path: root/node_modules/xterm/src/common/buffer/Buffer.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/xterm/src/common/buffer/Buffer.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/xterm/src/common/buffer/Buffer.ts b/node_modules/xterm/src/common/buffer/Buffer.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7596fef..0000000
--- a/node_modules/xterm/src/common/buffer/Buffer.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
- * @license MIT
- */
-import { CircularList, IInsertEvent } from 'common/CircularList';
-import { IBuffer, BufferIndex, IBufferStringIterator, IBufferStringIteratorResult } from 'common/buffer/Types';
-import { IBufferLine, ICellData, IAttributeData, ICharset } from 'common/Types';
-import { BufferLine, DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA } from 'common/buffer/BufferLine';
-import { CellData } from 'common/buffer/CellData';
-import { reflowLargerApplyNewLayout, reflowLargerCreateNewLayout, reflowLargerGetLinesToRemove, reflowSmallerGetNewLineLengths, getWrappedLineTrimmedLength } from 'common/buffer/BufferReflow';
-import { Marker } from 'common/buffer/Marker';
-import { IOptionsService, IBufferService } from 'common/services/Services';
-import { DEFAULT_CHARSET } from 'common/data/Charsets';
-import { ExtendedAttrs } from 'common/buffer/AttributeData';
-export const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4294967295; // 2^32 - 1
- * This class represents a terminal buffer (an internal state of the terminal), where the
- * following information is stored (in high-level):
- * - text content of this particular buffer
- * - cursor position
- * - scroll position
- */
-export class Buffer implements IBuffer {
- public lines: CircularList<IBufferLine>;
- public ydisp: number = 0;
- public ybase: number = 0;
- public y: number = 0;
- public x: number = 0;
- public scrollBottom: number;
- public scrollTop: number;
- // TODO: Type me
- public tabs: any;
- public savedY: number = 0;
- public savedX: number = 0;
- public savedCurAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone();
- public savedCharset: ICharset | undefined = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- public markers: Marker[] = [];
- private _nullCell: ICellData = CellData.fromCharData([0, NULL_CELL_CHAR, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE]);
- private _whitespaceCell: ICellData = CellData.fromCharData([0, WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR, WHITESPACE_CELL_WIDTH, WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE]);
- private _cols: number;
- private _rows: number;
- private _isClearing: boolean = false;
- constructor(
- private _hasScrollback: boolean,
- private _optionsService: IOptionsService,
- private _bufferService: IBufferService
- ) {
- this._cols = this._bufferService.cols;
- this._rows = this._bufferService.rows;
- this.lines = new CircularList<IBufferLine>(this._getCorrectBufferLength(this._rows));
- this.scrollTop = 0;
- this.scrollBottom = this._rows - 1;
- this.setupTabStops();
- }
- public getNullCell(attr?: IAttributeData): ICellData {
- if (attr) {
- this._nullCell.fg = attr.fg;
- this._nullCell.bg = attr.bg;
- this._nullCell.extended = attr.extended;
- } else {
- this._nullCell.fg = 0;
- this._nullCell.bg = 0;
- this._nullCell.extended = new ExtendedAttrs();
- }
- return this._nullCell;
- }
- public getWhitespaceCell(attr?: IAttributeData): ICellData {
- if (attr) {
- this._whitespaceCell.fg = attr.fg;
- this._whitespaceCell.bg = attr.bg;
- this._whitespaceCell.extended = attr.extended;
- } else {
- this._whitespaceCell.fg = 0;
- this._whitespaceCell.bg = 0;
- this._whitespaceCell.extended = new ExtendedAttrs();
- }
- return this._whitespaceCell;
- }
- public getBlankLine(attr: IAttributeData, isWrapped?: boolean): IBufferLine {
- return new BufferLine(this._bufferService.cols, this.getNullCell(attr), isWrapped);
- }
- public get hasScrollback(): boolean {
- return this._hasScrollback && this.lines.maxLength > this._rows;
- }
- public get isCursorInViewport(): boolean {
- const absoluteY = this.ybase + this.y;
- const relativeY = absoluteY - this.ydisp;
- return (relativeY >= 0 && relativeY < this._rows);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the correct buffer length based on the rows provided, the terminal's
- * scrollback and whether this buffer is flagged to have scrollback or not.
- * @param rows The terminal rows to use in the calculation.
- */
- private _getCorrectBufferLength(rows: number): number {
- if (!this._hasScrollback) {
- return rows;
- }
- const correctBufferLength = rows + this._optionsService.rawOptions.scrollback;
- return correctBufferLength > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ? MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : correctBufferLength;
- }
- /**
- * Fills the buffer's viewport with blank lines.
- */
- public fillViewportRows(fillAttr?: IAttributeData): void {
- if (this.lines.length === 0) {
- if (fillAttr === undefined) {
- }
- let i = this._rows;
- while (i--) {
- this.lines.push(this.getBlankLine(fillAttr));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Clears the buffer to it's initial state, discarding all previous data.
- */
- public clear(): void {
- this.ydisp = 0;
- this.ybase = 0;
- this.y = 0;
- this.x = 0;
- this.lines = new CircularList<IBufferLine>(this._getCorrectBufferLength(this._rows));
- this.scrollTop = 0;
- this.scrollBottom = this._rows - 1;
- this.setupTabStops();
- }
- /**
- * Resizes the buffer, adjusting its data accordingly.
- * @param newCols The new number of columns.
- * @param newRows The new number of rows.
- */
- public resize(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {
- // store reference to null cell with default attrs
- const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);
- // Increase max length if needed before adjustments to allow space to fill
- // as required.
- const newMaxLength = this._getCorrectBufferLength(newRows);
- if (newMaxLength > this.lines.maxLength) {
- this.lines.maxLength = newMaxLength;
- }
- // The following adjustments should only happen if the buffer has been
- // initialized/filled.
- if (this.lines.length > 0) {
- // Deal with columns increasing (reducing needs to happen after reflow)
- if (this._cols < newCols) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {
- this.lines.get(i)!.resize(newCols, nullCell);
- }
- }
- // Resize rows in both directions as needed
- let addToY = 0;
- if (this._rows < newRows) {
- for (let y = this._rows; y < newRows; y++) {
- if (this.lines.length < newRows + this.ybase) {
- if (this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowsMode) {
- // Just add the new missing rows on Windows as conpty reprints the screen with it's
- // view of the world. Once a line enters scrollback for conpty it remains there
- this.lines.push(new BufferLine(newCols, nullCell));
- } else {
- if (this.ybase > 0 && this.lines.length <= this.ybase + this.y + addToY + 1) {
- // There is room above the buffer and there are no empty elements below the line,
- // scroll up
- this.ybase--;
- addToY++;
- if (this.ydisp > 0) {
- // Viewport is at the top of the buffer, must increase downwards
- this.ydisp--;
- }
- } else {
- // Add a blank line if there is no buffer left at the top to scroll to, or if there
- // are blank lines after the cursor
- this.lines.push(new BufferLine(newCols, nullCell));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else { // (this._rows >= newRows)
- for (let y = this._rows; y > newRows; y--) {
- if (this.lines.length > newRows + this.ybase) {
- if (this.lines.length > this.ybase + this.y + 1) {
- // The line is a blank line below the cursor, remove it
- this.lines.pop();
- } else {
- // The line is the cursor, scroll down
- this.ybase++;
- this.ydisp++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Reduce max length if needed after adjustments, this is done after as it
- // would otherwise cut data from the bottom of the buffer.
- if (newMaxLength < this.lines.maxLength) {
- // Trim from the top of the buffer and adjust ybase and ydisp.
- const amountToTrim = this.lines.length - newMaxLength;
- if (amountToTrim > 0) {
- this.lines.trimStart(amountToTrim);
- this.ybase = Math.max(this.ybase - amountToTrim, 0);
- this.ydisp = Math.max(this.ydisp - amountToTrim, 0);
- this.savedY = Math.max(this.savedY - amountToTrim, 0);
- }
- this.lines.maxLength = newMaxLength;
- }
- // Make sure that the cursor stays on screen
- this.x = Math.min(this.x, newCols - 1);
- this.y = Math.min(this.y, newRows - 1);
- if (addToY) {
- this.y += addToY;
- }
- this.savedX = Math.min(this.savedX, newCols - 1);
- this.scrollTop = 0;
- }
- this.scrollBottom = newRows - 1;
- if (this._isReflowEnabled) {
- this._reflow(newCols, newRows);
- // Trim the end of the line off if cols shrunk
- if (this._cols > newCols) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {
- this.lines.get(i)!.resize(newCols, nullCell);
- }
- }
- }
- this._cols = newCols;
- this._rows = newRows;
- }
- private get _isReflowEnabled(): boolean {
- return this._hasScrollback && !this._optionsService.rawOptions.windowsMode;
- }
- private _reflow(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {
- if (this._cols === newCols) {
- return;
- }
- // Iterate through rows, ignore the last one as it cannot be wrapped
- if (newCols > this._cols) {
- this._reflowLarger(newCols, newRows);
- } else {
- this._reflowSmaller(newCols, newRows);
- }
- }
- private _reflowLarger(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {
- const toRemove: number[] = reflowLargerGetLinesToRemove(this.lines, this._cols, newCols, this.ybase + this.y, this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA));
- if (toRemove.length > 0) {
- const newLayoutResult = reflowLargerCreateNewLayout(this.lines, toRemove);
- reflowLargerApplyNewLayout(this.lines, newLayoutResult.layout);
- this._reflowLargerAdjustViewport(newCols, newRows, newLayoutResult.countRemoved);
- }
- }
- private _reflowLargerAdjustViewport(newCols: number, newRows: number, countRemoved: number): void {
- const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);
- // Adjust viewport based on number of items removed
- let viewportAdjustments = countRemoved;
- while (viewportAdjustments-- > 0) {
- if (this.ybase === 0) {
- if (this.y > 0) {
- this.y--;
- }
- if (this.lines.length < newRows) {
- // Add an extra row at the bottom of the viewport
- this.lines.push(new BufferLine(newCols, nullCell));
- }
- } else {
- if (this.ydisp === this.ybase) {
- this.ydisp--;
- }
- this.ybase--;
- }
- }
- this.savedY = Math.max(this.savedY - countRemoved, 0);
- }
- private _reflowSmaller(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {
- const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);
- // Gather all BufferLines that need to be inserted into the Buffer here so that they can be
- // batched up and only committed once
- const toInsert = [];
- let countToInsert = 0;
- // Go backwards as many lines may be trimmed and this will avoid considering them
- for (let y = this.lines.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
- // Check whether this line is a problem
- let nextLine = this.lines.get(y) as BufferLine;
- if (!nextLine || !nextLine.isWrapped && nextLine.getTrimmedLength() <= newCols) {
- continue;
- }
- // Gather wrapped lines and adjust y to be the starting line
- const wrappedLines: BufferLine[] = [nextLine];
- while (nextLine.isWrapped && y > 0) {
- nextLine = this.lines.get(--y) as BufferLine;
- wrappedLines.unshift(nextLine);
- }
- // If these lines contain the cursor don't touch them, the program will handle fixing up
- // wrapped lines with the cursor
- const absoluteY = this.ybase + this.y;
- if (absoluteY >= y && absoluteY < y + wrappedLines.length) {
- continue;
- }
- const lastLineLength = wrappedLines[wrappedLines.length - 1].getTrimmedLength();
- const destLineLengths = reflowSmallerGetNewLineLengths(wrappedLines, this._cols, newCols);
- const linesToAdd = destLineLengths.length - wrappedLines.length;
- let trimmedLines: number;
- if (this.ybase === 0 && this.y !== this.lines.length - 1) {
- // If the top section of the buffer is not yet filled
- trimmedLines = Math.max(0, this.y - this.lines.maxLength + linesToAdd);
- } else {
- trimmedLines = Math.max(0, this.lines.length - this.lines.maxLength + linesToAdd);
- }
- // Add the new lines
- const newLines: BufferLine[] = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < linesToAdd; i++) {
- const newLine = this.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA, true) as BufferLine;
- newLines.push(newLine);
- }
- if (newLines.length > 0) {
- toInsert.push({
- // countToInsert here gets the actual index, taking into account other inserted items.
- // using this we can iterate through the list forwards
- start: y + wrappedLines.length + countToInsert,
- newLines
- });
- countToInsert += newLines.length;
- }
- wrappedLines.push(...newLines);
- // Copy buffer data to new locations, this needs to happen backwards to do in-place
- let destLineIndex = destLineLengths.length - 1; // Math.floor(cellsNeeded / newCols);
- let destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex]; // cellsNeeded % newCols;
- if (destCol === 0) {
- destLineIndex--;
- destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex];
- }
- let srcLineIndex = wrappedLines.length - linesToAdd - 1;
- let srcCol = lastLineLength;
- while (srcLineIndex >= 0) {
- const cellsToCopy = Math.min(srcCol, destCol);
- if (wrappedLines[destLineIndex] === undefined) {
- // Sanity check that the line exists, this has been known to fail for an unknown reason
- // which would stop the reflow from happening if an exception would throw.
- break;
- }
- wrappedLines[destLineIndex].copyCellsFrom(wrappedLines[srcLineIndex], srcCol - cellsToCopy, destCol - cellsToCopy, cellsToCopy, true);
- destCol -= cellsToCopy;
- if (destCol === 0) {
- destLineIndex--;
- destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex];
- }
- srcCol -= cellsToCopy;
- if (srcCol === 0) {
- srcLineIndex--;
- const wrappedLinesIndex = Math.max(srcLineIndex, 0);
- srcCol = getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, wrappedLinesIndex, this._cols);
- }
- }
- // Null out the end of the line ends if a wide character wrapped to the following line
- for (let i = 0; i < wrappedLines.length; i++) {
- if (destLineLengths[i] < newCols) {
- wrappedLines[i].setCell(destLineLengths[i], nullCell);
- }
- }
- // Adjust viewport as needed
- let viewportAdjustments = linesToAdd - trimmedLines;
- while (viewportAdjustments-- > 0) {
- if (this.ybase === 0) {
- if (this.y < newRows - 1) {
- this.y++;
- this.lines.pop();
- } else {
- this.ybase++;
- this.ydisp++;
- }
- } else {
- // Ensure ybase does not exceed its maximum value
- if (this.ybase < Math.min(this.lines.maxLength, this.lines.length + countToInsert) - newRows) {
- if (this.ybase === this.ydisp) {
- this.ydisp++;
- }
- this.ybase++;
- }
- }
- }
- this.savedY = Math.min(this.savedY + linesToAdd, this.ybase + newRows - 1);
- }
- // Rearrange lines in the buffer if there are any insertions, this is done at the end rather
- // than earlier so that it's a single O(n) pass through the buffer, instead of O(n^2) from many
- // costly calls to CircularList.splice.
- if (toInsert.length > 0) {
- // Record buffer insert events and then play them back backwards so that the indexes are
- // correct
- const insertEvents: IInsertEvent[] = [];
- // Record original lines so they don't get overridden when we rearrange the list
- const originalLines: BufferLine[] = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {
- originalLines.push(this.lines.get(i) as BufferLine);
- }
- const originalLinesLength = this.lines.length;
- let originalLineIndex = originalLinesLength - 1;
- let nextToInsertIndex = 0;
- let nextToInsert = toInsert[nextToInsertIndex];
- this.lines.length = Math.min(this.lines.maxLength, this.lines.length + countToInsert);
- let countInsertedSoFar = 0;
- for (let i = Math.min(this.lines.maxLength - 1, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
- if (nextToInsert && nextToInsert.start > originalLineIndex + countInsertedSoFar) {
- // Insert extra lines here, adjusting i as needed
- for (let nextI = nextToInsert.newLines.length - 1; nextI >= 0; nextI--) {
- this.lines.set(i--, nextToInsert.newLines[nextI]);
- }
- i++;
- // Create insert events for later
- insertEvents.push({
- index: originalLineIndex + 1,
- amount: nextToInsert.newLines.length
- });
- countInsertedSoFar += nextToInsert.newLines.length;
- nextToInsert = toInsert[++nextToInsertIndex];
- } else {
- this.lines.set(i, originalLines[originalLineIndex--]);
- }
- }
- // Update markers
- let insertCountEmitted = 0;
- for (let i = insertEvents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- insertEvents[i].index += insertCountEmitted;
- this.lines.onInsertEmitter.fire(insertEvents[i]);
- insertCountEmitted += insertEvents[i].amount;
- }
- const amountToTrim = Math.max(0, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - this.lines.maxLength);
- if (amountToTrim > 0) {
- this.lines.onTrimEmitter.fire(amountToTrim);
- }
- }
- }
- // private _reflowSmallerGetLinesNeeded()
- /**
- * Translates a string index back to a BufferIndex.
- * To get the correct buffer position the string must start at `startCol` 0
- * (default in translateBufferLineToString).
- * The method also works on wrapped line strings given rows were not trimmed.
- * The method operates on the CharData string length, there are no
- * additional content or boundary checks. Therefore the string and the buffer
- * should not be altered in between.
- * TODO: respect trim flag after fixing #1685
- * @param lineIndex line index the string was retrieved from
- * @param stringIndex index within the string
- * @param startCol column offset the string was retrieved from
- */
- public stringIndexToBufferIndex(lineIndex: number, stringIndex: number, trimRight: boolean = false): BufferIndex {
- while (stringIndex) {
- const line = this.lines.get(lineIndex);
- if (!line) {
- return [-1, -1];
- }
- const length = (trimRight) ? line.getTrimmedLength() : line.length;
- for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- if (line.get(i)[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX]) {
- // empty cells report a string length of 0, but get replaced
- // with a whitespace in translateToString, thus replace with 1
- stringIndex -= line.get(i)[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length || 1;
- }
- if (stringIndex < 0) {
- return [lineIndex, i];
- }
- }
- lineIndex++;
- }
- return [lineIndex, 0];
- }
- /**
- * Translates a buffer line to a string, with optional start and end columns.
- * Wide characters will count as two columns in the resulting string. This
- * function is useful for getting the actual text underneath the raw selection
- * position.
- * @param line The line being translated.
- * @param trimRight Whether to trim whitespace to the right.
- * @param startCol The column to start at.
- * @param endCol The column to end at.
- */
- public translateBufferLineToString(lineIndex: number, trimRight: boolean, startCol: number = 0, endCol?: number): string {
- const line = this.lines.get(lineIndex);
- if (!line) {
- return '';
- }
- return line.translateToString(trimRight, startCol, endCol);
- }
- public getWrappedRangeForLine(y: number): { first: number, last: number } {
- let first = y;
- let last = y;
- // Scan upwards for wrapped lines
- while (first > 0 && this.lines.get(first)!.isWrapped) {
- first--;
- }
- // Scan downwards for wrapped lines
- while (last + 1 < this.lines.length && this.lines.get(last + 1)!.isWrapped) {
- last++;
- }
- return { first, last };
- }
- /**
- * Setup the tab stops.
- * @param i The index to start setting up tab stops from.
- */
- public setupTabStops(i?: number): void {
- if (i !== null && i !== undefined) {
- if (!this.tabs[i]) {
- i = this.prevStop(i);
- }
- } else {
- this.tabs = {};
- i = 0;
- }
- for (; i < this._cols; i += this._optionsService.rawOptions.tabStopWidth) {
- this.tabs[i] = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Move the cursor to the previous tab stop from the given position (default is current).
- * @param x The position to move the cursor to the previous tab stop.
- */
- public prevStop(x?: number): number {
- if (x === null || x === undefined) {
- x = this.x;
- }
- while (!this.tabs[--x] && x > 0);
- return x >= this._cols ? this._cols - 1 : x < 0 ? 0 : x;
- }
- /**
- * Move the cursor one tab stop forward from the given position (default is current).
- * @param x The position to move the cursor one tab stop forward.
- */
- public nextStop(x?: number): number {
- if (x === null || x === undefined) {
- x = this.x;
- }
- while (!this.tabs[++x] && x < this._cols);
- return x >= this._cols ? this._cols - 1 : x < 0 ? 0 : x;
- }
- public clearMarkers(y?: number): void {
- this._isClearing = true;
- if (y !== undefined) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) {
- if (this.markers[i].line === y) {
- this.markers[i].dispose();
- this.markers.splice(i--, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (const marker of this.markers) {
- marker.dispose();
- }
- this.markers = [];
- }
- this._isClearing = false;
- }
- public addMarker(y: number): Marker {
- const marker = new Marker(y);
- this.markers.push(marker);
- marker.register(this.lines.onTrim(amount => {
- marker.line -= amount;
- // The marker should be disposed when the line is trimmed from the buffer
- if (marker.line < 0) {
- marker.dispose();
- }
- }));
- marker.register(this.lines.onInsert(event => {
- if (marker.line >= event.index) {
- marker.line += event.amount;
- }
- }));
- marker.register(this.lines.onDelete(event => {
- // Delete the marker if it's within the range
- if (marker.line >= event.index && marker.line < event.index + event.amount) {
- marker.dispose();
- }
- // Shift the marker if it's after the deleted range
- if (marker.line > event.index) {
- marker.line -= event.amount;
- }
- }));
- marker.register(marker.onDispose(() => this._removeMarker(marker)));
- return marker;
- }
- private _removeMarker(marker: Marker): void {
- if (!this._isClearing) {
- this.markers.splice(this.markers.indexOf(marker), 1);
- }
- }
- public iterator(trimRight: boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number, startOverscan?: number, endOverscan?: number): IBufferStringIterator {
- return new BufferStringIterator(this, trimRight, startIndex, endIndex, startOverscan, endOverscan);
- }
- * Iterator to get unwrapped content strings from the buffer.
- * The iterator returns at least the string data between the borders
- * `startIndex` and `endIndex` (exclusive) and will expand the lines
- * by `startOverscan` to the top and by `endOverscan` to the bottom,
- * if no new line was found in between.
- * It will never read/return string data beyond `startIndex - startOverscan`
- * or `endIndex + endOverscan`. Therefore the first and last line might be truncated.
- * It is possible to always get the full string for the first and last line as well
- * by setting the overscan values to the actual buffer length. This not recommended
- * since it might return the whole buffer within a single string in a worst case scenario.
- */
-export class BufferStringIterator implements IBufferStringIterator {
- private _current: number;
- constructor (
- private _buffer: IBuffer,
- private _trimRight: boolean,
- private _startIndex: number = 0,
- private _endIndex: number = _buffer.lines.length,
- private _startOverscan: number = 0,
- private _endOverscan: number = 0
- ) {
- if (this._startIndex < 0) {
- this._startIndex = 0;
- }
- if (this._endIndex > this._buffer.lines.length) {
- this._endIndex = this._buffer.lines.length;
- }
- this._current = this._startIndex;
- }
- public hasNext(): boolean {
- return this._current < this._endIndex;
- }
- public next(): IBufferStringIteratorResult {
- const range = this._buffer.getWrappedRangeForLine(this._current);
- // limit search window to overscan value at both borders
- if (range.first < this._startIndex - this._startOverscan) {
- range.first = this._startIndex - this._startOverscan;
- }
- if (range.last > this._endIndex + this._endOverscan) {
- range.last = this._endIndex + this._endOverscan;
- }
- // limit to current buffer length
- range.first = Math.max(range.first, 0);
- range.last = Math.min(range.last, this._buffer.lines.length);
- let content = '';
- for (let i = range.first; i <= range.last; ++i) {
- content += this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, this._trimRight);
- }
- this._current = range.last + 1;
- return { range, content };
- }