.dotfilesMy personal dotfiles Toby Vincent 4 days
MontanaJohnsMontana Johns: The Curse of the Whip Toby Vincent 2 months
RazorPagesPizzaToby Vincent 14 months
aoc_2022Advent of Code 2022 solutionsToby Vincent 10 months
aoc_2023Advent of Code 2023 solutionsToby Vincent 5 months
archmdBook format documentation for my Arch Linux setupToby Vincent 15 months
archlinuxToby Vincent 5 months
archliveToby Vincent 24 hours
cargo-credential-passToby Vincent 5 months
catrToby Vincent 22 months
dactyl-keyboardToby Vincent 5 weeks
dnsToby Vincent 15 months
drone_dbToby Vincent 10 months
esp32-cam-rtosToby Vincent 9 months
golingsrustlings but for golang this time Toby Vincent 2 months
hh-frontend-webFrontend for charity app (WIP) Toby Vincent 6 months
i3blocks-mprisi3blocks for mpris media playersToby Vincent 2 months
inbox.nvimToby Vincent 5 months
iotioToby Vincent 5 months
keep-to-markdownToby Vincent 12 months
mjpeg-proxyproxy/multiplexer for mjpeg server Toby Vincent 6 weeks
mpv-mprisMPRIS plugin for mpvToby Vincent 4 months
networkd-dnsA bridge to export systemd-networkd DHCP leases to an unbound DNS serverToby Vincent 5 months
nrgmonlogging service for tplink smart plugs Toby Vincent 8 weeks
projectrA contextual, MRU sorted, project finder.Toby Vincent 15 months
resumeMy personal resumeToby Vincent 2 months
rustic_adventureToby Vincent 14 months
sshrToby Vincent 6 months
statsrvservice status api and simple status page Toby Vincent 9 min.
sway-watchToby Vincent 7 months
take-fiveToby Vincent 11 months
tobyvin.devMy personal websiteToby Vincent 4 months
twitch-liveA simple tool to get live followed twitch channelsToby Vincent 5 months
unnamed-serverBackend api for charity app (WIP) Toby Vincent 2 months
xdg-remoteToby Vincent 5 months
ziglingsLearn the ⚡Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.Toby Vincent 3 months
zoneLightweight container management systemToby Vincent 14 months
zone.cs.siue.eduToby Vincent 2 years
CS340 - DSA
ExtensionsToby Vincent 3 years
GraphToby Vincent 3 years
InterfacesToby Vincent 3 years
PlotterToby Vincent 3 years
PriorityQueueToby Vincent 3 years
TSPSolves the Traveling Salesman Problem and plots the true shortest tour, an appro...Toby Vincent 3 years
CS438 - UC Berkeley AI
GhostbustersToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanMultiAgentToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanReinforcementToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanSearchToby Vincent 3 years
CS456 - Advanced Algorithms
ClosestPairToby Vincent 3 years
HuffmanCodesToby Vincent 3 years
NetworkFlowToby Vincent 3 years
SubsetSumToby Vincent 3 years
Docker Configs
5etoolsToby Vincent 3 years
code-serverToby Vincent 3 years
diunToby Vincent 3 years
dnoteToby Vincent 3 years
foundryToby Vincent 3 years
heimdallToby Vincent 3 years
nginxToby Vincent 3 years
octoprintToby Vincent 3 years
piholeToby Vincent 3 years
portainerToby Vincent 3 years
syncthingToby Vincent 3 years
traefikToby Vincent 3 years
vizToby Vincent 3 years
wireguardToby Vincent 3 years
conform.nvimLightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for NeovimToby Vincent 8 weeks