path: root/nvim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nvim')
9 files changed, 226 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/autocmds.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/autocmds.lua
index 71fe5d4..e7fcdfa 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/autocmds.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/autocmds.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
- local augroup_user = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Default", { clear = true })
+ local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("tobyvin", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
- group = augroup_user,
+ group = group,
pattern = "bdelete",
callback = function(opts)
local windows = vim.tbl_filter(function(win)
@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ M.setup = function()
desc = "Sets the window to the alternate buffer for bdelete",
- local augroup_default = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Default", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
- group = augroup_default,
+ group = group,
pattern = "*",
callback = function()
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
- group = augroup_default,
+ group = group,
pattern = "*",
callback = function()
local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
- group = augroup_default,
+ group = group,
pattern = "help",
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.wrap = true
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
- group = augroup_default,
+ group = group,
pattern = "qf",
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.buflisted = false
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
- group = augroup_default,
+ group = group,
pattern = { "xml", "html", "xhtml", "css", "scss", "javascript", "lua", "dart" },
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.shiftwidth = 2
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
index 1d88d82..c48acf8 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/keymaps.lua
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ M.setup = function()
nmap("h", utils.hover, { desc = "Hover" })
nmap("H", utils.docs, { desc = "Docs" })
nmap("w", M.write, { desc = "Write" })
+ local nmap_run = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>r", { desc = "Run" })
+ nmap_run("c", utils.run_cmd_with_args, { desc = "Command" })
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
index 5adda44..cfd2f30 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/lsp/handlers.lua
@@ -1,80 +1,42 @@
-local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
+local handler_prehook = function(method, pre_hook, post_hook)
+ local original = vim.lsp.handlers[method]
+ vim.lsp.handlers[method] = function(...)
+ if pre_hook ~= nil then
+ pre_hook(...)
+ end
+ original(...)
+ if post_hook ~= nil then
+ post_hook(...)
+ end
+ end
M.setup = function()
- vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/definition"] = function(_, result)
+ handler_prehook("textDocument/definition", function(_, result)
if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
- vim.notify("[LSP] Could not find definition", "info")
- return
+ vim.notify("[LSP] No definition found", "info")
+ end)
- if vim.tbl_islist(result) then
- vim.lsp.util.jump_to_location(result[1], "utf-8", true)
- else
- vim.lsp.util.jump_to_location(result, "utf-8", true)
+ handler_prehook("textDocument/implementation", function(_, result)
+ if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
+ vim.notify("[LSP] No implementations found", "info")
- end
+ end)
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] =
vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"], {
- signs = {
- severity_limit = "Error",
- },
- underline = {
- severity_limit = "Warning",
- },
+ signs = true,
+ underline = true,
update_in_insert = true,
virtual_text = true,
- -- vim.lsp.handlers["$/progress"] = function(_, result, ctx)
- -- local client_id = ctx.client_id
- -- local val = result.value
- -- if val.kind then
- -- if not utils.client_notifs[client_id] then
- -- utils.client_notifs[client_id] = {}
- -- end
- -- local notif_data = utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token]
- -- if val.kind == "begin" then
- -- local message = utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage)
- -- local notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
- -- title = utils.format_title(val.title, vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)),
- -- icon = utils.progress_signs.spinner.text[1],
- -- timeout = false,
- -- hide_from_history = false,
- -- })
- -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
- -- notification = notification,
- -- spinner = 1,
- -- }
- -- utils.update_spinner(client_id, result.token)
- -- elseif val.kind == "report" and notif_data then
- -- local new_notif = vim.notify(
- -- utils.format_message(val.message, val.percentage),
- -- "info",
- -- { replace = notif_data.notification, hide_from_history = false }
- -- )
- -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
- -- notification = new_notif,
- -- spinner = notif_data.spinner,
- -- }
- -- elseif val.kind == "end" and notif_data then
- -- local new_notif = vim.notify(
- -- val.message and utils.format_message(val.message) or "Complete",
- -- "info",
- -- { icon = utils.progress_signs.complete.text, replace = notif_data.notification, timeout = 3000 }
- -- )
- -- utils.client_notifs[client_id][result.token] = {
- -- notification = new_notif,
- -- }
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
vim.lsp.handlers["window/showMessage"] = function(_, result, ctx)
vim.notify({ result.message }, 5 - result.type, {
title = "[LSP] " .. vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id),
- timeout = 2500,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
index 6ab2227..bde53c1 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/dressing.lua
@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ M.config_overrides = {
input = {
- ["cargo add"] = {
- relative = "win",
- },
- ["cargo rm"] = {
+ cmd = {
relative = "win",
+ insert_only = false,
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua
index fcef526..4d925bb 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/fidget.lua
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ M.setup = function()
text = {
- spinner = utils.progress_signs.spinner.text,
- done = vim.trim(utils.progress_signs.complete.text),
+ spinner = utils.status_signs.spinner.text,
+ done = vim.trim(utils.status_signs.completed.text),
window = { blend = 0 },
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
index 220b5ad..f47e3ad 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/lualine.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
+local function get_short_cwd()
+ return vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":~")
M.to_char = function(str)
return str:sub(1, 1)
@@ -152,33 +156,54 @@ M.setup = function()
lualine_a = { { "mode", fmt = M.to_char } },
lualine_b = {
- { "diff", source = M.diff_source },
+ {
+ "diff",
+ source = M.diff_source,
+ padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
+ },
+ {
+ auto_session_library.current_session_name,
+ cond = function()
+ return auto_session_ok
+ end,
+ },
- sources = { "nvim_workspace_diagnostic", "nvim_lsp" },
+ sources = { utils.diagnostic_count },
symbols = {
error = utils.diagnostic_signs.error.text,
warn = utils.diagnostic_signs.warn.text,
info = utils.diagnostic_signs.info.text,
hint = utils.diagnostic_signs.hint.text,
+ update_in_insert = false,
+ padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
lualine_c = {
- auto_session_library.current_session_name,
- cond = function()
- return auto_session_ok
- end,
- separator = ">",
- },
- {
path = 1,
- separator = ">",
shorting_target = 100,
+ "diagnostics",
+ sources = {
+ function()
+ return utils.diagnostic_count(0)
+ end,
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ error = utils.diagnostic_signs.error.text,
+ warn = utils.diagnostic_signs.warn.text,
+ info = utils.diagnostic_signs.info.text,
+ hint = utils.diagnostic_signs.hint.text,
+ },
+ update_in_insert = false,
+ padding = { left = 0, right = 1 },
+ separator = ">",
+ },
+ {
cond = function()
return navic_ok and navic.is_available()
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/refactoring.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/refactoring.lua
index b15068b..c3e6952 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/refactoring.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/refactoring.lua
@@ -2,39 +2,40 @@ local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
- local status_ok, refactoring = pcall(require, "refactoring")
- if not status_ok then
- vim.notify("Failed to load module 'refactoring'", "error")
- return
- end
- refactoring.setup()
- local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>r", { desc = "Refactor" })
- nmap("b", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Extract Block")
- end, { desc = "Extract Block" })
- nmap("B", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Extract Block To File")
- end, { desc = "Extract Block To File" })
- nmap("i", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Inline Variable")
- end, { desc = "Inline Variable" })
- -- TODO: Fix needing to exit visual mode
- local vmap = utils.create_map_group("v", "<leader>r", { desc = "Refactor" })
- vmap("e", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Extract Function")
- end, { desc = "Extract Function" })
- vmap("f", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Extract Function To File")
- end, { desc = "Extract Function To File" })
- vmap("v", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Extract Variable")
- end, { desc = "Extract Variable" })
- vmap("i", function()
- refactoring.refactor("Inline Variable")
- end, { desc = "Inline Variable" })
+ -- TODO: fix or find a better option, also appeared to have a high load time when running packer profile
+ -- local status_ok, refactoring = pcall(require, "refactoring")
+ -- if not status_ok then
+ -- vim.notify("Failed to load module 'refactoring'", "error")
+ -- return
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- refactoring.setup()
+ --
+ -- local nmap = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>r", { desc = "Refactor" })
+ -- nmap("b", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Extract Block")
+ -- end, { desc = "Extract Block" })
+ -- nmap("B", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Extract Block To File")
+ -- end, { desc = "Extract Block To File" })
+ -- nmap("i", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Inline Variable")
+ -- end, { desc = "Inline Variable" })
+ --
+ -- -- TODO: Fix needing to exit visual mode
+ -- local vmap = utils.create_map_group("v", "<leader>r", { desc = "Refactor" })
+ -- vmap("e", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Extract Function")
+ -- end, { desc = "Extract Function" })
+ -- vmap("f", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Extract Function To File")
+ -- end, { desc = "Extract Function To File" })
+ -- vmap("v", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Extract Variable")
+ -- end, { desc = "Extract Variable" })
+ -- vmap("i", function()
+ -- refactoring.refactor("Inline Variable")
+ -- end, { desc = "Inline Variable" })
return M
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
index 4cae3db..98cdcc8 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/plugins/rust-tools.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-local Job = require("plenary.job")
local utils = require("tobyvin.utils")
local lsp = require("tobyvin.lsp")
local M = {
@@ -15,53 +14,8 @@ M.dap_adapter = function()
vim.notify("Failed to find codelldb adapter")
-M.cargo_subcmd = function(subcmd)
- vim.ui.input({ prompt = string.format("cargo %s", subcmd) }, function(input)
- if input == nil then
- return
- end
- local args = { subcmd }
- for _, arg in ipairs(vim.split(input, " ", { trimempty = true })) do
- table.insert(args, arg)
- end
- local cmd = "cargo"
- local notification
- local output = ""
- local length = 0
- local win, height
- local on_data = function(_, data)
- output = output .. data .. "\n"
- notification = vim.notify(vim.trim(output), vim.log.levels.INFO, {
- title = string.format("[%s] %s", cmd, subcmd),
- replace = notification,
- on_open = function(win_)
- win, height = win_, vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win_)
- end,
- })
- if height then
- vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(win, height + length)
- end
- length = length + 1
- end
- local job = Job:new({
- command = "cargo",
- args = args,
- on_stdout = vim.schedule_wrap(on_data),
- on_stderr = vim.schedule_wrap(on_data),
- })
- job:start()
- end)
-M.cargo_add = function()
- M.cargo_subcmd("add")
-M.cargo_rm = function()
- M.cargo_subcmd("rm")
+M.cargo_cmd = function()
+ utils.run_cmd_with_args("cargo")
M.setup = function()
@@ -102,11 +56,8 @@ M.setup = function()
local nmap_run = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>r", { desc = "Run", buffer = bufnr })
nmap_run("r", rust_tools.runnables.runnables, { desc = "Runnables" })
- local nmap_run_cargo = utils.create_map_group("n", "<leader>rc", { desc = "Cargo", buffer = bufnr })
- nmap_run_cargo("o", rust_tools.open_cargo_toml.open_cargo_toml, { desc = "Open Cargo.toml" })
- nmap_run_cargo("a", M.cargo_add, { desc = "Add Crate" })
- nmap_run_cargo("r", M.cargo_rm, { desc = "Remove Crate" })
+ nmap_run("c", M.cargo_cmd, { desc = "Command" })
+ nmap_run("o", rust_tools.open_cargo_toml.open_cargo_toml, { desc = "Open Cargo.toml" })
dap = M.dap_adapter(),
diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
index e51b0b3..6464b2d 100644
--- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
+++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/tobyvin/utils.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
---@diagnostic disable: missing-parameter
local M = {}
-M.progress_signs = {
- complete = { text = " ", texthl = "diffAdded" },
+M.status_signs = {
+ started = { text = "ﳁ ", texthl = "diffChanged" },
+ running = { text = "ﳁ ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
+ failed = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
+ completed = { text = " ", texthl = "diffAdded" },
spinner = { text = { "⣷", "⣯", "⣟", "⡿", "⢿", "⣻", "⣽", "⣾" }, texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
@@ -15,10 +18,10 @@ M.debug_signs = {
M.diagnostic_signs = {
- HINT = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" },
- INFO = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
- WARN = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" },
- ERROR = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
+ hint = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" },
+ info = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
+ warn = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" },
+ error = { text = " ", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
setmetatable(M.diagnostic_signs, {
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ setmetatable(M.diagnostic_signs, {
if type(k) == "number" then
return t[vim.diagnostic.severity[k]]
- return t[k:upper():gsub("WARNING", "WARN")]
+ return t[k:lower():gsub("warning", "warn")]
@@ -35,6 +38,16 @@ M.diagnostic_count = function(bufnr)
for i, level in ipairs(vim.diagnostic.severity) do
items[level] = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = i })
+ setmetatable(items, {
+ __index = function(t, k)
+ if type(k) == "number" then
+ return t[vim.diagnostic.severity[k]]
+ end
+ return t[k:upper():gsub("WARNING", "WARN")]
+ end,
+ })
return items
@@ -53,12 +66,12 @@ M.update_spinner = function(client_id, token)
local notif_data = M.get_notif_data(client_id, token)
if notif_data.spinner then
- local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #M.progress_signs.spinner.text
+ local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #M.status_signs.spinner.text
notif_data.spinner = new_spinner
notif_data.notification = vim.notify(nil, nil, {
hide_from_history = true,
- icon = M.progress_signs.spinner.text[new_spinner],
+ icon = M.status_signs.spinner.text[new_spinner],
replace = notif_data.notification,
@@ -127,8 +140,6 @@ M.win_buf_kill = function(cmd, force)
if (string.sub(cmd, 1, 1) == "b" and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr)) or vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then
vim.cmd(cmd .. (force and "!" or ""))
- vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = cmd })
---@param force boolean
@@ -211,8 +222,6 @@ end
M.create_map_group = function(mode, group_lhs, group_opts)
group_opts = group_opts or {}
- local name = group_opts.name
local desc = group_opts.desc
group_opts.desc = nil
@@ -306,4 +315,98 @@ M.isdir = function(path)
return M.file_exists(path .. "/")
+---@param cmd? string Default command to run.
+---@param args string[]? Default arguments.
+---@param quiet boolean? Silence stdout of the job.
+M.run_cmd_with_args = function(cmd, args, quiet)
+ quiet = quiet or false
+ cmd = cmd or ""
+ args = args or {}
+ vim.ui.input({
+ prompt = "Run command:",
+ default = cmd .. " " .. table.concat(args, " "),
+ completion = "shellcmd",
+ kind = "cmd",
+ }, function(input)
+ if input ~= nil then
+ args = {}
+ for i, arg in ipairs(vim.split(input, " ", { trimempty = true })) do
+ if i == 1 then
+ cmd = arg
+ else
+ table.insert(args, vim.fn.expand(arg))
+ end
+ end
+ M.job_with_notify(cmd, args, quiet):start()
+ end
+ end)
+M.job_with_notify = function(cmd, args, quiet)
+ local Job = require("plenary.job")
+ local notification
+ local win, height
+ local output = ""
+ local length = 0
+ local width = 0
+ local on_data = function(status, data)
+ if data ~= nil then
+ output = output .. data .. "\n"
+ width = math.max(width, string.len(data) + 2)
+ end
+ notification = vim.notify(vim.trim(output), vim.log.levels.INFO, {
+ title = string.format("[%s] %s", cmd, status),
+ icon = M.status_signs[status].text,
+ replace = notification,
+ on_open = function(win_)
+ win, height = win_, vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win_)
+ end,
+ timeout = 10000,
+ })
+ vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(win, width)
+ if height then
+ vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(win, height + length)
+ end
+ length = length + 1
+ end
+ local on_start = function()
+ if not quiet then
+ on_data("started", string.format("$ %s %s", cmd, table.concat(args, " ")))
+ end
+ end
+ local on_stdout = function(_, data)
+ if not quiet then
+ on_data("running", data)
+ end
+ end
+ local on_stderr = function(_, data)
+ on_data("running", data)
+ end
+ local on_exit = function(_, code)
+ if code ~= 0 then
+ on_data("failed")
+ elseif not quiet then
+ on_data("completed")
+ end
+ end
+ return Job:new({
+ command = cmd,
+ args = args,
+ enabled_recording = true,
+ on_start = vim.schedule_wrap(on_start),
+ on_stdout = vim.schedule_wrap(on_stdout),
+ on_stderr = vim.schedule_wrap(on_stderr),
+ on_exit = vim.schedule_wrap(on_exit),
+ })
return M