path: root/nvim
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Diffstat (limited to 'nvim')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/rust.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/rust.lua
index 17304d6..74ee698 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/rust.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/rust.lua
@@ -1 +1,230 @@
+---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch
+ "rust",
+ "cargo-test",
+ [[
+ (
+ (
+ mod_item name: (identifier) @test-name
+ (#match? @test-name "[Tt]est")
+ )
+ @scope-root)
+ (
+ (
+ function_item name: (identifier) @test-name
+ (#match? @test-name "[Tt]est")
+ )
+ @scope-root)
+ ]]
+local cargotest = {
+ config = {
+ command = "cargo",
+ args = { "test" },
+ package = true,
+ },
+-- Build command list
+---@return string command
+---@return table args
+---@return string test
+function cargotest:build_cmd(filename, opts)
+ local args = {}
+ for _, arg in ipairs(self.config.args) do
+ table.insert(args, arg)
+ end
+ local modpath = self:build_args(args, filename, opts or {})
+ return self.config.command, args, modpath
+---@return string test
+function cargotest:build_args(args, filename, opts)
+ if not filename then
+ return "::"
+ end
+ local cargo = vim.fn.findfile("Cargo.toml", vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ":p") .. ";")
+ local crate = vim.fn.fnamemodify(cargo, ":p:h") or ""
+ if self.config.package then
+ if crate and #crate > 0 then
+ table.insert(args, "-p")
+ table.insert(args, vim.fn.fnamemodify(crate, ":t"))
+ end
+ end
+ local file = vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ":.:r"):gsub(crate, "") or ""
+ local parts = vim.fn.split(file, "/")
+ if parts[#parts] == "main" or parts[#parts] == "lib" or parts[#parts] == "mod" then
+ parts[#parts] = nil
+ end
+ if parts[1] == "src" then
+ table.remove(parts, 1)
+ end
+ local modname
+ if #parts > 0 then
+ modname = table.concat(parts, "::")
+ end
+ local modpath
+ if opts.tests and #opts.tests > 0 then
+ if modname then
+ table.insert(opts.tests, 1, modname)
+ end
+ modpath = table.concat(opts.tests, "::")
+ table.insert(args, modpath)
+ table.insert(args, "--")
+ table.insert(args, "--exact")
+ else
+ if modname and #modname > 0 then
+ modpath = modname .. "::"
+ table.insert(args, modpath)
+ end
+ end
+ return modpath
+local function get_node_at_cursor()
+ local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
+ local line = cursor[1] - 1
+ local col = cursor[2]
+ local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser()
+ if not parser then
+ return
+ end
+ local lang_tree = parser:language_for_range({ line, col, line, col })
+ for _, tree in ipairs(lang_tree:trees()) do
+ local root = tree:root()
+ local node = root:named_descendant_for_range(line, col, line, col)
+ if node then
+ return node
+ end
+ end
+function cargotest:find_nearest_test()
+ local query = vim.treesitter.query.get("rust", "cargo-test")
+ local result = {}
+ local test_node
+ if query then
+ local curnode = get_node_at_cursor()
+ while curnode do
+ ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-parameter
+ local iter = query:iter_captures(curnode, 0)
+ local capture_id, capture_node = iter()
+ if capture_node == curnode and query.captures[capture_id] == "scope-root" then
+ while query.captures[capture_id] ~= "test-name" do
+ capture_id, capture_node = iter()
+ if not capture_id then
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ if test_node == nil then
+ test_node = capture_node
+ end
+ local name = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(capture_node, 0)
+ table.insert(result, 1, name)
+ end
+ curnode = curnode:parent()
+ end
+ end
+ return test_node, result
+local M = {
+ id = 1,
+ ids = {},
+function M.run()
+ local filename = nil
+ -- Find file
+ filename = vim.fn.expand("%:.") --[[@as string]]
+ -- Find the current working directory
+ local cwd = cargotest.config.working_directory
+ if filename and cwd and #cwd > 0 then
+ filename = string.gsub(filename, "^" .. cwd .. "/", "", 1)
+ end
+ local test_node, tests = cargotest:find_nearest_test()
+ local lnum, col = vim.treesitter.get_node_range(test_node)
+ local command, args, modpath = cargotest:build_cmd(filename, {
+ tests = tests,
+ })
+ M.run_cmd(0, lnum, col, modpath, {
+ command = command,
+ args = args,
+ cwd = cwd,
+ })
+--- Run the given command
+---@param bufnr integer
+---@param lnum integer
+---@param col integer
+---@param modpath string
+---@param job_opts table: a command to run
+function M.run_cmd(bufnr, lnum, col, modpath, job_opts)
+ if bufnr == 0 then
+ bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
+ end
+ vim.b[bufnr].last_test = {
+ bufnr = bufnr,
+ lnum = lnum,
+ col = col,
+ modpath = modpath,
+ job_opts = job_opts,
+ }
+ job_opts.on_exit = vim.schedule_wrap(function(j, code)
+ local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("cargo-test")
+ local virt_lines = {}
+ local capture = false
+ local hl
+ if code == 0 then
+ hl = "DiagnosticOk"
+ else
+ hl = "DiagnosticError"
+ end
+ for _, line in pairs(j:result()) do
+ if line:match("^test result: ") then
+ capture = false
+ elseif line:match("^running 1 test") then
+ capture = true
+ elseif capture then
+ table.insert(virt_lines, { { string.rep(" ", col - 3) .. line, hl } })
+ end
+ end
+ table.remove(virt_lines, #virt_lines)
+ M.ids[modpath] = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, ns, lnum, col, {
+ id = M.ids[modpath],
+ virt_lines = virt_lines,
+ virt_lines_above = true,
+ })
+ end)
+ local job = require("plenary.job"):new(job_opts)
+ job:start()
+vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tt", M.run, { desc = "run closest test" })