dactyl-keyboardToby Vincent 88 min.
.dotfilesMy personal dotfiles Toby Vincent 31 hours
mjpeg-proxyproxy/multiplexer for mjpeg server Toby Vincent 5 days
nrgmonlogging service for tplink smart plugs Toby Vincent 2 weeks
conform.nvimLightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for NeovimToby Vincent 3 weeks
resumeMy personal resumeToby Vincent 4 weeks
golingsrustlings but for golang this time Toby Vincent 4 weeks
i3blocks-mprisi3blocks for mpris media playersToby Vincent 5 weeks
unnamed-serverBackend api for charity app (WIP) Toby Vincent 5 weeks
MontanaJohnsMontana Johns: The Curse of the Whip Toby Vincent 5 weeks
ziglingsLearn the ⚡Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.Toby Vincent 2 months
tobyvin.devMy personal websiteToby Vincent 3 months
mpv-mprisMPRIS plugin for mpvToby Vincent 3 months
networkd-dnsA bridge to export systemd-networkd DHCP leases to an unbound DNS serverToby Vincent 3 months
inbox.nvimToby Vincent 4 months
aoc_2023Advent of Code 2023 solutionsToby Vincent 4 months
xdg-remoteToby Vincent 4 months
iotioToby Vincent 4 months
cargo-credential-passToby Vincent 4 months
archlinuxToby Vincent 4 months
twitch-liveA simple tool to get live followed twitch channelsToby Vincent 4 months
hh-frontend-webFrontend for charity app (WIP) Toby Vincent 4 months
sshrToby Vincent 5 months
sway-watchToby Vincent 6 months
archliveToby Vincent 8 months
esp32-cam-rtosToby Vincent 8 months
drone_dbToby Vincent 9 months
aoc_2022Advent of Code 2022 solutionsToby Vincent 9 months
take-fiveToby Vincent 9 months
keep-to-markdownToby Vincent 11 months
RazorPagesPizzaToby Vincent 13 months
zoneLightweight container management systemToby Vincent 13 months
rustic_adventureToby Vincent 13 months
archmdBook format documentation for my Arch Linux setupToby Vincent 13 months
projectrA contextual, MRU sorted, project finder.Toby Vincent 13 months
dnsToby Vincent 13 months
catrToby Vincent 21 months
zone.cs.siue.eduToby Vincent 2 years
traefikToby Vincent 3 years
octoprintToby Vincent 3 years
piholeToby Vincent 3 years
GhostbustersToby Vincent 3 years
NetworkFlowToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanReinforcementToby Vincent 3 years
SubsetSumToby Vincent 3 years
ClosestPairToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanMultiAgentToby Vincent 3 years
HuffmanCodesToby Vincent 3 years
PriorityQueueToby Vincent 3 years
PacmanSearchToby Vincent 3 years
wireguardToby Vincent 3 years
portainerToby Vincent 3 years
diunToby Vincent 3 years
dnoteToby Vincent 3 years
vizToby Vincent 3 years
syncthingToby Vincent 3 years
nginxToby Vincent 3 years
heimdallToby Vincent 3 years
code-serverToby Vincent 3 years
5etoolsToby Vincent 3 years
foundryToby Vincent 3 years
TSPSolves the Traveling Salesman Problem and plots the true shortest tour, an appro...Toby Vincent 3 years
PlotterToby Vincent 3 years
ExtensionsToby Vincent 3 years
GraphToby Vincent 3 years
InterfacesToby Vincent 3 years