path: root/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/xterm/src/browser/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts b/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea419cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/xterm/src/browser/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+import { IRenderDimensions, IRequestRedrawEvent } from 'browser/renderer/Types';
+import { BaseRenderLayer } from 'browser/renderer/BaseRenderLayer';
+import { ICellData } from 'common/Types';
+import { CellData } from 'common/buffer/CellData';
+import { IColorSet } from 'browser/Types';
+import { IBufferService, IOptionsService, ICoreService } from 'common/services/Services';
+import { IEventEmitter } from 'common/EventEmitter';
+import { ICoreBrowserService } from 'browser/services/Services';
+interface ICursorState {
+ x: number;
+ y: number;
+ isFocused: boolean;
+ style: string;
+ width: number;
+ * The time between cursor blinks.
+ */
+const BLINK_INTERVAL = 600;
+export class CursorRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer {
+ private _state: ICursorState;
+ private _cursorRenderers: {[key: string]: (x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData) => void};
+ private _cursorBlinkStateManager: CursorBlinkStateManager | undefined;
+ private _cell: ICellData = new CellData();
+ constructor(
+ container: HTMLElement,
+ zIndex: number,
+ colors: IColorSet,
+ rendererId: number,
+ private _onRequestRedraw: IEventEmitter<IRequestRedrawEvent>,
+ @IBufferService bufferService: IBufferService,
+ @IOptionsService optionsService: IOptionsService,
+ @ICoreService private readonly _coreService: ICoreService,
+ @ICoreBrowserService private readonly _coreBrowserService: ICoreBrowserService
+ ) {
+ super(container, 'cursor', zIndex, true, colors, rendererId, bufferService, optionsService);
+ this._state = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ isFocused: false,
+ style: '',
+ width: 0
+ };
+ this._cursorRenderers = {
+ 'bar': this._renderBarCursor.bind(this),
+ 'block': this._renderBlockCursor.bind(this),
+ 'underline': this._renderUnderlineCursor.bind(this)
+ };
+ }
+ public dispose(): void {
+ if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager.dispose();
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager = undefined;
+ }
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ public resize(dim: IRenderDimensions): void {
+ super.resize(dim);
+ // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state
+ this._state = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ isFocused: false,
+ style: '',
+ width: 0
+ };
+ }
+ public reset(): void {
+ this._clearCursor();
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager?.restartBlinkAnimation();
+ this.onOptionsChanged();
+ }
+ public onBlur(): void {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager?.pause();
+ this._onRequestRedraw.fire({ start: this._bufferService.buffer.y, end: this._bufferService.buffer.y });
+ }
+ public onFocus(): void {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager?.resume();
+ this._onRequestRedraw.fire({ start: this._bufferService.buffer.y, end: this._bufferService.buffer.y });
+ }
+ public onOptionsChanged(): void {
+ if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorBlink) {
+ if (!this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager = new CursorBlinkStateManager(this._coreBrowserService.isFocused, () => {
+ this._render(true);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager?.dispose();
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager = undefined;
+ }
+ // Request a refresh from the terminal as management of rendering is being
+ // moved back to the terminal
+ this._onRequestRedraw.fire({ start: this._bufferService.buffer.y, end: this._bufferService.buffer.y });
+ }
+ public onCursorMove(): void {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager?.restartBlinkAnimation();
+ }
+ public onGridChanged(startRow: number, endRow: number): void {
+ if (!this._cursorBlinkStateManager || this._cursorBlinkStateManager.isPaused) {
+ this._render(false);
+ } else {
+ this._cursorBlinkStateManager.restartBlinkAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ private _render(triggeredByAnimationFrame: boolean): void {
+ // Don't draw the cursor if it's hidden
+ if (!this._coreService.isCursorInitialized || this._coreService.isCursorHidden) {
+ this._clearCursor();
+ return;
+ }
+ const cursorY = this._bufferService.buffer.ybase + this._bufferService.buffer.y;
+ const viewportRelativeCursorY = cursorY - this._bufferService.buffer.ydisp;
+ // Don't draw the cursor if it's off-screen
+ if (viewportRelativeCursorY < 0 || viewportRelativeCursorY >= this._bufferService.rows) {
+ this._clearCursor();
+ return;
+ }
+ // in case cursor.x == cols adjust visual cursor to cols - 1
+ const cursorX = Math.min(this._bufferService.buffer.x, this._bufferService.cols - 1);
+ this._bufferService.buffer.lines.get(cursorY)!.loadCell(cursorX, this._cell);
+ if (this._cell.content === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._coreBrowserService.isFocused) {
+ this._clearCursor();
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;
+ const cursorStyle = this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorStyle;
+ if (cursorStyle && cursorStyle !== 'block') {
+ this._cursorRenderers[cursorStyle](cursorX, viewportRelativeCursorY, this._cell);
+ } else {
+ this._renderBlurCursor(cursorX, viewportRelativeCursorY, this._cell);
+ }
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ this._state.x = cursorX;
+ this._state.y = viewportRelativeCursorY;
+ this._state.isFocused = false;
+ this._state.style = cursorStyle;
+ this._state.width = this._cell.getWidth();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't draw the cursor if it's blinking
+ if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager && !this._cursorBlinkStateManager.isCursorVisible) {
+ this._clearCursor();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._state) {
+ // The cursor is already in the correct spot, don't redraw
+ if (this._state.x === cursorX &&
+ this._state.y === viewportRelativeCursorY &&
+ this._state.isFocused === this._coreBrowserService.isFocused &&
+ this._state.style === this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorStyle &&
+ this._state.width === this._cell.getWidth()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._clearCursor();
+ }
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._cursorRenderers[this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorStyle || 'block'](cursorX, viewportRelativeCursorY, this._cell);
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ this._state.x = cursorX;
+ this._state.y = viewportRelativeCursorY;
+ this._state.isFocused = false;
+ this._state.style = this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorStyle;
+ this._state.width = this._cell.getWidth();
+ }
+ private _clearCursor(): void {
+ if (this._state) {
+ // Avoid potential rounding errors when device pixel ratio is less than 1
+ if (window.devicePixelRatio < 1) {
+ this._clearAll();
+ } else {
+ this._clearCells(this._state.x, this._state.y, this._state.width, 1);
+ }
+ this._state = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ isFocused: false,
+ style: '',
+ width: 0
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ private _renderBarCursor(x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;
+ this._fillLeftLineAtCell(x, y, this._optionsService.rawOptions.cursorWidth);
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ }
+ private _renderBlockCursor(x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;
+ this._fillCells(x, y, cell.getWidth(), 1);
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursorAccent.css;
+ this._fillCharTrueColor(cell, x, y);
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ }
+ private _renderUnderlineCursor(x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;
+ this._fillBottomLineAtCells(x, y);
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ }
+ private _renderBlurCursor(x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {
+ this._ctx.save();
+ this._ctx.strokeStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;
+ this._strokeRectAtCell(x, y, cell.getWidth(), 1);
+ this._ctx.restore();
+ }
+class CursorBlinkStateManager {
+ public isCursorVisible: boolean;
+ private _animationFrame: number | undefined;
+ private _blinkStartTimeout: number | undefined;
+ private _blinkInterval: number | undefined;
+ /**
+ * The time at which the animation frame was restarted, this is used on the
+ * next render to restart the timers so they don't need to restart the timers
+ * multiple times over a short period.
+ */
+ private _animationTimeRestarted: number | undefined;
+ constructor(
+ isFocused: boolean,
+ private _renderCallback: () => void
+ ) {
+ this.isCursorVisible = true;
+ if (isFocused) {
+ this._restartInterval();
+ }
+ }
+ public get isPaused(): boolean { return !(this._blinkStartTimeout || this._blinkInterval); }
+ public dispose(): void {
+ if (this._blinkInterval) {
+ window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);
+ this._blinkInterval = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this._blinkStartTimeout) {
+ window.clearTimeout(this._blinkStartTimeout);
+ this._blinkStartTimeout = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this._animationFrame) {
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);
+ this._animationFrame = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ public restartBlinkAnimation(): void {
+ if (this.isPaused) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Save a timestamp so that the restart can be done on the next interval
+ this._animationTimeRestarted = Date.now();
+ // Force a cursor render to ensure it's visible and in the correct position
+ this.isCursorVisible = true;
+ if (!this._animationFrame) {
+ this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ this._renderCallback();
+ this._animationFrame = undefined;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private _restartInterval(timeToStart: number = BLINK_INTERVAL): void {
+ // Clear any existing interval
+ if (this._blinkInterval) {
+ window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);
+ this._blinkInterval = undefined;
+ }
+ // Setup the initial timeout which will hide the cursor, this is done before
+ // the regular interval is setup in order to support restarting the blink
+ // animation in a lightweight way (without thrashing clearInterval and
+ // setInterval).
+ this._blinkStartTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
+ // Check if another animation restart was requested while this was being
+ // started
+ if (this._animationTimeRestarted) {
+ const time = BLINK_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - this._animationTimeRestarted);
+ this._animationTimeRestarted = undefined;
+ if (time > 0) {
+ this._restartInterval(time);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Hide the cursor
+ this.isCursorVisible = false;
+ this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ this._renderCallback();
+ this._animationFrame = undefined;
+ });
+ // Setup the blink interval
+ this._blinkInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
+ // Adjust the animation time if it was restarted
+ if (this._animationTimeRestarted) {
+ // calc time diff
+ // Make restart interval do a setTimeout initially?
+ const time = BLINK_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - this._animationTimeRestarted);
+ this._animationTimeRestarted = undefined;
+ this._restartInterval(time);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Invert visibility and render
+ this.isCursorVisible = !this.isCursorVisible;
+ this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ this._renderCallback();
+ this._animationFrame = undefined;
+ });
+ }, timeToStart);
+ }
+ public pause(): void {
+ this.isCursorVisible = true;
+ if (this._blinkInterval) {
+ window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);
+ this._blinkInterval = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this._blinkStartTimeout) {
+ window.clearTimeout(this._blinkStartTimeout);
+ this._blinkStartTimeout = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this._animationFrame) {
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);
+ this._animationFrame = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ public resume(): void {
+ // Clear out any existing timers just in case
+ this.pause();
+ this._animationTimeRestarted = undefined;
+ this._restartInterval();
+ this.restartBlinkAnimation();
+ }