diff options
24 files changed, 647 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/git/.local/bin/git-ignore b/git/.local/bin/git-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df638d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/.local/bin/git-ignore
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Create useful gitignore files
+# Usage: gi [param]
+# param is a comma separated list of ignore profiles.
+# If param is ommited choose interactively.
+__gi() {
+ curl -L -s https://www.gitignore.io/api/"$*"
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
+ IFS=$IFS+","
+ for item in $(__gi list); do
+ echo "$item"
+ done | fzf --multi --ansi | paste -s -d "," - |
+ { read -r result && __gi "$result"; }
+ __gi "$@"
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
index aa9c8f3..1d88d82 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
+M.write = function()
+ vim.cmd("write")
M.setup = function()
local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>")
- nmap("q", utils.quit, { desc = "quit" })
- nmap("c", utils.bdelete, { desc = "close" })
- nmap("w", function()
- vim.cmd("write")
- end, { desc = "write" })
+ nmap("q", utils.quit, { desc = "Quit" })
+ nmap("c", utils.bdelete, { desc = "Close" })
+ nmap("x", utils.tabclose, { desc = "Close" })
+ nmap("h", utils.hover, { desc = "Hover" })
+ nmap("H", utils.docs, { desc = "Docs" })
+ nmap("w", M.write, { desc = "Write" })
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/diagnostics.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/diagnostics.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b21ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/diagnostics.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
+local M = {}
+M.on_attach = function(_, bufnr)
+ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorHold", {
+ buffer = bufnr,
+ callback = function()
+ local opts = {
+ focusable = false,
+ close_events = { "BufLeave", "CursorMoved", "InsertEnter", "FocusLost" },
+ border = "rounded",
+ source = "always",
+ prefix = " ",
+ scope = "cursor",
+ }
+ vim.diagnostic.open_float(nil, opts)
+ end,
+ })
+M.setup = function()
+ vim.diagnostic.config({
+ virtual_text = {
+ source = "if_many"
+ },
+ signs = true,
+ underline = true,
+ update_in_insert = true,
+ severity_sort = true,
+ })
+ vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignError", utils.diagnostic_signs.error)
+ vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignWarn", utils.diagnostic_signs.warn)
+ vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignInfo", utils.diagnostic_signs.info)
+ vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignHint", utils.diagnostic_signs.hint)
+return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
index 3d7d403..5adda44 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
@@ -14,9 +15,8 @@ M.setup = function()
- vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(
- vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"],
- {
+ vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] =
+ vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"], {
signs = {
severity_limit = "Error",
@@ -25,67 +25,56 @@ M.setup = function()
update_in_insert = true,
virtual_text = true,
- }
- )
- vim.lsp.handlers["$/progress"] = function(_, result, ctx)
- local utils = require("tobyvin.lsp.utils")
- local client_id = ctx.client_id
- local val = result.value
- if not val.kind then
- return
- end
- local notif_data = utils.get_notif_data(client_id, result.token)
- if val.kind == "begin" then
- local message = utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage)
- notif_data.notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
- title = utils.format_title(val.title, vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id).name),
- icon = utils.spinner_frames[1],
- timeout = false,
- hide_from_history = false,
- })
- notif_data.spinner = 1
- utils.update_spinner(client_id, result.token)
- elseif val.kind == "report" and notif_data then
- notif_data.notification = vim.notify(utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage), "info", {
- replace = notif_data.notification,
- hide_from_history = false,
- })
- elseif val.kind == "end" and notif_data then
- notif_data.notification = vim.notify(
- val.message and utils.format_message(val.message) or "Complete",
- "info",
- {
- icon = "",
- replace = notif_data.notification,
- timeout = 3000,
- }
- )
+ })
- notif_data.spinner = nil
- end
- end
+ -- vim.lsp.handlers["$/progress"] = function(_, result, ctx)
+ -- local client_id = ctx.client_id
+ -- local val = result.value
+ -- if val.kind then
+ -- if not utils.client_notifs[client_id] then
+ -- utils.client_notifs[client_id] = {}
+ -- end
+ -- local notif_data = utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token]
+ -- if val.kind == "begin" then
+ -- local message = utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage)
+ -- local notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
+ -- title = utils.format_title(val.title, vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)),
+ -- icon = utils.progress_signs.spinner.text[1],
+ -- timeout = false,
+ -- hide_from_history = false,
+ -- })
+ -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
+ -- notification = notification,
+ -- spinner = 1,
+ -- }
+ -- utils.update_spinner(client_id, result.token)
+ -- elseif val.kind == "report" and notif_data then
+ -- local new_notif = vim.notify(
+ -- utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage),
+ -- "info",
+ -- { replace = notif_data.notification, hide_from_history = false }
+ -- )
+ -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
+ -- notification = new_notif,
+ -- spinner = notif_data.spinner,
+ -- }
+ -- elseif val.kind == "end" and notif_data then
+ -- local new_notif = vim.notify(
+ -- val.message and utils.format_message(val.message) or "Complete",
+ -- "info",
+ -- { icon = utils.progress_signs.complete.text, replace = notif_data.notification, timeout = 3000 }
+ -- )
+ -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
+ -- notification = new_notif,
+ -- }
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
vim.lsp.handlers["window/showMessage"] = function(_, result, ctx)
- local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
- local lvl = ({
- "ERROR",
- "WARN",
- "INFO",
- "DEBUG",
- })[result.type]
- vim.notify({ result.message }, lvl, {
- title = "LSP | " .. client.name,
- timeout = 10000,
- keep = function()
- return lvl == "ERROR" or lvl == "WARN"
- end,
+ vim.notify({ result.message }, 5 - result.type, {
+ title = "[LSP] " .. vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id),
+ timeout = 2500,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/init.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/init.lua
index cbe4f14..391ef3d 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/init.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/init.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-Space>", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, { desc = "Code Action" })
- local nmap = require("tobyvin.utils").create_map_group("n", "<leader>l", { desc = "LSP", buffer = bufnr })
+ local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>l", { desc = "LSP", buffer = bufnr })
nmap("a", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, { desc = "Code Action" })
nmap("d", "<cmd>TroubleToggle document_diagnostics<cr>", { desc = "Document Diagnostics" })
@@ -11,7 +14,6 @@ M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
nmap("H", vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, { desc = "Signature Help" })
nmap("j", vim.diagnostic.goto_next, { desc = "Next Diagnostic" })
nmap("k", vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, { desc = "Prev Diagnostic" })
- nmap("l", vim.lsp.codelens.run, { desc = "CodeLens Action" })
nmap("o", "<cmd>SymbolsOutline<cr>", { desc = "Outline" })
-- nmap("q", vim.lsp.diagnostic.setloclist, { desc = "Quickfix" })
nmap("r", vim.lsp.buf.rename, { desc = "Rename" })
@@ -20,14 +22,19 @@ M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
nmap("S", "<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>", { desc = "Workspace Symbols" })
nmap("w", "<cmd>Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics<cr>", { desc = "Workspace Diagnostics" })
- local nmap_goto = require("tobyvin.utils").create_map_group("n", "<leader>lg", { desc = "Goto", buffer = bufnr })
+ local nmap_goto = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>lg", { desc = "Goto", buffer = bufnr })
nmap_goto("d", vim.lsp.buf.definition, { desc = "Definition" })
+ nmap_goto("t", vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, { desc = "Type" })
nmap_goto("D", vim.lsp.buf.declaration, { desc = "Declaration" })
nmap_goto("i", vim.lsp.buf.implementation, { desc = "Implementation" })
nmap_goto("r", vim.lsp.buf.references, { desc = "References" })
+ local nmap_tests = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>t", { desc = "Test", buffer = bufnr })
+ nmap_tests("l", vim.lsp.codelens.run, { desc = "CodeLens Action" })
-- disabled in favor of https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-refactor#highlight-definitions
-- require("tobyvin.lsp.highlighting").on_attach(client, bufnr)
+ require("tobyvin.lsp.diagnostics").on_attach(client, bufnr)
require("tobyvin.lsp.formatting").on_attach(client, bufnr)
require("tobyvin.lsp.symbol").on_attach(client, bufnr)
@@ -46,6 +53,7 @@ end
M.setup = function()
+ require("tobyvin.lsp.diagnostics").setup()
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/utils.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/utils.lua
index c56d657..5044d6f 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/utils.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/utils.lua
@@ -1,44 +1,3 @@
local M = {}
-M.spinner_frames = { "⣷", "⣯", "⣟", "⡿", "⢿", "⣻", "⣽", "⣾" }
-M.get_notif_data = function(client_id, token)
- if not M.client_notifs[client_id] then
- M.client_notifs[client_id] = {}
- end
- if not M.client_notifs[client_id][token] then
- M.client_notifs[client_id][token] = {}
- end
- return M.client_notifs[client_id][token]
-M.update_spinner = function(client_id, token)
- local notif_data = M.get_notif_data(client_id, token)
- if notif_data.spinner then
- local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #M.spinner_frames
- notif_data.spinner = new_spinner
- notif_data.notification = vim.notify(nil, nil, {
- hide_from_history = true,
- icon = M.spinner_frames[new_spinner],
- replace = notif_data.notification,
- })
- vim.defer_fn(function()
- M.update_spinner(client_id, token)
- end, 100)
- end
-M.format_title = function(title, client_name)
- return client_name .. (#title > 0 and ": " .. title or "")
-M.format_message = function(message, percentage)
- return (percentage and percentage .. "%\t" or "") .. (message or "")
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/options.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/options.lua
index 40bc9c5..aa69f93 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/options.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/options.lua
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
-local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
vim.g.mapleader = " "
- vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignError", utils.diagnostic_signs.error)
- vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignWarn", utils.diagnostic_signs.warn)
- vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignInfo", utils.diagnostic_signs.info)
- vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignHint", utils.diagnostic_signs.hint)
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.opt.laststatus = 3
vim.opt.undofile = true
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins.lua
index 31a685b..2d01be2 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins.lua
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
-- TODO: implement custom hls using base-16-gruvbox and remove this
+ requires = { "xiyaowong/nvim-transparent" },
config = function()
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
after = "nvim-lspconfig",
- branch = "modularize_and_inlay_rewrite",
+ -- branch = "modularize_and_inlay_rewrite",
requires = {
@@ -222,7 +223,6 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", run = "make" },
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope-smart-history.nvim", requires = { "tami5/sqlite.lua", module = "sqlite" } },
- { "nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim", requires = { "tami5/sqlite.lua", module = "sqlite" } },
config = function()
@@ -251,12 +251,16 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
+ -- TODO: revert once https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects/pull/233 is merged
+ use("~/src/nvim-treesitter-textobjects")
run = ":TSUpdate",
requires = {
+ "nvim-treesitter/playground",
- "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects",
+ "~/src/nvim-treesitter-textobjects",
@@ -322,7 +326,6 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
requires = {
- "arkav/lualine-lsp-progress",
config = function()
@@ -331,6 +334,13 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
+ "j-hui/fidget.nvim",
+ config = function()
+ require("tobyvin.plugins.fidget").setup()
+ end,
+ })
+ use({
requires = "onsails/lspkind-nvim",
config = function()
@@ -415,7 +425,6 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
- use("windwp/nvim-spectre")
@@ -440,13 +449,20 @@ M.plugins = function(use)
- "akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua",
- requires = "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons",
+ "tiagovla/scope.nvim",
config = function()
- require("tobyvin.plugins.bufferline").setup()
+ require("scope").setup()
+ -- use({
+ -- "akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua",
+ -- requires = "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons",
+ -- config = function()
+ -- require("tobyvin.plugins.bufferline").setup()
+ -- end,
+ -- })
if PackerBootstrap then
@@ -489,23 +505,23 @@ M.setup = function()
-- TODO: either remove this or improve it to properly reload the file before syncing
- local augroup_packer = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Packer", { clear = true })
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
- group = augroup_packer,
- pattern = "plugins.lua",
- callback = function(args)
- local dotfiles = vim.env.HOME .. "/.dotfiles"
- local realpath = vim.fn.system({ "realpath", args.match })
- if vim.fn.match(realpath, dotfiles) == -1 then
- return
- end
- -- utils.reload("tobyvin.plugins")
- packer.sync()
- end,
- desc = "Reload packer config on write",
- })
+ -- local augroup_packer = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Packer", { clear = true })
+ -- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
+ -- group = augroup_packer,
+ -- pattern = "plugins.lua",
+ -- callback = function(args)
+ -- local dotfiles = vim.env.HOME .. "/.dotfiles"
+ -- local realpath = vim.fn.system({ "realpath", args.match })
+ --
+ -- if vim.fn.match(realpath, dotfiles) == -1 then
+ -- return
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- -- utils.reload("tobyvin.plugins")
+ -- packer.sync()
+ -- end,
+ -- desc = "Reload packer config on write",
+ -- })
local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>p", { desc = "Packer" })
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/bufferline.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/bufferline.lua
index e8e9259..7605e7a 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/bufferline.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/bufferline.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
+---@diagnostic disable: assign-type-mismatch
local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
-M.diagnostic_signs = function(name)
- name = name:gsub("warning", "warn")
- return utils.diagnostic_signs[name]
M.diagnostics_indicator = function(_, _, errors, _)
- local s = " "
- for e, n in pairs(errors) do
- local sign = utils.diagnostic_signs[e:gsub("warning", "warn")].text
- s = s .. (#s > 1 and " " or "") .. sign .. n
+ local outstr = " "
+ for level, count in pairs(errors) do
+ local sign = utils.diagnostic_signs[level:gsub("warning", "warn")].text
+ -- outstr = outstr .. sign .. (#count > 1 and count or "")
+ outstr = outstr .. sign .. count
- return s
+ return outstr
M.setup = function()
@@ -23,13 +20,22 @@ M.setup = function()
+ -- highlights = {
+ -- fill = {
+ -- guibg = {
+ -- attribute = "fg",
+ -- highlight = "Pmenu",
+ -- },
+ -- },
+ -- },
options = {
right_mouse_command = "buffer %d",
always_show_bufferline = false,
+ color_icons = false,
+ show_close_icon = false,
+ show_buffer_close_icons = false,
diagnostics = "nvim_lsp",
diagnostics_indicator = M.diagnostics_indicator,
- -- show_tab_indicators = true,
- show_close_icon = false,
left_trunc_marker = "<",
right_trunc_marker = ">",
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/cmp.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/cmp.lua
index 418732b..5fd35d0 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/cmp.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/cmp.lua
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ M.enabled = function()
return enabled
-M.snippets = function(args)
- require("luasnip").lsp_expand(args.body)
M.has_words_before = function()
local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
return col ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, line - 1, line, true)[1]:sub(col, col):match("%s") == nil
@@ -30,39 +26,35 @@ M.complete = function(fallback)
--- TODO: make this work more idiomatically with luasnip. Currently, a completion item must be accepted in order to
--- expand/jump to next snippet item
-M.next_item = function(fallback)
- local cmp = require("cmp")
+M.expand_snip = function(args)
+ require("luasnip").lsp_expand(args.body)
+M.next_snip = function(fallback)
local luasnip = require("luasnip")
- if cmp.visible() then
- cmp.select_next_item()
- elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then
+ if luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then
- elseif M.has_words_before() then
- cmp.complete()
-M.prev_item = function(fallback)
- local cmp = require("cmp")
+M.prev_snip = function(fallback)
local luasnip = require("luasnip")
- if cmp.visible() then
- cmp.select_prev_item()
- elseif luasnip.jumpable(-1) then
+ if luasnip.in_snippet() and luasnip.jumpable(-1) then
--- TODO: wipe the luasnip expandable/jumpable list on close
M.close = function(fallback)
local cmp = require("cmp")
- cmp.close()
- fallback()
+ if cmp.visible() then
+ cmp.close()
+ else
+ fallback()
+ end
M.setup = function()
@@ -75,17 +67,34 @@ M.setup = function()
enabled = M.enabled,
snippet = {
- expand = M.snippets,
- },
- mapping = {
- ["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(M.next_item),
- ["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(M.prev_item),
- ["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
- ["<C-u>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
- ["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping(M.complete),
- ["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.insert }),
- ["<C-c>"] = cmp.mapping(M.close),
+ expand = M.expand_snip,
+ mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline({
+ -- ["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(M.next_snip, { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(M.prev_snip, { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-n>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-p>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-u>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping(M.complete, { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = false }), { "i", "s" }),
+ -- ["<C-e>"] = cmp.mapping(M.close),
+ ["<C-p>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<C-n>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<C-u>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.complete(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<C-e>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.close(), { "i", "s" }),
+ ["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping(
+ cmp.mapping.confirm({
+ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert,
+ select = true,
+ }),
+ { "i", "s" }
+ ),
+ }),
ghost_text = true,
sources = {
{ name = "nvim_lsp", group_index = 1 },
@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ M.setup = function()
- -- TODO: fix the default completion menu from showing on the cmdline
+ -- TODO: fix the default completion menu from showing on the cmdline
cmp.setup.cmdline(":", {
sources = {
{ name = "cmdline_history", max_item_count = 10 },
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dap.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dap.lua
index 989d244..87a3f37 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dap.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dap.lua
@@ -20,21 +20,38 @@ M.eval = function()
-M.open_in_tab = function()
+M.dapui_open = function()
if M.dapui_win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(M.dapui_win) then
+ local dap = require("dap")
+ local dapui = require("dapui")
vim.cmd("tabedit %")
M.dapui_win = vim.fn.win_getid()
M.dapui_tab = vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(M.dapui_win)
- require("dapui").open({})
+ dapui.open({})
+ vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>q", dap.terminate, { desc = "Quit (DAP)" })
+ local on_tab_closed = function()
+ dap.terminate()
+ return true
+ end
+ local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("DapAU", { clear = true })
+ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TabClosed", { group = group, callback = on_tab_closed })
-M.close_tab = function()
- require("dapui").close({})
+M.dapui_close = function()
+ local dapui = require("dapui")
+ dapui.close({})
+ vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>q", utils.quit, { desc = "Quit" })
if M.dapui_tab and vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(M.dapui_tab) then
local tabnr = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(M.dapui_tab)
@@ -45,6 +62,38 @@ M.close_tab = function()
M.dapui_tab = nil
+M.progress_start = function(session, body)
+ local notif_data = utils.get_notif_data("dap", body.progressId)
+ local message = utils.format_message(body.message, body.percentage)
+ notif_data.notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
+ title = utils.format_title(body.title, session.config.type),
+ icon = utils.signs.spinner.text[1],
+ timeout = false,
+ hide_from_history = false,
+ })
+ notif_data.notification.spinner = 1, utils.update_spinner("dap", body.progressId)
+M.progress_update = function(session, body)
+ local notif_data = utils.get_notif_data("dap", body.progressId)
+ notif_data.notification = vim.notify(utils.format_message(body.message, body.percentage), "info", {
+ replace = notif_data.notification,
+ hide_from_history = false,
+ })
+M.progress_end = function(session, body)
+ local notif_data = utils.client_notifs["dap"][body.progressId]
+ notif_data.notification = vim.notify(body.message and utils.format_message(body.message) or "Complete", "info", {
+ icon = utils.signs.complete.text,
+ replace = notif_data.notification,
+ timeout = 3000,
+ })
+ notif_data.spinner = nil
M.setup = function()
local status_ok, dap = pcall(require, "dap")
if not status_ok then
@@ -52,7 +101,7 @@ M.setup = function()
- -- TODO: Break these configs out into seperate module, similar to my LSP configs
+ -- TODO: Break these configs out into seperate module, similar to my LSP configs
-- Debugpy
dap.adapters.python = {
type = "executable",
@@ -139,14 +188,20 @@ M.setup = function()
+ -- Progress handlers
+ dap.listeners.before.event_progressStart["progress-notifications"] = M.progress_start
+ dap.listeners.before.event_progressUpdate["progress-notifications"] = M.progress_update
+ dap.listeners.before.event_progressEnd["progress-notifications"] = M.progress_end
+ -- Delete repl buffer
dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["close_repl"] = dap.repl.close
dap.listeners.before.event_exited["close_repl"] = dap.repl.close
-- Attach DAP UI to DAP events
- dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = M.open_in_tab
- dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = M.close_tab
- dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = M.close_tab
- dap.listeners.before.disconnect["dapui_config"] = M.close_tab
+ dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = M.dapui_open
+ dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = M.dapui_close
+ dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = M.dapui_close
+ dap.listeners.before.disconnect["dapui_config"] = M.dapui_close
-- Telescope
@@ -158,7 +213,8 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<F12>", dap.step_out, { desc = "Step Out" })
local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>d", { desc = "Debug" })
- nmap("d", dap.continue, { desc = "Continue" })
+ nmap("d", require("telescope").extensions.dap.configurations, { desc = "Configurations" })
+ nmap("c", dap.continue, { desc = "Continue" })
nmap("a", dap.step_over, { desc = "Step Over" })
nmap("i", dap.step_into, { desc = "Step Into" })
nmap("o", dap.step_out, { desc = "Step Out" })
@@ -167,8 +223,7 @@ M.setup = function()
nmap("b", dap.toggle_breakpoint, { desc = "Toggle Breakpoint" })
nmap("B", M.set_custom_breakpoint, { desc = "Custom Breakpoint" })
- nmap("c", require("telescope").extensions.dap.commands, { desc = "Commands" })
- nmap("C", require("telescope").extensions.dap.configurations, { desc = "Configurations" })
+ nmap("C", require("telescope").extensions.dap.commands, { desc = "Commands" })
nmap("l", require("telescope").extensions.dap.list_breakpoints, { desc = "List Breakpoints" })
nmap("v", require("telescope").extensions.dap.variables, { desc = "Variables" })
nmap("f", require("telescope").extensions.dap.frames, { desc = "Frames" })
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
index b74d134..10d1aa1 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ M.kinds = {
select_normal = {
telescope = themes.get_dropdown({ initial_mode = "normal" }),
+ -- ["rust-tools/debuggables"] = {
+ -- telescope = themes.get_ivy({}),
+ -- },
@@ -20,12 +23,23 @@ M.setup = function()
select = {
get_config = function(opts)
- if vim.tbl_contains(M.kinds, opts.kind) then
+ if vim.tbl_contains(vim.tbl_keys(M.kinds.select), opts.kind) then
return M.kinds.select[opts.kind]
elseif vim.tbl_contains(backends, opts.kind) then
return { backend = opts.kind }
+ format_item_override = {
+ ["rust-tools/debuggables"] = function(item)
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-no%-run", "")
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-package", " -p")
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-all%-features", "")
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-all%-targets", "")
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-exact", "")
+ item = item:gsub(" %-%-nocapture", "")
+ return item
+ end,
+ },
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcef526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
+local M = {}
+M.setup = function()
+ local status_ok, fidget = pcall(require, "fidget")
+ if not status_ok then
+ vim.notify("Failed to load module 'fidget'", "error")
+ return
+ end
+ fidget.setup({
+ text = {
+ spinner = utils.progress_signs.spinner.text,
+ done = vim.trim(utils.progress_signs.complete.text),
+ },
+ window = { blend = 0 },
+ })
+return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/gruvbox-flat.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/gruvbox-flat.lua
index f0e2e0c..9ba6f32 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/gruvbox-flat.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/gruvbox-flat.lua
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ local M = {}
M.setup = function()
vim.opt.background = "dark"
vim.g.gruvbox_flat_style = "hard"
- vim.g.gruvbox_transparent = true
local colors = require("gruvbox.colors").setup({})
local theme = require("gruvbox.theme").setup({})
- vim.g.gruvbox_colors = { bg_statusline = colors.bg_highlight }
+ vim.g.gruvbox_colors = { bg_statusline = "none" }
vim.g.gruvbox_theme = {
debugBreakpoint = { bg = theme.base.SignColumn.bg, fg = "error" },
@@ -18,7 +17,13 @@ M.setup = function()
local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("gruvbox")
- -- TODO: figure out why dap/dapui highlights are not being used
+ -- TODO: figure out why these highlights are not being used
+ -- Transparent
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "NormalFloat", { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg_float, sp = "none" })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "SignColumn", { fg = colors.fg_gutter, bg = colors.bg, sp = "none" })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "Normal", { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, sp = "none" })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "NormalNC", { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, sp = "none" })
-- nvim-dap
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "DapBreakpoint", { link = "debugBreakpoint" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "DapStopped", { link = "debugPC" })
@@ -42,6 +47,10 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "DapUIBreakpointsInfo", { link = "LspDiagnosticsInfo" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "DapUIBreakpointsCurrentLine", { link = "DapStopped" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, "DapUIBreakpointsLine", { link = "DapUILineNumber" })
+ require("transparent").setup({
+ enable = true,
+ })
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lspconfig.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lspconfig.lua
index 7c8ad15..2152c91 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lspconfig.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lspconfig.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ M.setup = function()
+ lspconfig.bashls.setup(lsp.config())
@@ -53,6 +55,10 @@ M.setup = function()
staticcheck = true,
+ on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
+ lsp.on_attach(client, bufnr)
+ end,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lua-dev.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lua-dev.lua
index 37e7df1..f764559 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lua-dev.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lua-dev.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,14 @@ M.setup = function()
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
- runtime_path = true,
+ library = {
+ vimruntime = true, -- runtime path
+ types = true, -- full signature, docs and completion of vim.api, vim.treesitter, vim.lsp and others
+ plugins = true, -- installed opt or start plugins in packpath
+ -- you can also specify the list of plugins to make available as a workspace library
+ -- plugins = { "nvim-treesitter", "plenary.nvim", "telescope.nvim" },
+ },
+ -- runtime_path = true,
lspconfig = lsp.config({
settings = {
Lua = {
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
index 9ea3d2f..a7b223a 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
@@ -24,11 +24,87 @@ M.setup = function()
local nvim_navic = require("nvim-navic")
+ local modules = require("lualine_require").lazy_require({
+ highlight = "lualine.highlight",
+ utils = "lualine.utils.utils",
+ })
+ local buffer = require("lualine.components.buffers.buffer")
+ ---returns rendered buffer
+ ---@return string
+ function buffer:render()
+ local name = self:name()
+ if self.options.fmt then
+ name = self.options.fmt(name or "", self.bufnr)
+ end
+ if self.ellipse then -- show ellipsis
+ name = "..."
+ else
+ name = self:apply_mode(name)
+ end
+ name = buffer.apply_padding(name, self.options.padding)
+ self.len = vim.fn.strchars(name)
+ -- setup for mouse clicks
+ local line = self:configure_mouse_click(name)
+ -- apply highlight
+ line = modules.highlight.component_format_highlight(self.highlights[(self.current and "active" or "inactive")])
+ .. line
+ -- apply separators
+ if self.options.self.section < "x" and not self.first then
+ local sep_before = self:separator_before()
+ line = sep_before .. line
+ self.len = self.len + vim.fn.strchars(sep_before)
+ elseif self.options.self.section >= "x" and not self.last then
+ local sep_after = self:separator_after()
+ line = line .. sep_after
+ self.len = self.len + vim.fn.strchars(sep_after)
+ end
+ return line
+ end
+ local tab = require("lualine.components.tabs.tab")
+ ---returns name for tab. Tabs name is the name of buffer in last active window
+ --- of the tab.
+ ---@return string
+ function tab:label()
+ local ok, custom_tabname = pcall(vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_var, self.tabId, "tabname")
+ if not ok then
+ custom_tabname = nil
+ end
+ if custom_tabname and custom_tabname ~= "" then
+ return modules.utils.stl_escape(custom_tabname)
+ elseif self.options.mode == 1 then
+ return tostring(self.tabnr)
+ end
+ local buflist = vim.fn.tabpagebuflist(self.tabnr)
+ local winnr = vim.fn.tabpagewinnr(self.tabnr)
+ local bufnr = buflist[winnr]
+ local file = modules.utils.stl_escape(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr))
+ local buftype = vim.fn.getbufvar(bufnr, "&buftype")
+ if buftype == "help" then
+ return "help:" .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":t:r")
+ elseif buftype == "terminal" then
+ local match = string.match(vim.split(file, " ")[1], "term:.*:(%a+)")
+ return match ~= nil and match or vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.env.SHELL, ":t")
+ elseif vim.fn.isdirectory(file) == 1 then
+ return vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":p:.")
+ elseif file == "" then
+ return "[No Name]"
+ end
+ return vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":t")
+ end
options = {
- component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
- section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
- globalstatus = false,
+ refresh = {
+ statusline = 200,
+ },
+ component_separators = "",
+ section_separators = "",
sections = {
lualine_a = { { "mode", fmt = M.to_char } },
@@ -37,7 +113,7 @@ M.setup = function()
{ "diff", source = M.diff_source },
- sources = { "nvim_lsp" },
+ sources = { "nvim_workspace_diagnostic", "nvim_lsp" },
symbols = {
error = utils.diagnostic_signs.error.text,
warn = utils.diagnostic_signs.warn.text,
@@ -52,20 +128,31 @@ M.setup = function()
{ nvim_navic.get_location, cond = nvim_navic.is_available },
lualine_x = {
- {
- "lsp_progress",
- display_components = { "lsp_client_name", "spinner", { "title", "percentage", "message" } },
- timer = { progress_enddelay = 500, spinner = 1000, lsp_client_name_enddelay = 1000 },
- spinner_symbols = utils.spinner_frames,
- },
- tabline = {},
+ tabline = {
+ -- lualine_b = { { "buffers", buffers_color = { inactive = "StatusLineNC" } } },
+ lualine_b = {
+ {
+ "buffers",
+ -- TODO: figure out how to highlight diagnostic signs
+ fmt = function(name, bufnr)
+ return string.format("%s %s", name, utils.diagnostics_str(bufnr))
+ end,
+ },
+ },
+ -- lualine_y = { "tabs" },
+ lualine_y = { { "tabs", mode = 1 } },
+ },
extensions = { "quickfix", "man", "fzf", "nvim-dap-ui" },
+ -- local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>b", { desc = "Buffers" })
+ -- nmap("c", M.close_with_pick, { desc = "Close Buffer" })
+ -- nmap("b", M.pick_buffer, { desc = "Pick Buffer" })
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/luasnip.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/luasnip.lua
index 7fb80d5..4a94226 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/luasnip.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/luasnip.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ M.setup = function()
- history = true,
updateevents = "TextChanged,TextChangedI",
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/neogit.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/neogit.lua
index bcf2307..a91bf71 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/neogit.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/neogit.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ M.setup = function()
+ require("neogit")
disable_commit_confirmation = true,
disable_signs = true,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/null-ls.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/null-ls.lua
index c247177..c94b73b 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/null-ls.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/null-ls.lua
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ M.setup = function()
-- Diagnostics
-- diagnostics.luacheck,
- diagnostics.shellcheck,
+ -- diagnostics.shellcheck,
-- Formatting
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
index f78d360..8a854f0 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local lsp = require("tobyvin.lsp")
local M = {
codelldb = "/usr/lib/codelldb/adapter/codelldb",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ M.dap_adapter = function()
adapter = require("rust-tools.dap").get_codelldb_adapter(M.codelldb, M.liblldb),
+ vim.notify("Failed to find codelldb adapter")
M.setup = function()
@@ -20,19 +22,20 @@ M.setup = function()
- tools = {
- autoSetHints = true,
- hover_with_actions = true,
- runnables = {
- use_telescope = true,
- },
- inlay_hints = {
- show_parameter_hints = true,
- parameter_hints_prefix = "",
- other_hints_prefix = "",
- },
- },
+ -- tools = {
+ -- autoSetHints = true,
+ -- hover_with_actions = true,
+ -- runnables = {
+ -- use_telescope = true,
+ -- },
+ -- inlay_hints = {
+ -- show_parameter_hints = true,
+ -- parameter_hints_prefix = "",
+ -- other_hints_prefix = "",
+ -- },
+ -- },
server = lsp.config({
+ standalone = true,
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
cargo = {
@@ -51,7 +54,16 @@ M.setup = function()
{ title = "[rust-tools] codelldb not found" }
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "formatexpr", "v:lua.vim.lsp.formatexpr()")
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "tagfunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.tagfunc")
lsp.on_attach(client, bufnr)
+ local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>", { buffer = bufnr })
+ nmap("dd", rust_tools.debuggables.debuggables, { desc = "Debug" })
+ nmap("tt", rust_tools.runnables.runnables, { desc = "Run" })
+ -- nmap("lh", rust_tools.hover_actions.hover_actions, { desc = "Hover Actions" })
+ -- nmap("la", rust_tools.code_action_group.code_action_group, { desc = "Code Actions" })
dap = M.dap_adapter(),
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/telescope.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/telescope.lua
index f5ab0f5..b7dd3a2 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/telescope.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/telescope.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ M.setup = function()
["<C-h>"] = actions.which_key,
- file_ignore_patterns = { "^.git/" },
+ file_ignore_patterns = { "^.git/", "^target/" },
vimgrep_arguments = {
@@ -52,21 +52,11 @@ M.setup = function()
sort_lastused = true,
- extensions = {
- frecency = {
- default_workspace = "CWD",
- workspaces = {
- ["src"] = "~/src",
- },
- theme = "dropdown",
- },
- },
-- Extensions
- telescope.load_extension("frecency")
@@ -86,8 +76,6 @@ M.setup = function()
nmap_find("'", builtins.registers, { desc = "Registers" })
nmap_find("t", builtins.colorscheme, { desc = "Colorscheme" })
nmap_find("p", telescope.extensions.packer.packer, { desc = "Packer" })
- -- TODO: Improve layout of frecency and make default
- nmap_find("e", telescope.extensions.frecency.frecency, { desc = "Frecency" })
local nmap_git = require("tobyvin.utils").create_map_group("n", "<leader>g", { desc = "Git" })
nmap_git("b", builtins.git_branches, { desc = "Checkout branch" })
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/treesitter.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/treesitter.lua
index 293d924..636d53d 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/treesitter.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/treesitter.lua
@@ -28,6 +28,24 @@ M.setup = function()
node_decremental = "<S-TAB>",
+ playground = {
+ enable = true,
+ -- disable = {},
+ -- updatetime = 25, -- Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code
+ -- persist_queries = false, -- Whether the query persists across vim sessions
+ -- keybindings = {
+ -- toggle_query_editor = "o",
+ -- toggle_hl_groups = "i",
+ -- toggle_injected_languages = "t",
+ -- toggle_anonymous_nodes = "a",
+ -- toggle_language_display = "I",
+ -- focus_language = "f",
+ -- unfocus_language = "F",
+ -- update = "R",
+ -- goto_node = "<cr>",
+ -- show_help = "?",
+ -- },
+ },
refactor = {
highlight_definitions = {
enable = true,
@@ -51,21 +69,21 @@ M.setup = function()
enable = true,
lookahead = true,
keymaps = {
- ["af"] = "@function.outer",
- ["if"] = "@function.inner",
- ["is"] = "@statement.inner",
- ["as"] = "@statement.outer",
- ["il"] = "@loop.inner",
- ["al"] = "@loop.outer",
- ["ib"] = "@block.inner",
- ["ab"] = "@block.outer",
- ["io"] = "@class.inner",
- ["ao"] = "@class.outer",
- ["a/"] = "@comment.outer",
- ["ii"] = "@conditional.inner",
- ["ai"] = "@conditional.outer",
- ["iv"] = "@parameter.inner",
- ["av"] = "@parameter.outer",
+ ["af"] = { query = "@function.outer", desc = "a function" },
+ ["if"] = { query = "@function.inner", desc = "inner function" },
+ ["ia"] = { query = "@statement.inner", desc = "inner statement" },
+ ["aa"] = { query = "@statement.outer", desc = "a statement" },
+ ["il"] = { query = "@loop.inner", desc = "inner loop" },
+ ["al"] = { query = "@loop.outer", desc = "a loop" },
+ ["ib"] = { query = "@block.inner", desc = "inner block" },
+ ["ab"] = { query = "@block.outer", desc = "a block" },
+ ["ic"] = { query = "@class.inner", desc = "inner class" },
+ ["ac"] = { query = "@class.outer", desc = "a class" },
+ ["a/"] = { query = "@comment.outer", desc = "a comment" },
+ ["ii"] = { query = "@conditional.inner", desc = "inner conditional" },
+ ["ai"] = { query = "@conditional.outer", desc = "a conditional" },
+ ["iv"] = { query = "@parameter.inner", desc = "inner parameter" },
+ ["av"] = { query = "@parameter.outer", desc = "a parameter" },
@@ -74,8 +92,8 @@ M.setup = function()
prev_selection = ",", -- (Optional) keymap to select the previous selection
keymaps = {
["."] = "textsubjects-smart",
- ["ac"] = "textsubjects-container-outer",
- ["ic"] = "textsubjects-container-inner",
+ ["a."] = "textsubjects-container-outer",
+ ["i."] = "textsubjects-container-inner",
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
index 081affb..a7705f9 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,105 @@
+---@diagnostic disable: missing-parameter
local M = {}
+M.diagnostic_signs = {
+ hint = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" },
+ info = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
+ warn = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" },
+ error = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
+setmetatable(M.diagnostic_signs, {
+ __index = function(t, k)
+ if type(k) == "number" then
+ local levels = { "hint", "info", "warn", "error" }
+ return levels[k]
+ end
+ local fmt_k = k:gsub("warning", "warn"):lower()
+ if t[fmt_k] ~= nil then
+ return t[fmt_k]
+ end
+ return t[k]
+ end,
+M.debug_signs = {
+ breakpoint = { text = " ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
+ condition = { text = "ﳁ ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
+ rejected = { text = " ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
+ logpoint = { text = " ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
+ stopped = { text = " ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint", linehl = "debugPC", numhl = "debugPC" },
+M.progress_signs = {
+ complete = { text = " ", texthl = "diffAdded" },
+ spinner = { text = { "⣷", "⣯", "⣟", "⡿", "⢿", "⣻", "⣽", "⣾" }, texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
+M.diagnostics_indicator = function(diagnostics_count)
+ local tbl = {}
+ for level, count in pairs(diagnostics_count) do
+ table.insert(tbl, M.diagnostic_signs[level].text .. count)
+ end
+ return table.concat(tbl, " ")
+M.diagnostics_count = function(bufnr)
+ local items = {}
+ for i, level in ipairs({ "hint", "info", "warn", "error" }) do
+ local count = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = i })
+ if count > 0 then
+ items[level] = count
+ end
+ end
+ return items
+M.diagnostics_str = function(bufnr, highlight)
+ return M.diagnostics_indicator(M.diagnostics_count(bufnr))
+M.update_spinner = function(client_id, token)
+ local notif_data = M.get_notif_data(client_id, token)
+ if notif_data.spinner then
+ local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #M.progress_signs.spinner.text
+ notif_data.spinner = new_spinner
+ notif_data.notification = vim.notify(nil, nil, {
+ hide_from_history = true,
+ icon = M.progress_signs.spinner.text[new_spinner],
+ replace = notif_data.notification,
+ })
+ vim.defer_fn(function()
+ M.update_spinner(client_id, token)
+ end, 100)
+ end
+M.hover = function()
+ if vim.fn.expand("%:t") == "Cargo.toml" then
+ require("crates").show_popup()
+ else
+ vim.lsp.buf.hover()
+ end
+M.docs = function()
+ local filetype = vim.bo.filetype
+ if vim.tbl_contains({ "vim", "help" }, filetype) then
+ vim.cmd("help " .. vim.fn.expand("<cword>"))
+ elseif vim.tbl_contains({ "man" }, filetype) then
+ vim.cmd("Man " .. vim.fn.expand("<cword>"))
+ elseif vim.tbl_contains({ "rust" }, filetype) then
+ require("rust-tools.external_docs").open_external_docs()
+ else
+ M.hover()
+ end
---@param retry fun(force:boolean?):nil
M.modified_prompt_retry = function(retry)
local bufname = vim.fn.bufname(vim.fn.bufname())
@@ -62,6 +162,15 @@ M.quit = function(force)
M.win_buf_kill("quit", force)
+---@param force boolean
+M.tabclose = function(force)
+ local cmd = "tabclose"
+ if #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() == 1 then
+ cmd = "qall"
+ end
+ vim.cmd(cmd .. (force and "!" or ""))
M.escape = function()
local key = "<ESC>"
vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(key, true, false, true)
@@ -79,28 +188,30 @@ M.get_visual_range = function()
-- return { { line = start_pos[2], col = start_pos[3] }, { line = end_pos[2], col = end_pos[3] } }
-M.spinner_frames = { "⣷", "⣯", "⣟", "⡿", "⢿", "⣻", "⣽", "⣾" }
+M.client_notifs = {}
-M.diagnostic_signs = {
- error = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
- warn = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" },
- info = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
- hint = { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" },
+M.get_notif_data = function(client_id, token)
+ if not M.client_notifs[client_id] then
+ M.client_notifs[client_id] = {}
+ end
-M.debug_signs = {
- breakpoint = { text = "", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
- condition = { text = "ﳁ", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
- rejected = { text = "", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
- logpoint = { text = "", texthl = "debugBreakpoint" },
- stopped = { text = "", texthl = "debugBreakpoint", linehl = "debugPC", numhl = "debugPC" },
+ if not M.client_notifs[client_id][token] then
+ M.client_notifs[client_id][token] = {}
+ end
-setmetatable(M.diagnostic_signs, {
- __index = function()
- return M.diagnostic_signs.info
- end,
+ return M.client_notifs[client_id][token]
+M.format_title = function(title, client)
+ if type(client) == "table" then
+ client = client.name
+ end
+ return client .. (#title > 0 and ": " .. title or "")
+M.format_message = function(message, percentage)
+ return (percentage and percentage .. "%\t" or "") .. (message or "")
--- Helper function to create a group of keymaps that share a common prefix and/or options.
---@param mode string|table Same mode short names as vim.keymap.set(). A list will create the group on all modes.