ bellStyle: 'none' | 'sound' /* | 'visual' | 'both' */;
+ cols: number;
+ convertEol: boolean;
+ cursorBlink: boolean;
+ cursorStyle: 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar';
+ cursorWidth: number;
+ customGlyphs: boolean;
+ disableStdin: boolean;
+ drawBoldTextInBrightColors: boolean;
+ fastScrollModifier: 'alt' | 'ctrl' | 'shift' | undefined;
+ fastScrollSensitivity: number;
+ fontSize: number;
+ fontFamily: string;
+ fontWeight: FontWeight;
+ fontWeightBold: FontWeight;
+ letterSpacing: number;
+ lineHeight: number;
+ linkTooltipHoverDuration: number;
+ logLevel: LogLevel;
+ macOptionIsMeta: boolean;
+ macOptionClickForcesSelection: boolean;
+ minimumContrastRatio: number;
+ rendererType: RendererType;
+ rightClickSelectsWord: boolean;
+ rows: number;
+ screenReaderMode: boolean;
+ scrollback: number;
+ scrollSensitivity: number;
+ tabStopWidth: number;
+ theme: ITheme;
+ windowsMode: boolean;
+ windowOptions: IWindowOptions;
+ wordSeparator: string;
+ [key: string]: any;
+ cancelEvents: boolean;
+ termName: string;
+export interface ITheme {
+ foreground?: string;
+ background?: string;
+ cursor?: string;
+ cursorAccent?: string;
+ selection?: string;
+ black?: string;
+ red?: string;
+ green?: string;
+ yellow?: string;
+ blue?: string;
+ magenta?: string;
+ cyan?: string;
+ white?: string;
+ brightBlack?: string;
+ brightRed?: string;
+ brightGreen?: string;
+ brightYellow?: string;
+ brightBlue?: string;
+ brightMagenta?: string;
+ brightCyan?: string;
+ brightWhite?: string;
+export const IUnicodeService = createDecorator<IUnicodeService>('UnicodeService');
+export interface IUnicodeService {
+ serviceBrand: undefined;
+ /** Register an Unicode version provider. */
+ register(provider: IUnicodeVersionProvider): void;
+ /** Registered Unicode versions. */
+ readonly versions: string[];
+ /** Currently active version. */
+ activeVersion: string;
+ /** Event triggered, when activate version changed. */
+ readonly onChange: IEvent<string>;
+ /**
+ * Unicode version dependent
+ */
+ wcwidth(codepoint: number): number;
+ getStringCellWidth(s: string): number;
+export interface IUnicodeVersionProvider {
+ readonly version: string;
+ wcwidth(ucs: number): 0 | 1 | 2;