path: root/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
index da7b3ee..8794e76 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
@@ -12,127 +12,116 @@ function M.config()
local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
- local get_short_cwd = function()
- return vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":~")
- end
- local to_char = function(str)
- return str:sub(1, 1)
- end
local winbar_cond = function()
- return vim.bo.buflisted
+ return vim.bo.buflisted and (vim.fn.bufname() ~= "" or require("nvim-navic").is_available())
- local normal_fg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name("Normal", true).foreground
- local winbar_bg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name("WinBar", true).background
- vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "WinBarNormal", { fg = normal_fg, bg = winbar_bg })
- local filename_fmt = function(path)
- local head = vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ":h")
- local tail = vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ":t")
- return head .. "/%#WinBarNormal#" .. tail
- end
- local git = {
- "branch",
- {
- "diff",
- source = function()
- local gitsigns = vim.b["gitsigns_status_dict"]
- if gitsigns then
- return {
- added = gitsigns.added,
- modified = gitsigns.changed,
- removed = gitsigns.removed,
- }
- end
- end,
- padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
- },
- }
- local workspace = {
- {
- function()
- return vim.fn.getcwd():gsub(vim.env.HOME, "~")
- end,
- },
- {
- function()
- return utils.diagnostic
- .indicator(nil)
- :gsub("DiagnosticSignError", "lualine_b_diagnostics_error_normal")
- :gsub("DiagnosticSignWarn", "lualine_b_diagnostics_warn_normal")
- :gsub("DiagnosticSignInfo", "lualine_b_diagnostics_info_normal")
- :gsub("DiagnosticSignHint", "lualine_b_diagnostics_hint_normal")
- end,
- padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
- },
- }
- local buffer = {
- {
- "filename",
- path = 1,
- shorten = true,
- cond = winbar_cond,
- fmt = filename_fmt,
- color = "WinBar",
- },
- {
- "diagnostics",
- source = { utils.diagnostic.buf_count },
- symbols = {
- error = utils.diagnostic.signs.error.text,
- warn = utils.diagnostic.signs.warn.text,
- info = utils.diagnostic.signs.info.text,
- hint = utils.diagnostic.signs.hint.text,
- },
- update_in_insert = true,
- color = "WinBar",
- padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
- cond = winbar_cond,
- },
- }
options = {
component_separators = "",
section_separators = "",
- disabled_filetypes = {
- "netrw",
- "alpha",
- winbar = vim.fn.getcompletion("Neogit*", "filetype"),
- },
sections = {
- lualine_a = { { "mode", fmt = to_char } },
- lualine_b = git,
- lualine_c = workspace,
+ lualine_a = { {
+ "mode",
+ fmt = function(str)
+ return str:sub(1, 1)
+ end,
+ } },
+ lualine_b = {
+ {
+ "branch",
+ color = "StatusLine",
+ },
+ {
+ "diff",
+ source = function()
+ local gitsigns = vim.b["gitsigns_status_dict"]
+ if gitsigns then
+ return {
+ added = gitsigns.added,
+ modified = gitsigns.changed,
+ removed = gitsigns.removed,
+ }
+ end
+ end,
+ padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
+ color = "StatusLine",
+ },
+ },
+ lualine_c = {
+ {
+ "diagnostics",
+ source = { utils.diagnostic.count },
+ symbols = {
+ error = utils.diagnostic.signs.error.text,
+ warn = utils.diagnostic.signs.warn.text,
+ info = utils.diagnostic.signs.info.text,
+ hint = utils.diagnostic.signs.hint.text,
+ },
+ diagnostics_color = {
+ error = utils.diagnostic.signs.error.hl,
+ warn = utils.diagnostic.signs.warn.hl,
+ info = utils.diagnostic.signs.info.hl,
+ hint = utils.diagnostic.signs.hint.hl,
+ },
+ update_in_insert = true,
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ },
lualine_x = {
- "encoding",
- "fileformat",
- "filetype",
+ {
+ "encoding",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ {
+ "fileformat",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ {
+ "filetype",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
inactive_sections = {
- lualine_c = { "filename" },
+ lualine_c = {
+ {
+ "filename",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ },
lualine_x = {
- "filetype",
- "location",
+ {
+ "filetype",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ {
+ "location",
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
winbar = {
- lualine_b = buffer,
+ lualine_b = {
+ {
+ "filename",
+ cond = winbar_cond,
+ color = "WinBar",
+ },
+ },
lualine_c = {
- -- Hack to prevent lualine_b from taking over the lualine_c when navic has no results
- return require("nvim-navic").get_location():gsub("^$", " ")
+ return require("nvim-navic").get_location()
+ end,
+ -- Hack to prevent lualine_b from taking over the lualine_c when navic has no results
+ fmt = function(value)
+ return value:gsub("^$", " ")
color = "WinBarNC",
cond = winbar_cond,
@@ -141,8 +130,29 @@ function M.config()
tabline = {
- lualine_b = { { "buffers", mode = 4 } },
- lualine_y = { "tabs" },
+ lualine_b = {
+ {
+ function()
+ return vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":~")
+ end,
+ color = "StatusLine",
+ },
+ },
+ lualine_c = {
+ {
+ "filename",
+ path = 1,
+ shorten = true,
+ file_status = false,
+ color = "StatusLineNC",
+ },
+ },
+ lualine_y = {
+ {
+ "tabs",
+ color = "StatusLine",
+ },
+ },
extensions = {
@@ -152,16 +162,6 @@ function M.config()
- {
- sections = {
- lualine_c = {
- get_short_cwd,
- },
- },
- filetypes = {
- "netrw",
- },
- },